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Desired By Dragons by Scarlett Grove (25)

Chapter 5

As soon as Tabby left, Oro took his bag of equipment out to the balcony of the hotel. Juan Norte’s compound was right across from the resort, and he had an unobstructed view from his balcony. Oro’s telescope had x-ray vision and could see through the walls of the compound. It also had a way of analyzing genetic signatures, so he could track Juan Norte’s movements.

For the first half an hour that he watched, Juan remained in a second floor room. He could see the furniture within the room and knew there were also additional men inside with him. With Oro’s stealth ability, he could shift and fly over to the compound, sneak through the window, and take Juan out in a single blow. Unfortunately, the man never seemed to be alone. Oro would have to devise a new strategy if he wanted to take this man out as soon as possible.

His inner dragon wouldn’t stay quiet, and Oro feared what would happen if he shifted before claiming his bride. If a Draconian’s mating impulse was not satisfied, he would slowly lose his mind. His dragon would deteriorate into madness from his need. Having his mating impulse begin while he was on this important mission was far from ideal. He hadn’t even had the opportunity to become fully acquainted with his woman.

After she’d left, he regretted that fact immensely. Her absence tugged at his heart and his loins. His dragon roared that he was an idiot for letting her out of his sight for an instant. What if something happened to her? She had seemed concerned for her safety and he had ignored it.

He growled. He couldn’t be distracted now. The techno-drug kingpin needed to be taken out. Millions of human lives hung in the balance. General Shin had trusted him with this important mission, and he would not fail. Even if his every thought was absorbed in the cute, curvy little woman named Tabby Wilson. Just the thought of her made him hard.

He swore in Draconian and packed up his equipment. He needed to get a closer look at the compound and take calculations of the environment and behaviors of the humans within. If things went according to plan, he would take out Juan Norte before night fell and would spend the rest of the evening with his bride. Usually, when a human was matched with a Draconian, it was required that she stay on board the armada.

Since commandos like Oro had such important missions on Earth, the rules had been bent for them. Oro hadn’t even thought about it when he had taken Tabby with him. It may have been the wrong decision. He couldn’t change it now.

At least the little woman had a comfortable place to stay. When she returned from her shopping trip, she would find him gone. He regretted that, too. There was nothing he could do to change it. He had to get a closer look at the compound so he could predict the movements of the men within. If he had a reliable opening, when Juan Norte was alone, he would swoop in and take the man out.

He hurried down the stairs and out the back exit of the resort. He circled around the exterior fence of the resort and came to a place where he had an excellent view of Juan Norte’s gated compound. The sun was beginning to tip towards the horizon, filling the sky with orange and pink hues. Earth was a lovely place that had given rise to lovely people, and it was his duty to protect both the humans and their planet.

He took out his scope and examined the compound. His target was still surrounded by half a dozen men. Even if it took him a few seconds to take out the human guards, it could give Juan the chance to enter the control code into his computers.

Draconians had been studying the effects of the techno-drugs for some time now. They knew that Juan had mind control over the people who had become addicted to his drugs. He could make them self-destruct or turn them into a zombie-like army that could take out even more innocent human lives. Oro refused to let that happen.

As the sun went down, he continued to inspect the compound, using his equipment to analyze the movements of the humans within. Even when Juan went to sleep, he had guards at his door. Seeing that the man was alone, at least within his bedroom, Oro decided that now was the time to strike.

He put his equipment away and flicked the button at the base of his neck that made his uniform contract. He was ready to shift, but checked his scope one last time. The shape of a female form opened the bedroom door and climbed into bed with the target. Damn. It was imperative that Juan be alone when Oro struck. The consequences of failing to do that were far too dire to take any chances.

He watched the man and woman through his scope for several moments. It was obvious that they were mating. The sight of it, even in his x-ray vision, reminded him of the woman who waited for him back in his own room.

Standing naked in the cool Arizona night, his cock stiffened with need at the thought of his mate. He needed to get back to her now and began the mating process. Even if he wanted to take her now, the woman’s body could not accommodate a Draconian phallus without proper preparation. She could be injured if he went too fast. That meant he had to take his time with her, slowly open her like a ripening flower, before he could shoot his seed inside her and grip her neck with his sharp teeth to give her the mating bite.

As much as he wanted to complete the mating with his human woman, it was all a distraction from his mission. He flicked the base of his neck and his uniform covered his naked flesh. Oro picked up his bag of equipment and hurried back inside the resort. A few moments later, he was striding down the hallway toward his door. What would she say when he reappeared? He had left her alone for many hours. Would she be angry or irritated? He didn’t know all that much about human women, but his Tabby had already shown her dissatisfaction with the arrangement. He did not wish to upset her any further and planned not to if it were within his power to prevent it.

He slowly pushed open the door and walked into the dimly lit living room of the suite. She was nowhere to be seen. She must have already gone to bed.

He could smell her scent permeating the space. It wrapped around the base of his skull and made his dragon scratch against the back of his eyeballs. Oro squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples, trying to drown out the sound of his dragon’s screams.

He set his bag on the coffee table and slowly walked towards the bedroom door. It was closed so he pushed it open. The smell of her body hit him hard and his eyes rolled back in his head. It would take every ounce of self-control he had not to claim her now. He moved to the bed, seeing her form under the blankets.

He retracted his uniform and slid under the blanket beside her. His erection was painfully hard and throbbed angrily to be buried deep inside his woman’s wet hot softness.

He leaned towards her and took a deep breath of her neck. It was pure heaven and pure hell. It felt like a drug that would drive him mad. He ran his hand up her thigh and over her head, gripping her waist. She stirred in her sleep and turned towards him. He could see her eyes open in the dimly lit room.

“You’re back,” she said in a groggy voice.

“I’m back for you,” he growled.