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Fairytale Shifters by Alexa Riley (5)

Chapter 5


I flip the lock on the door and turn the sign to ‘Closed’. It’s Friday night, and we’ve had a great day. There were a lot of people stopping by the bakery on the way out of town. Something must be in the air, because it feels like everyone is clearing out. Halloween is tomorrow night so maybe people have plans. There aren’t many places to stay that are close to the national park, so anyone visiting for the day would have to leave in the early evening in order to make it to the next town at a decent hour.

Gwen and I made lots of goodies all morning, and almost everything sold. I wanted to take Gwen up on her offer to go get a drink tonight, and I’m even more excited because it’s been a day to celebrate. There still weren’t any locals, but I’m trying not to dwell on it or let it get me down. Gwen keeps telling me to be patient.

I take one last look out the window before reaching up to pull the shade. I see Dominic talking to someone across the street. Almost as if he senses my stare, he turns, meeting my eyes. From this distance I can barely make him out, but suddenly I see his eyes brighten. It’s almost like they’re glowing. They’re doing that weird thing they did last night. I swear, the sunsets in this place cause people’s eyes to go funny.

The more I stare at him, the stronger the pull is to him. I don’t understand what is wrong with my body. All day it has felt as if my skin has been charged with electricity. I’m so sensitive and tingly all over. I kept rubbing my arms, feeling the hairs on them rise up like I was chilly, but I didn’t feel cold. I’m having the same feeling now. Something inside me wants to open the door and bolt into Dominic’s arms.

I shake off the idea and pull the shade fast, shielding me from his view. I turn around and smile at Gwen behind the counter. Maybe she knows what’s going on.

“Does it feel to you like everyone is getting out of town?”

She makes a non-committal humming sound and goes back to wiping down the counters.

“Seriously. It feels like something’s in the air. Didn’t you notice how all the tourists just bolted this afternoon? It’s almost like something is pushing them out.”

She looks up from the counter and shrugs her shoulders. “I think people are just trying to get out before the weekend. I’m planning on getting out of here first thing in the morning.”

“Really? Why? You didn’t say anything earlier.”

“Oh, no big reason. Just going to visit a friend in Bryson Peak. And it’s that time of the month.” She mumbles the last part under her breath and turns to head to the back.

God, her periods must be bad if she’s got to go stay with a friend when she gets it. Oh well, not my business.

I walk to the back with her and help clean up the kitchen. Once we’re finished, we close the register, lock up the back, and go upstairs to my apartment to get ready.

“God, I would love a place like this,” Gwen says when she walks in.

“I’m actually hoping I can get a new place soon. This just isn’t as isolated as I wanted. Hey, maybe if it works out you can rent it. You live with your brother, right?”

“Oh my God, that would be amazing! I would love to have a place of my own. The way he hovers over me is ridiculous.”

“Well, I’ll keep that in mind if I decide to move.” I go over to my closet and start flipping through clothes. I look over and see Gwen stripping down, clearly not shy about her body. I wouldn’t be either if I had her figure. Big perky boobs with a slim body; who would want to cover that up? Hell, I’d probably run around naked if I were her. “What did you bring to wear?”

“I wanted to go with something fun so I brought my leather pants and spiked heels. I’ve got two shirts, but I don’t know which one to wear.”

“I’ll probably just wear a dress,” I say, going through my rack of clothes. “I’m so short most pants are too long. Which one do you think?” I pull out two dresses, one navy and one dark purple.

“Oh, the navy would look great with your hair,” Gwen says, standing there naked and holding up two shirts. “Should I go with the crop top to show off my belly, or with the tank top to show off my tits?”

I can’t help giggling, thinking she’s really wanting to get wild tonight. I bet her brother doesn’t even know she’s going out. “Go with the stomach. If mine was flat I don’t think I’d ever wear a whole shirt again. I would just cut the bottoms off all of them.”

“Are you kidding me? I’d kill for your curves. Men love a woman they can hold on to. Meanwhile, I have zero ass and chicken legs.”

I just shake my head, smiling. “I guess we all want what we don’t have.”

I go to the bathroom, choosing to be a bit more modest. My navy dress is perfect for a cool fall night. It has a cowl neck and hangs off one shoulder, showing off my neck and collarbone. It clings to my body and comes down to about mid-thigh. I’ve got knee-high dark brown boots to wear with it, so it’s comfortable, but I still feel cute.

