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Soul Redeemed (Sons of Wrath Book 4) by Keri Lake (39)


Ava felt sick. Like, truly sick.

Nearly a month had passed since her body had been cleared of the Sang virus, yet the anxiety gurgling in her stomach right then damn near felt like an encore performance, and she swallowed back the urge to spew all over the demons’ gorgeous patio furniture.

Below her, Calla painted a very girly pink polish onto her toes, while Avalon slept in the playpen beside her, in the shade.

“I mean … does it hurt?” Ava asked, tipping her head as she watched from the patio chair.

A chuckle paused Calla’s painting, and she shook her head with a smile. “It’s the most incredible feeling in the world. Unlike anything you’ll have ever experienced before.”

“I’ve been with Calix. Many times. I mean … there’s, like, no surprises.”

“All I can say is, expect to be surprised.” Blowing on the freshly painted toenails, Calla waved her hand over top of them. “Bonding was the most beautiful moment of my life. Next to having Avalon. But in all fairness, I did sort of die during that, so … it’d have to come in a close second.”

“You said … they change during the bonding. Like, do they get aggressive?”

Though she didn’t meet Ava’s gaze, Calla smiled. “It’s a sexy aggressive. Imagine someone so anxious to be with you, and protect you, and make love to you, that they go a little bat-shit.”

A burst of laughter beat through Ava’s chest at the thought. “Reminds me of Calix’s change.”

“Yes, but that was about him. Bonding is about you.”

Ava couldn’t hide the smile creeping over her, the excitement of what the evening and the following day might bring. Her bonding with Calix and the eternal commitment she’d make.

“Voila! Perfectly painted summer toes.” Calla dipped the brush back into the bottle and set it on the table beside her. “You’re going to be perfect.”

Admiring Calla’s work, Ava allowed her gaze to fall on her fidgeting hands, where the polish glistened against her bronzed skin. “I’ve never had a sister before. No one’s ever done my nails for me.”

Calla grabbed hold of her hand and her teeth shone through her bright smile. “Welcome to the family.”

* * *

Ava exited the bathroom, wearing a white satin and lace teddy, a gift from Sabelle. Her soon-to-be sister, Sabelle.

Lying sprawled on the bed, Calix slammed his face into the pillows below him and groaned. “Gods, what are you trying to do to me?”

Demon tradition dictated that sex was forbidden the night before a bonding. Silly, really—the idea was merely to reserve energy for the bonding that would take place the following night—but those traditions certainly hadn’t been based on an Incubus who drew energy from sex.

“The offer’s there, demon. All you gotta do is let go of your stupid traditions.”

Calix’s head popped up from the pillow, and he smiled. “Is it so wrong for me to want to uphold your virtue for just a bit longer?”

“You’re the only one who seems to be concerned with that.” She sauntered across the room and slid beneath the covers beside where he lay on his stomach, his hot gaze burning into the side of her face.

“Don’t tempt me, woman. We know what happens when an incubus gets too excited.”

“Exactly why I wore this.”

Her body slid across the bed, swallowed by Calix’s massive arms that he wrapped around her. “I’m stronger than you give me credit for.” His voice in her ear brought a smile to her face.

“Yes, but my powers of persuasion can’t be matched, demon.”

“No doubt.” He kissed her ear, and his arms tightened like a band around her middle. “But you underestimate my powers, too, female. Now sleep.”

“Calix!” Ava pushed at his arms to release her, but it was too late. The charm settled over her, and Ava had no choice but to fall prey to it.

A heavy sleep weighed down on her, urging her eyes closed. A second ago, she’d been wide awake, prepared to stay up most of the night with Calix. Probably the first time she’d felt the level of energy that hummed though her body since the night she’d nearly died. It quickly slipped away in the warmth that ran through her muscles, though, like a cozy blanket in winter, bringing with it the sudden yearning to sleep. “N’please. I’wan staywake.”

“Not tonight, baby.” His lips traced the shell of her ear and he left a kiss at her cheek. “We’ve got a long night tomorrow. You’ll need your energy.”

* * *

The angel’s wing curled around its body, shielding it from the creatures that circled like vultures. Specs of blood colored the pure white wings, and Ava’s heart sank at the sight of the angel writhing on the ground.

Save him.

Ava lurched forward and lay across the angel, sacrificing herself to save him. Beneath her, she peeled back the wing to reveal long black hair covering the angel’s face.

A female?

The angel turned to face Ava, and the reflection that stared back at her knocked her backwards. She kicked away from what appeared to be a doppelganger version of herself. A pure white angel.

A hiss from behind prompted her to lift her gaze, and horror struck the pit of her stomach, when Calix strode toward her, monstrous in his red demonic form, with his fangs bared.

Ava could only watch as a helpless bystander, as Calix fell to his knees beside the angelic version of her and sank his fangs into her neck.

Ava’s eyelids shot open, and as she sucked in a breath, her attention darted toward the empty bed beside her. She scanned the room in search for Calix, and found him in the corner, crouched against the wall with his head tucked into his body.


“It was me.” A sadness clung to his tone and struck Ava’s heart.

Momentarily confused, she contemplated his words, trying to puzzle their meaning. “What?”

“I saw your dream. The angel … was you. You were scared.”

“Calix. My dreams don’t make sense. Even to me.”

“For weeks, I’ve struggled, Ava. You’re pure now. Untainted. Your blood is clean as a newborn demon’s. By claiming you, I’ll be sullying you.”

“Hey.” She pushed to her knees, knuckles pressed into the mattress. “Stop that. Stop that right now.”

“You dreamed it, Ava. You know it’s true.”

“No, it’s not. I also dreamed that I was one of those creatures, tearing into that angel. All my dream proved was that I’m stronger than my temptations.” She slid off the bed, feet hitting the cold floor, and she padded toward Calix, crouching beside him. “You are as much a temptation as any, and my dreams are a reminder that I should never take you for granted.”

“Are you prepared to give me eternity?”

“No, because not even that is enough. Even in death, remember?” Ava pressed her lips to his, eyes closing as she took in the flavor on her tongue. “Du amec, Calix.”

“Du amec, tazschlama.” He spoke against her mouth, and deepened the kiss.