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Venom (Vampires of Hollywood Book 2) by Madisyn Monroe, Madisyn Ashmore (15)

Chapter 22

I stumbled backwards, and hit the brick wall of the theater behind me. Caleb and Owen collided. Their bodies twisted in unison, as they both fell against the pavement with surprising force. One of the Z-listers shot out from around the corner when he heard the ruckus.

“Holy fuck,” he shouted.

His friends came running to see what the fuss was, which alerted the paparazzi camped out nearby. Within seconds, the scene in front of the theater was a zoo. I clutched my temples as my mind raced. I wanted to protect Owen, but my heart also clung to Caleb.

Caleb’s hands laced around Owen’s throat as he squeezed violently. The veins in Owen’s jugular bulged from underneath his tawny skin. Owen’s fingers grasped at the back of Caleb’s expensive white dress shirt. As he ripped the fabric, streaks of blood stained Caleb’s shirt.

Was that Owen’s blood, or Caleb’s?

The two men grunted, and rolled over in a snarl. I couldn’t keep track of who was who, except for the blonde crop of Owen’s hair contrasted with Caleb’s thick, inky locks. I’d expected Caleb to demolish Owen in a second, but my former flame held his own. For a moment, I saw Caleb struggle to break free, before his eyes turned a glowing amethyst and his fangs popped out.

“Caleb, no!” I shouted. I ran towards him, and tried to pull him off Owen before he killed the man.

“Crane!” Drew emerged from the crowd and grabbed Caleb by the back of the collar. His fingers slipped when Owen rolled Caleb onto his back, and scraped his face along the asphalt.

A crowd started to gather around the two men, some people taking pictures with their phones. The paparazzi went wild with videos, and snapped countless flashbulb photos. The tangle between the two men was fast and heated, with no sign of stopping.

Caleb pushed out from underneath Owen and sideswiped him with a powerful right hook. Owen’s body flew against the side of a limo parked nearby.

“Jesus,” I muttered under my breath. My skin broke into a cold sweat. With all the cell phone pics and paparazzi, what if they figured out Caleb’s secret? His amethyst eyes could be explained away by the camera flashes and the neon lights reflecting in his irises. But what if he bit Owen? If his fangs emerged all the way, how could he hide that?

I tried to telegraph the message to Caleb to calm down and walk away. It wasn’t worth him blowing his identity over this. But rage consumed Caleb, and he was out for revenge. He wasn’t himself anymore.

He was the overpowering, ruthless vampire I’d been warned about. And Owen was his formidable opponent. He wasn’t backing down from the fight.

Natalie found me and rushed to my side. “What the hell, Abby? You have to stop this. It’s embarrassing.”

“Trust me, I’ve tried.” Owen’s nose was wet with blood, and I saw the hunger for human blood arise inside Caleb. I smelled Owen’s sweet blood trickling from his nose. It was an intoxicating scent. I inhaled it, and I had to hold myself back from lunging for him.

If we didn’t stop this soon, Owen’s body would become a feeding ground for Caleb, and all the other secret vampires in attendance. I fought against my desires, and ran to one of the limo drivers waiting curbside.

“You’ve got to help me. My boyfriend’s going to kill him.”

“Lady?” The limo driver shook his head, and straightened his cap over his wiry, silver hair. “That’s not my problem.”


All I could think was that Owen would be dead at any moment, the police would show up, and Caleb would be thrown in jail for Owen’s very public murder. Just then, I felt a warm hand against my back.

“I’ll hold Crane back, and you throw Masters into a limo.” Drew’s body shook, and his mouth turned purple. The veins in his arms bulged; it took every ounce of restraint for him to stay out of the bloodbath. He was a vampire, and he wanted to feast on Owen’s blood as badly as I did.

I nodded to him, and we took action. Drew pulled Caleb back from the fray. Caleb’s jaw clenched, and his whole body shook with rage. I was scared of Caleb, because he’d turned into someone I didn’t recognize.

A violent, jealous vampire.

I lifted Owen from underneath his sweat-soaked arms. He lashed out, until he saw that it was me and not Caleb.

“I’ve got you,” I whispered to him.

He stumbled backwards, clearly wounded and almost out of energy. I stuffed him into a limo and yelled to the driver.

“Get him out of here.”

As I helped him Owen into the limo, I saw a glimmer of something suspicious. His mesmerizing green eyes had turned a brilliant shade of amber. They were cat-like, with black-slitted centers. I looked down at his hands, now stuffed deeply into his pants pockets. There was something different about him.

