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Daddy Wolf's Nanny (Nanny Shifter Service Book 3) by Sky Winters (19)

“Ah, that you didn’t,” he said with a wag of a finger. “You told me the time of the end of your shift was none of my business. Big difference.”

Anna’s mouth flattened into a line. He got her on a technicality. “Fine. I’m telling you now. I’m not interested.” The plan was to go home and wash off the stink of spilled grape leaf water and red wine.

She grabbed the last few plates and hustled back to the kitchen with the bus tub on her hip and Sonny hot on her heels. “Anna, hang on.” He hopped in front of her, blocking the only kitchen door in the room. “I have a proposition for you. Meet me after your shift. I’m only asking for one night.”

Anna blinked at the bold specimen in front of her. “You got yourself a mighty pair, don’t you?”

Sonny grinned. “That I do, Miss Anna.” He moved in closer, leaving only inches between them. “I’d be happy to show you just how big. Come out with me tonight.”

With the tension humming between them, Anna was dangerously close to saying yes, but just couldn’t do it. Even if the wounds from Pete weren’t so fresh, Sonny was not the kind of guy who would be good for her to get involved with. “Sorry. My answer is still no,” she said as she pushed past him into the kitchen.

Sonny stood in shock as he watched Anna walk away. He couldn’t believe it; a woman had rejected him, turned him down flat. Women never said no to him.

She didn’t even pretend to be interested, didn’t women at least humor a guy? Sure, he got to scope out her ass, but he wanted more and had been denied. The fact that he had never been turned down before only made him want her more. He was going to get her in his bed, he just had to figure out how.

Chapter 3


“Don’t you think it’s time to get back on the horse, Anna? It’s been over a month since you and Pete broke up.”

Anna frowned. If this was where the conversation was going, she didn’t think that accepting a lunch date with Winnie was a good idea after all. “I don’t want to date yet, Win.” It didn’t help that her mind waffled between being consumed by memories of Pete to thoughts of her and Sonny Adams tangled in the sheets. Sonny had been starring in her dreams at least once a week since meeting him, leaving her randy and wholly unsatisfied.

“You don’t even have to date anybody. It just might be time for a ride to get the practice down again.” Winnie’s green eyes watched Anna over the rim of her mug. She was waiting for Anna to admit she was right. Winnie could tell that Anna needed a little lovin’, her best friend intuition told her that.

“Ugh, you’ve been on this kick for over a week now. If I join a dating site, will you get off my back?”

Winnie grinned at her friend. “Absolutely. And let me just recommend one for you. Have you checked out ComeShift yet?”

Anna furrowed her brow. The name sounded familiar. “Is that the shifter dating site?”

“Oh yeah. That’s where all the hotties are. You should definitely check it out.” Winnie pulled out her tablet out of her purse and signed into the app. “Go ahead and scan through a few on my account.”

Anna hesitantly grabbed the tablet from Winnie’s hand. “Your account? You’ve been on here?”

“Of course! Why do you think I can give such a glowing recommendation? Do you remember Zach, the construction worker?”

“No way! He was a shifter?” Zach was the poster child for the All-American, white-bread male with his mop of sandy blonde hair, chiseled physique, and awe shucks attitude, he could have been Captain America.

“Yup. Lion shifter and fantastic in the sack. Probably the best I ever had.”

“But you aren’t dating him anymore.”

“Oh, honey. Zach and I never dated. You were lucky enough to meet him because I invited you to. Most of the time, we never got out of bed.” Winnie had an almost wistful look in her eye as she thought about that lover in particular. “Which reminds me, I don’t have plans this weekend. I should call him.”


Anna scrolled through photo after photo of gorgeous men. Each fell into different categories based on their animal, relationship wants, and sexual orientation. Even the women that popped up were exceptionally beautiful. “Is it some kind of rule that in order to be supernatural you have to be really, really, ridiculously good looking? There isn’t one average looking person on here.” Anna was in awe as she kept on scrolling.

“I don’t think so,” Winnie said. “At least it’s not a written rule. I personally haven’t met a shifter, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I’ve only known a few.”

One striking fellow caught Anna’s attention. He had blonde hair and a similar look to Winnie’s Zach, but there was a darkness about him that drew her in. She committed his name, Brandon Kofax, to memory so she could look him up later. “Alright, I’m convinced. I’m still not sure I’m ready for a relationship.”

Winnie giggled. “You don’t have to be, just take one for a test drive, no one says you have to buy right away, or at all if you don’t want to. Just go and have yourself a little fun.”

“I can do fun,” Annie declared.

“Can you? I hope so because I don’t like seeing you so mopey.”

“I have not been mopey!” Anna scoffed.

“You think so? I had to drag you out of your apartment after four days of being holed up in there watching Bridget Jones’ Diary and Pretty Woman over and over. I vaguely remember having to wash you in your shower, but I’ve tried to block that out.”

That was true. After the firefighter’s ball Anna had called out sick with the flu and hunkered down under the covers. Some would say she was wallowing in self-pity, but not Anna. She saw it as self-reflection time… with ice cream. “You call it mopey, I call it me-time,” Anna said with a shrug.

Winnie chuckled. “Whatever you say, Anna.”

Anna handed Winnie back her tablet and took her phone out. That Brandon guy caught her attention and she didn’t want to risk him getting snapped up by someone else.

“Are you signing up now?” Winnie asked as she bounced in her seat.

Anna nodded. “I am. I think I found someone I want to meet.”

Winnie squealed and clapped her hands. “Oh! I can’t wait. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.”






Anna told Winnie, she’d give the ComeShift app a shot, but she never thought in a million years that she’d get such a fast response from anybody; especially a guy she assumed was way out of her league. Within hours of sending her hello, Brandon had responded back.



I’d love to meet up sometime. How’s Friday night? I’ll plan the date.



Friday? Anna rifled through her mental planner. She was waiting tables for a wedding until about seven. She worked out the logistics of whether or not that would work, all while trying to not let her nerves get the best of her.



Friday will do just fine. I have to work until seven and will have to clean up after. Want to do a nine o’clock meet up?



Meeting up with a guy that late almost always spelled booty call. Anna needed to decide before she got there what this was going to be. Brandon’s profile said single and open to a relationship, but what did that mean? Relationship was such a broad term that could mean anything from friends with benefits to marriage potential and anything in between. Anna felt like she ought to heed Winnie’s advice and just go with it and if things get physical, then why not enjoy the ride?



Nine o’clock is perfect. I can pick you up, just tell me where.



Brandon had included his phone number in the last message. Anna’s heart pounded in her ears as she read through the message twice more. Would her being picked up by a perfect stranger be a terrible idea? She would be in a public place if she brought a change of clothes with her, it wasn’t like he’d see where she lived.

Anna picked her phone up off the scarred coffee table and clicked her fingernails against the screen. Her half chewed nails and chipped black polish looked terrible. Seeing as she was going to go on her first, first date in two years, it might be worth springing for a manicure

“Just tell him yes, you weenie. What are you afraid of?” That was easy. Her heart was still broken thanks to Pete. She was afraid of disappointment, of being happy, of having a good time, and most of all, healing. There was a chance that no matter how this date turned out, she could come out better on the other side. That was the scariest part of all.

Anna shook her head and put the phone back down. “You’re over thinking this, kid,” she mumbled. “Text him later when you’re thinking clearer.”

Then there was the current resident in her fantasies, Sonny Adams. She couldn’t emotionally afford to have a scoundrel like him in her system. If she kept thinking about him, she’d have a really hard time accepting a real lover over her fantasy one. That was all the motivation Anna needed to pick her phone back up and text Brandon her response.


Chapter 4


Friday had rolled around a lot faster than Anna had anticipated. After a long week of working business functions and helping Melina at the farmer’s market, it was time to get ready for her date. Well, almost.

Anna had packed a bag that morning with a casual option of jeans and a t-shirt, and a dressier option in case they were looking at a sit down dinner.

The wedding reception was being held in the same hotel ballroom as the firefighter’s ball, a fact that was not lost on Anna. She had spent her entire shift looking over her shoulder for her dark fantasy man. After a while, she felt pretty stupid. Why would Sonny show up at a Hindu wedding? While she knew how stupid the very notion was, it didn’t stop her from being wound tighter than a clock her entire shift.

At last, seven o’clock rolled around. Anna said goodbye to Melina and the rest of the staff before making a break for the hotel gym locker room. It was the only place available quickly for her to wash off the aroma of curry that was currently clinging to her body.

The hotel gym was deserted. The only sounds Anna heard were her footsteps echoing off the tile as she approached a shower stall. The white tiles had been scrubbed to pristine perfection. It looked like the showers had never been used.

Her fingers fumbled over the buttons of her blouse and because of her sweaty palms, she couldn’t get a grip on any of her fasteners. “Ugh!” Anna exclaimed. “Get your shit together! It’s just a date. You don’t have to marry him.” Anna gave herself a pep talk as she finally stumbled out of her work clothes and turned the water on.

The hot water began to work out the knots in her shoulders and slough away some of her doubts “Okay, you can do this. Sure, Brandon is mega hot, but don’t let that intimidate you.” Anna knew she had a lot going for her. It was a shame that Pete never realized it. Deep down she knew that by dumping her, Pete had done something that Anna wasn’t sure she’d have had the strength to do herself. Years of being unappreciated and taken for granted had taken their toll on her self-worth. Anna was starting to feel better about herself, it would do her no good to backslide and she knew it.

Anna poured out a generous dollop of her rose scented shampoo and set to work. With less than two hours until Brandon picked her up, she couldn’t afford to dawdle.






Anna was coiffed, fluffed and powdered to perfection by ten minutes to nine. Her dark hair fell to her waist and was the most time consuming part of the entire process with the washing, blow drying, and flat ironing of the ridiculous length. All the work was worth how well her look came together from the board straight hair to the figure hugging dress to the sky high heels, which made her legs look amazing.

She waited anxiously on the sidewalk, checking her phone. Brandon had sent a text letting her know what he’d be driving, but for all her nervousness, she had forgotten. “A midnight blue Camaro. Alrighty. I’m looking for a dark blue phallic symbol. Hoo boy.” Anna had a chuckle at Brandon’s expense. She was familiar with the term “overcompensation” and how it applied to the guys that drove cars like that. She hoped that this one would be the exception.

A minute later, the car she was looking for, pulled up to the curb in front of her. Anna took a deep breath and reached for the handle when the most gorgeous man she had ever seen stepped out of the driver’s side.

Brandon Kofax looked like a blonde Clark Kent had jumped off the page of a comic book and came to life. His hair had been cropped short, and judging by the clean neckline, very recently. The intensity of his blue eyes made Anna’s belly quiver as they raked over her body… twice.

