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The Big Bad Wolf's Ex: A Howls Romance by Tonya Brooks (1)





“You’re positive?” Reece Lassiter demanded tonelessly. He listened to the confirmation and without a word, ended the call, dropping his mobile phone on the table. He lifted a cut crystal glass filled with the finest whiskey that money could buy and sipped slowly, savoring the smooth, aged flavor like a true connoisseur.

His infamous control began to crack as he stood there staring sightlessly out of the floor to ceiling windows, select phrases from the conversation replaying over and over in his mind, their meaning incomprehensible, their ramifications inescapable. “...test results were conclusive... normal sperm count... recanalization rate one in one thousand...”

It was true. He could father a child. Then that meant... NO! He wouldn’t go there. Couldn’t even consider the possibility. Because if he did… and it was true… then he had eviscerated his own soul and shut himself off from the only happiness he’d ever known... for nothing. The knowledge sent him to his knees.

“Jolie,” he whispered the forbidden name raggedly, and just like that, the emotional door he had welded shut four years prior sprang open. Reece was bombarded by feelings that had become completely alien to him. The numbness that he had worn like body armor disintegrated as memories of love, hope and joy shattered his granite heart.

Long forgotten images flooded his mind unbidden. Jolie lying naked in their bed, golden hair splayed around her, blue eyes slumberous, the satisfied smile of a woman well loved. Jolie dancing in the snow, eyes aglow with happiness, the brilliant smile that could brighten any day. The only woman he’d ever trusted. The only woman he’d ever loved.

His mate.

She had filled his life with joy, taught him how to love. She had been his everything. Until the day she had betrayed his trust and destroyed his world. Reece had cut her out of his life with a ruthlessness that had shocked even him. He had encased his broken heart in ice so thick and glacial that nothing could ever penetrate it again.

And he’d been wrong.

A searing wave of agony and grief consumed him at the realization. His mate had not betrayed him. He had betrayed her and destroyed himself in the process. Memories he'd fought like hell to suppress surged to the surface, invading his mind, shredding his heart all over again as he relived his last minutes with her.

The absolute joy on Jolie's face as she'd shown him the ultrasound and announced they were having a baby. The bewilderment and hurt in her eyes when he'd lost his shit and accused her of having a lover. The anguished tears pouring down her face as he'd thrown her out of their home. Her voice calling his name brokenly when he'd had the police haul her away.

His legendary control shattered and the wolf within howled in rage and anguish. One trembling hand reached out in desperation, searching for something, anything, to ground him, and met the cold, hard pane of unbreakable glass. Looking up, Reece saw his image in the tinted window. The reflection of a broken man.

God help him, what had he done?





After receiving a Get your ass over here as fast as fucking possible text, Dane Lassiter didn't waste any time. He entered the penthouse and one look at his older brother assured him that something dire had happened. To say that Reece looked like death warmed over would be a gross understatement.

“What’s wrong?” He demanded anxiously because his older brother never showed any sign of weakness. Reece was the Supreme Alpha wolf shifter of the United States, and as such, he represented America in the Paranormal United Nations. Every pack in the country was under his command so vulnerability was a liability that he could not afford.

“Is it a boy or a girl?” Reece asked hoarsely.

Realization dawned and stunned silence followed. After he had kicked Jolie out, Reece had forbidden anyone to even mention his mate’s name in his presence. The one time that Dane had tried to discuss the issue with him, he had knocked him out cold. The knowledge that he wanted to know about the child was shocking, to say the least.

“Damn you, tell me,” he ground out raggedly.

“Boy,” Dane said simply and watched the other man visibly fall apart.

“I have a son,” Reece rasped and slid bonelessly down the wall to sit in a dejected heap on the floor. “Tell me. Everything.”

Dane didn’t know what had finally convinced his brother that the child was his, but he could see that it was eating the other man alive. “His name is Bryce. He’ll be three next month,” he said as he knelt down on the travertine floor and pulled up a photo on his phone. “He has Jolie’s smile... and your eyes.”


Dane held out the phone and he took it with an unsteady hand. A photo of a beautiful little boy with his mother's golden hair and brilliant smile stared back at him... with turquoise eyes. Jesus. Those eyes. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that the child was his. Jolie had given him a son.

And he’d abandoned them both.

Something that might have been a sob was ripped from his chest and Reece buried his face in his hand. The pain. God, the pain was suffocating him. He couldn’t seem to breathe. His wolf was practically feral. The beast was clawing at his insides, fighting to be free, desperate to find his mate and cub.

A hand gripped his shoulder and he raised tormented eyes to meet his brother’s somber expression. “I fucked up, bro,” he choked and had no qualms allowing Dane to witness his emotional meltdown. They had protected each other their entire lives and there was no one else he trusted more.


“Yeah, you did,” Dane agreed without heat. There was no sense in kicking a man when he was down, and his big brother was clearly devastated. Reece was an impenetrable wall of granite. Always had been. Nothing fazed him. Nothing slowed him down. And nothing motivated him more than a challenge.

“So what the hell are you gonna do about it?”

Bloodshot turquoise eyes glowed from within as the familiar light of battle appeared in them. Dane could see the grim determination that filled him and was glad to see that both man and beast were in one accord about their mate. “I want my mate back. And I want my son,” his voice broke on the words.

“Then you'd better be prepared for a hell of a fight,” Dane warned since the probability of a reconciliation was inconceivable. Reece might be an unstoppable force, but he could attest that Jolie had become an unmovable object. “The divorce damn near destroyed Jolie. You broke her, bro. She’s not the same woman you remember.”

“I’ll fix it,” Reece vowed as he rose to his feet. “No matter what it takes, I’ll make this right.”

“What made you change your mind?” He asked curiously as he stood.

“Clarice claimed she was pregnant,” he admitted grimly and shocked the hell out of Dane.

His brother had gotten a vasectomy to ensure that this exact scenario never happened. Reece had sworn to never father an illegitimate child. Not after the hell they had gone through as children. The hell that their own mother had intentionally put them through. They had been nothing more than expendable pawns in her sick, twisted quest for financial gain.

Thirty-five years ago, humans had become aware of the existence of paranormals. Needless to say, they had been feared, ostracized and persecuted. Their mother had taken advantage of that fear and capitalized on it in the most appalling manner possible. By exploiting her children.

It had been the most heinous act that a mother could commit. An unforgivable betrayal that had left the brothers emotionally scarred, and their ability to trust anyone other than each other seriously compromised.

Because of their hellish childhood, Dane completely understood his brother's motivation for casting his mate aside when he thought that she had betrayed him, even if he did not agree with it. Which was the main reason why he had done everything in his power to assist his former sister-in-law as much as she would let him.

Regardless of the fact that his brother had been able to walk away from her, he knew that Jolie had been Reece's true mate. Which is why the realization that he'd had sex with someone else was so hard to believe. "You fucked her?" He asked in disbelief.

“Hell no. She got drunk one night at some function we were at and passed out. I took her home, undressed her and put her to bed after she threw up on both of us. I stayed to make sure she didn't aspirate and took my shirt off to wash the stench of puke off of it. She woke up, saw me without it and assumed we had sex," Reece explained.

"When she accused me of lying about having a vasectomy I had a test done to refute her claim. It turns out that the procedure reversed itself. Which meant that Jolie had my child,” he admitted heavily.

“And Clarice's baby?” Dane queried skeptically since the woman had been all over him like a bad rash a time or two.


“If she is pregnant, it's not mine,” Reece denied adamantly. Clarice wasn’t important. Never had been. She was as cold and ambitious as she was beautiful. She had looked good on his arm and helped foster the pretense that losing his mate hadn't affected him at all. Heartless and emotionless, they had been a match made in hell.

Without Jolie, his life had once again become a dark, fathomless wasteland void of all feeling. Reece wanted the light to shine on his soul again. To do that, he needed his sunshine girl. And his brother could expedite that since he had been keeping tabs on her. Dane was the decent one in the family after all.

His wolf was very close to the surface when he growled, "Where the hell is my mate?"

Folding his arms across his chest, his little brother returned the look and wasn't the least bit intimidated. They might not have had the same father, but they had both inherited their mother's tenacity. Dane wouldn't tell him a goddamn thing until he was ready. The little shit was going to make him suffer and he knew it.

"Last I heard she was your ex-mate," he pointed out.

"Dammit, Dane, don't…"

"You waited four fucking years, Reece. A few more minutes won't kill you."

Maybe not, but his wolf was convinced that it would. The beast wanted it's mate and holding it back was severely trying his patience. Almost as much as his brother was. Knowing that arguing would just drag this out even longer, he dropped heavily onto the couch and growled, "Go ahead and claim your pound of flesh."


Dane shot him a grin as he sat on the opposite couch, leaned back and made himself comfortable. He loved his brother and genuinely hoped he could get his mate back, but he cared about Jolie, too. No way in hell was he going to let Reece hurt her again. She'd never survive it a second time.

"I want some assurances that you won't hurt her again," he said evenly and was determined to protect his former sister-in-law at all costs. She may appear to be as tough as nails these days, but Jolie was fragile on the inside and he knew it.

"Name your terms," Reece said without hesitation, the unshakable resolve that had made him so successful firmly in place again.

"She needs to be financially independent," he stated firmly. "Open an account in her name that you can't touch."

His brother whipped out his phone, placed a call to his lawyer and began to bark out instructions. "George, open a checking account for Jolie and transfer a million into it immediately. Arrange it so she's the only one with access. No one but her can touch it, understand?"

It never ceased to amaze Dane how people jumped to do his brother's bidding regardless of the time. The man was a law unto himself. Which was exactly why he was taking these precautions. The money would handle Jolie's financial needs, but he was also determined to protect her emotionally.

The other man ended the call and confirmed, "Done."

"Swear to me that you'll never try to take custody of Bryce," he demanded and saw his brother's resolve waver. Oh, hell no. "This is not negotiable, Reece. You stripped the woman of everything but her child. The child that you didn't want. Swear you won't fucking take him from her."

"All right, damn you," Reece snapped. "I swear it."

"And you can't do anything to force her to come back to you," he insisted since he knew exactly how ruthless his brother was, and how his brilliant mind worked. "It has to be her decision."

When the older man swore viciously and stood up to prowl back and forth, Dane just sat and waited patiently. He was forcing Reece to play by his rules and if there was one thing his brother hated, it was not having the upper hand in a situation.


Wanting nothing more than to rip his brother's throat out, Reece prowled like the wild animal that he was. If he didn't love the little shit, he'd kill him. It was bad enough that he'd made him swear not to take his son, now he was tying his hands with Jolie as well. He should have known Dane would pull something like this. Fucking chivalrous prick.

"All right," he growled. "I won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do."

"Swear it."

Oh, he swore all right. He swore a blue streak while his brother grinned at him in amusement. Just like when they were kids, Dane knew that he would never break a sworn oath and was shamelessly using it to get what he wanted. Reece sounded more animal than human when he finally grated out, "I swear."

"If you hurt her again, Alpha or not, I will break you," the youngest said and was completely serious for a change. "That woman has been through hell."

And he was the one responsible for it. His shoulders slumped and Reece sank back down onto the couch heavily. This time he didn't need prompting when he vowed, "I swear I'll never hurt Jolie again."

Dane nodded solemnly. "Good enough."

"Now where the fuck is she?" He demanded because his wolf was out of patience.

"Brace yourself, bro," he warned. "It's bad."




Bad didn't even come close to describing the squalor. The neighborhood was a fucking cesspool, even worse than when he and Dane had grown up just a few blocks away. Though they had never stayed in a building quite as bad as this one. From the looks of it, the damn thing should have been demolished a half-century ago.

Just being in this part of town made him break out in a cold sweat and brought back memories better off forgotten. Yet his mate and son were living in something out of his worst nightmares. His self-disgust and remorse grew by the second, as did his determination to get them the hell out of there.

Reece set the alarm on his car as he headed to the entrance and doubted the damn thing would even be there when he got back. The front door was not locked, which meant anyone could just walk right in. The legs sticking out into the hallway assured him that had already happened. Jesus. There was a homeless man sleeping under the stairwell.

Taking the stairs two at a time, he made it to the third floor and started down the hall. Some of the apartments had numbers, some didn't. Some barely had doors. The stench of sour cabbage and stale urine assaulted his nostrils while the sound of music blaring and a baby crying filled his ears. He shuddered in revulsion at the memories they evoked.

Stopping in front of the door that bore the right numbers, even if one of them was hanging upside down, his resolve hardened. No way in hell would his mate and son spend another night in this place. He'd get them situated into the penthouse or book them a suite at a hotel until Jolie was ready to come home.

Whatever it took, he was not leaving them in this hell a minute longer.




Jolie Lassiter unlocked the three deadbolts that secured her door but didn't remove the safety chain. The dump she lived in didn't have peepholes and in this neighborhood, she couldn't be too careful. She cracked the door open and shock rippled through her entire body as she recognized the man standing there.

Her knees threatened to buckle. The breath froze in her lungs. Her entire musculature system seized. Her heart might have actually stopped beating. Time stood still as she stared into his beautiful turquoise eyes. The eyes that still haunted her dreams. The eyes that stared back at her every time she looked at her son.

“Hello, sunshine.”

His voice slid over her senses as smooth as silken sheets over naked flesh. It wrapped her in warmth, bathed her in love, and set every nerve ending in her body aflame with longing so intense that it physically hurt. She shook her head in denial. Reece was not standing at her door. This wasn’t real. Her mind simply could not accept it.

The edges of her vision began to blur, the world tilted on its axis and she swayed helplessly with it. Jolie knew she was falling before her knees gave way and blackness totally engulfed her. The last thing she was aware of was arms wrapping around her like bands of steel. Of being lifted and gently cradled against a chest as hard as rock.

A sense of contentment consumed her.

She was finally home.


Reece had shouldered the excuse for a door open and barely managed to catch Jolie before she hit the floor. Hell, he'd known seeing him would be a shock, but he'd never imagined that she would actually faint. Cursing himself for seven kinds of fool, he realized that he should have agreed to let Dane warn her that he was coming.

Kicking the door closed, he turned to carry her to the... what the fuck? His eyes scanned the tiny apartment in shock. It wasn't even large enough to be called a studio. His goddamn bathroom was bigger than this. Hell, his shower took up more space than the kitchenette situated on the left.

A rickety bistro table with two mismatched chairs sat just inside the doorway. A twin size bed was placed sideways at the opposite end of the room and reached from wall to wall. A shabby, oversized chair flanked the head of the bed while a small chest of drawers with an analog TV sitting on top sat opposite it at the foot.

The appliances were even more outdated than the TV, and if the high pitched whine coming from the refrigerator was any indication, barely operational. Layer upon layer of paint was peeling from the walls and the faded linoleum floor was cracked and torn. The shoebox apartment was immaculately clean, but no way in hell was it fit for habitation.

Son of a bitch.

He carried Jolie five steps to lay her gently on the bed. His wolf had a fit at the loss of physical contact, but he convinced the beast they needed to care for their mate. He opened the door beside the chest and revealed a small closet with less than a dozen worn and faded garments hanging inside.

A wave of anguish washed over Reece as he recalled ordering her massive designer wardrobe be removed from his home and burned. But it was the cardboard box sitting at the bottom of the closet that hit him on a visceral level and left him reeling. It was overflowing with the kind of cheap dollar store toys that he'd been lucky to get as a child.

And now his son was being subjected to the same miserable childhood.

Swallowing the bile rising in his throat, Reece opened the next door and stepped into a bathroom so small he could barely fit inside. Grabbing a threadbare washcloth from a shelf above the toilet, he turned on the cold water to wet it. The pipes made a god awful noise before cloudy water shot out in spits and spurts.

Cursing viciously under his breath, he walked back into the main room and noticed that the front door hadn't closed. Fan-fuckin-tastic. He'd warped the damn thing. Putting his shoulder to it, he shut it and flipped all three deadbolts. The damn locks were absolutely useless because they were sturdier than the door.

