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Jarith: Drackon Mates by Maia Starr (19)

Chapter 7



I could not believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. Could it be? Was there another survivor from my ship? I thought that Commander Nankor Yun had done away with everyone. Then again I was put under as soon as the chaos started so I had no idea what really happened and suddenly I was hearing words of hope.

I was finding out that I was not the only survivor from the science expedition from Earth. Tears welled up in me eyes at the relief that another had survived the capture of our ship. Even though she was not in the city, I suddenly felt less alone knowing that she was out there somewhere. But when he told me that the Commander now wanted her my eyes grew wide with fright.


I couldn't imagine anyone in the hands of that sadistic alien Commander Yun, the warrior that killed all of my crewmates except for Lavender Prost and I. I had felt lucky that Dalik had saved me from the evil warrior commander but now I felt like I had to do something in order to help Lavender. Perhaps she was doing well out there in the outpost where she was allowed to practice medicine. Even though she was a slave as I was, I'm sure she had her hands full as she was learning new medical technology that she probably found very interesting. I wouldn’t let her be brought back to the city just to endure a brutal life with the commander.


“Dalik, you must do something please. You have power. You are the Consulate. I studied the politics of the Kalazaron, you are second in command after the Master. There must be something that you can-do. If not for Lavender, then for me, please I beg you. I will do anything," I said as tears began to well up in my eyes. I hated to let this warrior alien see me in a weak state, but something told me that I could trust him. Something told me that I could trust him with my emotions and he would still think of me as a strong smart scientific woman, even though I was a female human.


"I will see what I can do but I cannot promise you anything. It is up to the master to make up that type of property decision. I can definitely put in thoughts on the matter and remind the Master that a female human with technology and knowledge of fixing bodies would be wasted in the hands of the commander who would just brutally use her. His female human slaves have never lasted more than a few months."


"What do you mean by that?" I said as I looked into his eyes and he averted his gaze. The fact that he could not tell me let me know exactly what he meant by that.


"Please do what you can. I trust that you will try hard to keep her away from him."


"I must admit I have a very selfish reason for making sure that he does get her,” Dalik said to me.


"What do you mean? How can you say such a thing?"


"The reason he has asked for her return and to be given to him, is because you were taken from him. He feels that he is owed a human female slave, and he wants that slave to be you. He wants you badly Jade. I think that if he were to get your crewmate than he will leave the matter of having you alone."


"That may be, but I cannot do that to a crewmate. Lavender does not deserve that. This is my mess. I should do all that I can to clean it up. And as you said she would only last a few months once he gets a hold of her anyway," I said. He was silent for a long time, and then he looked at my glass and said, "Drink. It will help calm you. I promise. In times like these it is a good way to deal with such stress."


I drank of the rich liquid that tasted a little like wine to me. The calming affect was instant. I looked up at him with wide eyes as I felt the liquid course through my body and I felt very calm as though I had taken a Valium. He was right. It did help immensely.


"Thank you, you are correct on the beverage. I would like to know how it is made," I said as I held out my cup up to him and he poured more. He smiled and said, "Of course you would. Your inquiring mind is very curious. Tomorrow morning I shall take you to the market and to the Iccanis growing fields so that you can see for yourself."


"Really?! Thank you Dalik!" I said as I ran to him and jumped up wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug of gratitude. As soon as my breasts met his chest through the sheer fabric of the dress my nipples hardened. Flashes of my dirty dream hit my mind. I quickly pulled away from him.


"Sorry, I just became very excited is all," I said as I took another drink from my cup and moved across the room toward the windows. Now that it was nighttime, the city was lit up in beautiful vibrant colors of neon light. It was absolutely stunning.


"No need to apologize for touching me. You can touch me anytime you want Jade,” Dalik said as he moved beside me and looked out the windows with me. "It is a beautiful city is it not?"


"Very beautiful. I understand why you seek a position of power to watch over it. A good city needs someone like you in charge."


"You mean, someone with power and arrogance. I'm a very dominant warrior here after all," he said as he stood up taller and stuck his chest out. His words turned me on and he was right he was all of those things, but I was thinking of something else.


"Actually, I was thinking about someone with a good heart that is just and fair. Power corrupts no matter what alien race. It takes a strong heart to not give in to the dark side of power."


He looked at me. It was a different look as though he was looking deep into my soul. I swallowed the rest of the liquid and as I did so my knees went weak. Dalik grabbed me in his arms and held me up as he said, "I think you have had enough my little scientist." He scooped me up into his arms and carried me to my sleeping bed in the corner of the room.