Brandon smiled warmly at her. “Allow me,” he said as he maneuvered around to the passenger side.

Of course his teeth are perfect. His profile picture couldn’t begin to do this guy justice. Brandon wore a well-tailored gray suit that perfectly hugged the lines of his body. Oh lord, there’s something about a man in a suit. He wasn’t wearing a tie, but there was still no doubt that they were off to somewhere a little more upscale than the typical chain restaurant.

As Brandon opened the door Anna, stepped in. He was shocked by the black dragon winding its way down her neck and arm. He blinked twice to make sure his eyelids could still touch each other. The mark on Anna’s body told him everything he needed to know. Brandon shut the door and quickly fired off a text to his best friend before hurrying back to the driver’s side.

His night was about to get interesting.







The pair had arrived at a swanky yet rustic looking restaurant with a planter box filled with cacti and succulents to greet them as Anna and Brandon approached the front door. A white pergola covered the front entrance, making Anna feel like she was visiting a friend’s house rather than a hip downtown restaurant.

Brandon once again got the door for Anna and allowed her inside first.

“I hope you like this place. It’s one of my favorite restaurants. The owner and chef work with local farmers and ranchers to create their menu.”

The poor girl didn’t know what hit her as Brandon sauntered up to the host stand. Her green eyes grew wide and she wiped her hands on her pants. “Ca- can I help you?”

Anna bit back a grin as Brandon leaned it and turned on the charm.

“Yes. I have a reservation for three under the name Kofax.”

The hostess’ hands shook as she turned the page of her black leather book and found his name. “R- right this way, Mr. Kofax.”

“I think you’ve positively dazzled that poor girl, Brandon. And I think you made the reservation wrong. She said it was for three people?”

With an “awe shucks” shrug and a half-smile, Brandon slid into the booth and nodded to the now blushing hostess. She handed them their menus and scampered back to the host stand; no doubt to tell her friends about the stud at table twelve.

Anna turned the paper printout over in her hands, wondering about the reservation for three. “Care to enlighten me about this reservation situation?”

A ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of Brandon’s mouth. “The restaurant didn’t make a mistake. The reservation is for three. I have a friend coming to join us and he’ll be here in a few minutes. Oh good, they got more of the snapper.”

Anna set her menu down and folded her hands. “Hang on. I thought this was going to be a one-on-one. You didn’t tell me we’d be a trio tonight.” Anna watched as something flickered in Brandon’s eyes. For a moment she thought she imagined it, but whatever it was, gave her a little jolt south of her belly button.

“I promise you, you will have a good time tonight. Scout’s honor.” Brandon held up the three-finger salute and did his best to put on an innocent face.

“Were you even a scout?”

“No, but my brother was so I’m a scout by proxy.”

Anna chuckled despite herself. Brandon had been evasive, but was disarmingly charming. If he turned out to be a downright liar, Anna would be sure to never call him again, but for now she’d let it go. Besides, Brandon said “he” so their third wheel wasn’t another woman and Anna was comfortable with that. It meant no weird stuff.

“Sorry, I’m late, Brandon. I got caught at the station and couldn’t get away.”

Anna stiffened at the sound of the familiar baritone. It couldn’t belong to who she thought, could it? With a deep breath she turned her head to examine their third wheel out of her peripheral. The soft lighting glinted off a mop of almost black hair. “Shit,” she whispered to herself.

Brandon stood and clapped the new arrival on the back. “No big, man. Sonny, I’d like you to meet Miss Anna Nash. Anna, this is my friend Sonny Adams.”

Anna felt the heat burning in her cheeks and refused to look either of them in the eye. “Hello,” she mumbled. “We’ve met.” She was starting to feel like the universe had a real fucked up sense of humor.

“You’ve met?” Brandon looked from Anna to Sonny. “Oh! She’s the one from the ball?”

Sonny nodded, but couldn’t take his eyes off the blushing woman or her serious ink. Somehow, he’d missed seeing that the first tie he’d met her. “It’s good to see you again, Anna.” Although it felt like, no time had gone by since their last encounter. He had been thinking and fantasizing about her since they met.

Brandon dropped back into his seat. “Take a load off, man. I was just debating on which bottle of wine to order.

Sonny sat next to Brandon, still staring at Anna. He couldn’t believe his luck! Another chance to get the woman into bed. If they played their cards right, he and Brandon would have her naked by the end of the night.

Brandon carefully watched Anna. She refused to look either of the men in the eye and her cheeks were still tinged with blush. “What do you want to drink, Anna? Do you prefer red or white?”

Anna’s head snapped up, betrayal and anger burning in her eyes. “I’d prefer if you take me home now.”

Brandon tilted his head. “Oh? Why?”

Anna felt the anger burning through her veins. “Probably because this isn’t what I signed up for. Let’s just say, there was no truth in advertising.”

Sonny smirked and looked at Brandon. “I’m pretty sure, my name wasn’t even mentioned in the conversation.”

Anna shot daggers at Sonny. “No it wasn’t. I also didn’t see the fine print where I was going on a date with what I thought was a nice guy and wound up with a total asshat for a third wheel.” She turned back to Brandon. “Please, take me home.”

Just then, the server arrived. “Hi! My name is Janey and I’ll be taking care of you this evening. Can I start you off with some wine? We have an excellent Portuguese red we just got in or perhaps a Chenin Blanc from Oregon if you’re feeling a little less adventurous.”

Before Anna could protest any further, Brandon ordered. “We’ll have the Quinta dos Murcas Assobio Douro, please. Three glasses.”

The server nodded and took off to the bar. The reclaimed wood furniture and barn wood floors lent an air of rustic sophistication to the place. While Anna could appreciate the vibe, she still wasn’t thrilled with situation she was put in. It didn’t matter that she’d had wet dreams about Sonny, she still felt duped. “I don’t know why you bothered ordering anything. I don’t want to stay.”

“Am I really that bad? You’ve only met me once.” Sonny kept a straight face, but deep down, he was hurt and confused by Anna’s reaction.

“And that one conversation was enough. I don’t like guys like you, Sonny. Or guys like you Brandon.”

“Guys like me?” The two men asked in unison.

“Yes, guys like you. Brandon, you’re a con artist and Sonny you’re a cad. If neither of you want to take me home, I’ll call a car.” She reached into the depths of her purse to fish for her phone.

Sonny made to take her purse, but stopped himself midway. “Tell you what, Anna. Just give us a chance until the end of dinner. If after that, you still feel the same way, I’ll take you home myself.”

Why did that statement feel so loaded? “Fine. You have until that check hits the table to change my mind.”

Sonny and Brandon both exhaled. That was all they needed, they were sure of it.


Chapter 5



Brandon had ordered a mess of shared plates for the table. The trio had a little bit of everything from the marinated olives to the pig skin noodles to the blackened octopus. Brandon wanted to get in a little bit of all of his favorites. Since he and Sonny were splitting the bill right down the middle, he didn’t worry about the cost as much.

Anna spent most of the dinner giving the two men the stink eye while they chatted away about work and weekend plans. At first, she had even refused to eat, but the aroma of the parsley croissants and marrow pate was too much to handle. Soon enough, she was picking at a little bit of everything. “Oh my god,” she said at her first bite of pig skin noodles. “These are amazing.”

Brandon and Sonny both stopped mid-conversation to stare. “Whoa! She speaks!” Sonny joked.

“Ha ha, guys,” she said. But Anna couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed of herself. She had been rude to them, she felt justified in being so, but the proper Southern Girl in her couldn’t abide by such behavior and forced her to stop. “So, um. You’re both firefighters?”

Brandon spoke first. “We are. Sonny and I have been friends since we were kids. Like, the fifth grade I think? We do everything together.”

“That’s cool. I’m kind of jealous f you guys. My childhood best friend dicked me over in college so I don’t have one of those anymore.”

Sonny leaned in a little closer. “What happened?”

Anna chuckled and shook her head. “She fucked my boyfriend.” Neither man responded, which encouraged her to keep talking. “Jokes on them though. She trapped him by getting pregnant. Now they’re married with four kids and they’re both miserable. He cheats on her pretty regularly and she just takes it.”

“Man, that makes me glad we have the arrangement we do,” Brandon said, shaking his head.

“What arrangement is that?”

Sonny piped up. “We just share women.”

Anna blanched. “Share? As in…”

Brandon finished her thought. “As in women in the bedroom? Yes, we do. In fact, it’s a pretty rare thing when we don’t.”

“You mean, you guys are regular about the,” she almost couldn’t say the word without blushing. “threesome thing?”

“Yeah. And we haven’t met a woman yet that didn’t mind,” Sonny answered with a wry grin.

“Huh.” Anna slouched back in her chair, a little overwhelmed. “So tonight is supposed to be that?” Despite being a little overwhelmed, Anna wasn’t totally opposed to the idea. A fact that caught her a little by surprise.

Brandon reached out and took Anna’s hand. “Only if you want to. We don’t ever force a woman to do what she doesn’t want to.”

The warmth of Brandon’s hand helped to steady her. “Really? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure you both refused me a ride to keep me here.”

“Sex is totally different. We wanted you to give us a chance– me a chance, really. Brandon hadn’t had a chance to make a bad impression on you like I did.”

Sonny looked a little sheepish. He continued to surprise her; Anna didn’t think he had a shameful bone in his entire body. “I’m actually glad you guys made me stay. I’m having a good time. Thank you. I do have one question though.”

“What’s that?” Both men said in unison.

“Ah! Cut that out, it’s creepy!” Anna shook her head to remove the Children of the Corn imagery out of her head. “What happens when one of you has feelings for the girl you’ve been sharing?”

Sonny and Brandon looked at each other for a moment before Brandon spoke. “You know; it’s never come up. Neither of us has ever been in love before.”

Anna gaped at them. “Never? Neither of you has been in love before? That’s crazy to me!” Then it dawned on her. The sharing of women might be the reason why. They can’t form attachments the way they do things. The threesome agreement is also a method of emotional protection.

“Nope. And that’s fine,” Sonny answered. “No attachments, no problems.”

Now that Anna understood, she was a little more willing to come along for the ride. “That’s not the worst idea I’ve ever heard. Being in love bites. Trust me, I’ve done it and I really wasn’t a fan of the fall out.” Anna took a bite of food to end the conversation. She hadn’t meant to bring it up, but she did not want to talk about Pete.

The guys got the hint and didn’t press her further.