He went back to the bed and lay down beside Jolie, running the damp cloth gently across her face. His wolf reveled in the contact and wanted to rub his scent all over their mate. God, she was still the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. It killed him to know that he had hurt her. That because of him she was living in abject poverty.

Reece had thrown her out of their home with nothing but the clothes on her back. He'd had George cut off her access to their joint checking account, canceled all of her credit cards, charge accounts, and club memberships. Determined to make her suffer for betraying him, he'd left her with absolutely nothing.

Nothing except the child that she had dared to claim was his.

His cold-blooded actions hadn't been entirely out of revenge. No, he'd been convinced that once she discovered he'd cut her off completely, that Jolie would run to her lover for assistance. Just like his mother had always done. He'd wanted to know the man's name so he could destroy him. And he would have.

But the private investigator that he'd hired to follow her had assured him that there was no other man. Reece had refused to allow the investigator to tell him anything at all about Jolie. The only thing he had wanted to know was the one thing that could not be discovered. And now he knew why.

There had never been another man.

Remorse turned to fury at what he had forced her to endure. The sooner he got them out of this miserable hovel, the better. There was no need to pack their pitiful possessions. They could leave them behind and buy everything new. Whatever she wanted. Whatever they needed, Reece would gladly provide. He'd do whatever it took to atone for the hell he'd put her through.

Jolie would never want for anything again. He was going to show her how much he loved her, how much he needed her, every day for the rest of their lives. He couldn't resist leaning over and placing a tender kiss on her softly parted lips. Jolie sighed and smiled and he found himself smiling down at her before he kissed her again.





Jolie was having that dream again. That damn delicious dream where Reece was making love to her. The one where he whispered how much he loved her, how much he needed her. The one where he swore he'd never leave her, that he'd be with her forever and a day. Because wolves mate for life.

The one that always left her smiling until she woke up and realized that it had only been a dream. The one that always left her aching inside because believing that he loved her had been nothing but a dream. A dream that had become the worst nightmare imaginable. A nightmare that she could not wake up from.

Because the cold hard truth was that Reece had never loved her. If he had, he wouldn't have walked away and left her completely shattered. He couldn't have turned his back on her and their baby. But he had, and he'd done it in the cruelest way possible. He had broken her heart, destroyed her dreams and crushed her spirit.

Had it not been for their son, she never would have survived. Bryce was her reason for living and the only thing she had to show from a marriage that had been over before it ever began. Jolie hated that she still dreamed about Reece. Hated that her foolish heart longed for him, that her body still ached for his touch, even after everything he'd done.

And this damn dream wasn't helping her to forget.

Not when she could feel the heat of his muscular body lying next to hers, the gentleness of his touch. God help her, she could even smell his cologne. The faint scent of scotch. And his kiss. Oh, those wonderful kisses that could render her incapable of thought. Much like they were doing now, she thought and sighed in utter bliss, a smile curving her lips.

His lips covered hers again and she purred in absolute contentment. Mmm, the dream was even better than she remembered. It was so real she could almost believe that Reece was actually there, holding her, kissing her, loving her... Her eyes flew open and she stared at the man poised above her in complete and utter shock.

Holy hell! Reece was really there! A maelstrom of emotions roared through her at the realization and fury such as she had never known consumed her. Jolie placed her hands against his chest and shoved with all her might as she snarled, "Get the fuck off of me!"

Reece fell backward and wound up sitting on his ass on the floor, staring up at her in astonishment. Jolie had no idea why he was there and at the moment she didn't give a damn. She scooted off the bed and stood glaring down at him with eyes full of fire. "Get the hell out!"

Rising lithely to his feet, Reece replied evenly, "I'm not leaving until we talk."

"Now you want to talk?" She demanded and laughed bitterly. "You're four years too late." He managed to look chagrined at the reminder, but Reece Lassiter didn't have a clue what remorse was and she knew it.

"Jolie, I know I don't deserve it, but please, do me the courtesy of listening..."

"The same courtesy you showed me when you threw me out?" Jolie demanded as she stomped over to the door and began unlocking all three locks. She turned the knob and pulled but the door didn't open. Then she saw the wood was splintered and the chain was still attached to the hook on the frame. "You broke my door!"

"It doesn't matter since you're not staying here," he informed her impatiently. "My mate and son..."

"Your son?" She snapped indignantly and was thankful that Bryce was at a friend's house for a sleepover. Jolie didn't want her ex anywhere near her son.

"Yes, dammit, my son," he insisted. "This place isn't fit for either of you to live."

That pissed her off even more. "Maybe you should have thought about that before you kicked us out with no place to go," Jolie snarled and grabbed the doorknob with both hands, yanking as hard as she could, but the thing would not budge. "Open the door, Reece. Open the goddamn door and leave."

"Sunshine, please let me…"

Sunshine. Hearing him call her that was the last straw. Jolie whirled around and every ounce of loathing that she felt was plainly visible on her face. "Open the door and get out or I will scream until the neighbors call the cops," she warned in a tone all the more lethal for its softness. "It's your turn to be hauled away in handcuffs."

Without a word, Reece walked over and pulled the door open. He stepped outside and turned to face her, his expression filled with regret. "Jolie, I'm sor…"

She slammed the door in his face, cutting off the apology that he didn't mean and she didn't want to hear. The door didn't shut properly so she grabbed a chair and wedged it under the knob to make sure it stayed closed. Jolie just stood there, arms wrapped around herself in a protective gesture until she heard the sound of his footsteps walking away.

Only then did she give in to the riot of emotions still swirling through her and released her tenuous self-control. Her entire body began to shake and a sob of despair tore from her chest. The unexpected visit had served as a potent reminder of what she had lost. How much she had loved him. How much she still missed him.

The grief and anguish she felt were too raw, too near the surface, ready to explode and destroy her in the process. She walked into the bathroom to splash cold water on her face and was shocked at her reflection in the mirror. Eyes of clearest blue looked haunted and her complexion was as white as a sheet.

Determined to focus instead on how much he had hurt her, Jolie dredged up every ounce of pain and humiliation that she had borne and gave herself over to the disturbing onslaught. She willingly wallowed in a cesspool of sorrow and shame and welcomed the biting lash of pain that accompanied it.

As the emotional turmoil threatened to tear her apart, she watched her eyes harden until they resembled the blue diamond engagement ring that she had once worn so proudly. Until the woman staring back at her was nothing but a beautiful doll, empty, lifeless, a broken shell that nothing and no one could touch.

Not even the man who had destroyed her.

Safely wrapped in a cocoon of loathing, hatred and rage rolled off of her like waves in a storm-tossed sea as a lone tear trickled down her cheek. She angrily dashed it away with a trembling hand. Jolie had cried enough over that man for two lifetimes and she vowed that it would never happen again.

She could not comprehend why he had decided to admit that Bryce was his son after all this time, but it sure as hell explained his appearance. Jolie had learned the hard way that Reece Lassiter was completely ruthless. If he wanted something, he took it. And when he tired of it, he threw it away. Just like he had with her.

And now he wanted his son. She knew it. For whatever reason, Reece had decided that Bryce was his and he'd stop at nothing to get him. For once, they were in complete agreement. If the big bad wolf tried to take her son, he'd have a hell of a fight on his hands. Because she would fight to the death to keep him.




Reece stalked outside and prowled back and forth in front of the decrepit building, much like the angry wolf inside him and just as dangerous. He'd expected Jolie to be hurt and angry because she sure as hell had a right to be. He'd even been prepared for her to vent and give him the hell that he deserved.

But he had not expected the absolute loathing that he'd seen in her eyes. The sheer hatred and bitterness evident in her tone. Jesus Christ, what had he done to her? His Jolie was a creature of sweetness and light, not this hissing, vitriol filled she-cat who'd wanted to claw his eyes out. Dane had been right. She wasn't the woman he remembered.

Jolie had kicked him out like he was some bum who had wandered in off the street instead of the man she had vowed to love forever. Just like he had done to her. Anguish filled his burdened soul and he leaned back against the crumbling brick structure, scrubbing his hands over his face in frustration.

No way in hell was this over. His wolf growled in agreement. Reece had never admitted defeat in his life and he wasn't about to start now. He'd been in no-win situations before and found a way to come out on top. He just needed to assess the situation in a completely detached manner and keep his emotions out of the mix like this was any other problem.

Whether in a pack fight or a political negotiation, the first step was always to find his opponents weakness. That was simple enough. In Jolie's case, it would be their son. The next step was to exploit that weakness. That meant using the boy to get to his mother. Under normal circumstances that would not be a problem, but the thought of exploiting his child repulsed him.

How many times had his mother used Dane and himself to gain her own selfish wants and needs? How many times had they been subjected to painfully degrading circumstances beyond their control because of her greed? There were too many to count, and unfortunately, he remembered them all.

Since he was just as ruthless as the woman who had given him birth, he'd never wanted to put a child in the same position that he'd been in. Which was one of the reasons why he'd had that goddamn vasectomy, to begin with. Reece was a lot of things, but a hypocrite was not one of them. He'd never exploit his child to get what he wanted. Never.

He'd have to find another way to get to Jolie.

When the door opened, he looked up to see his mate exit the building and begin walking in the opposite direction. He scowled and wondered what the hell she was doing out on the street at this time of night. This neighborhood wasn't safe in the daytime and after dark, it was a fucking playground for predators.

Not just the human variety.

Pushing off the wall, he fell into step behind her, incensed that she was putting herself in danger. He followed behind her, moving silently and keeping to the shadows. He may not have lived on these streets in two decades, but he hadn't lost the survival skills he'd learned while there. Some instincts were just too deeply ingrained in his wolf DNA.

They had walked for two blocks when she entered an alley and his gut clenched in terror. Unspeakable things happened to women in alleys, some of them worse than death. Trading stealth for speed, Reece raced after her. When he rounded the corner of the building, Jolie was headed toward a door marked Employees Only.

He ran up behind her and grasped her arm. She gasped in fright, whirled around and swung at his face. He caught her fist before it made contact and saw her shocked expression when she recognized him. Without a word, he turned and began to pull her back toward the street, Jolie cursing him with every step and struggling to get free.

"Let me go, Reece," she demanded furiously and tried to twist free of his hold. "I'm going to be late for work, damn you."

Back out on the sidewalk, he saw the sign on the front of the building and his head almost exploded. It was a strip club. His mate worked in a goddamn strip club! A vicious snarl ripped from his chest before he tossed her over his shoulder and stalked back to the car. Reece slid in on the driver's side and placed her in the passenger seat.

One look at her beautiful face revealed that she was pissed as hell. Yeah. So was he. "You son of a bitch," she seethed, the blue eyes flashing angrily. "You're going to get me fired!"

"My mate will not work in a fucking strip club," he seethed.

"Like I have a choice," she snapped bitterly. "Thanks to you, I'm unemployable. Everyone is too afraid of pissing off the big bad alpha to hire your ex-mate."

"Are you serious?" He asked incredulously.

"Does this look like Broadway to you?" Jolie demanded furiously. "I sure as hell didn't study dance all those years with the intention of stripping."

And there it was.

Confirmation straight from the source. Jesus fucking Christ. His mate was a stripper. The knowledge damn near eviscerated him. He and his wolf were enraged at the thought of other men seeing their mate as only he should see her. Of them lusting for the gorgeous body that Reece had spent countless hours making love to, his hands and mouth pleasuring.


This shit was killing him. Because he was the one to blame. He had left her no other option and she had been forced to survive any way she could. To provide for their son in the most humiliating manner possible. He deserved to suffer a thousand deaths for what he had done to Jolie, and this would torture him beyond endurance.

"Jolie, please calm down. We need to have a discussion like rational adults," he suggested hoarsely and fought to rein in his fury and the wolfs.

"There's nothing to discuss, Reece," she said in exasperation. "We're done. You ended it four fucking years ago!"

"And that was the biggest goddamn mistake I've ever made," he shot back and saw her mouth drop open. Yeah, well, he never had been good at admitting when he was wrong. "Please. Just talk to me. That's all I'm asking."

Her eyes narrowed as she studied him before Jolie asked, "If I do, will you go away and leave me alone permanently?"

No way in hell would he ever agree to that. Then he remembered that damn oath to Dane and confirmed wearily, "If that's what you want."


Against her better judgment, Jolie folded her arms over her chest and nodded her consent. When he cranked the car she asked anxiously, "What are you doing?"

"We can't talk here," he replied and pulled out onto the street.

"Dammit, Reece, stop the car." She yanked on the handle but the door wouldn't open. He'd engaged the safety lock and she was trapped.

"Sunshine, just…"

"Don't call me that," she snapped and her voice held a shrill edge to it.

Reece braked for a stop sign and said in a placating tone, "I'll take you anywhere you want to go after we talk. I'd just like to do it in a civilized setting."

"My apartment…"

"Is not habitable," he cut in.

"Well I'm hardly dressed for the country club," she taunted since she was wearing faded jeans, a T-shirt, and flip-flops.

"It won't matter where we're going."

Knowing that arguing with him was a complete waste of time, Jolie fastened her seatbelt, propped her elbow on the window ledge and rested her head against her hand. In spite of the fact that her life had become one huge nightmare, tonight was the most bizarre thing that had happened to date. And now Reece had practically kidnapped her.

What the hell could happen next?





Jolie didn't seem inclined to talk during the drive, which was fine with Reece. He didn't want to start what he was certain would be a painful conversation for both of them in the car. And he was still trying to figure out how to explain his insane behavior four years ago. Sorry, I made a mistake just wouldn't cut it.

Nor did he have any desire to delve into the past where the root of his insecurity began. There had to be a way to find a happy medium between the two without divulging his deepest, darkest secrets. Baring his soul would only happen as a last resort, but he'd do it. For her. Reece would do anything for his mate.

Jolie stiffened next to him when he turned into the parking garage of the high rise, but she said nothing as he drove into his reserved parking space. Reece got out, went around to open her door and led her to the private elevator that led directly to the penthouse. "You moved," she finally commented when the doors closed.

"Couldn't stand to live there," he admitted as his eyes met hers in the mirrored door. "Your scent tormented me."

Not only had her scent permeated the place, but there had been too damn many memories that he couldn't escape. Jolie trying to teach him how to cook in the kitchen. Cuddling with his wolf on the living room couch. Hot, steamy showers with even hotter sex in the bathroom. The bedroom had been the absolute worst and he'd never been able to sleep in their bed again.

"Good," she said bitterly and folded her arms over her chest. "I hope it made you miserable."

"It did," Reece confirmed as the doors slid smoothly open and she preceded him into the foyer. The lights came on automatically and Jolie stopped in surprise.

"Motion detectors," he said absently as he followed her inside. "Every room lights up when you enter it. After no movement for three minutes, they go off."

The look she gave him was scathing, to say the least. "I'd almost forgotten how the filthy rich like their toys."

He grimaced at her judgmental tone and the accusation in her words. He'd been living in the lap of luxury while she'd barely been scraping by. Bile rose in his throat again and he had to swallow hard to keep it down. "Have a seat," Reece offered. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Just say whatever the hell you need to so we can get this over with," she insisted as she walked into the living area.

"I'm a bastard," he admitted heavily as he followed. Might as well start with the unvarnished truth.

Jolie merely arched one eyebrow and said, "For once, we agree." She curled up on one end of a couch, tucking her feet beneath her and hugging a throw pillow to her chest. The pose was so familiar and reminiscent of happier times that the words he'd planned to say got lodged in his throat.

If he could just turn back the hands of time and undo everything that he'd done wrong with her, he would. But there were no do-over's in real life so he had no choice except to play the hand he had dealt himself. He sat on the edge of the opposite couch and braced his forearms on his knees.

"There are things you don't know. About me," Reece began and tried to choose his words carefully. "Secrets that… no one needs to know."

Jolie sat up alertly and stared at him wide-eyed. "Oh my God," she said in a shocked tone. "Are you… coming out?"

He stared at her blankly until the meaning sank in and Reece was quick to deny, "Fuck no."

She looked relieved and then confused when she asked, "So… you're not gay?"