His face had a golden hue to it, and a subtle beard had grown across his cheeks. I swore it wasn’t there when he kissed me only moments ago. His face felt silky and smooth then.

The limo lurched forward, and I slammed the door as it drove off. I glanced behind me at Caleb, who had risen from the sidewalk with his back to me. Caleb’s white dress shirt was slashed, as if a giant claw had ripped the fabric.

Before I had a chance to attend to Caleb’s wounds, someone jerked me to the side and pushed me into a waiting limo. The door shut behind me, and locked. On the other side of the limo, a man slid onto the leather bench seat behind the woman who’d thrown me into the car. I grabbed for the door handle nearest to me, but the shiny metal lever wouldn’t budge. I pounded on the thick, darkened windows to escape. It was no use. The limo sped off into the Hollywood night, leaving Caleb and the rest of the crowd behind.

When I looked up, I saw Natalie’s unmistakably gorgeous honey blonde hair and her petite, delicate shoulders. She’d been the one who threw me into the limo?

“Natalie?” I looked at her incredulously.

Drew sat beside her with a worried expression on his face. Natalie grabbed my arm and pushed me back into the seat cushion. My best friend had kidnapped me, and torn me away from Caleb before I had a chance to explain anything to him.

“I can’t believe you, Abby. What the fuck did you do?”

“What did I do?!” My body tensed, and it took everything in my powers not to lash out at Natalie. “I didn’t do anything. You knew that Owen would be at the premiere. You set me up.”

“How was I supposed to know that you’d bring Caleb along? I wanted it to be a surprise. Of course, I should have known. You never go anywhere without your blood-sucking sidekick.”

The effects of the wine had clearly worn off. Natalie was bitchier than ever, and she wasn’t pulling punches. Why did she care so much about my love life?

Natalie slumped back into the plush leather bench seat. “I can’t be seen like that, Abby. It’s bad press for me. The last thing I need is a scandal with Oscar season coming up. No one wants to nominate a train wreck. And that definitely qualified as a train wreck.”

I rolled my eyes. Natalie, always thinking about number one. Could she think about anybody but herself for a hot second?

I stared over at Drew. Why had he abandoned his friend so suddenly? He’d stayed back from the fight when Caleb needed his help the most. He was suspiciously quiet as the limo turned down a sleepy stretch of road headed towards Sunset. I pursed my lips, angry about the situation and how powerless I felt to change it.

The whole scenario was my fault. If Caleb was outed to the mainstream as a vampire, it’d be because I couldn’t keep my lips to myself. Would he disappear and start his life over somewhere else? A new name and a new occupation? I suspected that’s what he’d done so many times before. He’d told me he was a farmer once. And now he was a film director. The puzzle pieces of his life clicked together before my eyes, and I felt him slipping away from me at the same time.

Damn it.

Why hadn’t I pushed Owen away when he kissed me? I enjoyed it, and I kissed him back. I didn’t even think about Caleb’s feelings when Owen’s lips were pressed to mine.

I’m such a bitch.

My stomach tightened into knots. What would Caleb say to me, if he ever agreed to see me again? My heart sank. I’d accused him on cheating on me with Reina, when he’d shown me nothing but loyalty. I’d jumped into the arms of my ex-boyfriend seconds after I saw him. How could I be so hypocritical?

I’d always envisioned Caleb Crane as invincible. He was the ultimate predator, and the world was his prey.

But in Owen, I saw a different kind of strength. Amazingly, he was every bit as strong as Caleb, and he was fearless. He’d held his own against Caleb Crane, one of the most powerful vampires in Los Angeles.

I held my head in my hands and pouted. Caleb didn’t need me. I was quickly becoming too much trouble for him, between my nagging at him about Reina, and falling into the arms of another man in public. The press would have a field day with that. How humiliating for him.

I frowned and stared out the window as the street lights sped by overhead. I was exhausted, and mentally spent. I felt bad that I’d jeopardized Natalie’s reputation. I felt miserable that I’d hurt Caleb.

“I’m sorry, Nat,” I said softly. “I don’t know what came over me.”

Natalie put her arm around my shoulder. The fading scent of her expensive perfume clung to her skin.

“It’s okay. I’m glad I got you out of there before…”

“Before what?”