They ate in silence a little while. Anna mulled over the idea of being with both men. What would that be like? How would the logistics of that work? A threesome had never really been on her radar so she hadn’t thought about it before, but now that she was, the idea was arousing. Both men in front of her were gorgeous in their own way. Sonny being a little darker while Brandon was fairer. They were both built roughly the same way and were in phenomenal shape. Their looks would certainly not be a problem. They were also shifters; another experience she hadn’t had. “Can I ask you what sort of shifters you guys are?”

Brandon answered as Sonny had a mouthful of food. “Dragon. We’re both dragon shifters. Every guy at Station One is a dragon shifter. We’re part of the same clan.”

Anna grinned. “Dragons? You’re all aware of the irony of that, right?”

Sonny chuckled. “That fact is not lost on us.” His eyes flicked to the dragon head on Anna’s neck.

She noticed the casual look. It was the third one from Sonny and Brandon had been caught staring a few times too. “Does my tattoo bother you?”

“No. I was just curious as to where you got it done and what made you pick it,” Sonny said.

“I’ve had it for about five years now. I got it done at this funky little place on First Street.” Both Brandon and Sonny’s eyebrows shot up, but they let Anna continue her story. “There was only one woman who worked there and she did my tattoo. I wandered in looking for something, I wasn’t sure what, but after talking with her for twenty minutes, this is what we came up with.”

Sonny leaned in to Brandon. “She has no idea, does she?” he whispered. Brandon shook his head. “Do you remember the conversation you two had?” Brandon asked.

“Not really. We talked a bit about my ex, who I was with at the time, and where I saw my life heading. She was more like a soothsayer than a tattoo artist.” Anna’s belly suddenly filled with a million pairs of flapping wings. The two men in front of her knew something she didn’t. “Um, anyway, she told me the dragon would guide me down the right path and lead me to where I needed to be. I wasn’t too sure about the meaning she gave it, but the design was really cool so I went for it.”

Neither man spoke, but Sonny felt a weight he didn’t know he was carrying lift off his shoulders. “You met Nikki. She’s one of us and has a unique gift of being able to find the chosen ones for us.”

“Chosen? What are you talking about?” Anna hadn’t ever regretted her tattoo before, but she was now seriously considering it.”

Sonny elbowed Brandon. “You can tell the story more coherently than I can. Why don’ you take this.”

“Dragons are a little different than other shifters. We’re harder to match with a mate than others. Each clan has, for lack of a better word, a matchmaker that finds the mates. I can’t explain how they do it, but they have a knack for finding those with the right spirit.”

Anna gaped at them both. “And then they brand them? That’s crazy!” Her hand automatically went to her neck. The overwhelming sense of betrayal rose up in her again.

Brandon nodded. “They do. The traditional way is a tattoo, although Nikki has a flair for the artistic and likes to add her own touch to them. Yours looks amazing by the way.”

“What’s the difference between how the matchmaker tattoos and any other artist? You do know how many dragons are walking around on people’s skin, right?

“There’s a difference.” Brandon continued. “Do you see here?” He swept an index finger up her arm to the shoulder, leaving a trail of goose bumps in his wake. “The matchmakers have a little symbol they embed in the faces that tips us off. Ours is a tiger’s eye stone. She put it in the dragon’s eye for us to know she did it.” His finger lingered on Anna’s skin a moment before tracing along her collarbone. Her skin was so soft and he loved how her pulsed quickened under his touch. Miss Anna wasn’t immune to their charms after all.

Anna wasn’t sure about what Brandon just told her; she couldn’t be sure if it was at all true, but what she did want was for him to touch her again; and that freaked her out a little.

Brandon sat back down and watched the struggle on Anna’s face. Neither he nor Sonny was going to push, but he could tell that she was close to coming over to their side. The fact that Nikki had found Anna, who knew how long ago, was enough to know that she was the one. Now, Anna just had to realize it.

Sonny tried to get Anna’s attention again. “Are you okay with all this, Anna?”

What could she say? Anna felt like she should have been more upset or offended that she had been marked no, branded without consent. Somehow she felt, relieved or at least calm about what happened to her.

Try as she might, she couldn’t recall the conversation she had had with the mysterious artist. Anna remembered the woman being incredibly gentle and light-handed while working. She was chatty and professional, but Anna couldn’t think of what she said to the matchmaker to make her think that she was dragon mate material. She took a long swallow and drained her wine glass; it was her fourth of the night and she was feeling happy, warm, and fuzzy.

Their server returned. “How was your experience, guys? Did you save room for dessert?”

Sonny’s eyes never left Anna’s face as he answered. “We’re all set. Just the check, thanks.” Anna finally looked up into his eyes and it was electricity.

Anna felt a tug in her belly as she stared into those icy depths. Any fear or apprehension she had been feeling about getting involved with him and Brandon seemed to dissolve away from her body. She wasn’t sure how much faith she put in the idea of a matchmaker, but she had been chosen specifically for something that made her a perfect fit for the dragons. What it was, she had no idea, but she was sure if she asked, she’d find out.

Brandon had appeared at her shoulder with his hand outstretched. “Are you ready to go?”

Was she? The image of her tangled up with the two handsome shifters was appealing, but could she do it? Anna took Brandon’s hand and stood. Brandon tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. Sonny did the same on her other side and the trio left the restaurant.

Anna smiled to herself as she thought about what they must look like to the staff and the people on the sidewalk. She felt a bit like a she was being flocked by a pair of gorgeous peacocks and the world was looking at her. Well, let them look. She was going to have the time of her life.


Chapter 6


Anna had wondered where they were going. Even under the glow of the streetlights, she recognized all the shops and restaurants as Brandon’s Camaro breezed through downtown. “What’s the next stop then?” she asked.

“That depends.” Brandon glanced at her. “Are you comfortable with us?” Sonny had followed them in his pickup truck after leaving. “Because if not, I won’t be happy about it, but I’ll take you home.”

“I’d like to see where the night takes us.” Anna’s hand flew to her mouth as the words fell out. She was surprised to find that she had meant what she said, no discomfort to be found.

Brandon grinned and placed his hand on her knee. “That’s good to hear.” He gave her knee a little squeeze before inching himself up her thigh, pushing the hem of her dress up as he moved.

Anna’s breath hitched as he caressed the soft skin of her inner thigh. Brandon was teasing his way up into her most sensitive places. She pulled the edge of the skirt up to help him along. In a moment, her skirt was rucked up around her hips and his fingers were toying with the black silk edge of her underwear.

A quiet moan slipped from her mouth as he rubbed her lips through the thin fabric. The silk was growing wet with every stroke of his finger. The pleasure was over far too soon as Brandon edged his car up to the curb in front of an apartment building.

Brandon took off his seatbelt and leaned in close enough for Anna to feel his hot breath on her ear. “We’re at my apartment. I’d like you to spend the night,” he commanded as he drew one soft earlobe into his mouth.

Anna gasped as his teeth closed down on the supple flesh. At that point, he could have asked her to punch her own father and she would have done it. “I’ll stay.”

Releasing her ear, Brandon turned her head to face him. Pressing his lips to hers, he claimed them, feeding, commanding, owning her until she was sure she’d melt into a puddle and ruin his upholstery. “Come upstairs,” Brandon whispered.

He pulled away and got out. Immediately, the passenger door opened and revealed Sonny standing in front of her. His eyes blazed with hunger as he raked them over her exposed legs. Anna rearranged herself and got out of the car. She followed Brandon inside the building with Sonny hot on her heels. Anna could feel the heat coming off of both men even with a couple of feet between them.

Brandon led them onto an elevator. As soon as the doors closed, they were on her. Sonny buried his fist in Anna’s hair and pulled her gasping to his lips. He was both soft and claiming of her mouth. Anna sighed as Sonny’s tongue invaded her mouth, and tickled her tongue.

Brandon’s mouth was on her neck nibbling, licking, and caressing his way up and down the long column of skin. As the floors ticked by, it was a tangle of hands, mouths, and hair as the men devoured Anna. At least until the elevator dinged and the doors flew open. “This is our floor,” Brandon whispered into Anna’s ear. She tugged her clothing back into place again and followed the men across the hall. Sonny reached behind her to playfully squeeze her ass. Anna yelped and giggled, and she ran a few steps.

Brandon already had his keys out and in the lock. The man moved fast when he wanted something. The door swung open and he pulled Anna in with him.






The three tumbled into Brandon’s bedroom and made a beeline to the bed. There was no pretense of politeness, no drinks were offered. This night was to be about only one thing: pure, unadulterated sex.

Anna found herself sandwiched between the two men with two pairs of hot hands roaming her body. Their eyes glowed orange, and she could see shiny scaly patterns emerge on their soft skin. Brandon had his mouth on hers while Sonny pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She was overwhelmed by the power of the two shifters, and by how much she wanted them both.

Her head dropped back against the chest of one man, while the other’s mouth closed around her nipple. Her last thought before giving herself over completely was, this is the craziest thing I have ever done.

Brandon rucked her skirt up to her waist while Sonny pulled the top down, exposing her bare breasts to the air. The sudden chill rippled across her skin, drawing her nipples erect and goose pimples across her skin.

Brandon sat her down and each man took one of her nipples in their mouths. The sucking and teasing of their lips and teeth made Anna’s breathing speed up. She was embarrassingly wet and so turned on, she thought she’d come if the wind shifted.

Her skin tingled and the air crackled around her. Her nose was filled with the heady combination of cologne, sex, and the powerful aphrodisiac known as the human male. As Sonny’s mouth roamed its way down her torso she shuddered with pleasure, and just a little bit of anxiety. She hadn’t been with anyone but Pete in years, what could she expect? With the first lap of Sonny’s tongue over her panties, she gasped and forgot all about those silly concerns; and as his finger pulled the damp fabric aside, she damn near forgot her name.

As Sonny was going down on her, Brandon led her mouth to his erect cock. She took his girth into her mouth and let her tongue enjoy the smooth, salty swirl.

Sonny pushed her up on to her knees, and thrust into her from behind, rocking back and forth, while she continued to satisfy Brandon. As the night progressed she soon lost track of who was inside of her, and how many orgasms they all collectively shared.


Chapter 7


The trio collapsed to the bed in a tangle of sheets and limbs. Anna was panting and sweaty from the exertion of keeping up with the two fit men. “Holy shit. That was, wow!”

Brandon grinned. “Check it out, Sonny. She’s speechless.”


Sonny looked over at Anna. She looked so beautiful with such a deep flush in her cheeks. “Uh huh,” was all he could manage. He was used to sharing with Brandon, but something about tonight was different. For the first time, he wanted to shove Brandon out of bed so he could have the girl all to himself. It might have been because Anna Nash wasn’t just any girl. She had been a constant, running thought in his mind since he first laid eyes on her.

