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Look Don’t Touch by Tess Oliver (13)


Shay dipped her napkin in her water glass and dabbed at the spot of spaghetti sauce on her t-shirt. She had pulled it on over the bikini, complaining the swim followed by the air conditioner in the house was making her cold. Physically, I'd needed a break from seeing her mostly naked anyhow. I was sure by the end of two weeks I'd have nerves of steel and my cravings would subside to a normal level, but at the moment, the woman had my blood on fire.

We carried our plates to the kitchen. "You did warn me," I said as I took her empty plate and put it in the sink. "And yet, I doubt I could ever get that turned on watching a lumberjack lick marinara off his finger."

She attempted to hide a victorious grin.

"Well played, by the way," I added.

"Thank you." She rubbed her arms. "I've got gooseflesh. I'm not used to air conditioning, or the pool, or the coastal air. Yesterday, my car got so hot, my Chapstick melted into a blob."

"You should take a hot shower. In fact, take a hot shower." I was having hard time remembering that she wasn't here just for a friendly weekend but that she was here for a specific job. "Everything you need is in the cupboards, but use that bargain shampoo. I really like the fragrance."

"A hot shower sounds great."

"I'll just rinse these dishes and then I'll be in."

Her lips parted in surprise as she blinked her big brown eyes at me in question.

"I'm not joining you, but I will watch."

She seemed flustered at first but then she straightened her posture and nodded confidently. "Of course, boss. I look forward to it."

I cleaned up the lunch and headed down the hallway to Shay's room. She was humming in the shower. It had the same sultry, gritty quality as her voice and her laugh. I stopped outside the door and swallowed hard before walking into the steam-filled bathroom. The crystal clear glass surrounding the shower stall gave me an unobstructed view of the bathing beauty.

"Welcome," she said airily.

I leaned against the vanity and rested my hands on the edge of it. Shay stepped under the shower head and lifted her arms to rinse her hair. Water streamed over her rose-pink nipples causing them to pucker into tight nubs. She took the washcloth from the soap rack and filled it with body wash.

Shay lifted her head from the water and gazed at me through the steam. Her thick lashes were clustered in long spikes, like stars around her brown eyes. She ran her tongue along her bottom lip to lick the water, but she did it slowly, teasingly and it caused my balls to tighten. Blood was already rushing to my cock, and all she'd done was lick her lip.

She turned toward me and kept her dreamy gaze on me, her lids dropping heavy over her eyes as she smoothed the cloth over her breasts, making them slippery with soap. She took her time rubbing the cloth around every curve.

My cock was fighting to get free of my jeans. Every muscle in my body tensed with wanting her. I gripped the edge of the quartz counter so hard it seemed it would crack under the pressure. She peered up at me, almost coyly as she smoothed the cloth over her stomach and down to her clean shaven pussy. She even added in a lip bite as she scooted her feet a little farther apart and pushed the cloth between her legs.

Between the cloud of hot steam in the room and the flaming blood in my veins, I was in a fucking trance. Shay was a formidable opponent. I thought I was inviting a pretty, flirty woman into my home to entice me and help me kick my insatiable need for fucking. But I was wrong. Shay was as clever as she was seductive. The offer of a million dollars had made her as shrewd as any other person I'd ever faced off with in business.

"What would you do to me?" her raspy voice floated through the fragrant mist, pulling me from my haze. She walked up to the side of the shower and pressed her naked tits against the clear glass. "If you were in here with me," she said in a near whisper, "what would you be doing to me?"

I released my grip on the quartz countertop. Each breath felt heavy and labored in my chest. I needed to get some fucking control back. She was good. But she was still no match for me.

I stepped up to the shower. A small gasp left her lips as I reached up and rubbed my finger around the glass directly over her nipple. "That's a good question." My own voice sounded rough with need. I swallowed hard again, hoping it would help clear my throat and my head. But it was not an easy task with Shay standing wet and naked behind a clear piece of glass.

Water beaded on her creamy skin as she waited for my next move.

"If I was standing inside of that shower with you, my enticing ballerina, I'd start slow and easy with my mouth." I dropped my gaze to her lips, which parted as I stared hungrily at them. "I'd start with those lips, and I'd take the bottom one between my teeth, ever so lightly, before moving down your long white throat. My tongue would taste every inch of your neck, and I'd lick the water beading in the hollow of your throat."

Her nipples puckered tighter as I drop my gaze to her breasts. Steamy heat swirled around her naked curves, and it seemed her breathing had quickened. Focusing my attention on her physical reaction to my erotic to-do list helped me temporarily forget the throbbing need I was feeling through my entire body.

"I'd cover those tight nipples with my mouth and tease them into such an aching frenzy, you'd be crying out, begging me to fuck you. But your pleas would go unanswered." I lifted my eyes and stared at her through the foggy glass. Her eyes were wide with anticipation as she waited for me to continue. "I like to be begged, and I always like to be in control."

