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Taken: Frontier's Angels MC by Kathryn Thomas (4)



“Have you heard anything yet?” Luna asked, tossing a wrench back and forth in her palms.


Owen looked up at her as she waited for news in the office doorway. “About what, my little grease monkey?”


“You know...” Luna couldn’t bring herself to say the words again. She’d asked him every day this week. “… the bomb.”


“Not since you last asked me.” He looked at his watch sarcastically. “All of twelve hours ago. I promise I’ll tell you as soon as the team gets back to me. They’re the best. Sometimes I miss working on that unit. Those guys were such a laugh but dedicated. Willing to die for their work. When Karen came along, and then the first kid, I knew I couldn’t put them through that worry anymore, so that’s why I came out. If I’d stayed single, maybe I’d still be in that line of work... or killed.”


“I’m glad you came out of the forces,” Luna said, smiling. “I wouldn’t be working here otherwise.”


Owen sighed. “You could do better than this. Just not yet. I need you.” He laughed and winked at her. “And anyway, why are you so hung up on all this? Does it have anything to do with the fact that our would-be bomb victim is devilishly handsome and the leader of a bikers club? Is he your type? This is interesting. In all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you lose it over a guy.”


“Shut up,” Luna said, smirking and turning a shade pinker. “It’s nothing like that. I’m just interested. This is the biggest thing I’ve ever stumbled across. Aren’t you curious? Or worried? I just want to solve this thing.”


Owen’s face grew serious. “You’re right, Loon. I’m just messin’ with you. I do want to help that guy solve this. After all, he could still be in danger.”


The truth was that, although Luna would never admit it, there was something about Jordan Rockford that she couldn’t shake from her mind and it truly annoyed her. Relationships, crushes, boyfriends, all that nonsense was for other people - people who’d had parents or siblings and who knew how to relate to others, how to care... how to love. The thought of getting involved with someone terrified her. She’d had one boyfriend, Dan, and that had been enough of a train wreck to put her off men for life. He was clingy and possessive and had nothing in common with her but insisted they were “meant to be.” If that’s what a relationship was, she’d give it a miss, thanks.


Anyway, Jordan was so good looking, and in a powerful position at the club, and probably in his career from what she could tell. He would never be interested. She looked down at her uniform; it was baggy in all the wrong places, hid her feminine curves, and was smeared with dirt stains. It was the least flattering piece of clothing in existence. And her hair, it was always a bird’s nest at work. Jordan would just think of her as some scruffy chick in a shop. Nothing more.


Yet, these thoughts hadn’t stopped him from riding into her mind the night before, on a glistening Harley, no less. She’d lain awake, unable to shake the whole bomb mystery out of her thoughts, until finally she’d drifted off into a slumber. In her dream, Jordan had ridden in and calmed her conspiracy theories right down until the only thoughts left were about the tight abs she’d noticed through his black T-shirt and his thick, black hair. He got off his bike and threw his Frontier’s Angels jacket to the ground as he strode towards her. Luna jerked awake at that moment.


Argh, stop it, Luna. Don’t be pathetic, she’d thought as she smothered her face in frustration with the pillow. Still, it was better than worrying about her ex who had it bad. He vowed never to stop trying until she could prove she was over him... until she’d moved on. It was sweet at first, but three months later it was just creepy. She was seriously close to calling the cops on his stalker ass.


She shuddered and leaned into the dirty engine of the old Ford she’d left waiting with its hood up, begging to be fixed.


Suddenly, there was a light tap on her shoulder, causing her to shriek and bolt upright; the only thing stopping her from banging her head on the open hood was someone’s hand landing on the top of her hair.


“Careful,” a voice said, followed by a laugh.


She turned around. Jordan Rockford.


“H-Hi,” she stammered.


“Sorry I frightened you,” he said, grinning. “You seemed so deep in thought.”


She sighed. “Oh, I just thought it might be someone else,” she said, avoiding eye contact and staring at the filthy engine.


“Sorry to disappoint,” he said with a smile.


“No, I’m glad it’s you,” she stammered. “I mean, there’s someone who shows up occasionally who I don’t want to see.”


