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Enemy of Magic (Dragon's Gift: The Protector Book 4) by Linsey Hall (10)

Chapter Ten

The Valkyrie’s gaze landed on me.

“Finally, you have arrived.” Power resonated in her voice.

I glanced at my friends, which was dumb, because obviously she was speaking to me. But it was entirely disconcerting to have that much power focused solely in my direction. “Yes. I’m seeking answers about how to save the dragons from Drakon.”

She smiled and inclined her head. “You have come to the correct place. I am Hildr. I have been waiting to deliver my message to you for a thousand years.”

Wow.” Immediately, I wanted to take back the inane statement. But really. Wow.

“Wow, indeed.” Hildr smiled. “To save the dragons, you must first understand their true nature. Do you think that you do?”

“No. Not even close.”

“But you are a FireSoul.”

“I know. But I don’t know how I became one or what it means.” None of the FireSouls that I’d ever met understood. All of the other magical powers were inherited traits. Not being a FireSoul. But no one knew why. “And all I know about dragons is that they are fierce, huge warriors.”

Hildr looked at my friends. “Do you know anything about the nature of dragons?”

They, too, shook their heads.

She smiled, almost sad. “How the world has changed. We understood, in my time. But it has been a thousand years. I have watched the world from Valhalla. Watched as the dragons went underground and the world forgot them. Now their legend is lost to time. They’ve become mythical beasts, but their true nature—the most important thing about them—is buried in the mists of the past. But it is more disappointing than I realized.”

I wanted to apologize, but I couldn’t speak for the world. “What happened to them?”

Who happened to them, is what you should ask. And why.” Her gaze turned distant. “Long ago, dragons flew freely. Humans could not see them, for they were made of pure magic, but supernaturals could. There were many. Dozens, all over the world, flying through the sky, as big as the great hall at Valhalla. Their magic covered the world. It fueled the rest of the supernaturals, giving us our strength.”

“What do you mean?”

Her voice lowered, carrying power with it. “‘For all the magic of the world is housed within the dragons.’” She blinked, as if coming out of a trance. “That was part of the prophecy that you learned, but it had been lost long ago.”

“Are you saying that all supernaturals’ magic comes from dragons?” Ares asked.

“I am. Not just the magic of FireSouls, but the magic of mages, weres, vampires, and the fae. Everything came from the dragons. They are the source of our magic, sharing it with us so that we may be more than human.”

“How do we not know that?” That was huge. “Most people think that magic is innate. It exists, just like hydrogen or gold.”

“We Valkyrie have hidden that information. It is too dangerous to be in the hands of the greedy. As our story will now prove. A thousand years ago, during my time, a great evil rose. A man, an ancient immortal who wanted all of the world’s magic for himself.”

I shivered. “Drakon. He really is ancient.”

“Yes. He hunted the dragons for centuries, learning about them and creating his plan. Six hundred years ago, after much practice, his power came to full strength. He found a way to steal the magic from the dragons. And he succeeded, in part, killing many of them and taking their power.”

Bastard. “That’s why he looks like a shadow dragon.”

“Yes. He was so successful that it became clear he would stamp out all the dragons in the world. And if he succeeded in that, then every supernatural on Earth would lose their power, because Drakon would not share.”

“Oh, shit.” Losing your magic was almost a fate worse than death. It felt like someone had stolen your soul. Suddenly, there was so much more at stake. Not just the dragons, but the soul of every supernatural on Earth. “What happened?”

“The Valkyries—my sisters and I—put a spell on the last living dragons, hiding them. Buying them time to recoup their strength. Dragons are a communal society, you see. With so many of their brethren dead, they were weaker. Too weak to fight Drakon and recover what he had stolen from them.”

“The magic of their brethren?”

“Yes. Though their kin were gone, they could not let Drakon keep their magic. However, they were too weak to fight. So the Valkyrie hid them, concealing them with a spell while they slept. But before they went to their slumber, the dragons each imparted a piece of their soul to special individuals throughout the world. They chose the bravest and the most honorable. It was their way of keeping their magic alive and active.”

“Oh my gosh—” My jaw dropped. I snapped it shut. “Do you mean us? Is that how FireSouls were created?”

“Yes. The FireSouls keep the dragons’ spirits alive—their magic alive—while they sleep. They are the dragons’ tether to the world.”