“I’m going to get some water. Do you two want anything?” He tossed back the covers and started padding across the room before either of them answered. He needed distance, maybe a little breathing room to clear his head.

“I’ll have some water too. If you don’t mind,” Anna called.

Without turning around, Sonny nodded and left the room. What was the matter with him? He had only met this girl one time and she rejected him flat out. The only reason he was able to get her at all was because of Brandon spinning his seductive magic. If he had a second chance on his own, he would have screwed it up again for himself, he could almost guarantee that.


Anna watched Sonny walk away and felt an intense pull to follow him. Something was wrong, she just knew it. Brandon had rolled over and was softly snoring with his back to her. “Well, that was quick,” she mumbled. And a good thing too. It gave her a chance to see what was up with Sonny.

She slid from the king-sized bed and went after Sonny; after having had a three way, she didn’t bother with clothes. The man had already seen her in some less than modest positions, being naked was tame in comparison.

“Sonny?” she asked as she poked her head into the kitchen. The vent light was on over the stove, casting just enough light for her to catch Sonny’s form leaning against the counter.

“Yeah? Go on back to bed. I’ll bring your water to you in a minute.”

Anna ignored the request and went to him instead. “Are you okay?”

“Why did you tell me no the other night?” he asked.

Anna paused, she hadn’t expected a line of questioning. “That’s easy. Because you were cocky and rude. You acted like a guy who knew he could charm the pants off any woman he wanted. You needed to hear a different answer.”

Sonny smiled as he took in Anna’s half-shadowed figure. “So you wanted to teach me a lesson, then?”

“Not really. I didn’t know you and hadn’t planned on seeing you again. I just didn’t want to get involved with Rhett Butler.”

Sonny’s shoulders shook with suppressed laughter. “You know what’s funny? You aren’t the first woman to call me that, but it was the first time the comparison had backfired on me.” Sonny chuckled again, but quickly grew serious. “What made you change your mind?” Please don’t say Brandon.

“I’m not sure. I think it was the need to try something new. I just got out of a shit relationship recently and needed to cut loose a little.”

Sonny turned his head so Anna couldn’t see his disappointment. “Oh, that’s all? Cool. I’m glad we could help.”

“Hang on a second.” Anna closed the last couple of feet between them. “Would it help if I told you that I was curious about you? The fact that you happened to show up on a date I was on, had to have been a sign, right?”

“Well not really. Brandon likes to invite me on all his dates and vice versa.”

Anna held up a hand. “Regardless. Tonight just felt a little bit serendipitous to me. I thought I’d see it through and find out what happens.”

Sonny cocked an eyebrow. “And?”

Anna took his hands. “And I’ve had the best night of my life. Thank you.” She stood on tiptoe and planted a gentle kiss on his mouth. Her breasts just barely brushed over his chest, commanding her nipples to attention.

Her soft thank you kiss quickly deepened into something hungrier, more demanding. Their tongues swept over each other and Sonny pulled her into him, crushing her to his body.

Every inch where his skin touched hers, set Anna’s body on fire. Her greedy hands roamed over his back and ass, curving around his hips to the front of him. She wrapped her hand around his half-hard cock and began to stroke it to its full size. Sonny was well-endowed and filled her hand.

He sighed and dropped is head back, egging Anna on. “That feels amazing, baby,” he declared before biting his lip.

“If you think that feels good…” Anna dropped to her knees and ran her tongue along the underside of the shaft. She watched Sonny’s face as she drew him into her mouth. He sucked in a breath through his teeth as she toyed with him. Her mouth and fist moving in tandem, driving Sonny crazy.

She didn’t care about her first impression of him any longer. The beautiful man in front of her was under her power and she liked it.

“Anna,” Sonny sighed. His hands dove into the tangled waves of her hair. “Anna, stop.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Stand up.”

Anna obeyed and rose to her feet. Something in the dragon’s manner compelled her to listen.

Sonny grabbed her by the hips and hoisted her onto the counter. His eyes glowed with flames. Her pelvis was level with his on the cold granite surface. Sonny gripped her thighs, and pushed her legs open as he sidled up to her.

Anna cupped Sonny’s face and pressed her lips to his. The taste of her from earlier lingered on his mouth and tongue, turning her on with every sweep of the tongue. It hadn’t been long since she’ had both men, but she wanted Sonny as badly as a man in the desert wants water.

Sonny nudged at her opening, teasing at the sensitive and swollen flesh with his head. With a groan, he eased himself inside her. “Oh God, you’re so big.” Anna gasped.

Sonny growled low in his throat as he thrusted, and the fire in his eyes brightened. “You belong to me, do you understand that?” Starting slow at first, then picking up speed as Anna gasped and moaned.

She loved every last stroke of him inside her, and as he drove her over the edge again, she called his name out and dug her nails into his shoulders. “Yes! Oh, god Sonny. Yes!”

“Tell me you’re mine.”

Anna came apart with a moan. “I’m yours,” she gasped as her body lost control.

With a shudder and groan, Sonny came quickly after her. He stayed buried in her with his arms wrapped around her waist as though she were his life raft.

“Tell me why I said no to you again,” Anna said with a giggle.

“Ah! Easy! I’m still inside you.” Sonny reluctantly withdrew, but the spasms from Anna’s laughing were a little too much for his oversensitive parts. “It’s because I had made myself as unappealing as possible.” He stroked her cheek as he spoke. “But I am really glad you changed your mind.”




“So it’s been a few months since I’ve seen you. What’s been going on?” Winnie asked with a glance at Anna’s midsection. “Looks like you’ve been busy.”

Anna rubbed a hand over the slight swell of her belly. She had just begun to show in the last couple of weeks so her whole life felt new. “You could say that,” she said with a giggle. “I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, but Sonny and I have just been in the throes of the new relationship period. I can’t get enough of him.”

Winnie smiled and leaned back in her chair. “That’s fine. I’ve kind of been in the same boat myself with Zack.”

“Oh, you mean you two have finally come out of the bedroom?”

“Yup. I’m not sure what happened, but one day we just decided to go see a movie and we somehow wound up committed. It’s been pretty great.”

Anna reclined in her lawn chair. Her feet hurt from running around all day and she wanted a good view of Sonny. “I’m finally going to get to see Sonny in action today. Isn’t that great? Have you ever seen Zack shifted?”

Winnie took a sip of tea, the ice tinkled against the glass. “Not yet. He’s still a little shy about letting me see his lion. I think he’s getting more comfortable with the idea though. He mentioned something about a hunt in the next couple of weeks. So what are we going to see from Mr. Sonny today?”

“He and Brandon have an exercise they’re going to do. I think it’s just to stretch their wings a bit. Sometimes they like to race just to burn off some energy.”

“I still can’t believe the relationship you found yourself in with those two. It’s so weird.” Winnie watched her friend through her dark glasses and wondered about what exactly went on with the three of them behind closed doors.

“My relationship is with Sonny. In the beginning, Brandon got an invite to join, but since confirming the pregnancy, Sonny has kept me all to himself.” A fact that she didn’t mind one bit. Anna felt the heat in her cheeks and hid her face in her magazine.

Winnie yanked the magazine from Anna’s hands. “Well, don’t be ashamed about it. It was interesting while it lasted, I’m sure.” She closed the pages to see the cover. “Celebrity gossip, huh?”

Anna shrugged. “I don’t smoke and I can’t drink for a while, so that’s my vice at the moment.” A whoosh broke from the edge of the trees and two large reptiles rose into the sky. They were nowhere near as large as the dragons depicted in legends, but they were still nearly twice the size of the men who inhabited the scaly bodies. Anna recognized Sonny right away. His scales were nearly black, only when the sun hit him just right did it actually reveal that they were green. Brandon’s was lighter, more of a deep golden brown, and both were stunning. Anna and Winnie sat in shock as the two dragons rose into the air. There was a pause as if to count down from three and then the pair took off over the tops of the trees and away from the two women.

“Wow,” Winnie exclaimed. “That was amazing! I know they didn’t do anything, but to see two dragons in real life!”

Anna was too shocked to speak. To think that she had found her mate in such an unlikely way and was now carrying his baby– who might actually be a dragon too! She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.






“So what’d you think?” Sonny asked on the way back home.

“I’m still speechless. That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen a shifter in their animal form–at least that I know of–and I certainly have never seen a dragon.” She laced her fingers with his.

Sonny gave her hand a squeeze. “You were the right choice then. Most people would have run screaming right to the asylum if they saw the pair of us.”

“How is it no one did see you?”

“We keep to the areas with next to zero population like where we were at today. That way, if a farmer or someone does see us, they can just chock it up to the heat or something.”

“The world knows about shifters, though. It’s not like some underground thing. I mean, I found you on a dating app and you don’t get much more public than that.”

“Technically, you found Brandon on the app. It was I who found you working a party, remember?”

Anna squinted in thought. “Oh yeah. I guess pregnancy brain is a real thing then, huh?”

Sonny’s face softened. “Yeah. And it’s pretty great.” He loved knowing that Anna was having his child. At the next red light, he snuck a look at Anna and his chest swelled with so much pride and love. The woman who didn’t want him was now his mate for life.

Anna caught Sonny staring and smiling at her. “What?”

He grinned. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” He gave her hand another squeeze as the light turned green and they headed for home.


Wolf Ap Developer

Chapter 1

“Mel!” Tanner called as Melanie Fraser headed backstage. “Nice set, man!”

“Thanks, Tanner,” she said, smiling down at her best friend since high school. He was a like an older brother to her, although he liked to spend most of his time hanging out in his parent’s basement, and ranting about government conspiracies. She loved him anyway though. He never failed to come to her gigs and cheer her on, even when nobody else would.

“Party tonight!” he told her. “Usual spot. You should come! Haven’t seen you in ages!”

“All right,” Melanie said.

It had been a great set, and she decided it wouldn’t hurt anything to celebrate with her old friends. She rarely turned down a party, and it was true, she felt like she hadn’t seen Tanner in a long time. She had been so consumed with getting her band off the ground that she hadn’t given herself a chance to relax. Usually, she did her best to do whatever fun thing might come her way; and with her body, invitations were abundant. Maybe it was because she was curvy in all the right places, or maybe it was because she was charismatic and talented, but whatever the reason, she never wanted for attention. In fact, the opportunities that her looks opened up for her were abundant.