If he hadn't been so damn insulted the question would have been laughable. His eyes practically smoldered when Reece demanded in what she had always called his bedroom voice, "Do I need to remind you how hetero I am?"

Desire flashed in her eyes before Jolie blinked and hastily shook her head. "No. I'm good," she denied, but her voice was a shade huskier than it had been.

Reece was elated that she still wanted him. That was definitely a positive sign. This ridiculous turn in the conversation had been useful after all. Getting back on track again, he reiterated, "I am a bastard. If my mother knew who my father really was, she never admitted it."

Her brow crinkled in that adorable way it did when she was confused. "Wait, I thought your father was Douglas Lassiter.

"I'm adopted. So is Dane," he admitted.


Reece was seriously messing with her head. He was adopted and he didn't know who his father was. Oh-kay. Jolie didn't understand why it was important or why he was telling her now. "And this is significant because?"

"Because it's the reason why I chose to have a vasectomy," he elaborated. "I never wanted to risk exposing a child…" Reece paused as if searching for the right words before adding, "to that sort of experience."

She sensed there was a lot more that he wasn't saying, but chose to let it go since it wasn't pertinent. Instead, she accused, "That does not excuse or explain the way you behaved when I told you that I was pregnant."

"That's… complicated," he said slowly and was beginning to piss her off.

"Either tell me or take me home, Reece," Jolie insisted and wasn't about to let him off the hook with a bullshit answer.

"Suffice to say it wasn't my first experience with a woman claiming a child belonged to the wrong man," he confessed.

"Oh. I see," Jolie said as realization dawned and she was madder than hell now. "You thought I was lying because another woman said she was having your child."

"That's not what I meant," Reece hastily denied.

"So I'm the only woman who claimed you got her pregnant?" Jolie demanded and saw him hesitate. Narrowing her eyes, she demanded, "Answer me, Reece."

"Technically, no."

"What the hell does that mean?" She demanded in exasperation at his half answers.

"Yes, someone else claimed she was pregnant with my child," he replied as if it made no difference one way or the other. "But it's not relevant to this conversation."

"How the hell is that not relevant?" She demanded indignantly.


"Because Clarice isn't important," Reece snapped in exasperation at the conversation getting so far off track. When Jolie gasped in shock he knew he was so screwed. And not in a good way.

"Clarice… Duvall… is pregnant?" She asked as she stood and stared at him with pain etched all over her beautiful face. "That's why you believe me now," she accused and he could tell that the shock was wearing off fast and anger was taking its place. "Because she's having your child!"

Reece had deliberately fostered the erroneous impression that he'd had a multitude of lovers since their divorce. Now he wished like hell that he'd let the world know that he'd remained celibate. If the look on Jolie's face was any indication, he was going to stay that way for quite some time.

"I never touched her," he hastily denied as he rose to his feet. "But she is the reason why I had the test done. When the results came back conclusive I realized that Bryce was mine."

Jolie laughed bitterly at that. "I told you that four years ago!"

"Dammit, Jolie, I thought I couldn't have children and when you showed me that fucking ultrasound I went completely insane. The only thing I could think of was that you had betrayed me. That you were trying to pass another man's bastard off as mine. That you were just like…" he caught himself and shut the hell up before he admitted more than he should again.

"Like who, Reece?" She demanded. "I deserve to know whose sins I've had to pay for."

His head and his heart waged an internal battle before he finally grated out, "My mother."


Obviously, Reece had some deep seated mommy issues that had clouded his judgment. And she didn't know whether to believe him about the model or not, but the possibility of another woman having his child was like a hot lance through the heart. "Are you going to explain or not?" She demanded irritably.

His expression was as grim as she'd ever seen it when he admitted in a tone void of all inflection, "My mother was a high-priced call girl. She blackmailed her wealthy clients by claiming that Dane and I were theirs. Back then paranormals were still considered abominations and no one wanted it known that they had sired a bastard shifter."

"They paid the greedy bitch a fortune to keep quiet," he said in abject disgust. "We had too many fathers to count, and just as many last names. Little did they know or care that she left us in a rat-infested apartment to fend for ourselves for weeks while she went out and partied the money away."

"As we got older and paranormals lost their stigma, the payments stopped coming in," Reece confessed in a tone void of all inflection, his face an emotionless mask. "So she needed a new source of income. That was when she started pimping us out to pedophiles who wanted the novelty of fucking a shifter."

"My God," she breathed, horrified that a woman could treat her children like that. She was sickened and dismayed at what he and Dane must have suffered at the hands of such a perverse creature. Tears filled her eyes and what was left of her heart bled for them.

"The first time I shifted, I ripped her fucking throat out," he said tonelessly, though his eyes were glowing with the power of his wolf. "I was sent before the local paranormal council for a tribunal. Douglas Lassiter was one of the elders. He got the whole story out of Dane and ruled it a justified kill. Then he adopted us and took us into his pack."

"I had a vasectomy because there was no way in hell that a woman was going to screw me over like my mother did all those men." Reece held her gaze evenly and added, "So maybe now you can understand why I behaved like a fucking fool instead of giving you the benefit of the doubt."

It was almost impossible to believe that he had been raised like that, but it sure as hell did explain a lot about his behavior. After everything that Reece had been through, Jolie did understand, but that didn't mean she was willing to forgive him. Not after he had broken every promise that he had ever made to her.

Because she had believed him when he'd claimed that she was his mate. Jolie had been the one woman in the world who would never, could never, betray him. Because he had been the other half of her soul. Hurting him would have ripped her own heart out. But in the end, it had all been a lie. A terrible, painful lie.

If she really had been his mate, Reece could never have cut her out of his life. Never abandoned her and their child. Never destroyed the perfect love that they had shared. But he had, and she'd never forget it. Pressing a hand to her aching head, she leaned heavily against the arm of the couch. The emotional upheaval was taking its toll.

"I understand," she said wearily. "Now take me home."

"Jolie, it's late," he pointed out in a reasonable tone. "Why don't you stay here tonight? We can finish the conversation in the morning."

"There's nothing left to say, Reece," she denied. "You explained why you didn't trust me and didn't want our child. End of conversation."

"But I do," he insisted. "I want my son, Jolie."

Fire filled her eyes and she growled warningly, "Don't even think about taking him away from me, Reece. I'll do anything to keep Bryce."


And there it was.

Jolie had just handed him the perfect opportunity to exploit her weakness and have her completely at his mercy. Ruthless son of a bitch that he was, it was on the tip of his tongue to promise that he wouldn't if she came back to him. But he couldn't bring himself to utter the words that would give him everything he wanted.

It was exactly what his mother would have done in this situation and the realization sickened him. There was no way in hell he could ever take advantage of Jolie like that. Nor would he use his son for selfish gain. He'd hurt them both enough already. Dane was right. It had to be her decision.


"I swear I'll never try to take him from you," he assured her and damned if he didn't look as sincere as he sounded. "Please, Jolie. Let me be his father."

Jolie knew that she could not in good conscience refuse Bryce the right to know his father. She also knew what a ruthless bastard Reece was and didn't trust a damn thing he said. Right then she was just too tired to think and he was making her head spin. "We'll discuss it in the morning," she finally relented.

"You'll stay?" He asked and looked pleasantly surprised.

"Where's the guest room?"

"You can have the master," he offered and led her to the master suite where he pressed a button on the LED panel just inside the door. "I deactivated the motion sensor so the lights won't come on if you roll over," he explained. "Make yourself at home, Jolie."

"Sure," she said in lieu of the snarky comment that she was just too tired to make and closed the door between them. Jolie turned off the light, made her way over to the bed and snuggled into the exquisite feel of sheer decadence. God, she missed silk sheets. And a mattress without lumps and springs.

And the scent of Reece's cologne. She grabbed the pillow he obviously used and inhaled deeply. Mmm. Pressing the pillow to her chest it was all too easy to imagine that she was curled up against him. She was just too tired to fight the warm fuzzies the thought gave her and Jolie was asleep within minutes.


Reece was equally exhausted but nowhere near capable of sleep. He was emotionally wrung out from the day's events. Sharing his shameful past was the hardest thing he'd ever done. There were some things a man never wanted the woman that he loved to know, but his mate had deserved nothing less than the painful truth.

He just hoped like hell that it made a difference.

He'd lost what little humanity he had possessed when he'd turned his back on Jolie and become more beast than man. His wolf was content now that their mate was in their home, but he was also chomping at the bit to go cuddle with her like he used to do. Unfortunately, that wasn't even an option at this point.

Neither was sleep. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Jolie. The one he'd lost and the one he'd found. Trying to reconcile the two was giving him a headache. His sunshine girl and the woman sleeping in his bed were polar opposites. One had been full of life, all smiles and happiness. The other had been beaten down by life, filled with bitterness and anger.

And he was the reason why she had changed. Why she'd become hard and brittle. Never in a million years would he have believed the bright-eyed, happy woman he'd married would become the furious woman he'd encountered tonight. Jesus, it seemed a lifetime had passed since the day he'd met her five years ago.

Reece had been out for his morning run and because of roadwork, he'd been forced to deviate from his usual route. Since the coffee shop he normally frequented was in the opposite direction, he'd stopped at one a few doors down from his building to get his daily fix of caffeine. Busy checking his phone for messages, he hadn't even looked at the cashier when he'd placed his order.

Immersed in firing off a response to an email, he'd paid the bill and stepped over to the side to wait. At that hour there was no one else in the shop, so when the barista had said in an amused tone, "Large, black, really hot guy," he'd looked up. The grinning young man had shown him what was written on the cup and nodded at the cashier. "Guess she thinks you're hot."

Reece had looked over at the woman and felt the breath catch in his throat. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but wisps of spun gold framed her face. A delicate blush stained her cheeks and the way she lowered her lashes over crystal blue eyes assured him that she had embarrassed herself. His phone had pinged a response and he'd flashed the cashier a smile and a wink before heading off to get ready for work.

Thanks to the roadwork, he'd run the same route for over a week. Every morning when he walked into the coffee shop, the cashier would cheerfully say, "Good morning, Really Hot Guy." Reece was no stranger to flirtatious women. They came hand in hand with wealth and power. But something about this woman was a hell of a lot more innocent than the avaricious creatures he was accustomed to.

She was just so fucking cheerful and her smiles were infectious. Even after the roadwork was finished, he didn't switch back to his old route. His morning just wasn't complete without one of those bright as sunshine smiles and he actually missed them on the days she didn't work. Her smile was more potent than the caffeine.

He'd been a regular for a couple of weeks when she had asked, "Are you ever going to tell me your name?" When he'd stared at her blankly, she had gestured with the pen and cup she held. Those blue eyes had sparkled mischievously and she'd said, "Or I can just keep calling you Really Hot Guy."

That was when Reece realized that she didn't know who he was. His face was splashed over the media often enough that people recognized him on sight. Especially women. Yet this one didn't have a clue that she'd been casually flirting with the multi-billionaire Supreme Alpha wolf shifter. She just thought he was a really hot guy.

The realization was totally liberating.

Never in his adult life had he had the opportunity to just be a regular guy. Every woman he'd dated had known who he was and how much he was worth. His innate mistrust of women had become even more jaded because he'd never known which had the greater appeal, him or his money and power. Now he had the opportunity to find out.

And a date with the stunning cashier would be no hardship.

"Let me take you out for a cup of coffee and I'll tell you," he'd offered and flashed her a dazzling smile.

Her smile had grown even brighter as she'd leaned toward him and whispered, "Don't tell the boss, but… I don't like coffee."

He had laughed in genuine amusement and quickly suggested, "Then how about lunch?"

"It would have to be a late lunch," she responded. "My shift doesn't end until one."

"Tomorrow at one?" He suggested because there was no way he could clear his calendar for today on such short notice.

"It's a date."

The next day, he had arrived bearing a huge wicker picnic basket filled with delicacies from his favorite deli and a bottle of wine that would have never made it into his collection. Though his assistant had assured him it was quite good and something a regular working class stiff would be able to afford.

Since the coffee shop was directly across the street from Central Park, his assistant had convinced him that a nice relaxing picnic where they could just talk and get to know each other would be perfect. She had also assured him the idea had a romantic flair that any woman who didn't use the word summer as a verb would enjoy. That had sealed the deal.

She'd been waiting for him casually dressed in a pair of jeans that showed off those long luscious legs and a sweater molded to her gorgeous breasts. Thoughts of peeling them off of her had him harder than the concrete under their feet. "I haven't been on a picnic in years," she said and looked delighted at the prospect.

"I've never done it," he had admitted and hooked her hand through his elbow to lead her across the street and into the park. His penthouse overlooked Central Park yet he'd never set foot in it in the daytime. At night his wolf considered it his private playground as he romped and ran every square inch.

Once she had selected a spot in the sunshine, he spread out the traditional red checkered table cloth and they sat cross-legged facing each other with the basket between them. "I'm not sure of proper picnic etiquette," he admitted with a sheepish smile.

"Then allow me to do the honors," she had said as she shifted the basket to the side and began removing items that she neatly arranged between them. She had oohed and ahhed over his selections and some of the tension began to leave his shoulders. Reece couldn't believe that he was more concerned about how she would react to their picnic than he was about an impending feud between rivaling packs.

"You still haven't told me your name," she reminded him with a simply adorable impish smile.

"It's Reece," he'd confessed and hoped she didn't press for a last name, though he had been known by several that he could give her if she did, just not the name he'd used since he was thirteen. "And you're Joey."

"Not really," she had denied and grinned at his perplexed look. "My boss is hearing impaired, so my name tag is wrong. He's such a sweetheart that I didn't have the heart to tell him."

Was she for real? Reece knew women who would go into complete histrionics if someone mispronounced their name, but this woman hadn't complained that her name tag was wrong because she didn't want to hurt her bosses feelings. Holy hell. She really was as sweet and genuine as she seemed and he was completely intrigued.

"Are you going to tell me your name?" He queried.

"It's Jolie, hence the name tag that reads Joey," she explained.

Jolie. Which he knew was French for pretty. Had this been his typical date, Reece would have informed her of that and proceeded to flatter her that she was too stunning to simply be called pretty. Magnifique came to mind because she was magnificent. The sunlight shone on the golden mane surrounding her and she positively glowed.

They laughed and talked and time passed without notice for either of them. Reece was enthralled by her beauty, ensnared by her innate sweetness and addicted to those brilliant smiles. When Jolie shivered, he noticed that the sun had sunk behind the trees and realized that it was almost six o'clock. "Have dinner with me," he invited and did not want their date to end.

Jolie glanced at her watch and her eyes rounded in surprise at the time. "I can't. I'm going to be late like it is."

"You have a date?" He queried and his hackles rose at the thought. She had awakened something possessive inside of him and he did not intend to share her with anyone else. Ever. His wolf was convinced that Jolie was their mate. It seemed the beast was as fascinated with her as the man.

"A class," she clarified as she hastily placed the empty wine bottle and glasses back in the basket.

"What are you studying?" Reece asked as he stood when she did, anxious to know everything about her.

"Contemporary dance," Jolie replied as she lifted the tablecloth and shook it to remove any debris.

"With those legs, I should have known," he teased and loved the blush on her cheeks.

She quickly folded the cloth as she playfully responded, "When I become a star on Broadway, you can tell people that you knew me when I was no one."

Reece took her hand and held it in his to still her movements. When she glanced up at him questioningly, he admitted, "You will never be no one, Jolie. You're too special to ever be considered insignificant."

Her eyes had softened and she favored him with the sunlight of her smile as she squeezed his hand gently. "Thank you, Reece. For the lovely compliment and a wonderful afternoon."

"I want to see you again," he admitted as he closed the distance between them. She tilted her head back to look up at him and he realized that she was the perfect height for kissing. God how he wanted to taste the sunshine of her smile.

"I'd like that," Jolie had agreed.

"Tomorrow night?"

"Only if you let me cook you dinner."

"You cook?" He asked in amazement and had never had a woman offer to cook for him before. Her chef perhaps, but never herself.

"My mother was French. Of course, I cook," she had laughingly assured him.