“Never mind.” Natalie sighed. She glanced nervously over at Drew, and clamped her lips shut. Whatever she wanted to say to me needed to wait until we were alone.

When I licked my lips, I tasted Owen. I rubbed my saliva on my arm, wanting to rid myself of the memory of what I’d done. I’d been so foolish. How could I have thrown away what I had with Caleb over a flashback from the past?

The limo turned onto the Sunset Strip. It was packed with nightlife. Girls in short miniskirts walked the streets, vying for a glimpse of stardom. Hot, young college boys with beer on their breath trolled the sidewalks, looking for attention. We rounded a corner down a darkened street, and cut into an alleyway halfway down the block.

I immediately recognized where we were. The line coming out of the downstairs vampire bar, Opium, stretched the length of the block. The velvet rope held back throngs of vampire groupies, blood fuckers, as they were so colorfully called. The limo drove to the back of the building and idled behind the brick exterior leading up to the exclusive club, Venom. Drew scooted to the edge of the bench seat, and took Natalie’s hand in his.

“Thank you for a lovely night, Princess. I know it wasn’t everything you thought it’d be. But if you ever want me to make it up to you, I’d love the chance.”

Natalie blushed as he drew her hand up to his lips. “I’d like that, too,” she whispered.

“Any chance you ladies want to come up and have a nightcap? The bar will be open until dawn.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. I’ve had enough excitement for one night,” I said. I was eager to get home, peel off these clothes, and try to forget the last hour of my life.

“Me, too. I’m all tapped out. Perhaps another time.” Natalie released Drew’s hand as he started to slide out of the limo. “On second thought…” she hesitated.

Drew looked back at her expectantly.

“You’ll be okay, won’t you, Abby? If I stay behind?”

“Sure,” I nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

Natalie brushed the edge of my cheek with her finger. “I’ll be home by dawn,” Natalie winked at me.

“Okay, Nat.” I looked over at Drew, who was leaning against the open door of the limo. “You take good care of Natalie, okay?”

“Of course,” he smiled. I wondered what tricks he had up his sleeve, but Natalie was a big girl, and she certainly didn’t need me to be her babysitter.

After the door closed, the limo driver made a U-turn and headed back down the long alleyway. I smoothed my hair and wiped my face with the edge of my dress. My make-up left a beige streak on the expensive, black fabric, but I didn’t care. What did it matter what I looked like, when Caleb wasn’t here to see me?

The limo driver opened the window separating the front and back seats. “Where to, Miss?”

“I don’t care. Just drive.”

The driver nodded and raised the window back up. Once again, I was alone in soundproof silence.

I laid down on the bench seat and pressed my heated face against the cool leather. I closed my eyes as my stomach turned somersaults. So much had happened tonight. How had the evening spiraled downhill so quickly? I reached for my phone to check texts, and I saw one from Caleb.

“Still looking for you. Staying at the theater until I find you.”

Then another text from Caleb: “Please, answer me.”

And yet another. “Abby, damn it. Where are you?”

Ugh. A pit formed in my stomach. In the commotion, Caleb must have missed the fact that I’d sped off in our limo with Natalie and Drew. Caleb probably tried calling them, too, but they were no doubt mutually distracted. I checked my call log.

Nine missed calls.

Damn it.

I’d turned my ringer off just before the movie started. Caleb was probably freaking out, thinking I’d run off with Owen. I had to go back to the theater and find him.

I knocked on the window glass to get the chauffeur’s attention. After a moment, the window lowered.

“There’s a button. A call button,” the driver said.

“Oh?” I looked around the cabin, flustered. “Sorry. Um, I wanted to tell you that I need to go back to the Harlowe Theater in Westwood. You know, where the premiere is.”

The driver nodded. “Is there anything else, Miss?”

“No,” I shook my head. “I’m sorry to drag you around the city like this. It’s been a weird night, and I need to get back to the theater. I can pay you whatever you need extra…”

The driver waved his hand. “It’s been taken care of, Miss. And driving is my job. It’s my pleasure to take you wherever you need to go.”

With that, the dark mirrored glass between us closed, and I was once again alone with my thoughts. I tried to think of how to apologize for what happened with Owen. Caleb was the only man I wanted in my life. I’d thrown it all away for nothing. He was the one who’d brought me back from the dead, and who made me feel alive every day since.

