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The Blackstone She-Wolf: Blackstone Mountain 6 by Alicia Montgomery (13)

Chapter Twelve

“I … how much … time ….”

“Fifteen minutes,” Petros groaned, pressing his forehead to hers.

“Okay, why are you stopping then?” Kate said, giving him a saucy grin.

Petros growled and lifted her up from the table in one swoop.

“Wait, what are you … oh! Fuck!” Petros pushed her up against the wall. The fucking glass wall of his cold-ass office, which meant her ass was squished up against the cold window facing the main room. It was a good thing the staff was on their dinner break, but Kate supposed it was entirely her teasing Petros by flashing him her new black lace underwear.

“Oh!” A particularly hard thrust positioned just the right way made her shiver uncontrollably. He bent his head, popped her tit out of her bra, and took a nipple into his mouth, giving her a gentle enough bite that sent her spiraling over the edge. She hoped this wall was strong enough to hold them, otherwise, when the rest of the overnight staff came back, they would be in for a very big surprise.

“Fuck!” She clung onto Petros’ shoulders as he moved her back to the table. Flipping her over, he positioned her on her knees, then quickly thrust deep inside her from behind.

“Goddamn!” His fingers dug into her scalp, tugging at it with just the right amount of force that had her moaning. He pulled her back up, all the while thrusting into her like a madman. Fuck, her knees were going to regret this in the morning, but it was just too good.

His hold tightened around her. “Just one more, Kate-mine,” he said. “Be a good girl and come for me one more time.”

Fucking hell. She hoped there was no such thing as death from too much sex because it would be an embarrassing way to go. But, decidedly not the worst.

His teeth sank into her shoulder, a move that sent her howling. He covered her mouth to muffle her screams, and as her body convulsed into one last powerful orgasm, she swore she saw stars. Petros let out a guttural cry as he came, his cock pulsing inside her.

When her vision finally returned, she looked up at the clock behind Petros’ desk. “Five minutes to spare,” she said as she scrambled off the table. Petros was already zipping up his pants as she pulled her panties up and smoothed her dress down. “Thanks for dinner, babe,” she said, kissing him on the cheek.

“We did not even get to eat it,” he said, glancing at the brown paper bag on the floor.

“I’m fine,” she said. “I’m very … satisfied.”

Petros laughed. “I’m sure you are.” He pulled her close to him. “I wish I did not have to stay. I do not like being away from you.”

“Me neither,” she said. “But these overnight shifts are part of the job, right?”

He placed his chin on top of her head. “I’m afraid so.”

“Bummer.” She sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll head home then.”

“I’ll bring you some breakfast,” he promised, kissing her forehead.

“You better,” Kate retorted. “And then some morning sex?”

“You’re insatiable,” he chuckled.

Excuse me,” she said. “But I still have rug burns on top of my rug burns.” Since the wedding, almost every spare second they had were spent wrapped around each other in bed. Or the shower. Or the kitchen. And then there was the janitor’s closet yesterday….

“I can’t help it,” he said in a low, raspy voice. “I just need to be inside you all the time.” His fingers slid down to her ass.

“Hmm.” It was like his mere touch could send her pussy gushing with wetness. “Petros—”

The sound of the door opening made them jump apart. The staff was back, which meant they had to look professional. Of course everyone already knew they were sleeping together, so it didn’t really matter, but Kate knew it was important for Petros to command the respect of his people.

“I really should go. It’s been a long day, and I’m interviewing with a new client tomorrow.”

“You are?” he asked.

“Yeah. I’ve been following up for months but looks like they’re ready to deal,” she said.

His face lit up. “Excellent. I’m happy for you.”

“Petros, it’s only an initial chat,” she said.

“But still, I’m proud of you,” he said, smiling at her warmly.

Her heart melted into a puddle. When was the last time a guy told her that or was even interested in her work? Uh, probably … never.

“Thank you.” She grabbed her purse and laptop bag from the chair in front of his desk. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“I—” He cursed softly when the sound of a call came in from his computer. “That’s the Alpha. I forgot we had a video conference scheduled for now. Can you wait for me or should I have Adriano escort you to your car?”

“Don’t worry about me,” she said. “I’m a big girl.” Besides, since the attack on Blackstone, Lennox had secured their headquarters even more.


“Go.” She nodded to the computer. The ringing had become insistent. “I’ll be fine.”

He seemed conflicted but nodded and walked over to his chair and put his headphones in. Kate waved goodbye as she left his office.

As soon as she got to her parking spot, Kate got into the Mustang and drove out of the lot, then headed south. Tonight would be the first night since last week that she wouldn’t be sleeping next to Petros. It seemed strange, seeing as she’d been sleeping alone most of her life, but she knew the bed would feel cold and empty without him. Still, he’d be bringing her breakfast in the morning, and then they’d have some nookie. Or maybe sex first, depending on her mood. Sounds like someone’s going to have an awesome morning.

Kate was so distracted she didn’t see the figure in the middle of the road until it was too late. It was some kind of animal, at least from what she saw before it went flying, bouncing off the hood of the car and ending up behind her.

