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Tarq by Cass Alexander (7)





“Have I told you how hot you look tonight?”

Lily eyed her friend carefully. Something was up. Yes, she’d gone a little bit out of her way when she’d gotten ready tonight on the off chance she’d see her new obsession out and about, but it wasn’t like she’d transformed into something unrecognizable.

Her hair was in a high pony-tail hanging down her back. She had on a black strapless dress and bright red heels. She’d even put on a little eye make-up and lip gloss.

“Twice,” Lily replied.

Angelique put her perfectly-manicured hands up in defense.

“Don’t get upset. I just think you need to be told these things. Preferably by someone with the male anatomy.”

Lily laughed, but she was in total agreement. She was inexperienced, to say the least. School had been her life and now it was work. She’d tried dating, and she’d hated it.

None of the guys she’d gone out with had done anything to spark her libido. She’d never been interested in anyone. Until yesterday.

She couldn’t get the tall, dark, sexy man out of her mind. She’d been wet the entire meeting. Nothing got her wet. Not even when she touched herself—not that she was good at it. She’d yet to get herself off. She thought something might be wrong with her honeypot.

Lily had caught herself fantasizing about Tarq so many times in the past twenty-four hours, she’d thought she would go crazy.

Did Angelique know how hot her brother was? Quin was attractive, too, but he didn’t give her a case of wet-panties.

“I want to suggest something, but I’m afraid of how you’ll take it,” Angelique said, suddenly very serious.

Lily pivoted on the stool to face her friend. They were at a posh bar in downtown Charleston, having drinks and catching up.

“Okay. You know I’m not easily offended by your craziness, Ange, so just say it.”

“You need to get laid.”

“Wow, just put it out there,” Lily laughed nervously.

“It’s time. You’re twenty-four. How long are you going to hold on to your v-card?”

“It’s not like I intended it to go on this long.”

And she hadn’t. She just wasn’t going to force herself to do it with someone who didn’t turn her on. Tarq’s face entered her head again.

“I think you need to get acclimated to sex, to all the yummy activities leading up to it. Then you’ll want it. You can’t just hop straight to it. You need an orgasm or six first.”

“Shhh!” Lily reached up, trying to cover Angelique’s mouth.

Ange was laughing at Lily’s reaction. She wasn’t a prude. She was fun and could throw down a lot of alcohol for a human. She just needed a push.

After speaking with Quin about Tarq’s behavior, Angelique felt bad. She wanted to do something for her friend. She deserved to enjoy her life.

She also wanted to get to the bottom of why Lily was immune to Tarq. It was fascinating.

Lily blushed. Angelique was gorgeous. Her long chestnut locks were always in a perfect wave. Her chocolate eyes made her look approachable. The first time they’d met, Lily felt drawn to Angelique, felt she could trust her.

It didn’t make sense because she was rarely trusting. But her gut told her this woman could be a good friend, so she went with it. It was sometimes hard to be out with her, though.

Angelique’s chest could draw a crowd. And she flaunted it, always in something tight, letting the world know she was there. But she also looked classy and Lily wanted it to rub off on her. She wanted to live life a little freer, like her friend.

“What do you suggest I do?” Lily asked.

“Oh, I know exactly what we’re going to do. You need to promise to keep an open mind, okay?”

Lily frowned, a little concerned with what the wild-child was planning.

“Okay?” Angelique asked again.

“Fine,” Lily huffed.

“Awesome, let’s go.”

They paid their tab and Angelique’s driver picked them up. She told him to take them to Club Shadow.

“What’s Club Shadow?” Lily asked her friend.

“It’s a club,” she deadpanned. “A very exclusive club.”

Angelique released her power. She was doing this for Lily’s own good. Someone had to intervene in the girl’s pathetic sex life.

Lily just needed to get past her own inhibitions. The club was a safe place to do that. All the employees were professional and would stop at once if told to.

“Lily, you will be open-minded to this experience. It is a sex club, but many people go there and do not have sex. They socialize and drink. Only fully-approved members, who have been vetted, have rooms in the manor.”