I finger combed my locks, and dusted away the stray tendrils of hair that brushed against my face. I smoothed my dress against my heated thighs, and tried to wipe away the makeup smudge on the edge of the black fabric. My palms were cold and clammy, and my insides churned with nervousness. The most important conversation of my life was ahead of me. What if I screwed it up?

As soon as the limo pulled up in front the Harlowe Theater, I saw him. Caleb looked positively regal standing alone, wearing his tux jacket to hide the claw marks on his shirt. The crowd had dissipated, and the stragglers were caught up in their own conversations.

Caleb was a lone wolf with a don’t fuck with me expression on his face. He looked intimidating as hell, and here I was, hurtling towards him when I was the one who’d hurt him.

As soon as the limo stopped, Caleb walked to the other side of the car, and said something to the chauffeur. I couldn’t hear their conversation through the thick partition separating the front seat from the back of the limo. Caleb opened the passenger door, and slid onto the bench seat opposite from me.

“Caleb, I…” My voice cracked.

“Stop.” He held up his hand, effectively silencing me before I had a chance to explain myself. The limo lurched forward and sped off into LA traffic. We weaved in and out of the busy streets, through Hollywood, and towards Downtown LA.

I bit my lip to try to stop the tears from flowing. Caleb’s fists clenched, and he looked angrier than I’d ever seen him. A trickle of blood escaped from his lips, and dripped down the side of his mouth. He wiped it away with the back of his rugged hand. I couldn’t tell if it was his blood or someone else’s, and I was afraid to ask.

I wanted to explain to Caleb that he’d walked in on an innocent mistake, but I knew he wouldn’t understand.

Caleb looked like he wanted to kill Owen, and I didn’t blame him. But I didn’t want Caleb to have blood on his hands because of me. And, truthfully, part of me wanted to protect Owen. As much as I tried to deny it, I still had feelings for him. He was my first love, and I’d always cherish our time together.

Caleb’s jaw clenched down, and he spoke through gritted teeth. “So, how do you know Owen Masters?” He paused. “Or do you just stick your tongue in random guys’ mouths for fun?”

I sat silently, my nostrils flaring. I didn’t like his tone. He was bating me, trying to get me to say something I’d regret. He wanted a fight.

“Abby, answer me,” he growled.

“He is someone I knew a long time ago. It doesn’t matter. It’s ancient history.”

“It didn’t look like ancient history,” he sneered.

I looked away, ashamed to meet his gaze. He was right. I’d messed up, and there was no excuse.

“I’m not proud of what happened, Caleb. He doesn’t mean anything to me.”

“No?” He settled back into the black leather bench seat. “Then let me inside your mind. Let me read your thoughts, Abby. That way, there will be no secrets.”

I flinched. I’d asked Caleb to respect me by not prying into my thoughts without my permission. He always said that he could sense images, flashes of emotions, but not the total picture when he saw inside someone’s mind. There was the risk that if he looked closely at my thoughts, he’d see the truth laid bare of who Owen was to me.

“I don’t like you reading my thoughts, Caleb. You know that.” I put up a mental wall against him, a barrier to keep him out. My mind blocking skills were weak when I first transformed, but with practice they were now better honed. I pushed Caleb back from my mind, my mental powers lashing out against the intrusion of his.

“Ouch, Abby.” He narrowed his eyes, as a look of disgust crossed his face. “You’re hiding something from me. I don’t like to be made the fool of, especially not in a public, professional setting. My reputation in Hollywood is flawless for a reason.”

“I know,” I sniffled. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you or…”

His face tightened. “Stop it, Abby. Do you want him?”

“God, no. I don’t even know what that was about. You’re the one I love, Caleb. There’s no one else.”

His head rolled back onto the plush neck rest behind him. His fingers balled into a fist, and he sunk his teeth into his own skin, drawing out his thick, almost black blood.

“Tonight, during the screening, when I was finger fucking you…, were you thinking of him? Was it his face on screen that made you come?”

Jesus, Caleb. No, of course not. Why had I been so stupid?

I closed my eyes, and let the tears fall.

“He means nothing to me. Whatever we had was a long time ago, and it was a surprise seeing him tonight.”

“Right,” he bit out.

“Caleb, don’t let this ruin what we have.” I scooted across the aisle, and slid next to him. His body was as cold as ice. He was usually scorching hot whenever I was near. “Let’s pick up where we left off at the theater.” I drew up the memory of how I’d come so easily from the pleasure of his fingertips. How he’d taken me to the heights of ecstasy.