"Sleep well Jade," he said as he slowly lay me down on the bed. His lips were only inches from mine. And as if I had no control over myself, I reached up and kissed him. He groaned into my mouth as he kissed me back. I moved my hands to his chest and slid them down feeling every hard muscle that lingered there. His large hand rested on my belly and moved down the side of my body letting his long fingers move under my bottom and over my thigh. My legs parted instinctively and I moaned out the words, "Yes Dalik, take me. I want you."


He growled as he pressed his body on mine. I felt his hard cock grind into my thigh and I wanted him to take me. Then suddenly he pulled away from me and he shouted, "No!" He stood up from my bed and towered over me. He looked down at me, and I could only see him in a foggy haze.


"Not like this. Trust me Jade I want to fuck you so hard. I want to take you like I own you, but not like this. You have had too much to drink. I won't take you."


Then he disappeared. I fell into a very deep sleep. The best sleep I had experienced since being on earth.


The next day I could not remember very much. A vague memory of kissing Dalik and pulling him on top of me that night had faded in with the sexual dream that I had earlier that day. Were they one in the same? I was not able to tell and so I did not bring it up to Dalik who seemed to look at me differently than the first day that we had met. For now however I was too excited about going into the city to talk about anything else. Dalik was careful to wrap me up like a present. I wore one of the long dresses he had purchased for me. But on top of that I wore a hooded cloak that he pinned over my hair. He covered my shoulders and pulled the cloak closed down the front.


"I am sorry to do this. However if you want to go into the city this is how it must be. Remember what I said about the commander wanting you. He will go to any level, including taking you when my back is turned, to have you. You are safe here in the living quarters because only my handprint can open and close the door. I also have a guard station outside. However the market can be chaotic and very full. It would be easy for him to snag you from me. He could've hired many hands to do that for him by now. Do you understand me?”


"I do. I will stay by your side. I know to trust no one," I said as I bounced up and down nervously in front of him. I was ready to get out into the city. He smiled, as he looked at me up-and-down.


"Very well, let us go into the city," he said as he pressed his hand against the wall and opened it.


Moments later we were walking out of the main lobby of the Building of Orders that we lived in. I took in a deep breath as the cold air hit me. Although it was a cold planet, there wasn't exactly snow on the ground or ice. It was simply cold air. I watched as the Kalazaron alien race moved about their daily lives conducting business and walking from one area to another. It was magical to watch. Dalik grabbed my arm and led me further into the city. I looked up at all the buildings with wonder. I was very excited and soon we were in the market sitting down to sample various foods. I laughed as Dalik tried to feed me one thing after another and I either enjoyed or hated it. We had a good time.


"Now, let us go to the Iccanis fields as promised," he said as we left the market and headed toward the edge of the city in a pod that went very fast. I was impressed with the technology of the Kalazaron. Soon we were in the fields being led by the keeper of the field.


"We are honored to have you here Consulate," the keeper said.


"I have a matter to discuss with you. As you can see the Iccanis that is further out into the field is doing very well and flourishing. We planted a new field right here closer to the edge of the city and it is not doing well, we cannot figure out the source of the problem," the keeper said to Dalik.


My scientist mind immediately went to work as I looked over the field while Dalik talked to the keeper. I admired Dalik for listening to what the keeper had to say. As the new consulate it was his duty to fix problems such as this. Then it hit me. I knew what was causing the problem. Or at least it would be a good theory "


"Excuse me. If I may be so bold I think I know what is causing the problem," I said with confidence.


Dalik arched an eyebrow at me and said, "Very well Jade. Please tell us," he crossed his arms over his chest and smiled as though I was some simple female that cannot possibly know anything about this planet. He was teasing me. I would prove to him damn it.


"Well, I assume that the Icannis plant is native to the planet Kaethon, is that correct?"


"It is," Dalik responded.


"Then it is a cold plant. It thrives on the cold air. The new field is planted too close to the city. The heat that comes off of the lights at night is causing too much heat for this plant that is used to the cold. I do not know if that is exactly why, but I think it could be the reason."


"I think you may be right female human," the keeper said as he looked at the situation. "Why did we not think of this? I will test your insight and pull up a few of these plants and move them to the colder part of the field and see how they do. Thank you."


"No problem," I said as I walked with an air of confidence and arrogance. Dalik just looked at me up and down. I told him I was a scientist!




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