"It's a date," he agreed. Unable to stop himself, Reece feathered his lips over hers in a kiss as chaste as it was reverent. There was something so special about her and he wasn't about to scare her off by releasing the hunger that she had inspired. From that day forward, he'd been hopelessly lost in Jolie and had basked in the sunlight she brought into his cold, barren life.

And now she was back in his life again, but her sunlight had turned to darkness. Her joy had been crushed by despair. Bitterness had taken the place of the love she had once lavished on him so freely. Reece was a selfish bastard who didn't deserve her, had never deserved her. Even knowing that, he still could not make himself let her go again.

Because without his mate, he was nothing.





Jolie woke with a start and sat up looking around the room in disbelief. Oh, hell. It hadn't been a dream. She really was in Reece's penthouse. In his bed. She hopped out as if her ass was on fire and hustled into the bathroom. Of course, it would have her dream bathtub complete with jets and mood lighting. What she wouldn't give to be able to soak all her cares away.

With a sigh of resignation, she relieved her bladder, washed her hands and face and went in search of her ex. Jolie might have been too wrung out to give him hell last night, but that was about to change. If he wanted a relationship with her son, then he was going to have to play by her rules.

Entering the living room, the scent of coffee assailed her nostrils and led her directly into the kitchen. Reece was standing at the counter pouring himself a cup with one hand, his phone in the other as he barked out orders like a drill sergeant. The scene was so reminiscent of the past that she had to close her eyes.

When they were married, she would have walked up behind him, slid her arms around his lean waist, laid her head against his shoulder and just enjoyed holding him. When he finished the call, he would have turned around and kissed her until they were both panting for more. Dammit. She had to stop remembering these ridiculous things.

Like how passionately he had kissed her. The way he had looked at her like she was the only woman in the world. Until the day he'd turned on her. Then his turquoise eyes had been as cold and hard as the stones they resembled. Exactly like his heart. Yes. That was what she needed to remember, what she needed to focus on until their talk was over.

"I don't have all day, Reece," she snapped as she walked over to the refrigerator and removed a pitcher of orange juice. He handed her a glass as he finished his conversation and ended the call.

"Morning, sunshine."

"I told you not to call me that," Jolie reminded him irritably.

"Ouch. Not a morning person anymore?" He queried and lifted the cup to sip his coffee.

"Not since I started working nights," she said sweetly and he choked on the coffee. Deciding that tormenting him was too much fun to resist, she added, "You know, normally when a man picks a stripper up and takes her home with him, the last thing he's interested in is talking."


Reece had not needed a reminder of what she did at night and the insinuation that she also engaged in prostitution set his temper on edge. After he had coughed the fluid out of his lungs, he growled, "That wasn't funny, Jolie."

She gave him a death glare and snapped, "No, it's a fact of life."

Jesus! He wasn't about to touch that one. He'd lose his mind if he thought for one minute that his mate had sold her body. The body that he'd pay any price to have in his bed permanently. He needed to be rational for their discussion, so Reece forced himself to ask calmly, "Would you please stop trying to provoke me so we can continue our conversation?"

"Anything to get it over with," Jolie said in exasperation as she opened the refrigerator and started removing items.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm hungry."

"I can order…"

"I'd prefer to make my own omelet if you don't mind," she refused the offer he'd been making as she shoved the door closed with her hip and began placing the items on the counter. The thought of one of her omelet's had him and his wolf salivating. Jolie really was an amazing cook.

"Need some help?" Reece offered and his mind flashed back to memories of her trying to teach him to cook and they'd always wound up making love instead. Images of Jolie bent over the countertop while he took her from behind, of her sitting atop the stove or pressed up against the refrigerator with him buried so deep they had seemed to be one.

Their eyes connected and he saw the desire in hers before she quickly looked away. Yeah, she'd been remembering it, too. "You'd just get in the way," she responded and began preparing the ingredients.

Reece moved to the other side of the counter and adjusted the steel rod in his jeans before he sat on a stool. He'd forgotten how being around Jolie had kept him in a perpetual state of arousal. Keeping his hands off of her was going to be a bitch. That was another reason why they needed to get this shit sorted out as soon as possible.

Four years of celibacy had sucked.

"You're not talking," she pointed out.

"I thought I'd wait until I had your full attention."

"I can multi-task," Jolie said dryly. "Start talking."

His mind raced through all of the things they had discussed last night and everything that still hadn't been said. Just to be on the safe side, he decided to do a re-cap of their last conversation. "Do you understand why I reacted the way I did?" Reece queried.

"Yes and no," she responded as she turned to dump something into the frying pan.

"Could you elaborate on that?" He asked and wanted there to be no misunderstandings left between them.

"Your mother warped your perception of women so you didn't trust me when I told you something that you believed was impossible," Jolie said succinctly. "A man without mommy issues would have assumed something had gone wrong with the procedure and had a test done to confirm it instead of accusing his mate of being unfaithful."

Reece grimaced because she was exactly right. On every detail. He'd overreacted and behaved like a lunatic. All because his mother had been a first class bitch. "You're right," he admitted in a tone laden with grief. "I was a fucking fool."

Jolie eyed him over her shoulder and must have decided to be charitable because she didn't rub it in. "So, yes, I get it. No, I don't agree with it," she explained.

"Can you ever forgive me?" Reece asked through a throat constricted with pain.

"No." Blunt, direct, complete denial. There was no room for compromise in her tone. No possibility of a reconciliation. His hope for a future with Jolie crashed and burned. His wolf howled in anguish as he died a fiery death inside. He dropped his face into his hands and fought the tears that were choking him.


The man sitting behind her was not the Reece Lassiter she had known. The man she had married had been sweet and charming, loving and playful, and he had seemed to cherish her above all else. The man who had thrown her out had been cold, hard and implacable, the ruthless supreme alpha who could make or break pack laws with one phone call.

The man at the counter just looked… broken.

Jolie knew that look all too well. She'd seen it on her own face every day for the last four years. Some dark corner of her soul cheered at his misery, but the part of her that had once loved him commiserated with his pain. Now that she understood why he had turned into a monster, it wasn't as easy to hate him as it had been the day before.

She cut a portion of the massive omelet for herself, leaving the largest piece for him, and slid it onto plates. Turning, her heart felt a pang of sympathy for Reece. His head was bowed and clasped in his hands and even the set of those broad shoulders looked dejected. Yeah, he was suffering and she didn't enjoy seeing it like she had thought she would.

Sliding a plate in front of him, she refilled his coffee cup and sat down beside him at the counter. Deciding to try and use this time to hash out the past might be painful, but it looked like they both needed it. Maybe they could finally begin to put the pain behind them and get on with their lives. Hell, it was worth a shot anyway.

"You broke my heart, Reece," Jolie said quietly as she picked at her food. "I thought you loved me and I couldn't understand how you could just turn on me like that. You didn't even give me a chance." Her heart stuttered when he lifted his head and those turquoise eyes were filled with unshed tears.

"You were the first woman that I'd ever trusted," he admitted somberly. "The only woman I'd ever loved. When I thought you'd betrayed me, I… I went insane. There's no other word for it. I just lost my fucking mind."

Yeah, he'd been completely over the edge all right. His eyes had glowed with an unearthly light and he'd sprouted claws and fangs. Up until that moment, she had loved it when his wolf came out to play. But that day it had scared the hell out of her. "You looked like you wanted to kill me," she informed him.

He lifted his hand and gently trailed the back of one finger down her cheek. "I'm the biggest, baddest wolf shifter in the country, Jolie. I have a vicious temper, but even insane I'd never hurt you physically," Reece confessed. "I wish I'd never hurt you at all."

"So do I," Jolie admitted honestly and moved away from his touch. Dammit, he was getting to her. Allowing herself to feel anything but hatred for him would be a mistake and she knew it. The man had shattered her heart, destroyed her life and turned his back on their child. He didn't deserve her sympathy.

The fire of her anger rekindled with the reminder of his unforgivable actions, Jolie grabbed their untouched plates off the counter and raked the omelets into the trash can. "I cannot believe you treated me like that," she accused as she began stacking dishes into the dishwasher with more force than necessary.

"Do you want to know how miserable I've been without you, Reece? Do you need to hear how much I suffered? How hard I had to struggle just to survive?" She demanded and slammed the door shut so hard it bounced back open. She shut it again and whirled on him to demand, "Do you even care that I almost died?"

Reece paled to ash as his mouth dropped open in shock. "You almost died?" He rasped and looked genuinely shaken. "What the fuck happened?"

"The convenience store I was working in was robbed," she told him bluntly. "The guy was stoned out of his mind and when he put a gun in my face, I thought he was going to kill me. I went into premature labor and almost bled to death before an ambulance arrived. It's a miracle that Bryce survived."

Reece was actually shaking and his color looked more gray than white as he rounded the counter and pulled her into his arms. "My God," he breathed harshly and there was so much anguish in his eyes that Jolie knew it was real. "I could have lost you."

"You lost me a long time ago, Reece," she said evenly and slipped out of his embrace. It felt too good and stirred up way too many feelings she'd rather forget. "Now you need to let me go for good."


Both man and wolf rebelled at the thought of letting her go. Hell, letting her out of his arms was difficult enough. Reece knew that he would if that was what she wanted. He didn't have a choice in the matter thanks to that damn vow to Dane. But there was no way in hell he was giving up yet.

"The last time I let you go it destroyed both of us," he confessed raggedly. "Please don't ask me to make that mistake again. I don't think I'd survive it."

The look she gave him was quelling. "You actually expect me to believe that?"

"Yes," he said sincerely. Reece placed his hands on her shoulders and slid them slowly, sensually down her arms until he held her hands in his. "You're my mate, Jolie. The other half of my soul. Without you I am nothing," he confessed and the stark truth of that shown in his eyes, resonated in his voice.

"I exist, but I'm not alive. I function, but there is no purpose. I'm a shell; empty, lifeless, without substance," he elaborated and dropped to his knees before her. "Without you, there is no joy, no peace for my miserable, wretched soul. I'm hollow inside without your love. A bleak, fathomless void of darkness that stretches to infinity."


Holy Mother of God!

The supreme alpha was on his knees pouring out his heart to her. Jolie felt as if she had slipped into the twilight zone. How many times had she dreamed of this happening? How many times had she fantasized about it just so she could crush him and watch him writhe in an agony of his own making?

She had not expected the tears that sprang to her eyes or the hope that filled her chest. She'd never imagined that she could feel anything except loathing for this man again. She'd been wrong. Yes, he'd treated her abominably, and yes, she had hated him for what he had done. But now she realized that through it all, she'd never stopped loving him.

That was why he still had the power to destroy her.

"I can't trust you, Reece," she admitted sadly. "I don't think I ever will."

"Trust can be earned," he insisted and squeezed her hands gently. "I swear I'll prove that you can trust me, Jolie. Just tell me what you want and I'll do anything you ask. Anything."

"Relinquish your parental rights as Bryce's father," she said firmly and pulled her hands free from his. "I want an agreement stating that sole custody is mine."

Reece nodded his understanding, his mouth set in a grim line. "I'll have George draw up an agreement giving you anything you want. Something ironclad that guarantees all the security you need," he offered as he stood.

Relief flooded her. "I didn't think you'd do it," she admitted.

"Earning your trust is worth any price I have to pay," Reece assured her. He lifted a hand to gently caress her cheek and said, "I won't let you down this time, Jolie. One day you will love me again."

Thank God he didn't know that she'd never stopped. More than anything, Jolie wanted to lay her head on his shoulder and let Reece wrap her in a cocoon of love as she had done so many times in the past. But she no longer had that luxury and the intimacy of the moment was too much for her shattered heart to bear.

"Trust can't be bought," she pointed out since he had a habit of throwing money at problems to make them go away.

"No. It can't," he agreed and she knew now that he had trust issues of his own thanks to mommy dearest.

"Neither can love," she reminded him.

"I've got more money than I'll ever spend, but it can't buy the things that really matter; love, happiness, trust," Reece assured her. "But it can provide creature comforts. Will you let me take care of you and Bryce, Jolie? Let me give you a safe place to live and provide anything else you might need?"

Her heart began to hammer in her chest. Reece was offering her everything she needed to give Bryce a decent life. She might not trust him, but she'd be a fool to turn him down. "I think that would be acceptable," she agreed and tried not to let her elation show.

"Good. I had George open a checking account for you yesterday," he admitted. "It's in your name and I can't touch it, so you don't have to worry about money. We can add as much as you want, but I thought a million would get you started."

Jolie's heart stopped and then started up again double-time. "Dammit, Reece, you can't just give me a million dollars!"

"Hell, sunshine, a decent divorce attorney would have cleaned me out," he pointed out with that charming smile that used to make her weak in the knees. Okay, it still did, dammit. "A million was the least I could do."

"We'll discuss your spending habits another time," she assured him. "Right now I'm starving."

"Should I order something?" Reece asked warily.

"You'd better. There's nothing left in the kitchen to cook," Jolie said dryly.





Since it was almost noon, Reece ordered Chinese which they ate on the rooftop patio and shared bites from each other's containers like they used to do. Both man and beast were pleased since they seemed to be making progress. After they were both stuffed and feeling more relaxed, he asked, "Is Bryce with a sitter?"

"He had a sleepover with a classmate last night. He's at school now," she admitted.

He frowned in confusion because their son wasn't even three years old yet. "Isn't he a little young?"

"Bryce is exceptionally gifted. He said his first word at six months, counted to ten by one and could recite the alphabet at a year and a half," Jolie confessed. "I had him tested at two. His IQ was over 145 which means…"

"He's a genius," Reece said in astonishment.

If he'd needed further confirmation that Bryce was his, that would have done it. Reece was a certified genius with an off the charts IQ. It seemed his son had inherited more than his eyes. He wondered if he'd gotten his volatile temperament as well. If so, Jolie had her hands full keeping him entertained and out of mischief.

"Yes. He is. Which meant he needed to attend a school for gifted children as soon as possible. Even with the scholarship that the school counselor helped him get, the tuition is over two thousand dollars a month," Jolie said wearily. "Stripping was the only way I could afford it."

Jesus Christ. It shredded him inside to know the sacrifices that she had made for their son. Memories of the childhood from hell burst free of the wall he'd built around them and he felt physically ill. The evil bitch that had given him birth would have never done such a thing, but his sweet, gentle sunshine girl didn't have a selfish or manipulative bone in her body.

If possible, he loved her more than before.

Reece took her hand in his and asked hopefully, "Will you let me pay for his education, Jolie?"

"In a way, you already are," she admitted. "The Lone Wolf Foundation is his sponsor."

The charitable organization that he had founded to assist paranormal children and teens through a variety of programs. His pack adopted the children who would have gone into foster care, and provided counseling for the ones who had been abused. Clinics that provided free medical and dental care, after-school programs for latchkey children, and scholarship funds.

The knowledge that his son had been a recipient was humbling. It also served as a painful reminder that he was a piece of shit father who should have been providing for the boy all along. He hung his head in remorse and said, "I am so sorry."

As if she understood the emotions that he couldn't put into words, Jolie gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Such a small action, but it meant everything to him. At that moment, Reece would conquer the whole fucking world if she asked him to.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said as she stood and entered the penthouse.

Jolie was a strong woman, but she'd been through so much more than he had imagined. Suffered more pain and tragedy than anyone should ever have to endure. Thanks to him. He had been a goddamn fool, of that there was no doubt. Thank God he'd finally come to his senses and gone looking for her.

It was time he found out just how hard she had fought to survive. That intent firmly in mind, Reece went into his office, opened a door in the credenza and removed a small cardboard box filled with manila envelopes. He sat down at his desk and flipped through the reports that he had received from the private investigator.

The man had sent him weekly reports but he'd never been able to make himself look at them. Starting with the oldest, he opened it and began to read. His expression grew grimmer with every page. His chest grew tight, his eyes damp. Breathing became difficult. And he hated himself more with every word.

He had thrown Jolie out with nothing but the clothes she'd been wearing. She'd been a distraught, sobbing mess when the police had hauled her away. They had taken her to a homeless shelter where she'd been forced to reside with the dregs of society. While he had gotten completely hammered in his multi-million dollar penthouse.

