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The Scorpion and his Prey by Charlie Richards (6)

Chapter Six

Acheron wanted to drag Rusty into the living room, shove him down on the sofa, and ravish him. Too bad he knew that wasn't an option, and it wasn't just because Korvyn could return at any second. They really needed to talk about what had just happened.

Petting the man certainly seemed to calm him down. Acheron figured that was the cat in Rusty. He continued to gently scratch his scalp and massage his nape for a good thirty seconds.

That also gave Acheron a chance to cool his raging libido.

Easing his hands away from Rusty took more self-control than Acheron thought he had left, but he managed it. He smiled up at his cat shifter. Seeing the relaxed expression on his face, he decided he'd waited long enough to see what he tasted like.

Acheron rested his right hand on Rusty's shoulder. Rising onto his toes, he pressed his lips to his mate's. He felt the man's lips part as he heard Rusty gasp. Taking advantage, Acheron teased his tongue into the other shifter's mouth.

Exploring Rusty, Acheron enjoyed the masculine flavor of the man he hoped to soon make his lover. He slid their appendages together, tasting him fully. His natural dark essence seemed mixed with something minty.


Feeling Rusty's hands land on his hips and his fingers tighten, Acheron knew they could get out of control so very swiftly. When he eased the kiss to an end, separating them, Rusty moaned and tried to chase his lips. Loving that response, Acheron almost gave in.

The outer door banging reminded Acheron why they couldn't.

Grinning up at Rusty, Acheron murmured, "You taste amazing, my mate."

"Y-You, too," Rusty replied breathlessly, his honey-brown eyes dark with arousal. "Maybe we should skip dinner."

Acheron groaned as he eased a step away from Rusty. "I love that idea very much, Rusty, but is it truly what you want?" If he answered yes, Acheron would take him up on it in a heartbeat, but he sort of knew better. "Or are your shifter hormones and urges messing with you as much as mine are with me?"

Grimacing, Rusty turned and rested his fisted hands on the bar. He bowed his head.

That was answer enough for Acheron. Rounding the counter, he picked up the cookie sheet turned tray and offered, "Let's see if that grill is ready."

Rusty nodded and headed past him, leading the way.

Once again, Acheron found himself enjoying the view of Rusty's ass. He really wanted to tap the bigger man's gorgeous globes. His desire to drive his mate out of his mind with pleasure caused a bead of pre-cum to ooze from his aching dick.

Damn. Being responsible sucks... and not in the way I love.

With that thought, Acheron recalled Rusty's response to his vice admission. Something occurred to him. "It seems we found a second vice of yours, my mate."

Rusty opened the door that led to an expansive back deck. Holding the door open for Acheron, he paused and lifted one brow. "Huh?" He cleared his throat, then added, "What do you mean?"

Acheron fought back a chuckle. It seemed that his mate's ability to think clearly definitely went out the window when he was aroused. Acheron planned to take advantage of that tidbit of information.

"Well, you jump to conclusions a little too quickly," Acheron told him, forcing himself to stick with the conversation. "You did it at the shop, too, when we first met."

Rusty's cheeks flushed as he closed the door. When he turned back to face him, he nodded. "It's something I've always tried to work on." His lips twisting in a crooked smile, Rusty mumbled, "Guess I'm still not very good at it."

Acheron carefully balanced the tray on one hand so he could place his other on Rusty's upper arm. Squeezing lightly, he stood on his toes again and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Immediately, he saw his mate's eyelids lower to half-mast.

Yep, my man certainly responds to me damn fast.

"You work on that," Acheron whispered. "And I'll work on putting the toilet seat down." Rusty's eyes widened, and Acheron grinned at him. "Don't want to piss off Korvyn, after all."

As Rusty began to nod, the man in question piped up, "Then how about we get this show on the road? The grill's been ready for ten minutes."

Laughing at the wheelchair-bound man's impetuous attitude, Acheron nodded and pulled away from Rusty. He crossed to the grill and got to work.

Acheron cooked the meat to perfection, in his opinion, removing the steaks first. While he'd done that, Korvyn and Rusty had set the outdoor table they had on the deck. They'd added more drinks as well as a cheesy pasta salad, a green salad, and mashed potatoes and gravy.

Rusty stayed in the kitchen to make the gravy fresh, while Korvyn made plenty of trips in and out to get dishes and silverware. Each time he'd returned, he had asked another question. Mostly they'd been about the places Acheron traveled, which he was happy to answer.

Once they'd all sat down, Korvyn asked, "So, are you moving in right away?" He grinned cheekily as he waggled his brows. "I'd tell you that you have to keep it down, but I sleep with earplugs and an iPod anyway. You can make as much noise as you want."

While Rusty growled Korvyn's name, the brother laughed.

Acheron decided to answer honestly. "I haven't had a place I called home in decades." He reached out and gripped Rusty's wrist, rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand. "I would very much like to move in immediately, but that will be up to your brother."

Seeing Rusty's gaping, wide-eyed look, Acheron shrugged. He squeezed once, then released him, returning his attention to his fall-off-the-bone ribs.

"Uh, y-yeah." Rusty cut into his steak, giving Acheron a side-eyed look. "You're my mate, so, um... you can move in right away. That's the way we do it." His brows furrowed as he met Korvyn's gaze. "If that's okay with you? This is your home, too, so you do have a say in it."