She screamed in fright. Slamming down hard on the brakes, she swerved the Mustang to the shoulder. The vehicle jerked to a stop, and she jerked against the seatbelt. Her brain was scrambled in her skull, and it took her a couple of seconds to realize what she had done. What if it was a shifter? She immediately got out of the car.

“Hello?” she called. “Are you okay? Do you need help?”

The sound of a gun cocking and the press of something cold and metal to the back of her head made her freeze.

“Don’t move, she-wolf,” the voice was rough and the accent heavy, “or I will blow your brains out.”

She went still. A direct bullet to the brain was something her enhanced healing could never recover from.

The barrel of the gun moved across the circumference of her head until it landed between her eyes. Kate gasped as her shifter vision adjusted to the darkness, and she saw the man in front of her.

He was tall and well-built, his massive arms like tree trunks. He had dark hair and a scraggly beard. His face could have been called handsome, but he was missing his left eye, which was covered in healed scar tissue. When she drew in a breath, she got a whiff of his scent, and she immediately knew who it was.

“So, you’re Petros’ bitch.”

She gritted her teeth. “You’re Milos,” she said. “His best friend.”

“Was,” he said. “I was Milos Vasilakis.”


“I don’t know what I am now,” he growled. “But I’m quite certain I’m not his friend.”

“What do you want?” she asked.

“What do I want?” He pressed the gun harder against her skull. “I want him to suffer! The way I did!”

“Please,” she said, her voice trembling. “I can help. We can find you some help.”

“Oh, you’ll be helping me all right, bitch,” he spat. “Helping me get my revenge.”

Real fear gripped her entire body. “Revenge? What for? He wasn’t the one who hurt you.”

“But he was the one who left me behind!” he screamed.

“No! You—”

“No more talking!” He grabbed her arm and dragged her along the shoulder of the road. A few feet away was a rusty old truck. Milos shoved her toward the driver’s side. “Get in,” he ordered.

With shaky hands, she opened the door and hopped inside. Milos kept his gun trained at her as he crossed over to the passenger side. When he got in, he handed her the keys and pressed the gun to her head. “Drive.”

“To where?”

“Just drive, bitch! I’ll tell you where to go."

She bit her lip, trying not to cry out in pain as the gun dug deep into her temple. She slipped the key into the ignition. The truck’s engine sputtered, then roared to life. Putting the truck in gear, she moved onto the road.

“Milos,” she said. “I—”

“Don’t call me that!”

“Than what should I call you?”

“They called me Subject 4226,” he said in a quiet voice. “But you do not need to call me anything because you will not be around for long.”

Oh God. He was insane. Based on what little information she could gather, she guessed The Organization had captured him somehow and conducted experiments on him. No wonder he had gone insane, thinking this was somehow all Petros’ fault.

“Take the exit to Highway 79,” he ordered, referring to the old road that connected Blackstone and the next town. It was a smart move because 79 was an older highway that was mostly abandoned when the newer freeway system was set up. At this time of night, no one would be driving there.

As they drove down the road, Kate had to find a way to escape, but how? The farther away they got from Blackstone, the lower her chances of getting away from this madman. Breathe, she told herself. You got this. She had to find a way.

They turned onto 79, and Kate gritted her teeth. Her mind scrambled for a way out of this situation. She was losing hope each second they drove farther away, but then the roar of an engine coming toward them made a lightbulb flash in her brain. I’m sorry, she said in a silent prayer.

The single light of the motorcycle coming toward them appeared in the distance. As it drew closer, Kate braced herself and swerved onto the oncoming bike.

“Bitch!” Milos roared, his eyes going wide as the cab filled with light from the oncoming motorcycle. The sound of brakes screeching rang in her ears. Kate brought her elbow up and knocked it against Milos’ arm, then slammed on the brakes. She heard the gun hit the windshield, and, knowing this might be her only chance, opened the door and slid out.

She ran, as fast as she could, not caring which direction. The sound of growls and bones popping was right behind her, and she knew the only way she could defend herself was to shift. Her wolf was already rearing to go, but before she could call on it, a large, furry body knocked her down.

“No!” she screamed. She covered her face as the wolf’s razor-sharp teeth snapped at her. Her own wolf was making its appearance, and she could feel her incisors elongating as a growl escaped her throat. But before she could fully transform, she heard a loud guttural growl and then the wolf on top of her was gone.

“What the—”

The wolf was flung ten feet to her right. It whimpered and rolled to its feet, but when it looked at her, its tail suddenly lowered. It turned around and then scampered away.

Kate’s heart was still hammering in her chest. What the hell happened? Slowly, she looked up. “Holy shit.”

A very large and angry-looking bear was towering over her. No, it wasn’t just any bear. It was a polar bear. Nearly twelve feet tall, with massive arms and gigantic paws tipped with black claws. It shook its mammoth head from side to side, let out a snarl, then slowly began to shrink.

Oh no.

Oh hell no.

