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Cyborg's Captive by Vixa Moon (11)

Chapter 11


My whole body aches, and my eyes are closed. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep or where I am.

Slowly, my eyes open, almost of their own accord, but it’s a struggle. They know they need to open, but they don’t want to.

I sit up and my body cries out in pain.

The air is thick with moisture, and it’s hot, much hotter than where I live on Earth. The air alone feels like the jungle, and soon enough my eyes prove my intuition right—there’s a thick blanket of plants on all sides of me.

The dirt is thick and reddish and soft. This is a fertile area, full of plant life. The trees form a tall canopy above, where the sun shines through the branches.

“Vex?” I say, looking around for him.

But there’s no sign of him.

My heart starts to leap in panic. Has he abandoned me?

And then I remember: he’s my captor. Don’t I want to escape him?

But I know one thing for sure, and that’s that I’m not going to get off this planet without him. Hell, I’m not going to survive on this planet without him.

But there must be some intelligent life on this planet. There are no signs or sounds yet of animals, but whoever built that huge white tube in the ocean was very advanced.

I have no idea how I got here. Maybe I passed out and Vex took me here. But where is he?

“Vex?” I say, calling out louder this time.

There’s a rustle through some bushes. I see and sense the movement.

“Vex, is that you?”

A figure appears in the shadows and my heart almost jumps out of my throat. It looks threatening, and I can’t tell who it is. What if someone attacked Vex, and now they’re going to attack me?

“It’s me,” comes Vex’s voice as he steps out of the shadows.

I rush towards him and hug him, letting his strong arms wrap around me and hold me tight. I feel so much better and calmer in his grasp, as if he can save me from this crazy alien world.

For a moment, I forget that it’s his fault that I’m here. If he hadn’t kidnapped me, I wouldn’t be here.

But then again, I’m starting to feel something for him. I don’t know what it is yet. It’s too early too tell. But it’s definitely something. The sex yesterday (was it even yesterday?) was incredible. It was wild and passionate and intense. Then again, we thought there was a very good chance that we were going to die in that ocean.

“How are we alive?” I say.

Vex chuckles. “I don’t know.”

“But how did we get here? The last thing I remember is that big white tube… and the raft going under.” I shudder at the horror of it. I was positive that we were going to drown, and that Vex’s strong arm grabbed me and pulled me off the raft right before it went down. Without him, I’d certainly be dead. Then again, without him, I’d certainly be back in my dad’s house on Earth. But I’d also probably be bored out of my mind, and sexually unsatisfied and frustrated. That’s the way I always was. But it’s hard to imagine that I’m going to have that problem if I spend more time with Vex.

Vex shrugs, and we both sit down against one of the larger trees. I lean my head against his shoulder. His body is big and strong and comforting.

“I don’t know what happened,” says Vex. “I remember being sucked into the blackness… the wave was pushing us too… there was nowhere else to go but into that tube. And then I woke up here in this jungle. I’ve only been up for about ten minutes. I thought I heard something out in the jungle and I went to investigate.”

“I was terrified,” I say. “I thought you were gone.”

Vex laughs. “Aren’t I supposed to be kidnapping you? I thought you would have been glad to get rid of me.”

“It doesn’t feel like that,” I say.

And it doesn’t. It feels like I’ve known Vex for a long, long time, which is strange since we just “met” each other—what was it, a day ago? So much has happened in such a short amount of time.

“Are we even on the same planet?”

“I think so,” says Vex. “I don’t know how I know, but I have this feeling that we’re on the same planet…”

“Me too,” I say. “I guess it’s intuition.”

“Cyborgs aren’t supposed to have intuition.”

“I don’t think you’re supposed to laugh either.”

Vex laughs at that, but when he speaks he sounds serious. “Everything changed when the comet passed,” he says. “It was… beautiful.”

“What happened?”

“We started remembering… Just bits and pieces. Just the smallest of fragments… I guess from my past life.”

“But that’s impossible,” I say.

He shrugs. “I guess so. But that’s what happened.”

“What do you remember?”

“I don’t know,” he says. “They’re just little things… The beginnings of memories…”

“But you’re not supposed to remember… They say it’s just not possible. Once a human dies, all the memories are gone… You’re supposed to just be running on a computer program. The program just uses your body like it would a machine.”

“Trust me,” says Vex. “I know how it’s supposed to work. I have a program somewhere in here that’s essentially a user manual. So you could say I have it memorized.”

There’s a silence, a pause in our conversation. We’re both deep in thought.

“You’re more than a machine,” I say. “No machine could have made love the way you did… No machine could have fucked me like that.”

“Maybe some machines,” jokes Vex. I know he’s referring to the pleasure units that are so popular on Earth with women and men.

“And machines don’t joke,” I say.

“And machines don’t do this,” says Vex.

He leans in and kisses me, his mouth pushing hard against mine. I can’t resist him. There’s just no way.

His tongue is against mine and his hands are on my breasts and moving across my body, his firm grip making me feel secure despite this crazy situation on this crazy planet.

“We could be in danger,” I say, pulling away from his embrace. “We shouldn’t…”

But even as I say it, I know that even if we shouldn’t, I want to, and we’re going to.