Sweet Mother of God!

It was no wonder that his sweet Jolie had become embittered. Reece had left her with no option except to fight for survival, but she hadn't possessed the ruthless streak that he'd been born with. She'd been a babe in the woods with no one to turn to. If he'd read these fucking reports when he got them, he would have known that.

There had been no other man. No lover for her to run to for help. She'd had no one to care what happened to her. Or their child. No one who gave a damn if they lived or died. No one except his brother. Thank God for Dane's chivalrous streak. He'd taken her out of the shelter and checked her into a hotel. He'd also provided clothes and shoes.

Jesus. She hadn't had any fucking shoes.

Reece raked both hands down his face and discovered it was wet. With tears, he hadn't been aware of shedding. There were no words to adequately describe the level of self-contempt he felt. He had put Jolie through absolute hell and in essence, forced her to become exactly like himself. The only difference was that she still retained a measure of her soul.

He didn't.

Reece was ruthless to his core. The first thirteen years of his life had shaped him that way. In order to survive his brutal existence, he'd grown hard, cold, emotionally detached on the outside. But on the inside, his wolf had been a raging inferno of fury. Volatile. Dangerous. One step away from self-destructing.

Then Douglas Lassiter had adopted him and he'd realized that wealth and power would make him invincible. So he had learned to control the beast inside of him. To behave as a civilized man. He'd channeled all of his considerable focus into feeding an unquenchable thirst for knowledge that had facilitated his quest.

Through sheer determination, he had made a place for himself in the world. A place where he was the master of his destiny. The ruler of his fate. The most powerful alpha wolf shifter in the nation. His brother jokingly referred to Reece as the great and powerful Oz, and his attorney George was the little man behind the curtain pulling the strings.

In a way, Dane was right.

There was nothing that Reece could not do. He had more wealth than he'd ever spend. More power than any one man had a right to command. The world was his oyster. But he had discovered that without the woman he loved at his side, it all meant nothing. So he was fully committed to focusing that same determination toward winning her back.

Restoring her faith in him was a priority. Because he knew that once broken, trust was hard to regain. He needed to find a way to prove that he would never hurt her again. And he needed to do it fast.




It had taken Jolie a minute to figure out the complex touch screen system that operated the various shower heads, but it was well worth the effort. A gentle rain fell from above as the wall mounts pulsed a massaging spray over her body. Once she'd washed and conditioned her hair, she just stood there indulging in the best damn shower she'd had in years.

Grabbing a towel from the heated bar, she noticed that the Egyptian cotton was a far cry from the threadbare towels she owned. The material was decadently soft against her bare flesh and she shivered at the sensual sensation. Living in the lap of luxury had been a novelty during their marriage, but after the past few years of abject poverty, she fully appreciated the difference.

Oddly enough, she felt lighter than she had in years. As if a huge weight had been lifted. It was strange how something as insubstantial as hope could lighten the heavy burdens she'd been carrying for so long. But it had and she was positively giddy with relief. She was finally going to be able to provide her son with a decent life.

Bryce was still a toddler, so he had no concept of poverty, but she wanted so much better for her baby than what she had been able to give him so far. A home in a neighborhood where children could actually play outside, clothes that hadn't been bought second hand, and educational toys to challenge his inquisitive mind.

With a million dollars at her disposal, she could give him the world.

He might not have known the finer things in life, hell, he'd known nothing but the bare necessities so far, but there was one thing that her son had never lacked. Love. He was happy and healthy and she loved him with every fiber of her being. If a mother's love counted for anything, Bryce Lassiter was the wealthiest little boy alive.

Speaking of wealthy Lassiter's, she went in search of her ex and found him sitting at his desk, completely focused on whatever he was reading. There were empty manila envelopes dropped haphazardly onto the floor and a stack of unopened ones on the desk beside him. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"Reading the reports from the private investigator I hired to follow you," he replied absently without looking up. Her stomach lurched at what the reports might contain. God knew her past had not been pretty. "Wanted to know who your lover was." The world tilted on its axis as she tried to focus on what he was saying through the roaring in her head.

"Should have read the damn things when I got them," he muttered and finally looked up at her. "Are you all right?"

Jolie was so weak that she had to sit down. She managed to nod her head, but it was a lie and he obviously knew it. Suddenly Reece was kneeling next to her, chafing her cold hands in his. The genuine concern in those turquoise eyes was her undoing and a shuddering breath escaped before she could stop it.

He slid both arms around her and held her close as tremors shook her. "Sunshine, what's wrong?" Reece asked gently. "Talk to me."

For the first time in four years, she had lowered her guard and allowed herself to believe that things were going to get better. Reece had offered her a measure of security, a way out of the situation she was drowning in and the relief had been immense. She had made a tentative start to trusting him again only to be reminded how insignificant his assurances were.

"I thought you believed me," she choked out and could barely articulate past the pain that had gripped her. She could almost see the thoughts racing in his head. It was amazing how fast the man could process information. It was also unsettling the way he could still read her so easily.

"I know you never had a lover," he said heavily and cursed under his breath. "You were right earlier. I do need to know the hell I've put you through so I decided to read the reports."

"I'm sorry," Jolie found herself apologizing because he looked so defeated again. "I had just started trying to trust you and then…"

"I fucked up. Again," he said grimly.

Jolie reached across the desk and lifted the stack of sealed manila envelopes. She flipped through them, a frown marring her brow as she looked at him in confusion. "You never opened them."

"Jolie, I couldn't bear to hear your name mentioned," Reece admitted. "Reading these would have killed me."

"Then why did you hire the investigator?" She asked in confusion as she dropped them back onto the desk.

"So I could destroy the bastard who had taken you away from me," he admitted and the ruthless intent shone in his eyes. "And I would have destroyed him, sunshine. If there had been another man I would have ripped him apart with my bare hands."

Her breathing hitched and she stared up at him wide eyed, shocked at the glimpse of his feral side that Reece had never let her see until he'd been too far gone to reign it in. His eyes were glowing with power. Just like they had the night he'd thrown her out. She didn't doubt a word he'd said either.

Reece would have killed her lover if she'd had one.

Shaken by the revelation, she stood and said, "I need to go home."

He rose and the scowl on his face assured her that he was not pleased with the idea. "Why don't you stay here until you find someplace safe?" He suggested. "I can have a realtor arrange some viewings for you."

The thought of going back to her fleabag apartment chilled her to the bone. Jolie had never felt safe there and couldn't get any decent sleep because she woke at every sound. "I accept," she agreed and saw how relieved he looked. "But I need to go pick up our things."

"Why bother?"

She understood the question completely. All of their possessions were worthless and not something she cared to keep. "I need to get Bryce's birth certificate and baby pictures," she explained. "Will you take me?"

"Anyplace you want to go," Reece confirmed.





Once they were in the car, Jolie checked her phone and saw several missed calls. Since her battery was in the red, she ignored them and made a call to the nanny of one of Bryce's classmate's. Madeline was a sweet woman, very loving and nurturing, and she spent more time with little Jeremy than his mother did.

Because her employers traveled for extended periods, Madeline frequently invited Bryce for sleepovers and after school play dates to help entertain her lonely charge. The two women had become good friends so Jolie arranged for the nanny to drop Bryce off at his father's since Jeremy's family lived a couple of buildings away.

She had learned during their marriage that the political world had no set hours. Reece dealt with alpha leaders all over the world and was on his phone in the middle of the night as well as on weekends and holidays. He'd carried on a conference call during the entire drive and it gave her the opportunity to study him.

He was still the most handsome man she'd ever seen, with a body to die for. How she had reveled in exploring his muscular frame, pushing him to the very edge of his control and then sating his desire and hers. Their lovemaking had been a beautiful thing. Sometimes fast and wild, while others were a slow, pleasurable journey to ecstasy.

She had craved his touch with a hunger that no one else would ever be able to satisfy. The sad thing was, she still did. Only Reece could make her mindless with pleasure and leave her so satiated that she was boneless. Her womb clenched in remembrance and she had to force the images from her head.

Jolie had let him back into her life for their son's sake, but she could not allow him back into her bed. Because if she did, he'd own her heart and soul, just like he had before. And just like then, she would be completely vulnerable to him. That was a situation that she simply could not allow to happen.

Reece parked in front of her building and held up a finger, his way of asking her to give him a minute to finish the call. Knowing from experience that it was never that easy, she shook her head and opened her door. By the time he was off the phone she would have completed the task and be back in the car again.

Glancing back to grin at the scowl he wore, the door to her building opened and she walked into a solid wall of flesh. Arms wrapped around her and hugged tightly as a familiar voice exclaimed, "Jolie, Luv, where have you been? I've been worried sick about you."

"Gavin," she said in surprise as she looked up at his handsome face just before his lips covered hers.


When a blonde man grabbed Jolie, a snarl tore from Reece's chest. The phone sent flying, in his haste to get to her, he practically tore the door off before he exploded out of the car. At the sight of another man kissing his mate, his vision turned to black and all pretenses of being civilized vanished.

"Get the fuck off of her," he snarled in a guttural tone and flung the other man aside before advancing on him with murder in his eyes.

Suddenly small hands were pressed against his chest, shoving at him, trying to block him from his intended target. A golden aura appeared in his vision and Jolie's face came slowly into focus. In that second his entire world was reduced to nothing more than her face. Her beautiful face… twisted with fear.

His focus began to clear and his rational mind returned. He could hear himself growling like the enraged beast he was, smell the stench of rotting garbage and urine on the street around them. In his peripheral, he saw the blonde man lying on the sidewalk, staring at him as if he were completely insane.

But his entire being was centered on the woman before him, pleading with him to stop. And she was afraid. Jolie, his beautiful sunshine girl, was afraid. Of him. The knowledge eviscerated Reece and he swayed on his feet. Trembling hands reached out and gently grasped her upper arms as he rasped, "Did he hurt you?"

"Jesus Christ, Reece! Are you crazy?" Jolie shouted as she moved away from him and knelt down beside the other man. "Gavin, I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into him," she apologized and that amped Reece's anger back up again.

"Who the fuck is he, Jolie?" He growled, hands clenched into fists at his sides, claws extended and ready to rip the other man to shreds.

"Bryce's pediatrician," she snapped as both she and the other man stood.

"You kiss all your patient's mother's?" Reece snarled and took a step toward them.

"No," the man denied in amusement and shot her a playful wink. "Just Jolie."

Reece was going to kill him.

His intent must have been obvious because his mate darted back between them. "Reece, don't you dare touch him again," she insisted.

"Are you lovers?" He demanded in a guttural snarl and saw her pale.

And there it was.

Confirmation that his mate had a lover. Like this situation wasn't already fucked beyond redemption, to begin with. Reece was walking a fine line between fury and insanity, his legendary self-control precariously balanced on a razor edge. Lifting eyes filled with all the fires of hell to the other man, he vowed, "You're a fucking dead man."


Since he'd already warned her what he would have done to her lover, the blood drained from her face in fear for Gavin. A denial hung on the tip of her tongue until she recalled that Clarice Duvall claimed she was pregnant with Reece's child. Then her temper ignited and she stood toe to toe with him to give him hell.

Quite a few of the neighbors came out to view the spectacle and offer their opinions as well, but right then she didn't give a damn. "You goddamn hypocrite," she shouted furiously. "You fucked half the women on two continents and got your last lover pregnant. It's none of your damn business who I sleep with!"

"Uh, uh!" A woman leaning out of a window on the floor above them exclaimed.

"You tell him, girl," a hooker located on the corner called out encouragingly.

"The hell it isn't," Reece shouted right back at her. "You're my mate!"

"Man, shorty be playin' you," a man jeered as he leaned out of the second floor window next to the woman.

"You bettah whoop that bitch's ass," the pimp to their right suggested seriously.

"You threw me out," Jolie accused viciously. "And divorced me the same day I had your son!"

"No, he di'int!" The first woman said in shock.

"Playah, you ain't right," the hooker said in contempt.

The fight seemed to drain out of him and Reece admitted, "I was a fucking fool."

"Aw, hell, no. Don't be backin' down," the pimp insisted.

"Bitch got him whooped," the man above them laughed.

"I'll show yo ass whooped," the woman warned the man in the window beside her.

"You're acting like one now," Jolie assured him as a shouting match ensued between the two neighbors over who was whooped.

"Because seeing you with another man rips my guts out?" He demanded.

"Shorty is a prime piece," the pimp interjected.

The pain in his eyes clawed at her heart and Jolie had to fight a battle with herself before she admitted that she'd never had sex with Gavin. "You gave up the right to care, Reece," she reminded him in a more reasonable tone. "That includes who I sleep with."

"I know that's right," the hooker agreed.


Reece could not deal with this shit.

Knowing that Jolie had a lover was killing him. His heart was completely shredded and his head really was going to explode. Because she was right. He'd been the one to end their marriage, and in the cruelest way imaginable he'd just discovered. He'd had no idea when George had delivered the divorce papers, but his lawyer would pay for that mistake. Dearly.

And he needed to clear up the misconception that the multitude of women he'd been seen with since their divorce had been his lovers. They had been a smokescreen and nothing more. But he knew that Jolie did not indulge in sex without being emotionally involved. That meant she had to care about the other man. And that was the part he could not handle.

Because if she loved the doctor, he didn't have a hope in hell of getting her back.

"Can we continue this discussion without an audience?" He forced himself to ask as calmly as possible since half the goddamn neighborhood had gathered to hear them air their dirty laundry.

"Can you behave like a civilized adult?" She challenged.

"Don't push it," he warned and would not make any guarantees. Not when his wolf was this close to the surface and his control was hanging by a very frayed thread.

Jolie sighed in exasperation. "Stay right there and don't you dare interfere," she warned and walked over to where the other man was leaning against the building as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Reece glared sheer venom at his enemy, but the bastard ignored him as he smiled at Jolie and they carried on a conversation that was impossible to hear over the din around them. The son of a bitch had no idea how lucky he was. If Jolie hadn't stopped him, he would have killed him. His wolf was still ready to rip his throat out.


"I take it that's your ex," Gavin said in amusement.

"It is," she admitted wearily and rolled her eyes. "Reece is… insane."

"Insanely jealous you mean," he grinned and then his expression sobered. "Are you all right, Luv? I've been calling you all day."

"I forgot to charge my phone," Jolie confessed. "I'm sorry if I worried you."

"Worrying about you has become a habit," he responded with a worried expression. "Is there anything I need to know?"

"We're not reconciling if that's what you're asking," Jolie denied.

"Does he know that?" He asked doubtfully.

"Oh, he knows, but knowing and accepting are two entirely different things," she pointed out.

"A man would be a fool to give up on you," Gavin said seriously and trailed his fingertips down her arm. How she wished his touch could produce half the sensations that her ex-husbands did. "I'm a prime example of that."

She and Gavin had met when Bryce was born and he'd been determined to win her over from the start. The man was tenacious as hell and she'd finally agreed to have dinner with him a year ago. Their relationship had never progressed into intimacy mainly because only one man could melt her with a look. The one man she could never trust.

The same man who looked like he was about to lose his shit again.

"Reece is helping me find a place to live, so I'm just here to pick up a few things," she explained. "I'll call you as soon as we're settled."

"Thank God you're getting out of this place," he said in genuine relief and had offered to help her find something more suitable countless times. And she'd refused multiple offers to move in with him as well. "If you need help just let me know."

"Thank you," she smiled and kissed his cheek. The sound of Reece growling again had her hurrying into the building before her ex's wolf made an appearance. She had known that he would follow her and the fury rolling off of him was palpable as they climbed the stairs. Jolie unlocked the door but it refused to open.


Reece gently moved Jolie aside before he kicked the door off of the hinges. A single piece of wood held in place by the locks was all that remained. He looked over at his mate's astonished expression and growled, "I needed to break something."

"You need anger management classes," she snapped before stepping into the apartment and walking over what remained of the decimated door.