“Then if all the FireSouls die, so do the dragons,” I said.

“Yes. That is why there are many of you, though not as many as there once were. But three of you are the most important.”

“The Triumvirate.”


“The dragons have been gone almost five hundred years. But I’m a fraction that old. How did they give me their soul hundreds of years after they went to sleep?”

“You are reincarnated, as all FireSouls are. Your soul has been joined to a dragon’s for hundreds of years.”

My legs weakened. Wow. I’d had no idea I was a reincarnate. They were rare. “So Drakon is seeking the last of the dragons to steal their power.”

“Yes. It’s taken him centuries to track them down and find them. And to find how to take the last of their power. The remaining three dragons are the strongest that ever lived. He needed time to find them.”

I nodded, swallowing hard. “How do I save them?”

“You must stop him from stealing their power. He is not a FireSoul who can steal magic, so he must use a complex spell. If it is the same one that he used before—which it likely is—then it is the Encapsulata Theiva curse. It takes great strength and great sacrifice.”

“How does it work?” I asked.

“It’s a combination spell. One that freezes the victims before sucking out their magic. It appears as a dome of dark smoke. Once trapped by this smoke, you cannot move.”

Recognition tugged at me. Oh no.

“It is all powered by a magical power source and conduit. This is what allows him to take the magic for his own. But one must have enormous power to put this plan into motion, as well as have the power source and conduit.”

“What do you mean by power source and conduit?” Ares asked.

“There are many things that could work. Ancient artifacts imbued with great magic, for one. You will have to find what he is using to understand. Oftentimes, it’s hidden near the magical dome that freezes the victims. It has to be, to funnel the power.”

Magical dome that freezes the victims. Understanding dawned, dark and horrible in my mind. “He’s stealing the magic from the people of Elesius.”

Everyone’s head turned toward me.

“What do you mean?” Del asked.

My heart thundered in my ears, blood rushing through my veins. “That’s what he’s doing to my village. He isn’t just freezing them. It’s not just a ploy to catch us. It’s to take their magic.”

I dragged in a ragged breath, so appalled I almost couldn’t fathom it. Losing ones magic was like losing one’s soul. It was enough that I had taken all the plant magic. This spell would steal the magic of the individuals as well, leaving them as half the people they had once been. It would leave a gaping hole that would feel like part of their soul had been stolen.

“This is your home village?” Hildr asked.

I nodded. “Two days ago, I went to visit and found a smoky black dome like the one you are speaking of. I think he’s doing exactly what you say.”

“That is very possible. And he may be trying to weaken you. Your magic comes from Elesius. If he steals it all, then you would be left with so much less.”

“I thought I’d already taken all the magic from Elesius. The plants there are so dead.”

Hildr shook her head. “The whole place is tied to you. If he succeeds, it will hurt you as well.”

I scowled. “That bastard is efficient.”

“And intelligent. And evil. You must defeat him. You and Drakon were meant to clash. You are the last defense for the dragons, but you are also the tool by which they can be destroyed.”

“How will he use us to destroy the dragons?” I asked.

“It is related to stealing their power, but the details…I do not know. Nor do I know exactly how you are meant to save them other than keeping him from stealing their power. But you have a weapon to help you.”

“I do.” I withdrew the sword from the sheath at my back. “It was given to me by Laima, the Latvian goddess of faith.”

A smile stretched across Hildr’s face. “I know Laima well. It’s been a millennia since we’ve spoken, but we were friends once.” She inspected my blade with keen eyes. “You will use that to destroy the threat to your village. It is a cancer that must be destroyed from the inside, and only that blade can manage the task.”

“What do you mean, a cancer from inside?”

“Only that. You will know when you see it.”

Oh, man. That was clear as mud. “Is there anything else that you can tell us? Where are the dragons?”

“They are resting in the tallest mountain in Norway. High above the clouds and deep below the magma.”

“What does that mean?”

“That is all that I can share. Fate be with you, Phoenix Knight. We are depending upon you. What the Valkyries started, you must finish.”

No pressure. My mind raced for more questions. But the air shimmered and Hildr disappeared, leaving me with no one to ask.

