The Novel Free

Hate Me

After about twenty laps, they bring him in, go over his times, give him a few pointers, and then send him back out.

While he’s driving, I tell the coach about the classes Tommy made me take before he’d let me drive any of his cars. We start talking about the handling of high performance cars.

“You know,” he says. “The classes you took are even more advanced than what we’re doing today. You should go out and see if you can beat his time.”

“Really? That would be fun.”

When Aiden gets out of his car, the coach says, “What do you say we make this a little competition?”

“Sure,” Aiden says, still grinning.

“I bet you twenty bucks and the rest of those cupcakes that she can beat your fastest time.”

Aiden looks at the guy like he’s crazy, then turns to me. “Do you know how to drive a stick?”

“I think so,” I say, trying not to smile.

“Then I guess I’ll take that bet minus the cupcake I’m going to eat while I watch,” Aiden says.

They shake hands while I slide into a driving suit, shoes, and a helmet.

I hop in the car, buckle myself in, and take off.

I run the first few laps pretty slowly, wanting to get a feel for what the car can do. How it corners. The whine the motor makes when I need to upshift.

Then I work on the track for the next few laps. Which driving lines I should use.

Finally, I run five laps as fast as I can without risking losing control of the car.

Totaling her would probably ruin the whole birthday.

When I pull back into the garage, Aiden helps me out of the car with an amused look on his face. “How in the hell do you know how to drive like that?”

“I sorta took lessons.”

He gives me a long kiss. “You were totally in cahoots with him.”

“Ha. Maybe. How did I do?”

“You beat my best time.”

“Are you going back out there?”

“Heck yeah. I know I can beat you.” He puts his helmet on, then flicks up the visor so I can see him better. “Boots?”


“This has been the best birthday of my life.”

My face breaks into a smile. “I’m glad.”

As he goes back out on the track, I can’t help but hope that I’m still alive for his next one.

Before we drive back to school, I give him a present.

“You got me a present too? The track was really enough.”

“I bought a couple presents before I decided to do the track, so you’re stuck with them.”

He leans over the console and kisses me instead of opening it.

A good long, hard kiss.

And even during the kiss, I can tell he’s still grinning.

He rips the paper off. “Burberry. Nice.” He opens the sunglasses case and pulls out a pair of square, brushed gunmetal aviators. “These are badass,” he says as he puts them on and looks at himself in the rearview mirror. “Do I look like a race car driver?”

“You look hot,” I reply, totally loving how cute he looks in them. I knew with his bone structure that they’d look great.

On the ride home, he talks non-stop about how much fun he had. How fast the car went. How he can’t wait to tell everyone about it at dinner.

We have a great time at dinner. Jake and Annie, Katie and Bryce, Maggie and Logan, Peyton and Dallas are all here. Peyton got us a small private room, so we’re able to be a little loud. Do lots of silly birthday toasts. Eat amazing food. And hear all about Aiden’s day.

Peyton brings in a four-tier red velvet cake for dessert. We sing and then Aiden opens his presents, including the other two gifts from me: a pair of tan antiqued leather Prada High-Top sneakers and the deep green cashmere Burberry scarf that perfectly matches his eyes.

I had hoped we’d get a little time alone after, but we get back just before curfew and I have to settle for a sweet goodnight kiss.

I wash my face and get into bed.



Hottie God: I feel like a little kid, exhausted after his birthday party.

Me: Doesn’t help that we were partying last night and didn’t get much sleep.

Hottie God: True. You went way overboard on making my birthday special. The Prada sneakers are so cool. I look like a badass in my sunglasses and the scarf is so soft.

Me: And it matches your gorgeous green eyes. That gift was kinda for me.

Hottie God: You going to borrow it?

Me: No, I get to admire you in it.

Hottie God: I seriously had the best day ever. And your driving impressed the shit out of me.

Me: Well, thank you. And I’m glad :)

Hottie God: The jeans impressed the shit out of me too.

Me: Is that why you kept touching my butt?

Hottie God: I couldn’t help it.

Me: I still owe you 18 birthday dances.

Hottie God: We’ll do those at your loft this weekend. I can’t wait.

Me: I can’t wait for the dance competition to be over. I probably won’t see you until then anyway. You sister is making us practice until ten every night this week.

Hottie God: We have that French oral exam on Wednesday, and I have an away game Tuesday night. I’m going to fail.

Me: We’ll find some time to practice.

Hottie God: I’m loving our conversation but I just dropped my phone on my face because I fell asleep.

Me: LOL. Night, Aiden.