That was perfect for her though. She was always looking for the next adventure, and living life to the fullest meant that she was never bored. In fact, she was always very caught up in the moment, which usually worked out pretty well for her. But lately she hadn’t been doing very much adventuring. She was stuck working on flyers and promotional material, hoping to get word out about the band. She deserved the break. Maybe Tanner would be able to help her spread the word and hand out her leaflets to his friends. She would bring them to the party that night.

It was lucky that she was such a social butterfly, because it helped her band to be successful. Technically it was just herself and two other people. She was the lead singer and guitarist, and the others, Tammy and George, did guitar and bass for her. It was a simple set up, which suited her fine. The less people to work with, the less drama there was. She used to have a band with at least six people, and it was nothing but creative differences. But Melanie had carried most of the talent and sought out some laid back people who shared her vision. Their power was in their simplicity, and she was friendly and outgoing enough that people all across the state knew who she was and had joined her band’s mailing list from their website.

“Great job,” George said with a nod to the girls as he turned toward the door. He was anxious to get home to his girlfriend. They were expecting a baby, and he hated to be away for too long in case she needed him.

“Did you want to party tonight?” Melanie asked Tammy.

“Oh, I don’t think that I could,” she said, shaking her head. “I have a lot of homework to catch up on.”

Tammy was studying hard in college to be a physicist. Playing music was really the only thing she did for herself in order to relax. It was nice being in a band with responsible people. Other musicians liked to party their hearts out and burn themselves out before they ever went anywhere. Mel knew better though, and was determined to learn from their mistakes. She could party hard right along with the rest of them, but she also knew that in order to go places, you had to work for it.

“Okay, just me and Tanner then,” she said with a smile. It really didn’t bother her. It would be a good time to catch up with her best friend and give herself a break away from her computer screen. Setting up the success of her band was hard work, and out of the other band members, she had the most talent and was the most determined to shine.

Chapter 2

The party had raged on late into the night, and it only started dwindling after the sun started to rise. She and Tanner had gotten pretty wasted together, but it was like old times. They were snuggled in the back of an old truck watching the sun paint the sky in oranges and pinks, laughing about things their friends had done at the party, and daydreaming about the future.

“So are you seeing anyone yet?” Tanner finally asked her. The two of them had dated briefly in middle school, but they both quickly learned that they made far better friends than romantic companions. They had stuck together through thick and thin though, and he was always worried about whether or not she was happy.

“No, I’m not,” she laughed, smacking him. “Why are you always so interested?”

“Because after Jake, things just haven’t been the same with you. I think you really haven’t had a chance to move on, and a new relationship would really help you out.”

Tanner looked seriously at her through his tired, slits of eyes and she sighed, smacking him with her bag.

“It’s not a big deal. I don’t need a man to make me happy.”

“No, but it wouldn’t hurt to enjoy the dating pool again. You were so caught up in that guy, but he was awful to you from the start. It sucks. And now you’re too scared to try dating again.”

“Who says I’m too scared?” Mel asked, indignant. She pushed her long, dark brown hair back and looked hard at him with her intense blue eyes.

“All right, suit yourself,” Tanner said laughing. “But you are.”

“Come on!”

“I bet you haven’t even gotten laid in like two years.”

She looked at him with her lips pursed and he cracked up laughing. Two years was a long time.

“You know that’s not true.”

“Yeah, well call me crazy but I’m worried about you. I want to see you putting yourself out there more.”

“I’m too busy trying to get word out about the band.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t let some steam off with a guy you like!” Tanner protested. She smacked him with her bag again and he laughed.

“I know. Have you heard of ComeShift?” he asked.

“Come what?”

“ComeShift. It’s this hook up app. It gets you in touch with shapeshifters. I know your try with regular guys didn’t suit you very well. Maybe you need something a little bit different. You’re pretty wild, I think it suits you.”

“Shapeshifters huh? I never thought about it.”

“Of course not. That’s why I’m going to dare you to make a profile right now. Dude, you can do so much better than Jake. Give me your phone.”


Tanner snatched her bag away from her and rummaged through it, pulling her phone out of it. He started typing slowly, clearly still buzzed from the partying they had done. She laughed.

“What are you doing?”

“There,” he said, handing the phone back to her. “I just signed you up.”

“Oh my god, you made my username ‘DancesWithWolves69?’” she cried, smacking him with her bag a third time. He dissolved into giggles.

“Melanie was taken,” he said with a shrug.

“If I didn’t love you so much I’d kill you. You know that right?”

“Yup,” he said.

They lay together in the truck a while longer before she finally felt sober enough to head home. She and Tanner hugged when they parted ways, and she walked through the door of her small apartment.

ComeShift? Who knew what she was in for on a site like that. But she couldn’t deny that she felt a little thrill knowing that she had done something different, and a little dangerous. Everybody knew that the shifters were intense, difficult people. It was in their genetic makeup to break all the rules. But they were also wildly sexy. It was just hook ups. She could use a little steaminess in her otherwise hectic life. Maybe it would be fun after all.

Chapter 3

Weston Randall gazed out the window of his perch in the back of his limo, staring at the little bar. It was a typical New York haunt; small, cozy, and full of life. He’d had his eye on it for a while now, and considered its location as prime. He rolled the window down in his limousine, glancing at the newspaper stand beside the bar. His face was plastered all over the most recent issue of one of the popular magazines, naming him one of New York’s most successful men under 30.

He was proud of himself, though the magazine’s editor had begged them to keep out the fact that he was a shapeshifter. His kind were very controversial, and he thought that people might not relate to a man whose ruthless business sense might come from a no-nonsense and aggressive genepool. He was already seductively handsome. Most men couldn’t compete with that.

Weston had never been ashamed to be a shifter and rarely hid who he was from anybody, but he agreed for the feature’s sake to keep his blood line out of it. The editor had argued that it might be discouraging to humans without shifter blood if they couldn’t relate to him. They all wanted the secret to success, and if the secret was to be a wily bastard and only half human, most of the men reading the article wouldn’t be able to succeed. It was simple business; or so the editor had said. They featured him to sell stories, not to lose readers.

But there he was, sniffing out the joint with his feral wolf’s senses. Something told him that this was a good place to be. At least right at that particular moment. Somebody inside smelled irresistible.

“Wait here for me,” he told his driver. Normally, he wouldn’t be caught dead inside a bar. At least not one outside of the safety of the shifter country clubs that had been built to protect the wealthy shifters from the public eye. But he couldn’t help himself. Something was luring him in.

When he opened the door, he paused. A gorgeous, voluptuous woman was on stage, tuning her guitar. She was radiating the smell that had set his senses to tingling, and he made his way slowly toward the stage, careful to stay out of sight. The interior of the bar was actually quite posh and comfortable. Couples were chatting and dancing to the music on the loudspeakers as the captivating woman set up the stage for her performance.

He took it all in as he watched Melanie, examining the architecture and making mental notes of things he liked and things he might want to change when he bought the place. All the while he kept his eyes and ears on Melanie, who had just finished with her preparations and started to sing.

He was instantly enamored, and took a seat at one of the round, candle-lit tables. It was a nice bar, he decided. Classy but not snobby. He leaned back in his wooden chair, and kept his eyes on the woman’s beautiful face. He especially liked the way her lips moved when she sang, their fullness never leaving his sight. And her smell. He couldn’t get enough.

If she was interested in shifters, he would find out. Most women were intimidated by them, but a few had made it their life’s choice only to date shifter men. He couldn’t peg her preferences from the stage, not when she was putting her all into the music like that, but if she was openly attracted to shifters, he would smell it upon meeting her.

He wasn’t sure he could wait that long to find out. Perhaps she would have a profile on the ComeShift app. It was one of the many ways he had made his fortune, though the editorial had also been vague about this, saying only that he had engineered a popular dating app for smartphones. He found it insulting, but at the same time, Weston was okay with focusing on his other works during the interview. These projects often stayed under the radar of the public eye and he was happy to draw attention to them.

How was he going to find out who she was on the app without a name though? He sighed in frustration. And then, the first song ended and a miracle occurred.

“I’m Mel with the Blue Rangers. Thank you for coming tonight and listening to our stuff.”

The Blue Rangers. Weston typed the name of her band into his search browser, and his phone immediately pulled up the website for her band. Her name was Melanie Fraser. He scrolled through the website as he listened to her set, his mind on one thing and one thing alone – making her his.

He pulled up the ComeShift app and searched her name. He was shocked to discover that she was there, and her account was under the username “DancesWithWolves69.” His heart hammered in his chest as he considered the possibilities. She was interested in shifters. Apparently, specifically the wolves. Like himself.

The band started playing again and his eyes turned from her profile, which was barely filled out, to her face. The gorgeous woman could belt out a song like there was no tomorrow, and her skill on her instrument was astounding. How was she not famous? It baffled him. She must not have had many opportunities to be heard by the right people.

Weston glanced at his watch. It was getting late, and he had planned to meet a few friends at the club for dinner. But they would understand his distraction. Once he had his mind set, he couldn’t let it go.

As the set drew to a close, his sharp green eyes followed Melanie off stage. Before she had a chance to leave, he sent her his invitation. It was one she would be unable to refuse. He smirked to himself, and stirred his drink. Now it was time to play the waiting game.

Chapter 4

Melanie took a long drink of water and felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

“Great job guys,” she said to her band members as they filed past her.

“Hell yeah!” George cried.

“That was awesome,” Tammy agreed.

She watched as her band members left, her body still bristling with excitement. They were all pleased to have landed the gig at the bar. It was a follow up, which made it even cooler. It was nice knowing that they were being appreciated enough to be asked back.

She put her guitar in its case and heaved it over her back, pulling her phone out to check her messages. It wasn’t an ordinary text though. It was her first message from the ComeShift app. She felt a burst of excitement electrify her chest. She hadn’t realized that she was so interested in hooking up with a shifter. But somehow, just seeing that someone had found her profile and was asking about her had deeply aroused her.

Mel walked out to the bar and leaned on the counter as she opened the message. Her hands were trembling, both from the adrenaline of the show and from her excitement. The message was straight and direct, from a man named Wes. His handsome, brooding face was pensive and gorgeous, and she could tell that he was ripped like a god from the tight button-up shirt he was wearing.

“Melanie Fraser. I’m at the bar with you tonight. Let me buy you a drink.”

Her eyes lingered on his picture, and her heart thudded in her chest. He was incredibly handsome. Since Jake had broken up with her, she hadn’t found herself this attracted to another man. But that was just a picture. Who knew if he was going to look just as good in person? But it wasn’t like she was going to get engaged with the guy. It was a hook up app. Hook ups meant casual sex and free drinks.