* * *

We had to climb down the mountain in the dark because Ares’s transportation magic wouldn’t work near the ancient stave church. No wonder—I couldn’t imagine the Valkyries wanting people to pop out of nowhere with no warning. I just hoped we wouldn’t have to go all the way back to the entrance of the fjord. The glow from Ares’s hands lit the way down, gleaming on the snow. Wind whipped past us, howling in the dark. It was an eerie trek, and I sighed with relief when we reached the bottom.

I shivered and turned to Ares. “Will your magic work here?”

“I think so.” He held out his hand, and I took it.

“I’ll wait with Roarke,” Del said.

Ares nodded, then called upon his magic. The ether sucked us in, and gratitude welled in me. Thank fates we didn’t have to make our way back across this treacherous land.

The afternoon sun shined high overhead when we reached Magic’s Bend. Though there was a winter bite in the air, it was nothing compared to the whistling cold of the Norwegian winter. It was nearly balmy here.

I sagged, relieved to be home. “Thanks for the ride.”

“Anytime.” He grinned. “Be right back.”

“I’ll meet you at P & P.”

He disappeared and I walked down the street toward P & P, hoping my favorite chair would be empty. The golden warmth of the cafe welcomed me as I pushed open the door and stepped inside. Music played on the speakers. Ghoston Road, I thought Connor had once called it. As usual, my chair was empty. I suspected that Connor or Claire had enchanted it. They were cool like that.

Connor looked up from behind the counter and grinned. “Any luck?”

“Some.” I didn’t say more since there were a few patrons on the other side of the cafe, enjoying coffee and their books.

“What’ll you have?” Connor asked.

“A double-boosted latte and whatever you have with cheese.”

“Cheese quiche and a latte coming right up.”

“Thank you. You’re a hero.” I tugged off my jacket and collapsed into my favorite seat, leaning my head back against the chair. Though I didn’t normally experience jetlag from my cross-world jaunts, this time I was ready for bed. And it was only three in the afternoon. There would not be time for that, however.

Sighing, I pressed my fingertips to the comms charm at my neck. “Cass, you there?”

“Yeah, where are you? We should talk.”

P & P.”

“Cool. We’ll be there soon.”

I cut the connection just as the door swung open and cool air rushed in. Ares, Del, and Roarke entered, making a beeline for me. They tugged off their jackets and sat.

Connor came over, carrying a tray with my quiche and latte. He smiled at the newcomers. “Hey, guys, what’ll it be?”

I ate quickly while they ordered, ravenous. Connor wrote down their requests and left.

“Cass and Aidan will be here soon. We can do a recap,” I said.

The door opened at that moment, and Cass and Aidan walked in, hair disheveled and foreheads slightly bruised.

“What happened to you guys?” I asked.

Cass flopped into a seat, shoving her red hair back from her battered face. “Well, we slammed into some kind of magical wall while looking for Alton.”

I frowned. “That’s not good.”

“Nope.” Cass shook her head. “When I transported, I couldn’t get there. Slammed right into a wall.”

“That’s strange. Do you have any idea why?” Ares asked.

“Protection charm of some sort, we think,” Aidan said. “Though I’ve never seen the likes of it.”

“Which means it’s freaking rare.” I frowned. If it was security related, Aidan would know.

“We’ll figure it out,” Cass said. “What about you. How did Norway go?”

Del chuckled. “About how you’d expect Norway to go. Everything was bigger than life, including the magic. And it was cold.”

“It’s been a long two days,” I said. “But we did get to meet a Valkyrie.”

Cass grinned. “Very badass. They’re super rare.”

“Yeah. She was awesome. Though the news she shared was not.” My stomach turned, thinking of my village. I explained everything that Hildr had told us, down to the last detail.

“Oh, shit, I’m sorry about your village,” Cass said.

“Don’t be. We’ll save them,” I said. “We just have to find that power source and the conduit. And Alton. We can’t forget about him.”

“This is the worst timing,” Del said. “We need all our forces on Nix’s problem, but we can’t ditch a friend.”

“Definitely not,” I said. “The FireSouls have always come to our aid.”

“Which means we now need to divvy up our resources and come up with a plan,” Ares said.

I leaned back in my chair, sipping my latte. What to do first? I looked at Cass. “Why don’t you try taking me and Del to the place where you think Alton is? Maybe we’ll be able to recognize something.”

“Sure. Though I suggest a hockey mask.”

I grinned, then stood. “Let’s do it now.”

Cass nodded and joined me. Del stood as well. I glanced at everyone else. “We’ll be right back.”