“Can you see inside my mind now?” Dirty images popped into my head, and I opened them up for him to enjoy.

“How can I be sure that it’s me you want? When I see you sucking a cock in your fantasy, how do I know it’s not his big dick?”

“Now you’re being ridiculous.” I pulled my hand away from him. The distance between us was only a few inches now, but it felt like miles.

“Am I? Did you swallow his load when he shot it in your mouth? Did you scream his name when he fucked you?”

“Caleb, stop it.” I cringed at the way he spoke to me. He was icy, cold. All the warmth he’d had for me, and the heat that pulsed between us whenever we were together, had evaporated. I knew how he felt. When I imagined him with Reina, and how he’d been her fuck toy centuries ago, it drove me wild with jealousy. How could I blame him when I was no better?

He gazed out the limo’s smoky glass windows. I could tell he was still thinking about Owen, replaying the kiss in his mind.

I knelt on the floor in front of Caleb, and fumbled with the zipper on his pants. His fingers seized around mine, and he held his zipper firmly in place.

“What are you doing, Abby?” His eyes shot daggers into my skull.

“I want to make you forget about that. I want you to know you’re the only one I want.”

His muscles tensed, and he drew his fingers along my collarbone. “How exactly are you going to do that?”

I licked my lips. “Fuck my mouth, Caleb. Let me milk your cock.”

His eyes closed, and his hand gripped the nape of my neck. His head rolled back onto the headrest of the bench seat, and he relaxed his thighs. Quickly, I went to work unzipping his pants before he changed his mind.

I knew enough about Caleb to realize that every woman who’d come before me on his list of sexual partners had met her end somehow. Would he discard me, the way he’d discarded them? I didn’t want to think about that possibility. If this was the last time I’d have Caleb in my mouth, I wanted to make it an experience he’d never forget.

He lifted his hips as I slid his pants and his boxer briefs down his strong, muscular thighs. He was no longer cold to the touch; his skin had heated up. His long, pulsing cock unfurled as I pulled his boxers down around his ankles. He was as hard as steel and heavy in my hands when I placed my fingers around the length of him.

“Abby.” He tensed his jaw, not wanting to accept the pleasure I so eagerly wanted to give him.

I licked my lips and slid my mouth over his magnificent cock. He was warm and salty, and he filled my mouth completely. I ran my tongue down the length of him, from his balls to the tip, taking pleasure in every lap of my tongue. He smelled good, like soap and sexed mixed into one delicious aphrodisiac. I nuzzled my nose into the soft hair of his balls, and inhaled his intoxicating aroma.

I lapped at him, my tongue skating across his sensitive skin. He clenched when I sucked him hard, my mouth loving every inch of his throbbing steel. I gazed up at him, and saw the look of pleasure wash over his beautiful face. But he didn’t look back at me. I closed my eyes and pretended not to notice that he wasn’t paying attention to me. He could have been thinking about anybody else. I craved the connection I’d always had with him, and my heart longed for it.

My hands wrapped around his thickness, and I squeezed him gently from root to tip. My lips sucked the plump crown, tasting a sweet drop of his pre-cum as it glided over the tip. It was delicious and thick, like honey. My tongue fluttered rapidly underneath the crown and pulsed circles around his sensitive head. How smooth and silky he felt against my lips. His abs stiffened, and his thighs flexed. The skin between his thighs heated until it burned my cheeks as they brushed his scorching skin.

“Caleb.” I sucked harder, my mouth overtaken with unbridled passion. I double-fisted him at the base, and sucked him off at the crown. My mouth was sore from all the suction, and my jaw hurt from exertion. He tensed and lifted his hips closer to my mouth. We both felt the surge shooting through his body. His body jerked, and thick ribbons of his cum spurted into my mouth.

“So good,” he bit out through gritted teeth.

I relaxed, and relished the flavor of him as it coated my tongue, and wet my lips. I lapped up every ounce, and swallowed it, savoring its creamy, rich flavor. His body spasmed, and more of his semen exploded forcefully into my mouth. It was so powerful, it spilled out the seam of my lips, and coated my cheeks with milky goodness.

My mouth kissed a path up his thigh, to the warmth of his firm abs. His hand reached for me, and lifted my chin towards him. I wanted him to say something, anything to me. But he looked at me in silence for a moment, as if he was deciding his next move.

“Did you like that?” I rasped.

