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Mr. London: A Novel by Margot Scott (28)

Chapter 39


“Is everything okay, honey?” my mother asked as we sped along the interstate. She glanced over at me, patting my hand.

I smiled weakly. “It will be.” I knew she wanted to know more, but I just couldn’t talk about it right now. Jet-lagged from the flight, all I could think about was getting home and crawling into bed.

She nodded. “Okay. Well, I’m just happy you’re back home. We’ve missed you so much.” Her voice was warm and welcoming.

“Thanks, Mom. It’s good to be back.” I looked out of the window, the familiar images of Georgia flashing by. I sent Alex a text, letting him know I had arrived safely. God, I missed him so much. I was happy to be home, but I’d be happier to be back in his arms again. It’s where I belonged.

“Dad and the boys are all waiting to see you. I’m going to make your favorite meal……..” She rattled on about chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. I nodded my head and smiled, all the while my mind a million miles away. Four thousand miles away to be exact. I was physically in Georgia, but emotionally I was still there in London. I thought about Alex, wondered what was happening. Wondered if he was thinking about me, too.

Please God, keep him safe, I thought. I don’t know what I’d do without him.



Alex awoke abruptly, having fallen asleep on the couch last night. He had stayed up half the night, the other half a fitful, restless sleep. He had checked the camera outside Katherine’s flat several more times, each time feeling more and more worried. Alex’s instinct told him that she was next on Nick’s list. First Nicole, then Katherine.

He would call Fred today. Surely, he would have something to report on Nick’s location. In the meantime, he’d make an appearance at the office. He’d tell everyone at work that Katherine was sick, and would be out for a few days. All the while keeping an eye on her flat. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he actually wanted to go over to Katherine’s place. Just make sure her flat was safe and secure. Lay eyes on the place. Besides, he had the spare key that she had given him right before she left.

Yes, Alex thought. I’ll stop by her place tonight after I leave the office. Take a quick look around. See what I can see.

Alex felt better already.



“He gave a fake address,” Fred Langley reported.

“No surprise there,” Alex replied dryly.

Alex had contacted Fred to see if they had found any information regarding Nick’s whereabouts. They hadn’t. Fred and his team had obtained Nick’s medical chart from Sacred Light Hospital, and apparently the address Nick had given to the hospital staff upon discharge was phony.

“Why the fuck didn’t they actually check the address?” Alex growled angrily.

“No shit.” Fred was just as frustrated as Alex. “And listen to this – Nick’s shrink, Dr. Samuel Grayson, was found dead in his house a couple months ago. Ruled as a suicide.”

Alex mulled over this news. “So, first his psychiatrist, then his ex-girlfriend.”

“Look, we’re gonna find him, Alex. It may take some time, but we’ll find him,” Fred said. He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than Alex.

Alex hung up the phone. He checked the feed on Katherine’s security camera again. Nothing suspicious, just a couple of neighbors walking by. He wanted to leave the office and stop by her place now, but he had a meeting in half an hour.

Maybe I should cancel the meeting, Alex thought. No, I’ll wait. Besides, MI-5 is on this, they can handle it.



Nick carefully glued the mustache to his face, patting in down so it would stay in place. He then put on a pair of dark horn rimmed glasses, along with a baseball cap. Almost ready. He opened his bag, an old torn up duffel bag, rummaged around, found what he was looking for. Nick slipped his gun down the waistband of his pants. He pulled a baggy sweatshirt on, covering his weapon completely. Now he was ready.

He caught a glimpse of himself in the broken, cracked mirror. Nick liked seeing himself in the fragmented mirror – there was no longer a complete image, but rather a thousand little fragments of himself reflected back. It was how Nick felt inside – not as a whole, complete person, but as a thousand broken, disjointed pieces, with sharp edges ready to slice into anyone who dared to reach out and touch him.

Nick checked the time – 4:56 pm. He would leave for Katherine’s place soon. The bitch usually got home around seven, Nick thought. That would give him plenty of time to get in, look around, make himself at home. Nick liked the thought of making himself at home at Katherine’s flat. He imagined her place would be warm and homey, with a feminine touch. Perhaps she would make him some Southern sweet tea, and they could sit down and chat awhile, Nick thought, laughing out loud. Or perhaps he would just kill the bitch and be done with it.

Yeah, that sounds like a better plan – after all, this wasn’t exactly a social visit.



Alex rushed the meeting, impatiently keeping the conversation to a minimum. He answered questions quickly and to the point. He checked his watch – 5:10 pm.

“Okay, everyone, that’s all the time I have today.” Alex stood up, began gathering his things. Everyone else followed suit, and filed out of the conference room.

Alex quickly grabbed his briefcase and locked his office. He told Sandra to forward all calls to his voicemail.

Antonio was waiting outside with the Range Rover. Alex slid into the back of the SUV. He leaned back on the cool leather seat, removing his tie.

“Let’s go over to Katherine’s place. I want to have a look around,” Alex said.