She swallowed hard. It had been a long time since her arousal had become so physical. Tanner was exaggerating when he said she probably hadn’t been laid in two years, but he was mostly right. It had definitely been a while since the last time she had allowed herself to feel good. She owed it to herself. She had been working so hard lately that it wouldn’t hurt her to have a little bit of fun.

“Okay,” she replied.

Moments later, Weston Randall was standing beside her, holding two drinks in his impossibly strong looking hands. He had the longest and most beautiful fingers she had ever seen on a man, and she couldn’t help but stare at them as he offered her the most expensive drink the bar offered. It was the house special, a twist on a martini, and she felt almost like a celebrity, going off-set and being offered such an extravagant drink by such an exquisite man.

Weston’s jet black hair was combed back off his face, revealing his broad forehead and perfectly sculpted black eyebrows. His golden eyes sparkled down at her, and she found herself immediately drawn to him, as if he possessed some secret to a happy life that she had always been looking for. He exuded charisma and charm, and seemed to represent a lifestyle that she could only dream of.

“Good evening,” he said in a deep, rumbling voice.

“Hi,” she said softly.

They looked each other up and down, both seeming to be pleased with what they had found.

“You have a wonderful voice,” Weston said, pulling out a stool for her to sit on. She took her seat and he stood close to her, his dark amber colored eyes fixed on her. She felt naked in his gaze.

“Thank you,” she said. “How did you know I was here?”

She had mentioned on her profile that she was a musician, and if the man had looked up the gigs her band would be playing then that could mean that he was a creep. Or maybe it had been a stroke of luck on her part. He was flawless. Everything from his face to his muscular body was ideal. Maybe her question really was, “How did you find me and why are you still here?” She felt like he was way out of her league.

“My name is Weston Randall,” he said, ordering himself a drink from the bartender. “I was here checking the bar out and thought I’d see if you might be interested in something a little…less vanilla than other women.”

The lilt in his voice was driving Melanie crazy. He was completely stunning, and the suggestion he boldly made, casually mentioning sex but in such a classy manner, brought a powerful surge of desire to her body. Did he know how he was making her feel? From the look on his wolfish face, he must.

“I…honestly I’ve never tried anything like this before,” she said, her voice nearly a whisper. She was afraid of scaring him away, but she wanted to be honest.

“Oh really?” he asked, his face now glowing with pleasure.

He was even more excited to be speaking with her now. She was beautiful, almost virginal, and she had never been marked by another shifter before. That meant that he would set the standards for her. He hadn’t been with a human woman in a long time, and those who he did hook up with were usually very boring and predictable.

He had a feeling that Melanie was quite different though. He could tell from her smell. He would stop at nothing to have her.

“Yeah,” she said, sipping her drink. She didn’t feel comfortable speaking to him so boldly in front of the bartender, and waited until he moved further away before she continued. “To be honest, I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

“Ah,” Weston said with a handsome grin. Then you’re not going to be very experienced. Is that your concern? Do you think I will find you frustrating?”

Melanie swallowed hard. She had never been so close to someone who exuded such raw sexual energy. It was intimidating in a way, but it also seemed to be putting her under some kind of spell. She was having a hard time concentrating as every word out of his mouth seemed to awaken her from the repressed sexual slumber she had been forcing herself into after her bad relationship with Jake.

“It is a concern,” she said. Her throat felt suddenly dry, and she sipped her martini hybrid for dear life.

“I can assure you that frustration will be the last thing we will be feeling,” Weston said with a smirk.

He took Melanie’s hand, and she found herself unable to resist as he led her outside the bar. As soon as Weston emerged, his driver scrambled out of the car and opened the door of a long black limousine. Weston insisted Melanie step inside, and although she had never been more nervous, she agreed.

Chapter 5

Melanie’s heart dropped when the limo pulled into a vast Manhattan estate. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Vast green lawns and gardens, flowers and ornate statues and fountains. All of that was nothing though when they reached the actual house. She wasn’t even sure she could call it a house; it was some kind of castle or mansion. She didn’t know that anybody still lived in places like this.

“Whoa,” she breathed.”

“Welcome to my home,” Weston said, turning his shimmering golden eyes onto her. Whenever he spoke directly to her like that, it made her heart lurch. There always seemed to be more that he wasn’t saying. Maybe this was typical of shifters. They used body language more often than they used verbal cues to convey messages, which was why so many of them found themselves brawling with human males and unable to tolerate steady relationships with females.

“This is unbelievable,” Melanie exclaimed as he led her out of the limousine and up a winding brick path to the entrance of his manor.

“It’s all right,” Weston said with a grin. “I try my best to earn a living.”

“I can’t believe it,” she whispered as the door of the manor opened to reveal a stunning parlor. A winding spiral staircase led upstairs, and the ceilings were high. She looked up and gasped at the chandelier that was hanging above her head. “I’ve never been somewhere this extravagant.”

“This is nothing,” he said, suddenly in front of her, his wild eyes glowing down at her. “Wait until you see my bedroom.”

Again, that irresistible thrill coursed through her body as Weston casually let her in on the sexual inner workings of his mind. He laced his arm through hers and led her up the staircase, pulling off his jacket and tossing it over the railing of the stairs. A woman immediately emerged and picked it up, scurrying away with it to hide it away in some unseen closet.

“You shouldn’t make them work so hard,” Melanie said, raising her eyebrow up at Weston. He looked down at her in surprise, then glanced at the woman who was rushing to put his coat away.

“They’re compensated generously for it,” he said, though a note in his voice told her that he was now suddenly unsure of himself. This was a good sign as far as Melanie was concerned. He wasn’t heartless, whether he was spoiled and cocky or not.

“That’s good,” she said, trying to keep her voice non-committal. She didn’t want to ruin her chances with him. Her body was on fire and had been since the moment she’d laid eyes on his profile. If she messed it up now, she wouldn’t forgive herself.

He led her down an exquisite hallway, decorated with paintings of people she assumed were Weston’s family. They all shared the dark, seductively good looks of their young heir, who was walking a few paces ahead of Melanie, his lithe body rippling with muscles that made her heart quicken.

“Here,” he said, finally stopping in front of a closed door. “This room is sound-proofed; make all the noise you’d like.”

She opened and closed her mouth, caught off-guard by his directness. She had never met a man like this before, and had always assumed a man who spoke so presumptuously would be an arrogant jerk and a turn off. But she was shocked to find that when he spoke, turning his amber colored eyes onto her, she instantly felt ready for him to satiate the deep longing she had been trying to hide ever since she had seen his picture on the ComeShift app. She had never wanted someone so badly, and the intensity of it was terrifying.


“Don’t worry,” he said, as if he could sense her fear. “Nothing bad will happen to you. I plan to make you feel better than anybody else ever has or ever will.”

Before she could respond, he pulled her into the bedroom, and she gasped. It was gigantic. One wall was lined with bookshelves, and there was a large skylight in the ceiling. The sky was dark and hundreds of shimmering stars shone in. Melanie was used to being in the inner city and hadn’t seen so many stars since she was a child, camping out in northern New York with her family.

“Oh my god…” she said, gazing up into the sky.

“Shifters aren’t happy unless they can sleep under the stars,” Weston said, looking up at the sky. “We’re more animal than man, I would guess.”


She had no words, and when she turned to face him, he was right in front of her, fingering her clothes.

“Take them off,” he demanded.

She felt another surge of excitement electrify her body as his commanding presence stared down at her expectantly. She could feel his energies shifting, responding to her.

Weston stared down at the young woman. The smell that had drawn him to her was overwhelming his senses. He couldn’t help himself when the wolf took control like this. It wanted one thing and one thing only, and now she was going to meet the animal in him. It was what she had wanted, whether she admitted it to herself or not. To be taken by someone who could lose control of human inhibitions, and take her as she was meant to be taken – like an animal.

Melanie’s hands were shaking as she unbuttoned her blouse. Apparently she wasn’t doing it quickly enough because her hands were quickly being pushed away and Weston’s long fingers were tearing it off, buttons flying and scattering everywhere.

“I’ll replace it,” he said, before she could even register what had happened. “You can have three in every color if you like.”

She opened her mouth to reply but all that escaped was a gasp of pleasure as his hot mouth buried into her neck and he pushed her breasts out of her bra. He was thrilled by her curves. His mouth roamed her exposed skin, expertly unclasping the bra as his tongue found the firm mound of her nipple. His hands made their way to her waist and pulled her into his groin, dragging her mound along his erection and igniting waves of intense pleasure deep inside of both of them.

He was moving fast, faster than any man she had ever been with, but it was exactly what she wanted. She didn’t need any time to think. All she wanted was to feel. And she had never felt anything more intensely than she did when Weston pulled her panties off from beneath her skirt, unleashed his pulsing beast, and shoved inside of her without any ceremony.

She cried out in bliss as he forced her walls open with his fervent thrusting, explosive bursts of ecstasy coiling their way around her body as he hammered into her, again and again, his hands and mouth roaming her body as he gratified himself inside of her. Melanie had been waiting so long to be taken like this, so long that it felt like maybe this is always what she had been wanting all along, even with Jake and every other bumbling man she had made the mistake of being with.

But now, her body knew what it meant to be pleasured as this half man, half animal whipped her around his elegant bedroom, tossing her onto his bed and climbing on top of her. He pinned her down with his waist and slid himself slowly out of her, allowing her to catch her breath for a moment as he took in her tremendous beauty. The wolf was telling him to take her, devour her until her scent was all over his room, all over his body. The scent that told him she was his for the taking, she had been ready for him, waiting for this moment for all her life.

He plunged swiftly inside of her just as she was ready to writhe on the sheets and beg him for more. She cried out loudly as he unleashed another torrent of animalistic thrusting inside of her, reveling as her walls hugged and enveloped his shaft, contracting around him as she reached her first orgasm. It would be the first of many, he decided, and looked down into her eyes with a smirk. She stared at him as she shuddered, her pussy clamping around his cock as she came.

The second she started winding down, he was fueled by a new burst of power and flipped her onto her hands and knees, shoving himself hard inside of her. He moaned as he felt her insides, swollen and slippery the fresh, hot wetness of her orgasm. She was close to screaming now as he used her body like a toy, expertly, to gratify them both.

Melanie gripped his headboard as he rammed into her from behind, and she was taken to a new realm of pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt before. He was playing her like a fiddle, and growling as he did so. His raw power just served to enhance her pleasure. She wanted more, and was shocked by her body’s response to him. Usually she was satiated after one round or two, but she felt like the fire in her loins might never stop.