"Had 'em. They just pissed me off," he admitted and followed her inside. The place looked even worse in the light of day. Or at least what little light he could see filtering through the grime covering the outside of the window.

She grabbed a duffle bag from beneath the bed and began to stuff their meager possessions into it. From the quick glimpse he'd had, the serviceable plain white undergarments she'd packed were a far cry from the erotic lingerie he had bought her, and taken great pleasure in removing from her body.

Without a word, Jolie shoved the duffel into his arms and walked across the door on her way out. Yeah, she was pissed. Well, so was he. They were going to have a serious conversation about her relationship with the doctor, but he needed to get his shit together first. Like that was going to happen anytime soon.

He wanted the rip her clothes off and make love to her again and again until he'd wiped every other man who'd ever touched her from her mind. His wolf wanted to mark her and cover her in his scent to warn other males away from their mate. With the mood she was in, the chances of either one happening were getting slimmer by the minute.

When they were back in the car he asked, "Is there any place else you need to go or can we go home now?"

"Your home. I don't have one," Jolie reminded him as she settled into the seat and folded her arms over her chest.

"Mi casa es tu casa," he replied without thinking and received a withering look. Yeah. It was probably a good idea to keep his fucking mouth shut until they reached the penthouse. They made the remainder of the trip in tense silence, both knowing that an epic battle would rage as soon as they arrived.

Having retrieved his phone from the floorboard, Reece cursed under his breath when it started ringing as soon as they stepped off of the elevator. Intending to switch the Do Not Disturb setting on, a glance at the display informed him that it was the doorman calling. Answering the call, he demanded impatiently, "Yes?"

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Alpha Lassiter," the man said nervously. "But you have a, um, delivery."

Reece didn't recall ordering anything and right then he didn't care what it was. "Just keep it at the desk for me," he ordered.

"B… But…" the doorman stammered nervously. "It's a… a child."

He stopped mid-stride, heart in his throat and demanded, "Say again?"

"The woman claims she's delivering a child. To you," he explained as if the situation were too bizarre to be real.

"Bring him up immediately," he insisted and turned to see Jolie scowling at him, hands on her hips and ready to give him hell. Well, hell. It looked like their showdown might be postponed, but at least he was finally going to meet his son. "Bryce is on his way up," he informed her.

Jolie gave him a venomous look and marched back over to stand in front of the elevator. When the doors slid open, she dropped to her knees and held her arms open. The most brilliant smile covered her face and just like that, his sunshine girl was back.

"Mommy!" A childish voice exclaimed happily as a miniature blonde tornado flew forward and flung himself against her. The doorman gave them a perplexed look and pushed the down button.

"Bryce," she said joyously as she hugged his little body against hers. "I've missed you so much."

"Missed you, too," the child exclaimed as he looked up at her and his smile was every bit as full of sunshine and happiness as his mother's.

"Did you and Jeremy have a big adventure?" She asked and kissed his cheek.

"'Venture's are 'posed to be fun," Bryce complained. "Din't haf fun wifout you."

"Then you and I will have a big adventure together," she assured him as she stood with their child in her arms.

Reece felt his heart stutter before it kick-started into high gear as he watched his mate and child. His mate and child. Emotion swelled so tight in his chest that he could barely breathe. Tears filled his eyes and he had to blink several times to clear his vision. The knowledge that they were here, in his home, was almost more than he could bear.


"Who dat?" Bryce asked as he noticed Reece.

Since it had never occurred to her that the two of them would ever meet, she hadn't told Bryce anything about his father. Now Jolie wasn't sure what to say. Turning, she saw the abject longing on Reece's face and was stunned by it. If she'd ever doubted that he wanted his son, his expression would have wiped that misconception away.

"That's Uncle Dane's brother," she admitted and reluctantly put him down when Bryce wriggled to be set free. "Would you like to meet him?"

"Yes, pwease," the child confirmed as he took her hand and led her over to his father.

Reece looked at her and she could have sworn she saw fear in his eyes as they approached. Was he nervous about meeting his son? Jolie supposed that was a normal reaction, but Reece Lassiter had never been nervous in his life. The man had too much innate confidence and downright arrogance. But damned if he didn't look scared half to death.

"Reece, this is Bryce," she introduced evenly.

Her ex squatted down to their son's level and said, "Hi, Bryce." The tremor in his voice confirmed it. The supreme alpha was nervous all right. About meeting a three-year-old. The idea was almost comical and she had to fight a grin of amusement.

"Your eyes are wike mine," Bryce announced as he stared at his father intently. "Unca Dane said I haf my daddy's eyes. Are you my daddy?"

Jolie stifled a gasp and bit her lip anxiously. Bryce was so smart, she should have known he'd figure out who Reece was without having to be told. However, she had no idea how her ex would respond and that made her nervous as hell.

Reece had jolted in shock at the question before his shoulders stiffened in determination. "I am, " he replied firmly.

"Did you fine'wy get enough sweep?" The child asked hopefully.

His father blinked a couple of times and glanced up at Jolie in confusion. She shrugged her shoulders because she didn't have a clue what their son meant either. "Sleep?" Reece guessed.

Bryce nodded seriously. "Unca Dane said one day you'd open youw eyes and come see me," he explained. "You been sweepin' a wonnng time."

Both adults grasped the child's logic, but whereas Jolie had to fight a smile, Reece's eyes filled with tears. "Too long," he answered solemnly. "Looks like we've got a lot of time to make up for."

That was all the invitation that Bryce needed. Her son had an inquisitive mind and he fired question after question at his father. With more patience than she would have believed possible, Reece answered every one of them and even managed to ask quite a few of his own. Watching the two of them get to know each other was a revelation in itself.

Jolie had never realized just how alike they were until right then. Bryce might have her coloring, but he looked so much like Reece that it was obvious they were father and son. They even had some of the same mannerisms. And the same unquenchable thirst for knowledge as well as insatiable curiosity.

When Bryce complained, "Mommy, I'm hungwy," he and his father decided on pizza and Reece ordered delivery.

Jolie was content to just sit and hold her son while the two of them became acquainted. Every child needed a father and her baby was basking in the undivided attention that his was providing. She couldn't help wondering how different Bryce's life would have been if Reece had been there from the start.

Since she still didn't trust him, her biggest concern was that her ex would lose interest in the boy when the novelty wore off. Although at the moment such a possibility did not seem likely. The two males were fascinated with each other and had basically forgotten that she was even in the room.

After dinner, Bryce and his father sprawled out in the middle of the floor and were having an animated discussion about her son's idol, Iron Man. Entertaining the boy was a full-time job that she loved, but for the moment she decided to take advantage of the situation and use the free time wisely.

Jolie went into Reece's office, grabbed a notepad and pen and curled up on the sofa again. She began to make a list of things she wanted to be included in the agreement and fully intended to hold him to his promise to give her whatever she wanted. If he was serious about being a part of Bryce's life, he'd damn well have to keep his end of the bargain.





Reece was amazed at the amount of energy the child had and awed at his son's easy acceptance of him. The boy was just as cheerful and loving as his mother and did not seem to harbor any resentment toward him for being absent his entire life. Bryce was such a precious gift and he didn't deserve him any more than he did Jolie.

Now that he'd met him, he'd fight tooth and claw to be the father that he deserved. And he was the boy's father, without a doubt. Bryce's scent was a combination of Reece and Jolie's that he had instantly recognized. His wolf was ecstatic and in a frenzy to meet their cub. He wanted to romp and play with the boy just as much as the man did.

Bryce idolized Iron Man and was overjoyed to discover that he owned the DVD collection. The two of them joined Jolie on the couch and they settled in to watch the movie. He'd been shocked when the child clambered into his lap and settled comfortably against him. Choked with emotion, Reece had to fight not to crush his son against him and never let go.

It appeared the boy's boundless energy had finally run out and within minutes, Bryce was sound asleep. In no rush to relinquish him, Reece just sat there holding him and staring down into his face until he realized that the movie had ended. Glancing over at Jolie, he saw that she had fallen asleep as well.

He carried his son into the master suite and settled him onto the bed, unable to resist trailing the backs of his fingers down the boy's tender cheek and over his silky hair. He carried Jolie in and placed her beside their son and she instinctively curled protectively around the sleeping boy. Bryce squirmed even closer and a contented smile curved both their lips.

Reece just stood there staring at them in the semi-darkness. His mate and cub. Those damned emotions that he had shut himself off from for so long bombarded him again and he was unable to bear the onslaught. Love, happiness and a sense of peace stole over him and he bowed his head in reverence, his tearful gaze practically worshipping them.

The hell he'd lived through in the first thirteen years of his life had turned him into a completely ruthless beast filled with rage. He had learned to control it by shutting down his feelings and over the next sixteen years, he had become a cold, emotionless bastard. Then Jolie had come into his life and made him feel things he hadn't realized he was capable of.

And now he had her back. Not like he wanted, but at least she was back in his life again. She was giving him a chance to earn her trust, to prove that he was more than the bastard who'd hurt her. A chance to get to know his son. My God. He had a son. His chest swelled with so many emotions he couldn't contain them.

Reece slipped quietly out of the room, walked over to the bar and poured himself a measure of scotch. Moving over to the wall of glass, he looked out at the view of the city. A million lights twinkled all around him and blurred by tears they took on the hazy appearance of snowflakes. He closed his eyes and welcomed the memory that played through his mind.

He and Jolie had been practically inseparable for weeks and she had shyly invited him to attend a dance recital. He had been completely entranced by the stunning performance that she had given. Well versed in the arts, he recognized true talent when he saw it and Reece knew that with his connections, he could easily get her a role on Broadway.

Once he finally had the guts to tell her who he was.

He had still been enjoying the anonymity far too much to even think about confessing the truth. For the first time in his life, he'd found a woman who saw him as a man and it was obvious that she liked what little she knew of him. The thought of revealing the truth and destroying that sent a cold chill down his spine.

Once the performance was over, Reece made his way backstage and saw the male lead with his arm around her. The way she leaned so comfortably against the other man assured him that they were close, their bodies familiar with each other. Were they lovers, he wondered and everything male within him rejected that idea.

His wolf did as well. Seeing the other man's hands on her while they danced had been hard enough and the beast he'd kept a tight leash on had threatened to rear its ugly head. When it came to Jolie, he was far too possessive and territorial to share her with anyone else. She was his. "Mine," the wolf insisted forcefully. "My mate."

When Jolie saw him, a brilliant smile lit her face and she broke free from her dance partner to hurry across the crowded room to him. That appeased the beast greatly and Reece pulled her into his arms for a searing kiss, publicly displaying his claim for everyone to see. Her partner had looked extremely pissed, which pleased both man and beast.

Jolie melted against him like warm honey and her eyes were slightly dazed with passion when he finally ended the kiss. "You were incredible," he said huskily.

"Wow," she breathed. "I'll have to dance for you more often."

"How about dancing with me instead," Reece suggested and knew the time had come to reveal his identity. Being rich and famous might give him an edge over the other man and he was not above exploiting his reputation to get what he wanted. The ruthlessness that had propelled him to the top of the pack was too deeply ingrained to ignore.

"Dancing?" She asked and those big blue eyes sparkled with life and vitality.

"After dinner," he added and lifted her hand to his lips to feather kisses across her knuckles. "Let me show you off."

Bemused, Jolie had agreed and while she changed, he'd called for his car. Once his driver arrived, he'd led her outside and she'd stopped on the sidewalk and stared up at the snowflakes falling around them in delight. He thought he had misheard her when she invited, "Dance with me."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Dance with me in the snow, Reece," Jolie had laughingly invited. "It's so beautiful."

Thinking her to be drunk on euphoria over her performance, he'd indulged her whim and swept her into his arms to begin waltzing her across the sidewalk to where his car and driver waited. Jolie had laughed happily and the absolute joy shone on her face and in her eyes. That was the moment he lost his heart forever.

Reece twirled her around and around, snowflakes falling all around them, dusting her hair and melting on her flushed cheeks. She was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. So perfect and pure, filled with such joie de vie, and he knew that he was hopelessly lost in the wonder of her. He also knew that he would do anything to make her his. Forever.

Because wolves mate for life.

When they reached the car, his astonished driver held open the door and he seated Jolie inside before sliding in beside her and pulling her back into his arms where she belonged. As of yet she hadn't paid any attention to the limousine and was staring up at him in adoration. He wanted to see that look on her face every day for the rest of his life.

"I think you may be the most perfect man I've ever met," she said softly and lifted a gloved hand to caress his cheek.

Elated with the comment, but knowing that he was far from perfect, Reece queried, "What would make you think that?"

"Because you danced with me in the snow," she said as if he'd accomplished some miraculous feat. "You're either the man I've been waiting my whole life for or a complete lunatic."

From the way he'd been behaving lately, the latter was far more likely, though he liked the sound of the former better. "Jolie, you are the only woman I would dance in the snow with," he assured her.

"Because I'm the only one you know crazy enough to do such a thing?" She teased.

"Because you're the woman I love," Reece admitted solemnly and saw the look of wonder that covered her face.

"Reece," she breathed as tears filled those expressive eyes. "Oh, Reece, I love you so much."

His frozen heart melted and Reece kissed her with a reverence he'd never shown another. "Jolie, my Jolie," he whispered against her lips before the ever present hunger took over and their mouths fused together in the act their bodies craved. When the car stopped, Reece regretfully ended the kiss. Her dazed expression and the hunger in those too blue eyes damn near snapped his resolve.

When the driver opened his door, Jolie seemed to come out of a daze and looked at their surroundings for the first time. "This is a limo," she gasped and raised huge, luminous eyes to his.

"Nothing but the best for my sunshine girl," Reece assured her as he exited the vehicle and extended his hand to her. He assisted her out of the car and she stared at his driver in shock before she realized where they were.

"Reece," she hissed quietly as he led her to the door. "This place is outrageously expensive and I'm not dressed…"

He silenced her protest with a gentle kiss and replied, "You look stunning." That said, he nodded at the doorman, stepped inside and led her past the line of waiting people, directly to the host. Normally he used his private entrance, but tonight he wanted everyone to see the beautiful woman by his side and know that she was his.

"Good evening, Sir," the host greeted cordially. "Your table is ready."

Jolie had stared back at the diners who were avidly staring at them as he guided her through the room to the private alcove that was always reserved for him. Once they were seated, he turned his full attention to the woman at his side. She looked completely perplexed and her brow had an adorable wrinkle.

"How did you do that?" She asked in confusion since it was a well-known fact that the restaurant was booked months in advance and getting a table on short notice was impossible.

"I'll let you in on a little secret," he said with a devilish smile as he leaned closer to whisper, "This is my favorite restaurant, but getting a reservation was a pain in the ass. So I bought the place." He leaned back a bit until their eyes met, and felt as if he'd jump out of his skin waiting for her reaction.

As usual, Jolie surprised him. She clapped a hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. "Okay, I deserved that for being nosey," she admitted in amusement and it was obvious that she thought he was joking. The possibility that he was Reece Lassiter had never even occurred to her.

"Good evening, Alpha Lassiter," the head waiter said as he materialized beside the table and handed over menus.

Jolie's quiet gasp and huge, rounded eyes assured him that she no longer thought he was kidding. Never looking away from the woman beside him, he said, "Give us a few minutes." The man disappeared as unobtrusively as a shadow.

"You're Reece… Lassiter?" Jolie asked in a shaken tone and stared at him as if she'd never seen him before. That was not the reaction he'd been hoping for and it scared the hell out of him.

"I am," he admitted.

The woman he loved visibly paled. "Oh my God," she whispered in an appalled tone. "You're Reece Lassiter."

His anxiety growing by the second, Reece took her cold hand in his and said soothingly, "I'm the same man you danced in the snow with, sunshine."

If anything she looked completely mortified at the reminder and actually moaned as if she were in mortal pain. "I made you dance in the snow."

Reece couldn't help grinning at that. "No one makes me do anything I don't want to, Jolie," he assured her.

That did not appease her at all and those big blue eyes got even larger when she gasped, "You own this place and I cooked you dinner!"