Korvyn snorted. "As if I'd ever try to keep you away from your mate." After popping a bite of steak into his mouth, he said around his mouthful, "O' course ya can move in, 'specially if ya're goin' ta keep grillin' like this." Without missing a beat, he swallowed and continued, "So, whadda ya do for work?"

"Gods, don't talk with your mouth full," Rusty grumbled, rolling his eyes. "We can hardly understand anything you just said."

"Saw'ree," Korvyn muttered, still chewing.

Acheron chuckled softly, unable to help himself. He couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed a family meal. Focusing on Korvyn, who was shoving another big piece of steak into his mouth, he grinned widely.

"You asked earlier what kind of steak it is, and it really is cow. Ribeyes." Turning his attention to Rusty, Acheron crooned, "Only the best for my mate." He scooped up a spoonful of the cheesy pasta salad as he added, "The ribs are pork, so best of both worlds. As for work, odd jobs mostly. I've lived half my life hitch-hiking and moving around, the other half as my emperor scorpion, which doesn't need money." Shrugging, he added, "I could shift, eat a bunch of bugs, then shift back, so even food and shelter didn't need to be paid for." Knowing he'd never be happy living off his mate, Acheron sighed. "Guess I'll take a look in town and see who's hiring."

Acheron slid the food into his mouth, humming appreciatively. "Good," he murmured after he'd chewed and swallowed.

"I work part-time at the library," Korvyn told him. "They have a board where job openings are posted. You want me to check it out for you?"

"Yeah." Acheron slid his knife through the meat of the pork ribs, separating them. "Thank you."

"And thank you for this meat," Rusty commented. "It really is amazing."

As Acheron ate, he took in the lay of the land. He noticed the gravel driveway that had rounded the house led to a good sized garage or shop-like building. The backyard only stretched about twenty paces before hitting trees. He pointed at them.

"I smell water. How big's your stream?"

Rusty told him that the house was situated on a twenty-five acre parcel. The stream ran year round, although during the hot summer months it thinned quite a bit in places. There was one area he'd dug out a bit so his cat had a place to play in the water.

Acheron looked forward to checking it out.

Almost thirty minutes later, with dinner winding down, Korvyn told them, "So, I'm going to help carry everything into the house, and then I'm going to get out of your hair." He grinned at Rusty, and he gave his brother a suggestive smile. "Give you your privacy, so you can bond."

Rusty rubbed the back of his neck as he held Korvyn's gaze. "You really don't have to do that." He mumbled the words as his cheeks took on a pinkish hue.

"Sure I do, man." Korvyn's expression cleared, turning earnest. "You need time alone with your mate." He reached over and grabbed his brother's hand. "This is a big change for you. I get that. But a good one."

Korvyn released Rusty's hand and began stacking plates and silverware. As he worked, he glanced Acheron's way. "You be good to my brother, man, or I'll find a way to make you pay. Got it?"

Acheron nodded as heat suffused his body. "He is my everything now. His happiness brings me happiness."

"Good." Korvyn wheeled backward a couple feet, then placed the pile of dishes onto his lap. "I'll be home tomorrow before I head to work."

"Where are you going?" Rusty rose from his chair and picked up a couple of bowls, so Acheron did the same, grabbing the meat platter.

"I'm spending the night at the gang's rented lodge." Korvyn grinned and led the way into the house. "Gonna enjoy a little eye candy, and maybe I'll even see if any of those guys they rescued are interested in some fun."

"Thank you for being so considerate." Acheron placed the platter on the counter. "It is very thoughtful of you."

"Well, to be honest, it was Adam's idea." Korvyn turned his chair so he could grin at them both. "After he heard you were coming here for dinner, he gave me a ring. He told me about how intense it can be when two shifters come together for the first time." Waggling his brows, he added, "How... one-track-minded they can be in terms of getting their hands on--"

Rusty grabbed the back of Korvyn's chair in one hand and slapped his other over his brother's mouth. "Right." He scowled at his brother. "We get it."

When Rusty drew his hand away, Korvyn sat there beaming. The man obviously enjoyed getting underneath Rusty's skin. Maybe it was a brother thing.

"Well, Adam would know," Acheron commented, shaking his head. The white tiger shifter definitely had a big mouth. "And while I'd never purposefully try to run you out of your home, it's very kind of you to consider your brother's comfort in the matter."

Korvyn grinned up at Acheron as he leaned forward and patted his thigh. "You're pretty formal, Acheron. We're gonna have to work on that." Then he turned to Rusty. "I like him, though." Gliding toward the mudroom, he added, "I can get the rest of the stuff outside if you two wanna load it all into the dishwasher. Then I'll scram."

Acheron watched the man wheel out of the room, then turned his attention to Rusty. He saw how his mate's head was bowed and his cheeks were flushed. The man practically screamed discomfort.

Sliding his left hand along Rusty's chest as he eased by him, Acheron flicked his mate's nipple lightly. Gratification filled him when he heard the cat shifter's breath catch. He also noticed his gaze snap to Acheron's and how his nipples beaded.

Smiling at Rusty, Acheron offered, "Your brother is very considerate." After taking in Rusty's uncertain expression as he nodded, he got to work loading the dishwasher. Taking into account his mate's skittishness, he decided to give Rusty something else to focus on other than the heavy scents of arousal perfuming the air. "Do you have a particular way you like your dishwasher filled?"

That was a thing, right?