She came hard again as the power that Weston unleashed on her body became impossible to fight. He still wasn’t done with her yet though, and gripped her by the waist, lifting her and flipping himself beneath her. She hovered in the air for a moment as his strong arms held her, feeling empty and writhing for more. She squirmed in his arms until he suddenly pushed her body on top of his immense, powerful cock, pushing her down and around it hard before he started hammering into her as she clutched his chest and fingered his muscular abdomen from on top of his body.

He shuddered and inhaled as she looked down at him, confident and sexy as her body began to move seductively on top of him, taking control of his pulsing member as she maneuvered him inside of her to scratch an even deeper itch, one that she wanted to bask in. Weston’s muscular chest heaved up and down as she teased him, slow and tantalizing, until he was deeper inside of her than he had been yet. She closed her eyes, inhaling softly, and raising and lowering herself against his body. He watched her pleasuring herself on him, doing his best to hold the wolf back, but before long it had become too much.

Melanie squealed in delight and pleasure as Weston lost control and lifted her up off the bed, pinning her against the deep red walls of his bedroom. He stood in front of her, and they stared each other up and down. It was a challenge, Mel knew, and if she looked away, she would be done for. But Weston’s golden eyes shimmered at her, showing no sign of weariness.

She held his gaze as long as she could, her heart hammering in her chest. She wanted to show him just what she was made of, show him that she could hold out longer than he could without his cock inside of her body. But she didn’t just want it anymore. She needed it. The second she broke his gaze to glance down at his massive, swollen member, he gripped both of her wrists in one hand and shoved it inside of her.

She gave a low moan as he brought her to heights she had never imagined possible. Her legs had turned to jelly, and as if he sensed this he lifted her around his waist and held her up with the sheer brute strength of his body as he plunged himself inside of her, again and again, until she was nearly crying with pleasure. Finally, she couldn’t hold back any longer and came hard, flooding his member with her ecstasy.

Weston growled loudly into the air and she felt him tensing up inside of her body, shuddering before unleashing the hot, violent torrent of his load. His eruption was more powerful and lasted longer than any other man’s that she had experienced, and she cried out loud as it enhanced the pleasure of her climax. She could feel the hot liquids pooling between her legs as he pulled himself out of her. They were both panting hard, and he gave her a handsome grin.

“The shower is in there,” he said, gesturing to a door behind her. He flopped onto the bed and watched her with his golden eyes as she reluctantly disappeared.

Chapter 6

Melanie was sore the next day. What had started out as the best sex of her life had quickly turned even better when Weston decided he couldn’t wait for her to come back and surprised her in the shower. She had ended up spending the whole night at his manor, her body being used in every way imaginable.

The man was hot-headed and hard to please for the most part, but in the bedroom, his dominant spirit had proved irresistible. She struggled to focus on her newest round of band flyers, but was interrupted by invasive thoughts of Weston’s perfect body and animalistic appetite. He couldn’t get enough of her and seemed able to sense when his straight-forward attitude toward sex got her hot and bothered. He would respond accordingly, providing them both with an indulgent night of steaming passion that left it almost impossible for her to walk two steps without flinching the next day.

And yet, she was still hungering for more.

As if on cue (she would swear the man truly was psychic), her phone buzzed with an alert from ComeShift. She turned away from her computer screen and immediately checked the message. It was from Weston. Her heart thudded hard in her chest as she considered what he might want to say. Maybe she had left something in his bedroom and he wanted to return it. She only dared to hope that he might want to see her again.

“I have been smelling you all over the manor all day. I am picking you up at 5:00.”

She put her phone down without replying. She knew it should bother her that he was making the plans and calling the shots without even asking her if she wanted to see him. But for some reason, it just made her want to see him even more. She couldn’t wait for 5:00, but she didn’t want to give the impression that she was just some hopeless girl who would follow a man’s orders. Instead, she would wait without replying. Maybe he would feel insecure about treating her like he could just boss her around. But she had the sneaking suspicion that she would probably do anything that he asked of her.

Weston pushed his chair away from his desk and checked his watch. If he was going to see Melanie by 5:00, then they would have to leave now. He had gotten pretty consumed in his work, but it would have to wait. He had other things on his mind, and when Weston Randall wanted something, he got it.

He had been pacing around in his bedroom all morning, the smell of the night before causing him to howl in anguish. He wanted more. Immediately. But she was gone. He had taken her home himself. They both had other lives, surely, but the smell of her was driving him wild. He couldn’t get her out of his head.

He pulled on his jacket and headed out, calling for his chauffer and taking out his phone. She hadn’t replied to his message. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. If she was having second thoughts about being with a shifter, he could change that. If she was interested in seeing somebody else though, he would just have to persuade her that she would never need another shifter on the ComeShift app. Not when she had him.

Finally, the limousine was ready and Weston hopped inside eagerly. He glared out the window impatiently until they were finally in front of her apartment building. He walked inside and took the elevator up to her floor. He anxiously walked through the hallways until he reached her apartment and knocked on her door.

He was there precisely at 5:00, and waited at the door, tapping his foot impatiently. He could hear the soft sounds of movement from inside. He could sense her apprehension, but beneath it, he could smell her lust.

Finally, she opened the door for him, her face wrought with worry and anxiety.

“Weston, I don’t think…”

“You can’t hide what you want,” he said, pushing himself into her apartment and closing the door. “I can smell you, remember?”

His body was so near to hers that he could almost taste her desire. The scent was intoxicating, and the wolf was immediately hungry.


He fixed his golden eyes upon her and she trailed off. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she knew that there was no way she was getting out of this.

“I’ve thought about you all day,” he said, slowly coming toward her, his handsome, pensive face not letting her out of his sights. She swallowed hard, running her hands through her long, dark brown hair.

“I’ve thought about you too,” she admitted.

“That’s what I thought,” he said. He looked around fondly at her modest décor, then turned his eyes back to her. Her face. Her body. “This place smells like you.”

He was hard immediately, his wolf overwhelmed by the power of her scent. He was suddenly no longer in control of himself and gripped her shoulders, kissing her passionately. She moaned, instantly on fire as his middle pressed against hers. Despite how sore she was, she allowed him to take her right there on the floor of her apartment, once, then twice, until they were both almost satisfied.

Chapter 7

They were just starting a fifth round when Melanie’s phone buzzed and vibrated. The ringtone was Tanner’s, and she stopped grinding against Weston, wondering what he might want.

“Who is that?” Weston asked, his face suddenly dark. “It’s a man.”

“How do you know that?” Melanie asked, raising her eyebrow at him.

“The way you reacted. Do you love him?”

“He’s my best friend,” she replied, “so yeah. In a way.”

Weston glowered and smacked the phone away from them, off the end table.

“Don’t answer it,” he ordered. “You’re here with me right now.”

“He’s just a friend,” she said to him, her blue eyes boring into his.

“And I’m your lover,” he retorted. “So get with the loving.”

He shoved himself inside of her again and she groaned, overcome with bliss before she had the chance to pick a fight with him over Tanner. She immediately forgot the conversation as her body was overwhelmed with pleasure again.

When they had finished, she lay against his chest. He was spent for now, but it was hard to tell when her scent might drive him to the edge again. But for the time being, his handsome face was content, and he was lounging on her bed with her body draped over his rippling, muscular abdomen.

“So I saw you on a magazine cover,” she said softly. “I didn’t read the article though. How did you make all that money?”

“I’m a good businessman,” he said with a grin. “And actually, you know that app we met on? I designed it. I make a killing off that.”

“Wow, really? That’s impressive.”

“Yeah, really.”

“Have you hooked up with a lot of women on there?” she asked, trying to keep the jealousy out of her voice. After all, this was just a hook up. It didn’t mean anything. It probably meant nothing to him, at least. Especially if he was the creator of a hook up app.

“A couple,” he admitted. “But none of them have ever awakened the wolf in me to this extent.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” she laughed.

“No, actually I don’t.”

Weston turned his golden eyes onto her and fixed his gaze upon her. She felt frozen in place as the sincerity of what he was saying sunk in. He had never demanded to see the other girls the next day. There was something about her that he thought was special.

“I don’t want you talking to other men,” he said with a pout, looking away from her and folding his arms over his broad chest. “I’m not talking to any other women. And I wouldn’t dare. You’re all I can think about.”

“That’s a little possessive,” she said with a short laugh. “I don’t think we should commit like that until we both know for sure it’s what we want.”

“It’s what I want!” he barked, turning his fiery eyes back to her. She shrank back away from him.

“I’ll think about it,” she said, feeling uncomfortable with the idea. It wasn’t that she didn’t love being with him, but possessive guys were usually bad news. It could sometimes lead to a lot of conflict like it had with Jake, and even abuse. She didn’t want to stand for that and would do her best to avoid it if she saw it coming.

“All right,” he said, rolling to his side and standing up. He wasn’t facing her, and she let her eyes greedily roam his perfect body, his back, down to his ass and muscular legs. He was incredible. “Well, my driver has been waiting outside long enough. I think I should probably go get some work done.”

He pulled on his clothes and she sighed inwardly, wishing he didn’t have to cover up his beautiful body or leave her apartment. But she had things to do too, she realized, and if she got caught up in this wealthy, handsome stranger, she might end up sacrificing her band’s career. That’s not something that she felt willing to do.

After Weston left, she checked her messages. Tanner had simply been curious to find out if she had gotten to hook up with any of the shifter men yet, and told her to call him so they could talk about his new girlfriend. It would have to be a patient woman who stayed with Tanner, who was always partying and looking for government and paranormal conspiracies. She loved him, but she was worried he might never find the girl for him.

She called Tanner back and they chatted briefly. She told him as much as she dared to about Weston, and Tanner was shocked.

The Weston Randall?!” he exclaimed. “I love that guy! He’s the reason I’m writing my book on the government’s attempts to oppress shifters!”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Mel sighed, considering whether or not it would be a good idea to tell Tanner about how possessive her fling had gotten. It might be better to help her friend maintain his illusion.

They spoke a little more about her steamy night with Weston before moving on to the girl that Tanner was dating. They had met in an online forum, which meant that they were both probably into the same conspiracy stuff. That was a relief, but she was worried that her friend had planned a date to meet her that night.

“It’s no different than using a hook up app,” Tanner said with a laugh. “Don’t worry, it will be a meeting in a public place.”

“All right…”

After they hung up, Melanie got back to making the band’s flyers and thinking about Weston. Her body was aching in all the right places, but she wasn’t sure she could handle a man who was so possessive. And yet she couldn’t get him out of her head. Maybe he would plan another date with her. He had gotten serious about her quickly, and she had to admit she was flattered and relieved that he hadn’t been able to get her off his mind. Maybe it would be all right.