It was at least a hundred degrees in the steam filled shower stall but a visible shiver ran through her as I spoke. "Now turn around," I said in a stern tone. "Turn around and face that tile wall." She hesitated but my expression assured her I wasn't kidding around. She wanted to play with fire, to break me, but she was going to need a little breaking of her own.

Shay turned around. I took in every smooth curve and the perfect apple shape of her ass. I would have given anything right then to smother my face hard against that ass, all the while filling her pussy with my fingers. For the hundredth time, I questioned my own sanity for devising this torture plan.

"If there was no glass between us—" I couldn't control the low, hoarse pitch of my voice. "If I was standing inside that shower with nothing separating me from that luscious wet body of yours, I would press your hands against that tile wall." I waited, silently.

She followed my directions and lifted her hands, pressing them against the tile. "I would take hold of your hips and pull that unbelievable ass of yours out so far, your hands would slip farther down the tile."

Shay timidly pushed her bottom out.

"Not good enough. That half-hearted gesture would earn you a nice sharp spank on that ass of yours. Come on my supple, lithe shower beauty, I've seen you wrap yourself around a stripper's pole. Show me what you can do."

She met my taunt with her own. Her hands slid down the slick white tile, and as she dragged them down she moved her feet away from the wall. She spread her feet wide. Her lower back dropped and her ass pushed up, giving me full view of her exposed pussy. It was pink and wet from the steam in the shower. I badly wanted to make it wetter.

"Is this better?" she asked softly.

It took me a second to hear her over the pulse in my ears. I released the breath that had jammed in my lungs. "Yes." She had outmaneuvered me and I needed to get my king out of check. I had asked for this, and I needed to prove to myself that I still had the self-control of a fucking monk if I wanted it.

Her hands nearly slipped off the wall as I opened the shower door. Her face snapped up and she watched in shock as I stepped into the shower fully clothed. It seemed as badly as she wanted that million bucks, she was also a little worried about what might happen if she pushed me too far. But she hadn't . . . yet.

"Don't move," I commanded as I stood behind her, close enough to touch her, close enough to see even the palest freckle on the small of her back. "You don't want to move because we're just getting to the part where you beg me to fuck you. The moment in time when your body is writhing with need and your pussy is convulsing in a hot bath of moisture, just waiting for me to relieve it with my thick cock."

The smallest sound left her lips and carried up and through the swirls of steam. "With your pussy so vulnerable, I could take full advantage. I'd start with my tongue and push through the folds to your clit. Is it tight and hard, darlin'? Do you think your clit might like to be licked right now?"

"Yes, yes, please," she sighed.

Her long, supple body tensed as she heard me move to her side. I crouched down next to her and stared at the side of her face. I had already grown strangely fond of the slightly crooked bend in her nose. She kept her focus on the water swirling on the tile floor beneath us.

"See, darlin', after I licked and nibbled your clit for a good long while, bringing your pussy so close to orgasm a mere puff of air could send you over the edge, I would take hold of you, grasping you firmly to keep those shaky legs of yours from collapsing from sheer anticipation."

She closed her eyes and bit her lip as I spoke.

"I'd wait to hear the magic word," I said quietly, pushing my face so close to hers I could have touched her with my tongue. "What do you think that magic word might be?"

"Please," she said breathlessly. "Please," she repeated.

"That's it. I'd hear that magic word on those lips, those lips that would feel oh so right around my cock, and then I'd drive my cock into you again and again until that please turned into screams of pleasure."

I straightened. She whimpered softly as I walked back out of the shower. I moved confidently but every step was pure agony with my cock rigid as a steel rod. This whole damn plan might work out even better than I expected. I certainly hadn't anticipated such a challenging partner in my warped scheme.

I yanked off my wet shirt and wiped my face, confident I'd given the tempting huckster a little taste of competition. As I dried my face and arms, I heard a soft moan behind me. I turned around and squinted through the condensation on the shower. Shay was standing provocatively, leaning against the shower wall with one arm up, her hand resting on her head. Her right hand was between her legs. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted in arousal as she strummed herself to orgasm. A pink flush washed over her skin and her back arched as she cried out in ecstasy. My fists were so tight I could feel my short nails digging into my palms.

I waited for her to catch her breath. She lowered her arms and opened her brown eyes. A faint smile broke out on her face. "I don't have any habit to break, so I hope you don't mind if I finished the virtual fuck on my own."

She'd done it again, and frankly, I was fucking impressed and blown way off course.

"I don't mind at all. Just next time moan a little earlier so I can watch."

"Will do." Her eyes drifted to my naked chest. Having her brown gaze leave a hot trail from my chest down along my abs made my cock swell again. She had a way of looking at me that made me horny as hell. I'd never met anyone like her.

The bathroom walls were closing in on me and the steam felt suffocating. "I'll be back later. I'm going on a run."

"So that's how you keep that nice body," she said airily as she poured shampoo onto the palm of her hand. It seemed her tease session was over, but I'd feel the effects of it long after I walked out into the coastal breeze. "How far do you run?" she asked.

"Usually about three miles." I grabbed the door and took one last look at her standing under the water, soap bubbles rolling down her shoulder and breasts. "But today, a hundred miles."