I reached for Cass’s hand. Del wrapped her arm around Cass’s waist so that Cass could cover her face with her arm. Del and I mirrored the movement, and Cass dragged us into the ether.

I slammed into something hard and fell on my butt. As I got my wits about me, something familiar tugged. I opened my eyes to see the familiar dark grey dome that covered Elesius. “Crap.”

I turned, looking for Cass and Del. They were climbing to their feet.

Cass’s eyes were wide. “We didn’t see this before. We just slammed into a barrier and were spat back out into Magic’s Bend.” She approached the barrier, lifting a hand.

“Don’t!” I grabbed her shoulder. “That’s the barrier that’s freezing Elesius.”

Cass turned to me. “This is your home?”


“No wonder we couldn’t make it before. We couldn’t cross over the barrier into Elesius when we tried to find you last week.”

Del nodded, understanding glinting in her eyes. “But we can at least come here now because we’re with Nix. And we’re on the outskirts.”

I searched the woods, the familiar huge trees towering around me. These weren’t dead like the ones in Elesius, though they didn’t look as healthy as normal trees. We were in the forest, away from town. The dome was huge, covering not just the city but the surrounding terrain as well.

“So Alton is somewhere in this forest,” I said.

“But why?” Cass asked.

“I have no idea.” I shivered, not liking that this was all part of the same terrible plot. “But it’s no coincidence.”

“Nope.” Cass frowned. “We need to get started on our search, but this area is huge. I don’t feel him nearby.”

“Neither do I. My dragon sense feels weird. Scrambled, almost.”

“Do you think it’s the magic in the dome?” Del asked.

“Could be. Something is way wrong with this forest. Can you guys feel it?” I asked.

“Yeah, feels dark.” Del spun around, eyes wide. “Did you hear that?”

The trees rustled. Hair stood up on my arms. A shadow darted amongst the trees twenty meters away, coming closer. To my left, thudding footsteps sounded. They were fast, and it was more of a gallop than that of a person walking. My eyes darted frantically, searching for both threats. I caught sight of the massive four-legged beast to the right. It had huge horns and looked a bit like a wild pig. A Boarhunde. To the left, a shadowy dark figure raced through the trees, white fangs gleaming in the dark. I’d never seen his kind before. And I didn’t want to see any more. Both charged toward us, coming from different directions.

I raced toward Cass. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Hell, yeah.” She grabbed Del and me, gripping tightly.

The ether sucked us in, throwing us across space. We stepped out in Magic’s Bend, right in front of P & P. I sagged.

Del looked at us, eyes wide. “What the hell were those things?”

“Monsters of some kind.” I drew in a shuddery breath.

“Did you know they lived near your town?” Cass asked.

“I had no idea.”

We hurried into P & P. Ares, Aidan, and Roarke all stood, concern creasing their brows.

“You look like you saw a ghost,” Ares said.

“More like monsters.” I described what I’d seen, the enormous creature that had looked like a giant boar with massive horns and the shadowy creature that had looked like a nightmare version of a vampire.

“Hmmm.” Ares rubbed his jaw and sat.

We all followed suit. My breathing was finally starting to calm.

“So this means that Alton is somewhere on the outskirts of your village. Which is no coincidence,” Ares said.

“Exactly. Drakon has something to do with his abduction,” I said.

“And we have to search the perimeter, but there are monsters,” Cass said.

“A security measure, perhaps,” Aidan said. “To make it difficult to find and interfere with what Drakon has planned.”

“Makes sense.” I leaned back in my chair, thinking. “We can’t search on foot. We’ll be too slow. We need off-roading vehicles.”

“None of yours will work, then,” Cass said.

“No.” Mine were road-only, sports cars built for speed and not crazy terrain. “But I do know a couple people who could help.”

Ares’s gaze met mine. “Bree and Ana, from Death Valley?”

“Exactly. Their vehicles are built for rough terrain, and they’ve got the skills.”

“Do you have the magic to transport the vehicles there, though?” Ares asked.

I nodded. I hadn’t yet shown him my trove, or the cars that were on the roof of the factory building, but I knew a guy who could transport large objects like that. “We have to go find them.”

“Do you think they’d do it?” Cass asked.

I thought about the tough, danger-loving girls who reminded me so much of Cass, Del, and me. “For the right price, yeah.”




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