Angelique paused, considering her next words carefully.

“We are going to mingle in the bar area. If you find someone while we’re there, and you want to … explore some physical activities with him, you will not get in your own way. You are free to choose to do or not do whatever you want. However, if you get into a situation and you want it to stop, you will give a firm ‘no’ and it will. If it doesn’t, you will break his fucking nose and scream bloody murder.”

There. Lily had an out if she got scared.

Angelique hoped there’d at least be some kissing and heavy petting. Her friend was striking, and it was a place people went to hook up. She’d have to fight them off with a stick.

When the driver let them out, Angelique locked arms with Lily and escorted her up the stairs. Amelia, the lady of the manor who knew everything about everyone, greeted them as they entered. Angelique entered first, hugging the siren affectionately.

“Angelique, how lovely to see you,” Amelia said, kissing her on each cheek.

Angelique stepped aside and pulled Lily closer. “This is my very good friend, Lily. Lily, this is Amelia. She runs the club.”

Amelia’s smile grew big, also kissing Lily on both cheeks. “Welcome, sister! I had no idea another seductress, like me, was in the area.”

Angelique did a double-take.

Lily grinned, appreciating the complement. She did feel sexy tonight, and open to possibilities. She was also uber curious about the club. It wasn’t at all what she’d pictured.

The foyer was well-lit and decorated in earth tones. She’d expected dark decor and bodies writhing in every corner to the beat of pulsating music. This looked like a family estate. Of course, the house was huge and more seedier things could be happening elsewhere.

“Amelia, I’m going to take my friend into the bar. I’ll be right back.”

“Of course. Enjoy yourself, Lily. I do hope you consider becoming a member. The perks for those like us are immense.”

Lily wasn’t sure what Amelia meant by “those like us,” but she went with it. It wasn’t like she wanted to walk around with a sign around her neck declaring her sexual status.

“Thank you. Nice to meet you,” she replied hurriedly because Ange was pulling her towards a side door.

Angelique opened the door and entered the room, with Lily close behind. She had to stay close since Ange had a death-grip on her forearm.

“Is everything okay?” Lily asked.

“What? Oh, yes. Fine, everything’s fine. Listen, when will you turn twenty-five?”

Uh-oh, was there a weird rule about the age of consent in the club? That was fine. She was happy to just mingle.

“September 21st. Why?”

“Uh, no reason. I thought it was close, so I asked. Didn’t want to miss it, you know? Only a few more days. Wow,” Angelique rambled.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yep. Keith?” Angelique got the bartender’s attention.

It wasn’t until he walked over that Lily noticed he was not only missing a shirt, but his pants were practically painted on and left nothing to the imagination.

He had a good body, but she wasn’t sure she wanted a half-naked person cutting up her limes back there.

“Miss Marcellus. What can I get for you this evening?”

“Nothing yet. This is Lily. Give her whatever she wants, charge it to my tab. I’ll be right back, Lily.”

Lily watched her friend high-tail it out of there. Was she uncomfortable with Lily being here? Surely not. Angelique didn’t have many hang-ups. She wouldn’t have brought Lily if she didn’t want her here.

Oh god, what if she was all … needy now because she was in the sex club? Lily did not want to know anything about Ange’s needs.

Keith’s eyes roamed over Lily’s body and her skin flushed. “I would love to give you whatever you require this evening, Lily. Do you know how to order what you want?”

“Um, like a cocktail?”

His grin grew mischievous and Lily wanted to die. She’d said “cock” in front of the bartender at a sex club.

“I mean, how about a gin and tonic?” she asked.

“Right away, beautiful.”

Keith mixed her drink and sat in front of her. He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “Let me know when you’re ready to order what you really want.”

Lily pressed her lips together, totally understanding the double-entendre. She should have replied, but a warm hand on her hip and a growly voice from behind prevented her from speaking.

“Back off, Keith. This one’s taken.”