Jordan caught her gaze and held it. “Someone... threatening?”


“Not really. Just...” She exhaled slowly. “Someone harassing. An ex. He’s been warned to stay away, but he still creeps in and watches me.”


Jordan sucked in his lower lip as he nodded in thought. “You want someone to send him a clear message?”


Luna gasped. “Oh God, no, I don’t want him harmed. He’s annoying, but that’s all... I think.”


Jordan’s expression softened. “I’m not some violent thug, but I can pretend to be when I need to. You’re helping me with this whole bomb investigation, so I’ll help you with your pesky ex.”


Luna smiled. “OK. As long as it really is just an act.”


“Of course,” he said. “Anyway, I’m really here to see if you’ve discovered anything yet.”


Luna shrugged. “The team’s still looking into it, but Owen says they’re the best. They’re just back from some mission, and they’ll look into those parts now. I tried to search the serial numbers myself, and I found a supplier of those cables. I’ve contacted him to see if he can help in the meantime.”


“You did?” Jordan folded his arms and smiled at her. “That’s really kind. You’re a busy woman, you don’t need to get sucked into all this.”


“I want to,” she replied and then blushed.


“Listen,” Jordan continued, “I also came by because I wanted to take you out for a bite to eat... to say thanks for all your help, and sorry for putting you in danger.”


Luna laughed. “That’s the strangest offer I’ve ever had.” She bit her lip and looked at the floor as she considered it.


“Don’t worry, it’s not a date or anything.” Jordan raised his hands as if surrendering. “I just wanted to say thanks. Besides, I’ve been to try Adolfo’s – the new Italian place downtown – and it’s much better to have company.”


She smiled up at him.


“Come on,” he said, grinning. “No strings attached. Just food. And friendship.”


“OK,” she said as her heart skipped a beat and nerves went haywire in her stomach. What are you doing? You’re getting to know hot out-of-reach guy? Disaster beckons.


“Great. Pick you up here tomorrow night?”




“What time?”




“Cool. See you then.” He turned and walked towards the door, his leather biker boots making a light tapping noise on the concrete floor. His black jeans cupped his ass to damn perfection, and Luna swallowed hard as she watched him leave. This was trouble.




Six o’clock arrived as Luna waited by the shop door. She’d used Owen’s shower room out the back to clean up and was wearing tight jeans and a black, lacy shirt. The finishing touches of pink lipstick, mascara and a spray of Miss Dior perfume made her feel feminine. It felt good sometimes to escape from the mechanic look.


She could hear the throb of Jordan’s bike coming around the corner. That must be the Harley, she thought, listening to the low, rumbling vibrations. She was right. He pulled up at the sidewalk on his black and maroon-colored bike and reached to the back for his spare helmet, handing it to her without a word. She smiled and took the heavy helmet, pulling it on over her long, flowing hair.


“Ready?” he called over the engine noise.


“Yeah,” she replied, wrapping her arms around his waist.


The ride to Adolfo’s was exhilarating. Luna had fixed so many bikes, but she’d never ridden on the back of a handsome stranger’s one before. She allowed herself to enjoy that without cursing herself for acting like a schoolgirl with a crush. The breeze flowed through her hair and filled her lungs with freshness. Her hands were on Jordan’s abs, and she couldn’t help noticing the firm rippling of his muscles as they turned their bodies into corners with the natural movement of the bike as they rode. He wasn’t just fit; he was super fit. The faint scent of his cologne drifted over her every now and then when the breeze blew at certain angles. She couldn’t help smiling and caught the eye of a young woman on the sidewalk who was grinning at her between quick glances at the hot driver. Luna felt like the luckiest girl alive, until the paced slowed down and she remembered he wasn’t actually hers, this was just a ride. With a mere acquaintance.


They parked, and Luna hopped off the bike, whipping the helmet off and trying to dampen down her overenthusiastic grin.


Jordan grinned at her as he took the helmet under his arm. “Nice night for a ride, huh? Perfect breeze.”


“Yeah,” she agreed, plunging her hands into her pockets and smiling at the ground.