It was late before she finally finished the flyers and sent them to Tammy and George for a once over. She fell into her bed, suddenly catching a whiff of Weston’s scent. She didn’t know if it was a cologne or what, but he smelled rich, like cedar trees. It was a rugged scent that drove her wild.

She fell asleep, dreaming of him all night long and the ways he might use her body if given another chance.

Chapter 8

Weston got an alert saying that Mel’s website had posted new content. They were playing a gig at another bar, and since he had finished up his work early, he decided it would be good to reward himself with a chance to relax and listen to Melanie’s incredible voice.

He dressed his best and headed to the bar, his mind single-tracked and anxious for an opportunity to see Melanie again. She drove him wild. She was the only human woman who had ever been able to handle it when he unleashed his full power on her. She not only handled it, but she reveled in it. She loved it when he took her as much as he loved doing it. Never had he met a sexier woman with a more voracious appetite. It was exactly what a wolf needed.

When he arrived at the bar, Weston found a concealed table and watched her perform from afar. He gazed around the room, his eyes narrowed as he took in all the men in the room as they stared at Melanie – his Melanie – and enjoyed her performance. He wasn’t sure he could stand the male attention, but she didn’t give any of them any notice. It wasn’t her that he didn’t trust though. It was other men and what they were capable of.

He’d been with a human woman before, who had a long and tangled up history with human men. They were ruthless and cruel to her, and had taken advantage of her time and again. The stories she had told him were enough to make him furious. He no longer trusted human men. If he was going to be with a woman, he would protect her and make her his alone. No other man would dare to come within arm’s reach of her unless he okayed them first. It seemed dangerous for her to be in such a public space, stared at like this by men who had evil glints in their eyes.

He could smell cruel intentions just as easily as he could smell Melanie’s arousal. Several of the men in the bar were leering at her, imagining in their minds what they would do to her if given half a chance. It had his blood boiling, but he tried to focus on her and forget what he was sensing.

When the set was over, Melanie smiled out at the crowd before disappearing off stage. He met her between the bar with a grin. She was surprised, but he could also sense that she was excited to see him. The mere sight of him seemed to do it for her now, making her hot and unleashing that scent he couldn’t get enough of.

“Weston,” she said, smiling at him.

“Good evening,” he replied with a low bow.

“Hey, your set was incredible,” one of the untrustworthy men who had been in the audience said, interrupting their conversation. It was a man who had blood on his hands, Weston knew. A man who was ruthless and unkind to the gentler sex.

“Thanks –“ Mel started to say, and then she gasped as Weston punched the man square in the face. He flew against the bar and slumped to the floor, knocked out.

“Stay away from her!” Weston roared.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Melanie cried, rushing to the man’s side. “He was just enjoying the show!”

“But he –“

“No, I can’t do this Weston. Not if you’re going to be like this. It’s not right. Get out of here, I don’t want to see you anymore.”

He looked hard at her, hoping for a glimmer of mercy, but she was completely serious. He growled loudly and left the bar. If she wanted to surround herself with dangerous creeps, who was he to stop her?

“To the manor,” he barked to his driver. They drove away from the bar without another word.

Chapter 9

“He did what?” Tanner exclaimed with a laugh. His date with Sandy had gone well and they had chosen to meet up together after the gig. Mel was angry and distraught, but mostly she was hungry. They met at a diner a few blocks from the bar and saw that Sandy was definitely right up Tanner’s alley. She was smart, conspiratorial, and gorgeous.

“I’m serious, he just knocked that guy out for no reason!”

“Actually, shifters always have a reason,” Sandy interjected. “I was with one for a few years…their senses are highly attuned to things we only find out the hard way. Maybe he was just protecting you.”

“Yeah right! He’s just so possessive.”

“Can I see what he looks like?” Sandy asked.

“Sure, I’ll pull up his profile.”

Melanie took her phone out and tried to log into her ComeShift app. She received an error message and then tried again. Finally, a screen popped up saying her account had been permanently suspended.

“Ugh! You see what I mean?! He kicked me off his stupid app. He doesn’t want me to be with anybody else. He just wants all men to stay away from me.”

“Yeah, that can be a little overbearing,” Sandy said with a short laugh. “Shifters are different than us.”

“Yeah, Sandy is an expert! We started talking when I posted on the forum about my book.”

“That’s cool,” Mel said, putting her phone away. She was still glowering though. Who did Weston think he was? Just because things didn’t work out between them didn’t mean that she should be punished so severely.

They chatted a while longer before she decided it would be bad form to intrude on their date any longer. She headed back home to her apartment and showered before climbing into bed. She could still smell Weston there, and although she was furious at him, she wished that he could have just been a little more perfect. She couldn’t help but feel a thrill when she thought about him coming in and having his way with her.

But she had to stay strong. Whether the sex was good or not, she couldn’t get involved with a man who wouldn’t let her have a life of her own. It wasn’t healthy. She would just have to find a way to move on without him.

Weston was furious. He had deleted her account from his app. If she didn’t want to be with him, there was no way he would allow her to meet other shifters through his own service.

She clearly didn’t trust his senses. But that was her own loss. He only wished that he could get her smell out of his house. It was making him anxious.

Weeks went by without word from her, and he found himself feeling angry with himself. It was harder than hell to behave according to human standards. He was always so full of adrenaline and attuned to others in a secret, intimate way that the shifter’s reactions had come to be taboo in their society. Nobody understood their spontaneous violence and intimidating sexual chemistry.

He had never met someone who caused him to respond in such a physical, raw way. No other women had ever invoked the wolf in him so casually, and handled it in such a sexy manner.

Maybe he could try to make it up to her somehow. He picked up his phone.

“Get me Jonas Neil,” he said to his secretary.

“Right away, sir,” she replied. Within minutes he was speaking to Jonas, one of the most successful talent agents in the music industry. He told him about Melanie and her band, and they agreed to meet that evening at her latest gig. He was still following her band’s website, and felt a small thrill at the idea of helping her with the one thing she loved to do the most.

Chapter 10

The set ended and Mel was cashing in on her free drink from the bar. Tammy and George had already left, and she was feeling a little bit lonely. Suddenly, Weston was there. And beside him was a blonde man with a bright smile. He reminded her of a car salesman.

“What do you want?” she asked Weston.

“This is Jonas Neil,” Weston said. “He can represent your band.”

“I don’t need your help!” she cried. “If I get successful, I want it to be because of my own hard work. Not as some pathetic attempt to get back on my good side.”

“Ouch,” Jonas laughed. “He didn’t tell me to like you, he just told me I should listen.”

“Whatever. Thanks anyway, Mr. Neil,” Mel said, storming out of the bar.

Weston and Jonas exchanged looks and Weston sighed.

“I’m sorry about this,” he said, walking away from Jonas. “Better luck next time.”

Jonas smiled and shrugged as Weston followed Melanie, who had disappeared out into the night.

“Hey pretty girl,” a gaunt, pockmarked man said, stepping in front of Melanie. She had wandered out into the alley and somehow got herself right in the middle of the raunchy crowd who had been leering at her throughout the whole gig. She pretended not to notice, but the men had been extremely creepy. One of them was the man that Weston had punched during one of her other gigs.

“Where are you heading?” another man asked, grinning cruelly at her.

“That was quite a show you put on,” a third man said as they closed in on her. “Mind giving us a private one?”

“Get away from me,” Melanie cried, turning away and trying to run. She ran right into two other men, who grabbed her by the arms.

“She’s ours now,” the man to her left sneered.

“Let go!” she cried.

Suddenly, a shriek pierced the air. But it wasn’t Melanie’s voice. It was the man who had her right arm. She was suddenly released and fell back onto the pavement as a black streak leapt past her. She squinted her eyes and gasped as she saw a giant black wolf, his fur glimmering silver in the moonlight. She recognized him immediately as Weston.

The wolf lunged at the men, knocking them off balance and tearing viciously at them. Three of the men ran away, but two thought they could outsmart him. Weston lunged at them, tearing their throats out. He stood panting over their bodies before slowly walking away. Melanie stared after him as he walked down the narrow alley, disappearing into the shadows as he began shifting back into his human form.

Suddenly, she remembered what Sandy had said. Shifters had a different way of perceiving the world. He had always been able to tell how she really felt, so maybe he could tell how others truly felt as well. Their true intentions might be more clear to him than they were to her.

She scrambled to her feet and chased after Weston.

“Weston,” she panted, finally catching up to him. He turned to her, fixing his glowing golden eyes onto hers.

“Are you all right?” he asked her.

She stared at him her heart hammering in her chest. She nodded and looked him up and down. After his shapeshifting, he was completely naked, his perfect, muscular body rippling and illuminated by the soft silver moonlight.

Suddenly, the fire that he had ignited within her was kindled again, and his eyes shimmered knowingly as she looked up at him, biting her bottom lip.

“You can tell…about good people and bad ones…” she said, slowly approaching him, her heart thudding heavily in her ears. She had been so afraid she might never get a chance to set things right with him, and now that he was there…

“Yes,” he said. “I just want to protect you. I follow my instincts. That’s just how it is.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “I’ve missed you so much.”

She expected him to answer, but instead, he leapt toward her, running his hands up and down her curves. Her body was ablaze with longing. She had somehow been able to stay away from him for this long, but now she could resist him no longer.

He slipped her panties from beneath her dress and ran his hands down her curvy body. He held her ass firmly in place and she felt his cock stiffen against her thigh. She moaned softly and felt the rush of hot fluid ready her for him to enter.

He didn’t wait. The second he smelled her ready herself for him, he lost all control and shoved himself inside of her. Melanie groaned deeply as he pushed the full length of himself inside of her, pinning her against the brick wall of the alley and taking her urgently. They had both been dreaming of another experience like this, and she closed her eyes as her body was stuffed again and again by his enormous, pulsing member. She could feel his every vein sliding against her sensitive walls and shuddered, just on the brink of climax.

“Already?” he teased with a whisper.

She grinned up at him and he shoved himself hard inside. It pushed her to the brink of her orgasm and she cried out loud, her body quaking and contracting around his swollen cock. He growled, finally letting himself shudder and spasm with a powerful orgasm. She closed her eyes as she was filled with his hot seed, and quaked around him as he pounded into her until he was completely done unleashing his load inside of her.

They panted together against the brick wall, and he took her hand, leading her down the alley and into his limousine. He ducked inside quickly before anybody saw that he was naked and he pulled her inside.

“We’re going back to the manor to try that properly now,” he whispered into her ear. She shuddered against him and leaned her head on his broad shoulder. He had proven himself, protected her, and done his best to make her life better. She couldn’t imagine her life with another man, and they rode in silence, both of them grateful that they finally had each other.




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