Thankfully, my curly red hair is somewhat manageable today and hangs down my back without looking ratty. I apply a little make-up, thinking I might as well go all out and put on bright red lipstick.

Once I’m finished I step out of the bathroom, and Gwen whistles at me. I feel my face heat, and I’m sure my cheeks are as red as my hair.

“Thanks,” I manage to mumble as I look Gwen up and down. She straightened her blonde locks and put on some heavy eye make-up. Her cropped shirt reads ‘I Love Dracula’ across the chest, and her black leather pants fit her like a second skin. She’s got on a pair of blood red spiky heels that I would kill myself in, but she looks like a rock star in them. “Damn, girl. You’re smoking hot!”

“Thanks, chica. I doubt I’ll find the one tonight, but it can’t hurt to try.”

“The one? You mean you’re looking for a husband?”

“Something like that.” She winks at me, grabbing her clutch off my bed. “You ready?”

We choose to walk to the closest bar so we don’t have to drive. We head out the front door and walk about a block to the Wolf’s Den.

Gwen seems to have a bounce in her step, and I look over at her and see her beaming.

“Are you excited about going to the Wolf’s Den?” I ask.

She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder and giggles. “Oh girl, you have no idea. You’re going to love it.”

“Have you been there a lot?”

“No, my brother would kill me if he knew I was going here tonight.”

I smile, already having that suspicion. “Then why do you think I’ll love it?” I ask as we get to the front door of the bar.

Gwen reaches over, grabbing the handle and opening the door for me. “Just trust me. You’ll have a good time.”

* * *

“Have a good night,” I say for the fifth time in a row. As soon as we walked in, Gwen sat me down at the bar and told me she was going to shoot pool. I can see her from here, and she waves over at me every now and then before going back to her game with a few guys. I thought this was supposed to be a girls’ night, but instead I’m kind of on my own. I say ‘kind of’ because every minute since I’ve been here, men have been coming up to say hello. I’m surprised at the attention, but I’m even more surprised at how fast they get up and leave when I tell them I own the bakery.

I’ve been slowly drinking a beer, not really wanting to get too tipsy on my own. I know Gwen is here, and she seems to know everyone, but I don’t know how much longer I can take this. As I think about getting up, I feel someone else sit down beside me.

“I own the bakery, so go ahead and go.”

“I’m well aware, and I’m not going anywhere.”

At the sound of Dominic’s voice, my body goes soft. It’s like his presence melts everything away, and I’m just a puddle of need. What is going on with me? Every time I’ve thought about him today, I’ve gotten these crazy hot flashes and an ache between my legs. I swear to God, it’s like I’ve been close to cumming all day.

I turn on my bar stool, and when I do he moves as well so my legs are between his, and we are facing one another. He leans in close and squeezes his legs so they’re pushing mine together. I feel some of the ache between my legs lessen. It helps my need slow down, but it also makes it deeper, as if my desire is growing stronger.

This is the first time he’s touched me, and I feel his heat work its way up my legs, into my stomach and to my chest. My whole body is warming from his touch, and I close my eyes, thinking maybe I’ve been drugged.

“Just relax, sweets. I just need to rub on you a little.”

“What?” I ask, shaking my head. I’m foggy, and it feels like I’m floating, but my mind is clear. It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever felt. Like pure pleasure is being rubbed across my skin. I close my eyes again and feel a moan slip past my lips when his hands touch my arms. Feeling his strong arms pull me to him, I come down from the bar stool and stand up with him.

“Come with me, sweets. I need you.”

I open my eyes as he pulls me to the back of the bar. I feel the tingle where our hands are connected, and it’s as if I’m floating behind him. If just his slight touch feels this good, I’ll do anything the man says. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Gwen smiling at me, but I don’t have the ability or the inclination to stop and explain anything to her. I’m too happy to care about anything other than Dominic.

He pulls me through a door. It closes behind us, and I see we are in a dark room. I can’t tell where we are or see much of anything. It’s pitch black and I can’t see my hand in front of my face. Suddenly, I see the silver glow of Dominic's eyes, and while I should be terrified, it calms me. I feel Dominic press me against the wall, and my arms instantly go around his neck. I don’t tell my body to do any of this, it just does it on its own.

“I’ve had enough of watching men talk to you. I have to do something to keep people away from what’s mine.”