“Sweetheart, I’m not nearly done.” His mouth curved into a sultry smile, as his thumb entered my mouth and scooped the semen from my inner cheeks. He traced my lips with the milky goodness, and with his other hand, unbuttoned the top of my dress.

My hands helped him with the last of the buttons, and I slid it down past my thighs. With one hand, he unhooked my black lace bra, then roughly pulled my panties down to my ankles.

“I’m going to fuck your cunt. Slide your sweet, tight pussy on top of me. Now.”

My skin flushed, and I looked away. I wanted to please him, and to let him know I was his. And I wanted his cock inside me. But I wasn’t used to being bossed around by anyone. His command told me that he wanted control now. I was at his mercy.

I straddled him, and glided my wet pussy over the base of his balls.

“So wet,” he mouthed. “Does sucking my cock do that to you?”

“Yes,” I said as my throat dried. I looked for a bottle of water, but there was none in sight. His breath, so close to my nipples, hardened them to beaded points. I circled my hips around, instinctually, getting more turned on by the second.

“You were bad tonight, Abby.” His gaze narrowed at me.

“I know.” My lip quivered. I reached for his shirt, to unbutton him and run my hands over his slick abs. His hand met mine and swatted it away.

“I want to feel your skin, Caleb.”

“I don’t care what you want,” he growled.

His hands slid over my bare body, slick with arousal. I was completely nude, exposed. He wouldn’t let me take off his shirt. That didn’t seem fair. My skin prickled with arousal.

“Caleb, stop punishing me,” I begged, my core growing hotter by the second.

“You deserve it, Abby.”

He raised me over him, and guided my legs further apart. He was hard, and the head of his cock throbbed tantalizingly close to my skin. It pressed against my stomach, its silky wet tip tempting me. I wanted him inside me. It was almost unbearable how he teased me, when he knew how badly I ached for him.

“Caleb. I need it.”

My fingers wrapped around the thickness of his cock. His body tightened as I primed him with long, firm strokes.

“Mmmm,” he moaned.

“You like that?” I raised my hips and rotated myself over the wide head of his cock, coating him with the juices of my arousal.

The amethyst fire of his irises burned with glowing intensity. I guided him to my opening, teasing him, waiting for his response. He smiled wickedly, not letting me see how turned on I made him. He wanted to make me earn his affection. He wanted to make me beg.

I squeezed the head of his erection and guided it to the slick spot of my opening. With a half-cocked smile, I sunk down deep on top of him, taking the full of him with one long glide.

“Fuck, woman,” he hissed. His eyes closed, and the pleasure on his face was apparent by the sudden rush of blood to his cheeks.

I smiled, satisfied that I could arouse him and control him with my wet pussy. I clenched my knees against his legs, and churned his cock inside me. I squeezed with the muscles of my sex, tightening like a vice around him, working him as I slid up and down his long, throbbing length.

He was slick from my arousal, and glided inside me with ease. I bounced my ass down on his thighs one time, two, and then another. He shuddered and tightened, as he tried to hold back the flow of cum I’d all but sucked out of him with my sex.

I slowly lifted up, pulsing the walls of my pussy as I milked him upwards. As I rode him, every instinct in my body wanted to slide back down on top of him. I wanted that full feeling, and I loved how he stretched my seams.

My mouth caught his earlobe, and I bit it with the point of my teeth. He winced, and then his hips churned with mine. He couldn’t hold back his arousal for me any longer. I whimpered, enjoying the movement of his hips and how the angle of his body stimulated my clit.

“Oh God,” I moaned, glad that the privacy glass separating us from the chauffeur was soundproof. “Come inside me, Caleb. Let me feel your sweet milk.”

“Is that what you said to Owen?” he bit out, his face tense with concentration.

“What? No, of course not.” I shook my head, annoyed that Caleb wouldn’t let go of the issue, no matter how hard I tried to please him.

“What did you say to him, Abby? Did you whisper to him the dirty things you tell me? Did he make you moan?”

“Stop it, Caleb.” I slapped his perfectly sculpted cheeks, and dug my fingernails into his shoulder with my other hand.

“Kiss me like you kissed him.”

“Fuck, Caleb. Stop it. It’s not funny.” The anger inside me mixed with hot tears. “I don’t want to think about that. There’s only you.”

“Then fuck me harder and make me come.”

He bit the edge of my neck with his teeth, and sunk them into the fleshy skin. The pain pricked me, and an erotic sensation surged through my body. Dark purple blood flowed from my neck, and trickled down the fullness of my breast. I was at his mercy.