Antonio nodded, and said, “I’ve driven by the building a few times. Didn’t see anything unusual.”

They rode in silence. Antonio parked the vehicle at the end of the street. Alex got out, while Antonio remained in the driver’s seat.

Alex punched the code into the keypad at the entrance of the building, casually looking over his shoulder. A buzz went off and the door unlocked. Alex walked inside, heading straight for the stairwell. He climbed the stairs two at a time, quickly arriving to the third floor.

He slipped the spare key inside the doorknob, heard the click of the lock unlatching. Alex quietly walked inside, locking the door behind him. He stood in the entryway for a few moments, listening.

It felt strange to be inside her flat without her here, Alex thought. The place felt empty.

God, I miss her.

Alex walked around the flat, looking for anything suspicious. He looked in cracks and corners for hidden cameras, picked up various objects and knick knacks, inspecting them. He searched the entire flat from top to bottom. Alex found nothing.

He sat down on the edge of her bed, bent forward, staring at the hardwood floor. Maybe he was over-reacting coming to her place. Still, he felt it was the right thing to do. You couldn’t be too careful or too paranoid.

As Alex was contemplating all of this, Nick Stone expertly picked the door lock. Within thirty seconds Nick heard the lock unlatch. Bingo! he thought, as he stealthily opened the door and walked inside.

Nick looked around the flat, his beady eyes darting back and forth. Katherine’s flat was just as he imagined – floral and feminine, with a certain charm to it. Nick imagined the look of shock and horror on Katherine’s face when she returned home to find him there. Nick didn’t think she would be too keen on making him some sweet tea after all. This thought caused Nick to laugh, a loud, obnoxious laugh. He felt so powerful and in control. He felt unstoppable.

Alex heard the loud, crazy laugh and knew instantly who it came from. Nick. Nick was here, in the flat. Alex’s instinct had been correct. He knew Nick was after Katherine. Alex stood up from the bed and walked to the bedroom door. The door was cracked open, just an inch. Alex peered through the door and watched Nick. He was opening doors, looking in cabinets, his back turned to Alex.

Alex slowly pulled out his phone, quickly sent Antonio a text to call the police. He slipped his phone back into his jacket pocket, taking a small step away from the door.

Nick abruptly stops in his tracks, turning around. He thought he heard something, a noise coming from the bedroom. He checked his pistol, felt the cold hardness against his skin. Nick narrowed his eyes, pulling the gun from his waistband. He strode to the bedroom, kicked the door in, his gun pointed. He walked into the room, his breathing heavy, his finger on the trigger, ready to shot.

In an instant, Alex, his body pressed against the opposite wall, grabbed Nick from behind, slamming him against the wall. Nick screamed out like a wild animal, caught by surprise. Nick’s fake glasses skewed across his face, the lens cracked. Alex grabbed Nick’s arms, and again bashed him into the wall with all of his force, desperately trying to dislodge the gun out of Nick’s hands.

All at once, Nick turned around, coming face to face with Alex. Nick’s wild eyes were filled with fury and hate, as Alex tried to wrestle the gun out of Nick’s hands. Alex brought Nick to the floor, with Nick falling down hard. Alex quickly pinned him down, punching Nick in the face, blood splattering across the floor. In an instant, Alex forced the gun out of Nick’s hand, pushing the gun as far away as possible, sending the gun sliding across the hardwood floor.

Nick was stronger than Alex anticipated. He threw Alex off, his rage giving him even more strength. Instantly, Nick stood up, grabbed Alex by the collar, lifting him up. Nick punched Alex in the stomach, causing Alex to double over. He lunged for Alex, pinning him up against the wall.

“So we finally meet again,” Nick hissed, his breath hot and rancid. Blood poured out of his nose. “Have you missed me?” he asked sarcastically.

“Fuck you, you sick son-of-a-bitch,” Alex spat.

Nick began laughing, a maniac’s laugh. “Oh, you have no idea just how sick I am. But I’m about to show you.” In a flash, Nick grabs Alex’s throat, squeezing as hard as he could.

Alex brought his knee up, slamming it into Nick’s crotch. Nick doubled over in pain, trying to catch his breath. Alex brought his elbow down, pummeling into Nick’s back, trying to bring him down to the ground. Nick was too fast. He grabbed Alex by the shirt, screaming, and smashed Alex into the glass door, which led out onto the balcony. Glass shattered everywhere as Nick shoved Alex through the door, both men falling out onto the balcony.

Alex’s body slammed up against the balcony railing. He crouched, and fell down hard onto the balcony floor, glass flying everywhere. In the distance, Alex could hear the police sirens screaming towards the building.

Alex looked up just in time to see Nick. The momentum of crashing through the glass door caused Nick to fall over the balcony railing. Alex stood up, unable to tear his eyes away, and watched as Nick fell three stories down, his body landing on the wrought-iron railing, a black spike sticking straight through the center of Nick’s body.