"Best meal I ever ate," he confirmed and it really had been. The woman was an amazing cook.

"Oh my God," she moaned again and buried her face in her free hand.

Reece slid his arm around her shoulders and was shocked that she was actually trembling. Tilting her chin up with his other hand, he met her horrified expression and said, "Jolie, please tell me this isn't going to be a problem."

She stared at him as if he'd sprouted another head. "Not a problem?" She repeated. "Reece, you're the freaking supreme alpha! You're rich and famous and, well… you. I'm no one."

Red hot fury zapped him at hearing her belittle herself and he fought to hang onto his temper. "Don't ever say that again," he growled as gently as possible. "You're the most genuine, honest, caring person I've ever met. My world is filled with artifice and lies, but you're real, Jolie, and that is absolutely priceless."

She stared at him in amazement before finally saying, "You really believe that, don't you?"

He nodded in confirmation, his face a mask of seriousness. "I told you before that you were too special to ever be considered insignificant, and I meant it," Reece assured her. "You're perfect."

"I thought you were just a regular guy," she admitted and looked embarrassed at not having recognized him.

"A really hot regular guy," he teased and color rushed to her cheeks as she smiled sheepishly.

"Even then I wondered what you saw in me, and now…" Jolie shook her head as if to clear her muddled thoughts. "I'm more confused than ever."

"You're the woman I love," he replied gently. "Simple as that."

Tears filled those huge eyes. "Can it really be that simple?" She asked hopefully and looked afraid to believe.

Reece was a powerful man and he could make things happen according to his whims. For Jolie, he'd drain a fucking ocean if it would put the sparkle back in her eyes again. "It will be anything you want it to be," he promised and raised her hand to his lips to place a reverent kiss in her palm.

"I just want… to be with you," she confessed and his heart filled to overflowing.

"That's good, sunshine," he assured her and placed a tender kiss on her lips. "Cause I'm never gonna let you go."

Reece opened his eyes and stared out at the night sky again. But he had let her go. And he'd almost destroyed them both in the process. It was a well-known fact that once a wolf shifter lost his mate, his lifespan shortened considerably. Some grieved themselves to death while others reverted to their animal state permanently.

Because it appeared that he had successfully walked away from Jolie without suffering any ill effects there were those who did not believe that she had been his true mate. They were wrong. He had suffered a living hell, and so had his wolf. But he was an expert at masking his emotions, so no one had a clue that he'd been more dead than alive.

If a wolf showed weakness, he became prey for other predators. As the Supreme Alpha, showing any sign of weakness was not an option. Which was exactly why he'd been seen with a revolving door of beautiful women. To create the illusion that not even the mating bond was strong enough to break him.

The women he escorted thought he had refused to share their bed because they were somehow lacking, which meant none of them would ever admit that he hadn't. No one knew that he had remained faithful to his mate for four, long years. No one except Jolie ever would. And somehow, he was going to have to convince her of the truth.





Reece opened his eyes and stared into turquoise eyes. Bryce was standing beside the couch staring back at him anxiously. The child's face split into a brilliant smile and he announced happily, "You didn't sweep for a wong time again!"

Realizing what his son had thought, he figured he'd have to explain the euphemism and dispel the notion that he had Rip Van Winkle syndrome so the boy didn't panic every time he slept. "Of course not," Reece teased as Bryce climbed up to sit astride his chest. "We've got a big adventure planned for today."

Those big eyes got even bigger as he asked, "We do?"

"Absolutely," he readily agreed and placed his hands on the child's waist to make sure he didn't fall. And because his wolf needed the physical contact as much as the man did. "Remember we talked about visiting the planetarium and looking for Iron Man in the sky?"

Bryce's mouth dropped open. "Can we weawwy?"

"If your mom agrees," he replied and realized he should have discussed it with Jolie first. The boy was off of him and the couch like a shot and hauling ass to the master suite yelling for his mother. Reece couldn't think of anything he'd rather do than spend the day with his mate and son and he hoped like hell she agreed.




Jolie was exhausted. Unfortunately, her son was not. Bryce was wide open and still had more energy than any three children should have. She knew it was all the excitement and as soon as she got him still for a few minutes, he'd be out like a light. So would she. Reece, on the other hand, seemed as energized as the boy.

It had been quite a day and her son had loved his big adventure.

She should have known that her ex would make it a day that their son would never forget. They'd started at the planetarium and after that, it became a blur of activity while Bryce discovered one fascinating thing after another. His little mind was like a sponge, soaking in everything and his curious questions had been endless.

Now that they were finally back at the penthouse she had every intention of availing herself of that glorious soaking tub, a glass of wine and then collapsing into bed. If she could get father and son off of the elevator. Bryce had been fascinated by the machine and his father had been happy to explain the workings to him. In detail. Their third trip up, she'd insisted they let her off before they descended yet again.

Jolie stepped off of the elevator and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the mountains of bags and boxes stacked neatly around the foyer and right on into the living area. A sigh of resignation escaped her. It looked like Reece had ordered a wardrobe for her and Bryce and had it delivered while they were out.

Good lord. It would take a truck to move all of this. Which reminded her that she needed to start looking for a place to live. Too bone weary to care about any of it right then, she strode into the master suite and froze mid-step. Sprawled across the bed in a provocative pose wearing a seductive smile and little else, was Clarice Duvall.

Shock held her in place as the other woman looked her over and then said haughtily, "You must be the new maid."

Maid? Her ex-husband's pregnant lover thought she was the fucking maid?!

"Bring the bags in so I can see what my darling Reece has bought me," she informed her in that same snotty tone as she rose languidly and preened in front of the mirror.

Enraged beyond any measurable means, Jolie turned on her heel and walked out of the room without a word. She was going to kill Reece for this. How dare he allow that… that woman into his home while she and his son were there? The elevator doors opened as she reached the foyer and she scooped Bryce into her arms while leveling his father with a murderous glare.

"You have a guest," she all but snarled and marched into the kitchen to fix her son a cup of juice and pour herself a glass of wine. Jolie downed it in one large gulp and poured a refill.




Reece could tell that Jolie was livid, but he had no idea why. Nor did he know who his unwanted guest could be. Very few people were allowed access to his penthouse and he seriously doubted that a visit from his brother would garner that reaction. Determined to find out who had upset her, he stalked into the living area prepared to oust the idiot.

"Reece, darling," trilled from the master suite and he whirled around in shock to see a barely dressed Clarice standing in the doorway. Fuck. Me. Jolie had seen the other woman and now he was so screwed. Before he could say a word she had wrapped herself around him like ivy on brick. "I knew you'd miss me."

His wolf growled menacingly. The beast had never liked Clarice and it would happily rip her apart before letting her come between them and their mate. Reece peeled her off of him and snapped, "What the fuck are you doing here, Clarice?"

"It was a false alarm, so I got over my snit," she said with a careless shrug. "Now we can go back to the way we were."

The hell they could. The viperous bitch meant nothing to him and never would. Especially now that he had a chance at getting his sunshine girl back. Reece pointed her toward the elevator and said, "Get the hell out and don't come back."

"You don't mean that darling," Clarice chided as she waved one taloned hand at the bags lying around the room. "If you did, you wouldn't have bought all of this to entice me back."

"I bought it for my mate," he snarled as he grasped her arm to drag her to the elevator if necessary.

"Your mate?" Clarice screeched as she snatched her arm free and looked absolutely furious at the revelation. "Who the hell did you mate with?"

"Me," he heard Jolie say and turned to see her leaning indolently against the kitchen doorway, a glass of wine in her hand and murder in her eyes. Jesus Christ, he just couldn't catch a break. He had to get Clarice out of there before a cat fight of epic proportion broke loose and he lost his mate permanently.

"You mated with the maid?" His former lover shrieked in outrage.

"Hardly," Jolie replied scathingly. "I'm a stripper."

At that outrageous announcement, the model was struck speechless and Reece took advantage of it to hustle her into the elevator and hit the down button. Then he snatched his phone out to call the doorman to give him absolute hell. His guest list had just been effectively reduced to his brother, attorney, and personal assistant.

He walked into the kitchen where Jolie had disappeared to and was fully prepared to grovel if need be. What he wasn't prepared for was the disappointment he saw in his son's eyes. It seared through his veins like hot acid. Barely twenty-four hours and he'd already failed the boy. Fan-fucking-tastic. He was a lousy father.

"Is da bad wady gone?" Bryce asked.

"Yes, and she won't be back," Reece assured him and the woman glaring daggers at him.

"She made mommy mad," the child imparted solemnly.

"I'm sorry," he said for lack of a better response. "It won't happen again."


"I swear," Reece agreed.

The boy's forehead crinkled much like his mothers when she was concentrating, before he asked, "What's sweaw mean?"

"It's better than a promise," his father explained. "When you swear to do something you do it, no matter what."

His son digested that and nodded his head. "I wike sweaw."

"Bry, would you go watch TV while I talk to your mom?" He asked hopefully and saw Jolie stiffen.

"'Kay," the boy agreed and scampered out of the room.




"How dare you," she hissed the second they were alone, her hands fisted by her sides to keep from clawing his eyes out. She had heard the model admit she wasn't pregnant and the relief that flooded Jolie had infuriated her even more. Because she shouldn't care, dammit. But she did. Too much.

"Jolie, I am so sorry," Reece began and the remorse was evident in his tone and expression. "I had no idea that Clarice would…"

"Don't. Just don't," she interrupted and reached for the wine glass only to discover that it was empty. Grabbing the bottle, she poured another glass and fought the bile rising in her throat. "How many more of them are going to show up, Reece? How many of your lovers am I going to have to deal with dropping by unannounced?"

Eyes narrowed, he growled, "Now you know how I felt when the doctor kissed you."

Oh, she did. She really did, and it pissed Jolie off because she was jealous of all the women who'd shared his bed since… Her mouth dropped open in shock as a horrible thought occurred to her. "You let me sleep in the bed where you had sex with other women?" She demanded furiously. "You let our son?"

The first time he had ever taken Jolie home with him, he had admitted that he'd had the entire bedroom completely redone for her. Because he hadn't wanted the scent of any other woman ever occupying the bed they shared. "I swear I haven't had sex with anyone else," he hastily denied. "No other woman holds any appeal for me, sunshine."

Jolie drained the glass, slammed it down on top of the counter, and said scathingly, "Bullshit. Bryce and I are going to a hotel."

Now he looked panicked. "You agreed to stay here until you found a place," he reminded her hastily and blocked her path when she would have walked out of the kitchen.

"That was before your lover made an appearance."

"She's not my lover and it won't happen again," Reece swore as she brushed past him.

Jolie walked into the living area and picked a drowsy Bryce up in her arms. "Time to leave, sweetheart," she said gently and placed a kiss atop his head.

"Weave?" The boy asked sleepily. "Why?"

"So you and I can start a new adventure," she said and tried to force some excitement into her voice.

"Wifout daddy?" He queried with a frown.

"Daddy has to stay here."

"Wanna stay wif daddy," the child insisted.

"Bryce, you and I are going to find a home of our own," she explained as patiently as possible. "This is daddy's home."

"Want to stay wif daddy," the child repeated stubbornly and wriggled to get down. As soon as she placed him on his feet, he ran over to his father to demand, "You don't want us?"




Reece had been elated to hear that his son didn't want to leave him, but now the boy had put him in a hell of a predicament. If he told the truth he'd piss Jolie off and if he lied, he'd hurt Bryce. One look into those sad eyes and the decision was made. No way in hell was he going to let his son down again.

He knelt down until they were close to eye level and admitted, "I do want you, Bryce. Both of you. More than I can say."

"Why we haf to weave?" The boy demanded in confusion. "Why can't we stay wif you?"

"Your mom wants a house," he explained slowly, hoping he could find the right words. "With a big yard where you can run and play."

Bryce pointed to Central Park visible from the window and said, "Dat's big."

At over eight hundred acres it was a hell of a lot bigger than any yard. The child was smart as hell and he didn't miss much. "But no children to play with," Reece forced himself to concede to the items Jolie had listed for the agreement.

"I wike pwaying wif you," the boy said solemnly and stepped closer to wrap his little arms around Reece and hug him.

His arms closed around the child and he held him as tightly as he dared. "I like playing with you, too," his father admitted brokenly and felt as if his heart was being ripped out of his chest. Raising tormented eyes to Jolie, he saw her standing there with a hand over her mouth and tears welling in her eyes. Yeah, it was ripping her apart as well.

"Bryce, " Jolie said softly, a slight catch in her voice. "We can't stay with daddy forever, but we can stay a little longer."

"How wong?" The boy asked as he twisted around to face her. Reece and his wolf were waiting with bated breath for her answer.

"A few more days," she hedged and obviously didn't want to commit herself any longer than she had to.

"What if daddy goes to sweep again?" Bryce asked anxiously. "I haf to be here to open his eyes."

His mother appeared not to have an answer for that bit of logic. Right then and there Reece decided to postpone that Rip Van Winkle discussion indefinitely. Yeah, it was wrong, but he really was a ruthless bastard. Deciding to change the child's focus, he suggested, "What do you say we open these bags and see what's inside?"

While mother and son began digging through the multitude of purchases he'd had his assistant make for them, Reece ordered dinner. After they ate, the three of them settled in on the couch to watch another Iron Man movie. It had barely begun before Jolie and Bryce were both fast asleep.

Reece carried his son into the master suite and placed the sleeping child on the bed. Going back into the living area, he couldn't resist stretching out beside Jolie on the couch and just holding her. She snuggled deeper into his embrace and his heart damn near exploded with happiness. Her mind might not trust him, but her body responded just as it always had to his.

God, what he wouldn't give to be able to touch her and make love to her again.




Jolie became aware of a hard male body pressed against hers and she sighed in utter contentment. Mmm, she loved the way he felt, the intoxicating scent of his cologne. Everything about Reece was mind-numbingly delicious. One of her legs lifted and draped over his as her arm snaked around his lean waist, seeking to draw him closer.

A groan tore from his chest and a smile tickled her lips as she nuzzled her face into the space between his neck and shoulder. Her tongue darted out to slowly lick a trail up to his ear and she felt his big body shudder. She nipped his lobe gently and ground herself against the steel rod of his cock.

"Jolie," the ragged whisper of her name was both a benevolent prayer and a plea for mercy. Too bad she wasn't feeling very merciful. She ground against him again and the hand splayed at her lower back slid down to cup her ass and assist in the endeavor. Reece shifted her until his cock was pressed directly against her clit. Her moan rivaled his.

Leaning back a bit, Jolie focused on glittering turquoise eyes filled with hunger and felt a surge of need so elemental it bordered on painful. She was lying in the arms of the only man she'd ever loved, the only man who'd ever been able to make her body shatter with more pleasure than she could bear. And he could still make her tremble with just a look.

No, she hadn't forgotten that he had cast her aside and left her to fend for herself and their child. Nor would she ever forget it. She also knew that despite his protestations to the contrary, he was perfectly capable of doing it again. After all, Reece was a ruthless bastard. But he was her ruthless bastard. And she wanted him.

"Make love to me," she invited softly.


Either he'd died and gone to heaven or Reece was having the best goddamn dream of his life. Jolie, his beautiful sunshine girl, was looking at him with eyes filled with desire and she'd asked him to make love to her. His senses were sent reeling, his wolf howled the Hallelujah chorus, and every fucking emotion he'd ever known filled his heart to overflowing.

"Are you sure?" He heard his voice asking from a distance and wondered if he'd lost his goddamn mind to be questioning her at a time like this.

"I want you, Reece."

A sob of sheer joy bubbled up from his chest and escaped in a rasp of breath before his lips claimed hers in a kiss filled with pure reverence. He undressed her slowly and worshiped every inch of her gorgeous body with his hands, savored her with his mouth until they were both panting and desperate for more.

The moment was surreal as he settled into place between her quivering thighs. His heart hammering like a timpani, and the fine sheen of sweat covering his body assured him that this was really happening. Then he took both of her hands in his, palms connecting, and made love to her as slow and beautiful as their first time together had been.