“Caleb.” My eyes shot daggers at him. “Don’t make me into one of your V-girls. One of the blood fuckers.”

“Don’t make me one of your blood boys, Abby.”

“Blood boys?” My head shook. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He smiled. “My little girl is growing up. Did you sense your need for blood tonight? Did you smell the humanity in that theater and thirst for it?”

I tried to deny it, but my face told the truth. At the theater, I’d trembled from my desire for blood. Caleb had noticed how lustful I was for the taste of it.

“That’s what I thought.” He bit his lip, and the slight point of his fangs protruded. “You’re coming into your vampire awakening. Part of what it means to be a vampire is to lure mortals to sex, so you can feed from them.”

I slowed down, resting him inside me. He pulsed the walls of my sex, and my chest tightened. I could barely speak.

“I’m not feeding from humans, Caleb. I’m not…”

“What? Like me?”

“That’s not what I meant.” Tears rolled down my cheeks. I’d never been so mad at him, and yet so drawn to his strength and sexual energy. “Damn it, Caleb.”

“I thought we had something, Abby. I thought I could trust you. What’s that saying? Never trust a vampire? I should have thought of that before I made you one.”

“That’s not fair,” my nostrils flared. I arched my back and his teeth skated down the rounded flesh of my breast.

“Maybe not. But I don’t like surprises like the one I saw tonight.”

My face heated. “Of course not. It was a mistake. I told you it was a…”

Just then, his hips lifted with a jerk, and he filled the length of my sex with his cock. I gasped at the fullness, and how deep he’d managed to go.

“You can make it up to me,” he smiled. His cock churned inside me, fucking me with vigor. I moaned as the erotic sensations filled my body from head to toe.


My body responded to his, bending to his every desire. I pushed my breasts into his face, and he licked the points of my nipples. I couldn’t stop fucking him. There was something so intoxicating, so magnetic about Caleb. I couldn’t help myself when I was in his presence.

Even when my mind sensed the danger of him, his sexual energy controlled me. I was his willing captive.

My body trembled, as I drove harder into him with my hips. His body, now as hot as a raging fire, burned my legs as I pumped myself on top of him. I couldn’t help myself, and plunged up and down the length of his massive rod. My body tightened around him, squeezing him with the walls of my sex, and then relaxed as I settled over him and thrust him inside deeper.

I fucked him harder, harnessing all my energy into pounding his cock. He grabbed my arms, and roared before unleashing a scorching burst of semen inside me. I moaned, satisfied by the feeling of his release. The sensation brought me to the edge of orgasm, on the verge of coming.

He pumped me harder, still coming in spurts as he held my hips in place. His cock melded to my insides as he growled fiercely in my ear.

“I want to make you beg.”

His grip tightened and he rolled me over, pinning me down with his cock rooted inside me. My knees scraped against the limo’s rough carpet. His hands held my hips and he guided me slowly in circles as his cock rubbed the seam of my sex. His semen dripped from between my legs, and he coated the inside of my thighs with his sweet, sticky seed as I pushed back into him.

I angled for him to reach my clit, to get me off by pulsing me gently in the place he knew drove me wild. As I pushed into him, he kept my hips level, and his fingers rubbed the lips of my sex, purposefully avoiding my pleasure button.

“Caleb. I want it. I want you.”

Blood rushed through my temples as my clit ached with need and desire. My body untethered when he pulled his hips back, leaving my melting core empty and pleading.

“Don’t make me beg,” I whimpered.

He smiled, and stroked two fingers around my soft, trembling opening. His fingers fucked me slowly, sensually, taking me to the edge of my orgasm but never across the crest.

“Jesus, Caleb,” I bit out. He took satisfaction in making me suffer. I’d never wanted to orgasm as much as I did in this moment, and he was purposefully keeping it from me. My sex rippled around his fingers as they massaged my core. I pushed into him, so hot my body felt like it might catch fire. The limo skidded around a corner, and stopped abruptly at a light. I lurched forward, hoping that I’d be freed from this torture. But the next moment, the driver continued on and so did my frenzied pursuit of my orgasm.

On all fours, my back arched. He slapped the seam of my ass with his heavy cock, then slid it between my cheeks, and pushed it towards my anus. I winced, never having been one to do anal play before. I was so turned on, I considered it now. Maybe even wanted it.