He doesn’t say anything. He just kisses me again, and I kiss him back.

There’s nothing around us but the wild jungle. Suddenly, I realize what’s missing from the surroundings… and it’s sounds. There isn’t a single sound. The jungles I’ve toured on Earth were full of animal sounds. You could even hear the insects sometimes—the ones that weren’t eradicated accidentally during the Bio Wars.

It’s a creepy feeling, knowing and hearing that there’s nothing here. Somehow, it’s even worse than if there were someone here, some known enemy that we could fight. But there’s just nothing… we don’t know how we got here or what this place really is. Is it really a jungle as it appears, or is it something else, something sinister?

But Vex’s body and mouth draw me away from my thoughts and my fears.

His hard cock is pressed against my thigh, and now my body is seriously responding. I’m as wet as I’ve ever been, and ready for him.

The fear I felt just moments before completely leaves my mind. I’m all his. My body responds to his every touch and caress, to the movements of his mouth and his lips.

My eyes open for a moment as he kisses me, and his gaze is locked into mine, dialed in. His eyes are intense and beautiful… not quite human. I’ve never looked at them this closely before. I see now that there’s the distinctive cyborg’s mark in his pupil, a star shape that seems to be emblazoned on his eye. It’s intense, but also subtle… Normally I would never notice it. Does it change with his emotions, with his desires?

His hand moves down and down. He shoves it between my thighs, and I lock him in there, holding his hand tight before releasing the tension in my muscles. His hand finds my pussy, and a finger inserts itself into my wetness.

My eyes fall closed again in ecstasy as he works his magic. Maybe when he was a human he was a great lover, a magic fucker, a ladies’ man of high esteem and reputation. Or maybe it’s his cyborg circuits that tell him exactly what he has to do to turn me on like no one ever has. He seems to know exactly how to move, exactly what to do and when to do it.

With my eyes closed, all I can see and imagine is his huge, naked cock. I need it again, and I need it now.

My hands move to his crotch. I don’t bother to grasp his cock over his pants this time. I shove my hand down his pants, feeling his cock.

I slide my body down along his, feeling his muscles against me, until I’m on my knees. My knees and feet sink a little into the fertile jungle soil.

It’s so humid now that it almost feels like we’re in a sauna. We’re both sweating, not that it matters. Nothing could distract us now.

I pull down his pants. His armor is gone, resting somewhere on the bottom of the alien ocean.

His cock leaps out at me. It appears even bigger than I remember it from yesterday.

His cock head is massive, its tip gleaming at me.

I’ve never been crazy about going down on guys. I mean, like most women, I love cock and all, but… just not like that. I always wanted it inside me, rather than inside my mouth. But for some reason with Vex, I want his cock like I’ve never wanted it before. And I want to taste it and savor it before it enters me.

My fist is around the base of his cock, gripping tightly, my fingers barely reaching around its thickness, my lips wrapping around the head. It enters my mouth as I slide my head down along it. Vex responds by thrusting his hips, pumping his cock into my mouth.

He grunts as his cock enters my mouth completely, filling me up.

His hands grasp my head and pull me down onto his cock, holding me in place as he pumps into me.

I flick my hands along my clit as he fucks my mouth over and over.

His cock is throbbing in my mouth, about to burst.

I don’t want him to pull his cock out of my mouth. No, I want his seed inside me. I want to taste it just like I longed for his cock.

He grunts savagely as he thrusts one final time and his cock shoots his seed into me. It’s a huge load and it fills my mouth.

The taste is incredible, musky and sexy.


“I’m not done with you yet,” growls Vex.

“Good,” I say, my voice barely above a throaty whisper. I’m panting with desire.

I throw myself down onto the fertile ground. I’m on my back, but I manage to pull my shirt eagerly over my head.

He moves to go down on me, thrusting his head between my thighs.

“I want you inside me,” I moan as he licks me.

I’m about to tell him that I just need his cock deep in me and that I can’t wait… that he can just skip over going down on me. After all, often it becomes more of a formality, a form of politeness, than anything else. That’s how it was with my past lovers.

But with Vex, it’s different.

The words are trapped in my throat, and I lose my desire to say them.

His tongue works its magic and his fingers join in. It feels like an eternity of ecstasy but it happens quickly.

My body feels like it’s going numb all around, except for my pussy and my clit, which are on fire. That’s the only way to describe it. There simply aren’t words to express the intense pleasure that I feel.

It overtakes me and my body writhes as Vex ceaselessly works his magic.

I cry out, my moans piercing the silence of this alien jungle.

The peak of the orgasm hits me like a ton of rainbow bricks. It’s powerful, pleasurable to the point of being almost painful.

Quickly, Vex is ready to enter me. He’s on top of me, the head of his cock already pressing into me.

That’s when we hear it.

“What the fuck?” I say. I’m pissed off. I forget that we’re on an alien planet. Rather, I just feel like I’m in my bedroom on Earth and someone has rudely interrupted with a strange noise. That’s what Vex does to me, makes me forget everything but his cock.

“Shhh,” whispers Vex, putting his hand over my mouth.