His cock thrust into her tight sheath in slow, measured increments. Jolie was so wet and ready for him, her inner muscles gripped his sensitive flesh and held on. The sensation of being one with her again was almost more than he could stand. The pleasure was too intense. His eyes damn near crossed in sheer ecstasy.

"Reece." His name, a cross between a moan and a plea, was music to his ears. "I missed this. Missed us. So much."

Elation filled his soul. "I love you, sunshine," he choked out hoarsely. Though she did not return the words, her grip on his hands tightened in a gentle squeeze. It was enough. Having this much of her was more than enough. One day, Jolie would love him again. But for now, he was going to love her so completely that she never doubted his feelings for her again.

He lavished her neck and shoulders with kisses. Whispered, "I love you," with every slow, deep thrust. Reece imbued her with his need, saturated her with his desire, filled her with his adoration. When Jolie was poised on the edge of climax, he gently bit the mating mark on her neck. She cried his name brokenly as he followed her into the only peace he'd ever known.

Afterward, he lay there with her wrapped around him as if she could not bear any degree of separation. Just like she always had. Reece placed a tender kiss on her lips as blue eyes, sated and slumberous lifted to his. "Please don't regret this, sunshine," he pleaded. "Promise me you'll never regret this."

"Never," Jolie purred in contentment and snuggled trustingly against him before sleep lulled her.

Reece dressed her in his shirt and carried her to the bed to place her beside their son. Then he slid in behind her and the three of them curled together like a human spoon. Never before in his life had he known such contentment as falling asleep with his mate and son in his arms.

His wolf was in complete agreement.





Jolie came awake slowly, her body floating on a languid cloud of satiation. A delicious smile curved her lips as she savored the feel of Reece against her back, their son pressed to her front. Her eyes snapped open in realization, her expression becoming horrified. Sweet Mother of God! She'd made love with Reece!

Barely biting back a moan of pure anguish, she carefully turned her head to look at him. The sight made her heart skip a beat. Her ex rocked the rumpled hair and scruffy beard look into a whole different level of sexy. A shiver zinged up her spine as her eyes traveled over his broad shoulders and down a powerful chest and arms corded with muscle.

The man was still masculine perfection.

Lifting her gaze back to his handsome face, she found those beautiful turquoise eyes fixed intently on her face. "You promised you wouldn't regret it," he reminded her quietly before she could speak. "Tell me I didn't fuck up again."

Shifting around to face him, she replied, "I have a lot of regrets, Reece. Last night isn't one of them," Jolie admitted. Because making love with him had been wonderful. There was no way to regret something so beautiful. "But it was a mistake."

He captured her hand in his, their fingers interlocking without conscious thought. "Nothing about us is a mistake," Reece denied. "Except not being together, and that's on me. I'll regret it until the day I die."

"You woked up wifout me," Bryce said in surprise as he sprang up and peered over Jolie's side to see his father.

"Your mom woke me up," Reece grinned at the boy.

"Wike sweepin' beauty?" He asked and rubbed his fists into his sleepy eyes.

"No, not like that," Jolie laughed although Reece did look mighty damn kissable with his morning scruff.

"The Disney version sounds like a good idea though," his father said with a wicked wink.

"I wanna go to Disney," Bryce announced in excitement as he bounced up and down behind her. "Mommy said she'd take me one day."

Jolie had promised Bryce that when she had enough money they would visit the famed amusement park. Now that she had the money, she could make his dream come true. "How would you like to celebrate your birthday there?" She asked indulgently.

Bryce was speechless for all of three seconds before he asked, "Can we weawwy?"

"We can," she laughingly agreed and it felt so good to be able to do something that her son wanted.

"Can I come too?" Reece queried hopefully. "I've never been to Disney."

"Can he, Mommy?"

"If he's not too busy with work," she hedged.

"I'll never be too busy for you and Bry, sunshine," Reece said seriously and raised her hand to his lips.

"Yippee! We goin' to Disney!" Their son shouted before he jumped up and began bouncing all over the bed in his exuberance.

"Our first family vacation," Reece grinned, his own expression just as excited as he caught Bryce around the waist. Both arms extended straight up, he held their son horizontally above them and said, "Fly, Iron Man, fly," while the boy giggled uncontrollably.

Jolie watched in a combination of pleasure and dismay as the pair played. They were so perfect together. Not only did Reece possess the knowledge to answer their son's never ending questions, he was able to do it so the boy understood. Bryce was flourishing under his father's attention and she just didn't have the heart to separate them.

She knew that last night had been a mistake. They weren't back together and she'd do well to remember that they weren't ever going to be. So there would be no more making love. Her heart just couldn't take it. But, oh, God. It had been wonderful while it lasted.




The days flew by filled with fun and laughter. Bryce had never been happier. He'd made friends with other children in the building and they enjoyed frequent play dates in the park. Reece had begun to tutor their son on whatever sparked the child's interest and was thrilled at the child's level of intelligence.

At the boy's insistence, Dane had joined them for the trip to Disney and her son had proclaimed it was the best birthday he'd ever had. His uncle and father had acted as much like children as Bryce and they'd kept Jolie in stitches with their antics. She couldn't remember when she'd ever felt as carefree.

Her life had completely changed for the better. All of the stress and worries she'd been carrying were gone. She no longer feared that someone would break in while she slept, or had to degrade herself to try and make a living. She didn't have to cut coupons or do without other things to be able to buy healthy food.

For the first time in years, she could live like a normal human being. Jolie had never been materialistic, but after living below the poverty level, she certainly appreciated the security of having money. Not that she had any intentions of being a spendthrift, but it was nice to be able to buy her son a snow cone if he wanted one.

Bryce had everything he could possibly want or need, including a father who doted on him. Reece was so loving and attentive and their son adored him. Watching the two of them together filled her with mixed emotions. Sadness at all the time they had missed together, and joy because this was the way it was meant to be.

To all intents and purposes, they were a happy, normal family. If you discounted the fact that she and Reece were divorced, slept in separate rooms, and only shared his penthouse because it made their son happy. Traditional, they were not, but it worked for them and that was all that mattered.

They had agreed to put the past behind them and concentrate on giving their son the best childhood possible. Now that she understood the reason why he had abandoned them, Jolie had actually begun to forgive him. They had managed to regain a measure of their former closeness, and he had restored her trust little by little.

He had also completely reclaimed her heart. Not that she would admit it, but she loved him as much as she ever had. He had made it impossible not to. The man was just as wonderful as she remembered. Reece told her that he loved her multiple times a day and proved it with the little things he did.

Like running her a hot bath and keeping their son entertained so she could soak in peace. Rubbing her back with sunblock so her sensitive skin didn't burn while they played in the pool. Massaging her aching feet after a long day at the amusement park. And holding her hair out of the way while she vomited after one of the spinning rides made her sick.

Their life together was perfect and idyllic. Until they said goodnight and slept alone in separate beds. That part really sucked. Because their desire for each other was as strong as ever. It was obvious in the heated glances and lingering touches they shared. Jolie's resolve was wavering more every day.

She wanted Reece in her bed. Craved his touch with a hunger that she hadn't known was possible. She wanted to be his mate again, in every sense of the word. Because she loved him and knew that she always would. It was ironic that she came to that conclusion on the same day that her newfound happiness was threatened.

Everything hinged on Reece's reaction and she had never been more nervous in her life. This was make or break time. Would he be the man that she hoped he was or were they destined to remain apart for good? With her heart in her throat, Jolie anxiously waited for him to arrive home from a pack meeting.




"Where's Bry?" Reece asked as soon as he entered the penthouse. Their son always met him at the elevator on the few occasions that he went out without them.

"I asked Dane to keep him tonight," Jolie replied as she turned to face him. A sense of foreboding shot down his spine at her tone and expression. "We need to talk, Reece."

"What's going on, Jolie?" Because he knew something was off. She looked nervous as hell and he didn't like it. Neither did his wolf.

"I'm pregnant."

Just like the last time, those two little words rocked him to the soles of his feet. But this time, sheer happiness such as he had never known flooded his soul. Lifting hands that held a noticeable tremble, he gently cupped her face before his lips covered hers in a kiss of pure reverence. "You're having my baby?" He asked in awe.

"This time it may not be yours," she said coldly.

If Jolie had been looking to draw blood, she'd succeeded. Reece recoiled as if from a physical blow. In truth, her words hurt worse than any punch he'd ever taken and stabbed deeper than a knife. It was like reliving the past all over again. "No," he snarled and shook his head, refusing to believe her. "It's mine. My baby."

But if it wasn't…

Every neuron and synapse in his brain went dormant. His rational mind abdicated the throne. The civilized veneer was stripped away. The wolf took over and Reece became a creature of raw emotion driven by pain and rage. He was one hundred percent primal alpha male locked into self-preservation mode. His fight or flight reflexes came online at full bore.

Her ashen face assured him that flight was his only option.

Without a word, he stalked inside the elevator and slammed his fist into the down button. He could hear Jolie calling his name but didn't dare look at her. Not now. His wolf was far too volatile. Too dangerous to be near her. He had to get away. Had to find someplace else to vent his fury, a place to lick his wounds in private.

The doors closed and he tore out of his clothes in a frenzy of movement. The rage erupted like a volcano inside of him. The dark, feral side of himself that he had managed to keep hidden for well over a decade rushed to the surface… and he let it go.

When the doors opened, his wolf streaked through the parking garage and headed straight for the exit. Once on the street, instinct led him to Central Park where he broke into a run. Ignoring the path, he traversed the wooded terrain at a ground eating lope, jumping over obstacles and barreling around trees at breakneck speed.

The sound of his paws hitting the ground settled into the rhythm of the words stuck on repeat in his head. Not mine, not mine, not mine. The wolf pushed himself to the absolute limit, heart hammering in his chest, lungs pumping like bellows, blood roaring in his ears to the same refrain. Not mine, not mine, not mine.

Needing to release the fury inside, he threw his head back and howled his rage to the canopy of trees overhead before he collapsed on the ground, a panting, seething mass of fury. Reece needed to think rationally, and that wasn't possible in his animalistic state. Spent and exhausted, he shifted to human form and lay there naked, gasping for air.

"Not mine," he choked out rawly as his brain began to slowly reboot. "Not fucking mine." It was the same nightmare all over again, only this time it was worse. Because there was a chance that the child could be his. And that chance gave him absolutely no choice in the matter. Reece would be damned if he'd turn his back on his child again.

But if it wasn't his…

The possibility was too painful to even think about, but he forced himself to do it anyway. Because the alternative was to lose Jolie for good this time. Returning to the bleak hell of an existence without her was not an option. No matter what it cost him, no matter how goddamn bad it hurt, he would not fail his mate a second time.

He loved Jolie enough that he could accept her baby as his own, regardless of who its father was. Reece would adopt the child and raise it as his, just as his own father had done with him and Dane. The boundless love that Douglas had given them had saved Reece from an early death on the streets. It was time to pay it forward.

His mind made up, a sense of peace washed over him, the last vestiges of anger draining away at the rightness of his decision. Shifting back to his wolf form, he made his way back through the park, more than a little shocked at how far he'd run. Anxious to get back to Jolie, he broke into a lope.

She had obviously expected him to behave like he had the last time since she'd sent Bryce away for the night. In light of how he had reacted, it had been a wise decision. Although his walking out without saying a word had been stupid as hell. He wouldn't be a bit surprised if Jolie had packed up and left.

That thought spurred him on and he couldn't get back to the penthouse fast enough.




Jolie was a jittery ball of nerves inside and a trembling mess outside. She had paced the floor incessantly since Reece walked out. She had known the taunt would hurt him, but my God, she'd had no idea how much. The pain she had seen in his eyes and on his handsome face would haunt her until her dying breath.

He'd been completely devastated.

So had she. Jolie hadn't known how Reece would react to her pregnancy, so she had prepared herself for the worst. But the absolute joy he had displayed had come as a complete surprise. It had also pissed her off because that was how he should have reacted the first time. So she had lashed out at him with a lie.

Big mistake. Because hurting him had only served to hurt herself. She had felt his pain as if it were her own. The same pain that he had felt when he hadn't believed that Bryce was his. And then he'd just shut down. His eyes had gone completely blank as if someone had flipped a switch and turned him off like a toy.

A split second later they had glowed with an unholy light and his expression had been terrifying, to say the least. Reece had just left her there alone and she was afraid he wasn't coming back. This time he'd walked out on her. Although his actions had been justified. Jolie couldn't blame him for walking away.

Because this time, it was exactly what she deserved.

The elevator chimed and she whirled around, dizzy with relief as the doors slid open. A massive black wolf stepped out and sniffed the air, his eyes locking on her and freezing Jolie in place. She had never feared his wolf, and she didn't now. That magnificent creature was the man she loved, after all.

He walked over to her and she sank to her knees on the floor, unwittingly assuming a submissive pose. Intelligent turquoise eyes held hers and a tear slid down her cheek when he rubbed his muzzle against her. She reached out a hand to stroke his silky fur, sleek muscles quivered beneath her touch as he licked the tear away.

Jolie wrapped both arms around his muscular form and buried her face in his fur. "Jesus, Reece, you've been gone for hours," she said with her heart in her throat. "I thought you'd left me." She felt him shift and a moment later, two strong arms wrapped around her to hold on fiercely. Nothing had ever felt as good.

"I swear I will always come back to you, Jolie. Always," he vowed hoarsely.

Loosening her hold a bit, she leaned back and looked at him. Reece looked like he'd been through hell, but the fierce determination in his expression had her trembling like a leaf. She knew that look well. He had made a decision and nothing she said or did would change his mind now. This was either going to be very good or really, really bad.

With her heart in her throat, she asked, "Are you all right?"

Reece seemed perfectly calm. He didn't appear to be upset in the slightest, which confused the hell out of her and left her wondering why. You could have knocked her over with a feather when he caressed her cheek and replied, "I am now."

Those turquoise eyes held hers with an intensity that she felt deep in her core. The love shining in them took her breath away. When he seemed content to just sit there staring at her, she prompted, "Do you want to talk about it?"

He rose and helped her to her feet as he admitted, "What I want to do is make love to you, but I suppose we need to talk."

Seeing his naked body on display was enough to make her forget her own name. There was no doubt about it. He was still a really hot guy and Jolie was not even close to being immune. Heat bloomed in her nether regions and her nipples became hard peaks. God, what this man could do to her with a look ought to be illegal.

Forcing her mind back to the matter at hand, Jolie sank onto the couch and said, "I'm sorry, Reece. I li…" A bittersweet smile touched his lips as he placed a fingertip over her lips to silence her.

Reece sat next to her and said, "The man who adopted me was the only father I've ever known. I was his son in every way that mattered. The sperm donor wasn't important to either of us." He placed his hand over her flat abdomen and said, "This baby is ours, no matter who it's biological father is. I will love it unconditionally either way."

Jolie was in shock. She simply could not believe that Reece was saying these wonderful things. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because it's a part of you." The simple honesty of his words left her speechless. "Say you'll let me be his father," he prompted with a tender smile and the sincerity in his voice humbled her. Reece really meant it. In spite of his fear of being saddled with another man's bastard, he was going to accept this child as his own.

That was when she realized the depth of his love for her and knew beyond a doubt that she could trust him with her heart. "You are the father, Reece," Jolie said tremulously. "You were so happy and it made me mad because that was how you should have reacted the first time. So I lied. This is our baby."


His heart swelled with so much love and joy that he simply could not contain it. Jolie was having his baby! That heart stopping smile covered his face again before Reece placed the most reverent of kisses on her lips. "I love you, sunshine. I swear I'll love you and our children for the rest of my life," he vowed brokenly.

"I will always love you, Reece," she admitted tremulously as her eyes filled with tears.

Happiness radiated out of his pores and leaked from his eyes in the form of tears. "Will you be my mate and make me whole again, Jolie?" Reece asked brokenly. " I'm only half alive without you."

"Of course, I will," Jolie agreed and lit up his world with the brilliance of her smile. "Haven't you heard? Wolves mate for life."


The End





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