“You want my cock, don’t you?” The wide crest of his penis danced around my tender, tight opening.

“Yes,” I panted. “Give it to me.” I pushed my ass into him hard, and his cock slipped into the slick opening of my core. His fingers still inside me, he stretched me with his wide shaft and the massaging of his digits. I tightened around him. It hurt, but I wanted him to keep going.

“Like that?”

“Yes,” I nodded. I looked back over my shoulder and saw the wicked pleasure he got from torturing me. As much as I thought I was in control, he was the one who had power over me.

His fingers slowly glided out of me, and he pushed forcefully with his stone-hard cock. I trembled around the fleshy rod, sucking it deeper inside me with every thrust.

“Damn, Abby.” He whimpered, his concentration momentarily distracted by the pulsing of my sex.

He fucked me harder, the silky tip of his delicious penis massaging me from the inside and sparking electricity across my shattered nerves. I didn’t want him to stop. He didn’t stop. He built up the pressure, until I knew my dam would break.

“Fuck, fuck,” I screamed. “Yes.” My body stiffened, as the beginnings of ecstasy spiraled through my body.

As my pleasure mounted, he slowed just before he sent me over the edge. He wanted to torment me. He wanted to make me pay. My anger for him rose up inside me, and I was more determined than ever to win at this sadistic game.

“I’m in control. You belong to me,” he growled. His teeth clenched into the back of my neck, sending ribbons of dark blood down my heated skin. I winced at the pain, but it didn’t hurt as badly as the frustration in my core. “Do you understand?”

“Yes…” I whispered, my voice raspy and dry. “Do what you want with me, Caleb. I’m yours. Only yours.”

With that, he plunged his cock deep inside me, and massaged the quivering bud of my clit with smooth, unyielding pressure. I gripped the seat in front of me, and panted out his name.

“Caleb. Caleb.” My throat felt like it was on fire, but I couldn’t stop the moans that poured form my throat.

His cock beat a steady rhythm into my slick core, and I prayed he wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t be that cruel. I clenched tightly around him, willing him to stay inside me. I angled for my G-spot, and moved for him to massage the tender skin, as he’d done so many times before.

“That’s it,” he whispered. His lips skated down my jaw to my neck as he thrust hard in just the place I needed. He pumped, hitting my G-spot, and rolling my nipple with his skilled fingers. His other hand reached down to my clit and massaged it with the edge of his palm.

A wave of emotions ripped over me, as my body let go and the ecstatic feelings of pleasure rushed through my sensitive nerve endings. My muscles trembled violently, quaking as the climax flowed through every part of me. I came endlessly, my body rocking in his hands, with him rooted tightly inside me, holding me steady. With gentle, measured thrusts, he kept me at the peak, pushing me to new heights as he commanded my body.

My body on fire, I clung to him, certain I’d spiral into the ether if he let go of me. When I finally came down from the highest peak of my pleasure, he held me gently and placed my nude, quivering body on the cool leather of the bench seat. I rolled to the side, as his fingers pushed through my semen-soaked thighs, and cupped my hot sex.

I was too tired to respond. Too relaxed to protest, or to reciprocate. He’d given me everything I wanted, and now he wanted to give me more. His fingers pulsed my clit, reawakening my desire. His lips and his tongue lapped at the quivering bead, sending me into frenzied orgasm again and again. I lost count of the number of times I came, from the short bursts of ecstasy, to the long, slow tides of pleasure. My body was numb from the onslaught of orgasmic bliss. I needed water.

“Caleb?” I rasped.

“You need water. Drink.” He handed me am ice-cold bottle of water from the mini-fridge at the end of the bench seat. He could read my mind, and he knew how to take care of all my needs.

“I need you, one more time.”

His eyes locked with mine, and I telegraphed the message from my brain to his. I wanted him deep inside me. One last time. I wanted to know I was the only one for him. I wanted to be his forever.

His lips pressed against my heated, sweat-misted forehead. “It’s always been you, Abby. Always.”

His cock rooted inside me and sensually churned the last of my orgasm. He slid to the end of me, hitting my cervix and filling my core completely. As I crested the peak one final time, his cock exploded inside me with force unlike I’d ever felt.

“Abby,” he whispered. “I love you. I forgive you.”

I nestled in his arms and rested on the long bench seat, as the limo kept driving to destinations unknown. As long as I was in Caleb’s arms, it didn’t matter where we were headed.




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