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Forever Yours (Letters in Blood series Book 3) by Liz Lovelock (2)


White clouds surround me. I’m back in the dream. The lady who gives me the impression I know her is here. Her hair is the same as mine; even her eyes are a spitting image. Who is she?

“Come on now, Rose, let’s go in?”

Rose? Who is that? Why does that name sound so familiar?

I stand on the bright green, freshly cut grass. Blue sky above me becomes clearer as the mist disappears. Bright flowers surround me, in a well laid-out garden. Another familiarity. What does all this mean?

A little girl runs past and pauses as if she notices me. I look down at her. Her familiar stare watches me. She’s like a younger version of myself.

“Who are you?” Her curious words catch me off guard. I do a double take.

“You can see me?” I ask. “My name is Elenore. Are you Rose?”

She returns the nod, but a puzzled look crosses her petite features. “Isn’t your name Rose like mine?” she asks.

My eyebrows come together in confusion. Dropping to her level, I take in her appearance. Brown hair in plaited piggy-tales, blue eyes that match my own. It’s as if I’m looking into the mirror of my past. “No, I don’t think so.” My voice becomes more like an echo.

The little girl doesn’t move. “I don’t think you belong here. You better go back to where you’re needed.”

This girl doesn’t speak like others her age. I’m dreaming, aren’t I? The cloud takes over and turns black. Stumbling back, I lose balance and fall onto a bed of thorns that pierce my hands. Lifting my hand, the blood pools in tiny dots covering my soft flesh. I attempt to wipe it away and I try climbing out of the thorns, but they only dig deeper into my skin. I yelp from the pain.

“Help me, please! Someone!” Tears smear my now blood-covered cheeks. Each wipe with the back of my hands brings more blood. Where is it all coming from? My gaze drops to the dark red stain down my entire torso. Fear takes over. I clamp my hands over the spot where the blood seems to be pouring from. More cuts appear on my arms, legs, and face. I don’t feel the pain from the cuts like I do the thorns that are still sitting in my flesh. Where am I?

“Get me out of here!” I scream, but my cries feel meaningless. There’s no one around to help me. This is it. My captor… I pause. My captor didn’t do this to me. I mean, the intruder looked like him, but it wasn’t. His voice was different, a lot deeper and laced with hate. His touch was rough and I could tell he enjoyed seeing the terror in my eyes. He writhed with joy from my screams. His laugher echoed around me. Who was he? The leader? His father? No, can’t be. The captor said he killed his father.

I become light-headed and everything around me spins. I surrender to the pain, lying back onto my deathbed of thorns. This has to be it. I can’t take this anymore. Closing my eyes for what I’m sure will be the last time, I’m met with my captor’s stare. They actually bring a sense of peace.

As much as he wanted to kill me, he never did. Instead, we connected on a different level. We both experienced hellish upbringings. Now, our fight for survival is what we have. Mine is a fight to live and his is a fight of identity—of who he is and what he’s been taught. Can he change?

Finally, I surrender myself to it all.

Then, it’s as if I’m being swallowed through a vortex of some kind, in slow motion. Muffled voices sound off around me, and panicked tones fill my ears. Someone touches me. I flinch away from them. Pain rips through me, and my body is on fire. Every part of me aches.

“She’s alive. Tell them to get here, quick.” A lady’s voice fills my ears loud and this time clearer. It causes my head to throb. I raise my hand to touch my face, a hand touches mine and, I flinch away. “No, dear, don’t move, you’re in pretty bad shape.”

My arm drops. She touches me again and this time I don’t pull away. She soothes me, which is something Suzie would do. The lady’s voice is calming.

Opening my mouth, I attempt to speak, but nothing comes out. Panic returns, and my breathing becomes heavier.

“Calm down. It’s best if you don’t try to speak. My name is Ally. The ambulance will be here shortly. Um… right now we’re on the side of a highway out of New York. Do you understand? Just give me a little nod.”

I nod. How did I escape? Did the intruder leave me for dead on the side of the road?

“I was driving along and you came into my view. I think you could be the young girl who’s been missing these last few weeks. Is your name Elenore?” I hear the hope in her question.

Is my name Elenore or is it Rose? Who am I? A wet tear slides down the side of my face.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to respond. I’m just trying to keep you alert until you’re taken into care.”

I sense the blackness creeping in again, and a tingling sensation comes over me before I’m swallowed whole.

My eyelids won’t allow me to open them. More faint voices surround me. Am I alive or dead? Warmth spreads over my body, indicating I’m still alive. Someone gently takes my hand and I cry out, not wanting to be touched.

“Elle, my sweet girl, it’s me. Suzie.”

Relief washes over me. I’m free. I’m with Suzie again. I nod in response to her words.

“You’re in the hospital; you’ve been out for four days.”

Four days? What happened? I part my lips, trying to form words but nothing will come. A swarm of lightness engulfs me and tears well up, as I’m suddenly aware that I’m going to be alright—at least I hope so. I heave huge sobs as every single encounter from the last few weeks floods behind my eyelids like a flickering movie. I have survived yet another horror.

“Shhh… It’s okay. I’ve got you.” Suzie’s arms wrap around me, securing me against her chest being careful not to knock the tube or cords attached to my body.

Knowing I’m safe, this time I allow myself to fall asleep.

Strong hands wrap tightly around my throat. My eyes burst open and I’m met with the eyes of the devil. The intruder is here.

No. No, I was safe. I got away. My chest seizes with terror and I’m unable to breathe. His grip tightens, fingertips leaving their imprint on the skin of my neck. My arms thrash around, scratching at his arm, trying to reach his face. Nothing is working.

Steady hands are gently attempting to shake me out of this nightmare. “You’re okay, Elenore.” His voice… My eyes flicker open and Roman stands above me. A ripping scream bursts from me.

“Let go of me!” My body is experiencing a sensation as if it’s splitting in half. Hands release me, and a new set takes their place.

“You’re okay.” Gentle words coo. A sharp jab in my upper arm causes me to cry out. Within seconds, calmness spreads throughout me, before I drift off again.

The instant my eyes close, the intruder is back. The blade is in his hand. He’s ready for round two.