“Am I yours?” The fog I’m in is wonderful, and it makes me want Dominic to claim me as his. I feel myself wanting to rub against him and have him rub against me. It’s like everything inside me has taken over, and any objection I’ve ever had has evaporated.

“Yes.” The word comes out rough, but it goes straight to my nipples and clit, making the most sensitive parts of my body come to life. Suddenly, I’m aching more than before, and I let out a moan.

“Fuck. Not yet, sweets. Just a taste tonight.”

“Please,” I moan, and I don’t know what I’m begging for. I don’t have any control over my body or my words.

Closing my eyes, I lean my head back against the wall, exposing my neck where my dress dips down. I don’t know why, but I feel like showing him this should make him do something. I have the sudden urge to have his mouth on me, biting me.

“No.” His teeth are clenched, and he’s fighting against my want.

He presses his big heavy body against me, and feeling his weight there calms some of my need. He moves up and down, rubbing against me, making the sweater dress material rub roughly against my nipples. They harden, and I rub back, wrapping my arms around him, trying to bring his body even closer to mine. I pull my leg up and hook it around his hip, pulling the heat of his cock against me. I’m breathing hard, and the heat of the room and our bodies rubbing together has a drop of sweat rolling down my neck.

“Just a taste,” he whispers and leans down, licking the drop up.

His tongue is hot and rough like a cat’s. The coarse texture feels so good against my sensitive skin that I moan even louder, wanting more. “More.” I don’t realize I said the word out loud until he starts to lick lower, moving down between my breasts.

He inhales deeply there, smelling my skin and licking my cleavage. “So sweet.”

Suddenly, I feel his fingers on my thighs at the hem of my dress. I push against his lower body and beg for him to raise it up. As he slowly pulls my dress up and over my ass, he pulls away and moves down my body. I can’t see anything in the room, but I don’t need to. I feel Dominic kneel in front of my pussy and push my dress up the rest of the way.

Wanting to keep rubbing against him, I run my hands through his hair, constantly petting him. Something in my lust haze tells me to do that to him, tells my body to pet him and show him I want him to keep going.

I feel his hot mouth on my panties as he leans in and presses his nose there. When he inhales, my eyes close, and my mouth falls open, moaning. Something about him taking my scent into his body turns me on even more. I know that having my scent on him and inside him makes him mine. It sounds completely crazy, but at this moment, it feels so right. Like this is the way we’re supposed to be.

When he pulls away from my heat, I start to protest, but then I feel his finger hook in my panties and pull them to the side. Before I can beg, his hot, rough tongue is on my pussy, licking in long laps, sucking up my wetness.

“Dominic,” I moan, pulling his hair, drawing him closer to me. I spread my legs wide, and he lets out a loud growl.

“Fuck, Ruby. I can taste your virginity. I don’t know how I know that, but my wolf can taste it. He knows you’re untouched.”

I start to ask how the hell he knows that, but suddenly, he’s standing up with his mouth still on my pussy. He pins me to the wall while he eats me out, growling and pounding his fist against the wall.

The fog of pleasure takes over as his mouth sucks my pussy. I grind against his face, begging for more, and he reaches up to grip my ass. I don’t know how long he eats me for; time and space do not exist outside this moment.

I’m on the edge of orgasm, but I’m terrified to go over. I feel like if I cum like this, I’ll shatter into a million pieces.

“Give me your cum, sweets. It’s all we can have right now. Please.”

I feel his sharp teeth against my clit, and the sensation sends me over the edge. He holds me tightly as I cum on him, deep and long, screaming out my orgasm. It goes on forever, and I don’t want it to end. As my body comes down from the high, having Dominic against my skin feels euphoric.

Slowly, he slides me down his hard muscled body, helping steady my legs when I can hardly stand. I still can’t see anything other than his glowing eyes in the dark, but I feel so safe and protected.

His hard cock presses against me, and I move my hand to touch it. Just before I make contact, he grabs my wrist.

“Tomorrow, sweet.”

I don’t know what to say to that, so I just keep quiet. Feeling completely exhausted, I lean against Dominic.

“Let’s get you home.”

I nod against him, and I feel his strong arms pick me up and carry me. I’m so overwhelmed by sensations and sleep that I don’t protest.

When I feel cool sheets against my skin, I barely open my eyes, seeing Dominic above me. His eyes are still glowing, but I find comfort in them. My mate.

As I drift off to sleep, I wonder where the hell that thought came from.




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