He gestured towards the entrance of Adolfo’s. “After you.”


She walked coyly towards the door and before she could even say anything the owner rushed over, arms flapping happily. “Jordan, my main man,” he gushed. “Welcome, welcome. And who is this beauty on your arm?”


Jordan clasped his friend’s hand in a loose handshake and smiled – a cheeky, cocky sort of grin that made Luna’s cheeks flush with heat – and she looked away to avoid any awkward eye contact.


“This is my friend... my new friend... Luna. The city’s most awesome mechanic.”


She blushed again. Why would he say that? He knew nothing about her work, other than the fact that she could change tires, but all the same, it was a nice thing to say.


Once they were seated, Jordan cleared his throat and carved that now familiar cocky grin. “You look, Luna... really good.”


“You sound surprised,” she replied.


“No, not at all. I just didn’t know if you were a girly girl or not.”


“Does a bit of lipstick make me girly?” Luna asked, flicking an eyebrow up playfully.


“Well... yes,” he said, sitting up straighter.


“And does playing with engines make me... manly?”


His mouth hung open for a few seconds. “You know what? You’re right. Neither thing should define you. Engines aren’t only for guys. And lipstick isn’t only for girls. Here, give me some.”


She laughed. Damn. He had a sense of humor. She was hoping he’d be dull to compensate for his hotness.


“You seem awfully relaxed for a guy who’s just...” she lowered her voice slightly and looked around the busy restaurant. “… found a bomb in his bike.”


“I didn’t find it. You did,” he retorted.


“You know what I mean.”


“Am I supposed to walk around worried all day and all night and let whoever did it succeed by ruining my life?”


She nodded in agreement. “Good point.”


“Of course I want to get to the bottom of it,” he said softly. “I just... The way it was put together doesn’t scream professional to me. Of course, they could try other things, and believe me, I’m looking over my shoulder at all times, but I think I can outsmart this person. I’m trained for all this. It doesn’t scare me. Putting other people at risk – that’s what scares me. I scoped this place out tonight before we came. The last thing I’d want is for you to come to harm because of me.”


She was a bit taken aback by his statement. “You really scoped this place out?”


“Yeah. The works. Like I would do for a client. And I examined the bike fully before picking you up. I might look at ease, but I’m always on standby. You’re safe. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought you here.”


“What if the madman walks in here right now and shoots us?”


“Jesus, Luna, you know how to have a good time.”


“Sorry, I’m just... scared, I suppose.”


He examined her face closely for a few moments before saying gently, “You don’t have to worry. Trust me.”


“Do you have security outside?” she whispered.


“Let’s just say, in my line of work, there’s always someone willing to watch your back.”


She smiled. She’d never met anyone like him before. He was so self-assured, yet not intimidating in the slightest. She began to relax.


“So, tell me about yourself,” he said, sitting back in the leather booth and leaning one muscular arm along the backrest. Luna couldn’t help but notice the end of a black tattoo poking out from underneath his T-shirt – black again, but with a faded skull wearing a rose crown printed on the front.


“About myself,” she said, stalling for time while she thought. “OK, here’s something I can tell you. I scored top marks in my body paintwork class last year, and one day I’d like to open my own business, pimping people’s rides.” She giggled.


“Wow. That’s great. You really know your stuff, don’t you?” he replied, stroking his jaw. “I’m actually looking for a business to invest in. I want out of security eventually – a few more years down the line – and I could see that being a real success... with you and your energy at the helm.”


She blushed.


“Do you have a business plan?”


Luna swallowed. She could hardly believe what she was hearing. “I’m working on one at the moment. I’ve been getting some help from a business support agency, and I was going to apply for a loan next year....  but...”


“I’d love to see your business plan sometime,” he said, smiling. “Maybe it’s something we could work on together.”


“Maybe,” she said, just as the waiter arrived with some white wine and two glasses.


“I don’t remember us ordering,” Luna said as Jordan poured her a glass.


“We didn’t,” he said with a mischievous grin.


She frowned and eyed him suspiciously.


“I asked for this when I booked the table,” he explained. “They know which one I like.”