The man standing over her ran his hands down his face and swore. “Hey, are you okay miss—Kate?” Even in the dark, his light blue eyes seemed luminous. “Kate Caldwell?”

Fucking hell.

Of all the fucktards in the world to come rescue her, it had to be him. Mason Fucking Grimes. Polar bear shifter and all-around supreme jerk.

Kate ignored the hand Mason offered and got to her feet by herself. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

Mason scowled at her. “Saving your life, apparently.”

“Yeah, well I was doing fine on my own,” she said, wiping her hands down her skirt.

“Didn’t seem like it,” he said. “You still causing trouble, Caldwell?”

“You still a lying asshole, Grimes?” Kate didn’t bother to wait for an answer as she turned her back to him and began to walk away. She didn’t have time for this. Milos really was here, and he obviously wanted to get back at Petros for some reason. She had to get back to Blackstone and warn him.

The truck was still on the side of the road. She climbed inside and turned the ignition. Nothing. “Fucking hell.” Her purse was back in the Mustang, so she couldn’t even call for help.

As she slipped out of the truck, she heard the distinct sound of a Harley coming up behind her. Shit.

Mason stopped his hog right beside her. He’d already gotten dressed in his usual getup—knit beanie, white shirt, leather jacket and riding pants. A thick beard covered half his face, and it looked like he needed a trim. “Get on,” he ordered, offering her a spare helmet.

“Nuh-uh, no thanks!” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’d rather walk back to Blackstone.”

“Suit yourself,” he shrugged. “But that wolf looked really nasty. Wouldn’t want to be here when he comes back.”

Or what if Milos goes after Petros, a voice said inside her. She had to warn him. “Fuck.” She yanked the helmet from him and put it on. “Fine. I just need a ride to Lennox Corp.” She went behind him and swung a leg over his ride. “What the hell are you doing back here anyway?”

“Me? I’m moving to Blackstone.”

The roar of the Harley muffled the string of curses she hurled at him. He laughed and revved the engine even more as they sped down the highway on their way back to Blackstone.

* * *

When they reached Lennox Corp., Mason had barely cut the engine when she hopped off the bike. She had to get to Petros now. Who knows what Milos could be planning? She ducked under the barrier gate leading into the building, ignoring the shouts of the guard behind her, and ran straight for the building entrance. As she got closer, relief swept through her as she saw Petros standing out front, speaking to two other agents.

“Petros!” she cried.

He turned toward her, his face changing from serious, to shock, and then relief. “Kate,” he rasped when she flung herself in his arms. He immediately pressed his lips to hers in an urgent kiss.

She wanted to melt into him, her body sagging as the adrenaline left her, and she realized how close she had been to dying.

“What happened?” he asked. “You weren’t answering your phone and I had someone check on you. We found your car and your purse—”

“It was Milos,” she said. “He took me and—”

“Hey, Caldwell!”

Fucker. She disentangled herself from Petros’ arms and turned around. “What the fuck are you still doing here?”

Mason strode up to them, his scowl deepening. “You have my helmet.”

Kate unbuckled the chin strap and then shoved it at him. “Here you go. Now get the hell away from me.”

“You’re fucking welcome by the way.” He grabbed the helmet. “For, you know, saving your life.”

“What is going on?” Petros said, his shoulders squaring. “Kate, who is this man? Did he really save your life?”

Kate answered with a strangled cry that was as close to an affirmative as she could get.

“Mason Grimes,” the other man said, offering his hand.

“Petros Thalassa.” He took Mason’s hand and gripped it tight. “Thank you for saving my mate’s life.”

“Mate?” Mason’s face turned to disbelief, then he let out a laugh. “Seriously?” He looked at Kate and then back at Petros. “Oh man, I don’t know if I should say congratulations or sorry.”

Kate’s clenched her fists. “If you’re just going to stand here and insult me, then you should just leave.”

Mason raised his hands. “Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That wolf,” he shook his head, “he didn’t feel right. He was out for blood. Feral.”

Petros tensed up. “I’m very grateful to you, Mr. Grimes—”

“Mason. Just Mason.”

Petros nodded. “Mason. I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

Mason shrugged. “It’s fine. Anyone would have done the same.” He glanced at Kate. “Well, almost anyone. I’ll see you around then.” He pivoted and began to walk away.

“That lying sonofabitch,” Kate muttered.

“What’s the matter?” Petros asked. “Did he—” He stopped suddenly, his jaw hardening and his mouth setting into a straight line. The silence was deafening between them until he decided to speak. “Kate, is he a former lover?”

“I—what? Oh gross!” The creepy crawlies spread over her arms. “God no!” She gagged. “That loser is Amelia’s ex!” Oh God. “Shit!” If Amelia found out Mason was moving to Blackstone, she might never come home. But if she kept this from Amelia, her friend would never forgive her.

Petros visibly relaxed. “I told you before, the past does not matter to me. However if you—”

She swatted him playfully on the arm. “Green is a good look on you.”

He gave her a wry smile, but his expression darkened. “Let’s go inside. You need to tell me what happened from the beginning.”




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