“I thought you said this was a new place you wanted to try?”


He laughed. “I knew it was going to be difficult to get you to agree to come out. I made that bit up to entice you.”


She let out a laugh too. “Sneaky. So, is anything else made up?”


“No,” he said, holding up his glass ready to clink it with hers. “Here’s to a nice evening getting to know a new friend.”


She clinked her glass against his and took a sip, savoring the rich sweetness of the wine. “You have good taste.”


“Yes. I do,” he said, fixing her with another smile.


“Oh my god, you’re such a flirt. I bet you take loads of people – women – here don’t you? They bring you this wine every time and then...”


“No, not at all.” He leaned forward with his arms folded on the edge of the table. “I’m a bit of a lone wolf, to be honest. I can’t remember the last time I went on a date... not that this is a date, of course.”


She smiled. “OK. I believe you. I’m the same. I don’t do this sort of thing very often. So... thank you for lying and persuading me to come.”


He laughed. “It was a pleasure. Best lie I’ve ever told.”


“I’ve told you about my business plans. You tell me something about you,” she said, taking another sip of wine.


“OK... What can I tell you? I play a bit of guitar.”




“Yeah, it’s how I relax. I hardly play in front of anyone, but I did have a few too many beers at a biker convention last year and end up serenading the whole FA Chapter with a Foo Fighters cover.”


Luna threw back her head and giggled. “Now, that I would like to hear sometime.”


“Maybe you will.”


Their eyes locked and Luna felt a rush of nerves. His stare was intense, like he could see her soul. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe there was a connection happening. But he was Jordan Rockford. The lone wolf. The biker gang leader. The dangerous man. Was this even a good idea?


All Luna knew was that she was having the best night she’d ever had in a long, long time. Her senses were awake as if they’d just been coaxed out of hibernation. The wine tasted amazing, the jokes were hilarious, the food smelled divine, and the vision in front of her... well he was just lust personified.


A steaming, rustic pizza with mushrooms, stringy mozzarella, juicy tomatoes and roasted garlic arrived, and they tucked into the beautiful food. They were silent for the first time all evening, but not awkwardly. It was a comfortable silence.


Her phone buzzed on the table, and she leaned forward to look. “Shit.”


“Is it him? The ex?” Jordan asked.




Jordan leaned over the answered the call. “Hey,” he said breezily.


Luna gasped and covered her gaping mouth with her hand. Was he for real?


“No, Luna can’t come to the phone right now, she’s just... putting her clothes back on.”


Luna chuckled and shook her head in disbelief.


“But, hey, I’m glad you called,” he continued, “You must be one of Luna’s friends. What’s your address so I can send you an invite?”


There was a pause.


“To the engagement party of course. We wanted to keep it low-key as there are a couple of jealous exes to consider – you know how crazy people can get right? – but I’m throwing this party as a surprise for her. She deserves it.” He winked at Luna. “I’ll be intercepting all her texts and calls for the next few weeks to get as many friends on board as possible. If you ring, it’ll be me that answers,” he said with a forced cheeriness, which was somehow laden with a threat at the same time.


Jordan handed the phone back to Luna. “I guess he didn’t want to come to the party. He hung up.”


She laughed. “Thanks. That was.... awesome.”


“If he still doesn’t quit, let me know. There’s so much more where that came from.”


They had another wine then Jordan offered her a ride home in a cab. They both had work in the morning.


“Better behave on a weeknight,” he said.


“Yeah, maybe we can do this again sometime... but on a weekend?” Luna said, and then inwardly chastised herself for being so forward.


“I’d love that,” he replied, causing her to relax and let go of the breath she was holding.


They chatted more about bikes and travel and pretty much anything that popped into their excited, wine-fueled heads for the short ride.


Luna hopped out of the cab and leaned in to offer Jordan some cash.


“Don’t,” he insisted. “I’ve had a great time.”


“Me too. Thank you. And as soon as I hear anything from Owen or the wires supplier, I’ll call you.”


“OK. Thanks.” A small grin tugged at one corner of his mouth. “We’ll get this thing solved.”





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