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Pretty Little Rose by Lucy Wild (25)

Chapter 25

The next day, Rose was up early. She tiptoed downstairs to the dining room. Easing open the cabinet drawer, she saw what she was looking for. Inside was a small box held in place by a brass clasp. Undoing the clasp, she opened the box and took out the plug, surprised by the coldness and the heaviness of it as it sat in her hand.

Quietly, she returned to her room, the plug coated in grease ready for her to use. Standing by the window, she looked out at the rising sun as she nudged the plug between her buttocks. She frowned as it refused to enter her. It was a full minute of trying before she realised she was holding her breath with each attempt. Relax, she thought. Just relax and it will go in.

She breathed in and then exhaled. As the breath left her, steaming up the window in front of her eyes, her hole widened enough for it to squeeze inside. She let out a gasp at the coldness on her insides but it soon warmed as she held it deep within her, the base rubbing on her buttocks as she climbed back into bed.

She dozed for a short time before Mama appeared, pulling back the covers and pointing to the towel on the floor. “Let’s get your nappy sorted.”

If Mama noticed the plug, she said nothing, wrapping the nappy in place as she had every morning that week. Once Rose was dressed, she descended to the dining room, surprised to find her father in conference with Papa.

“Ah, Rose, there you are,” Mr. Winter said. “I was hoping you’d join us. I have some good news.”

“Oh, yes?”

“Despite your tantrum, Mr. Carlisle would still like to meet with you. He’s coming here in an hour. Isn’t that wonderful?”

“Yes, Father,” Rose said as cheerfully as she could whilst dying a little inside. “Wonderful.”

“I better go get things ready. Good morning to you both.”

He swept out of the room, leaving Rose with Papa. She sat opposite him, putting her head in her hands, doing her best to ignore the plug pressing up into her. “What am I to do? How do I tell Father it is you who I want, not Jonathan?”

“Leave it with me,” Papa replied. “I have a plan.”

Rose barely had time to change out of her little outfit and into a grown up dress before the doorbell rang and in he came. The man who had assaulted her so brutally in the park, smiling and shaking hands with her parents as if nothing had happened.

“Good day, Rose,” Jonathan said as she descended the stairs, the plug still rubbing against her with each step. “I am delighted to see you again.”

“Likewise,” Rose said through gritted teeth. She wanted to be alone with Papa and the plug, not this villain.

“Well, aren’t you two getting on like a house on fire?” Mrs. Winter said. “Come, Obadiah, let’s leave these two to talk a while.”

Rose raised her eyebrows. Her mother was willing to leave her alone with Jonathan without a chaperone? What on earth was that about? Her question was answered a moment later when she entered the drawing room to find Titus sitting in an armchair, waiting for her.

“Your mother suggested I sit in,” he said as she walked towards him. He tapped his lap. “Why not sit here?”

Rose leapt at the chance to sit on his lap, leaning towards his ear as she did so. “I have the plug inside me,” she whispered, spinning round to face Jonathan. “Won’t you sit down?”

“Thank you,” he replied, looking across at her with a perturbed look on his face. “You always sit on your tutor’s lap when greeting guests?”

“Only when I’m a good little girl.”

“Right. Would you excuse me a moment? I’m just going to use the facilities.”

Jonathan left the room and as soon as he went, Titus grabbed Rose, lifting her dress and petticoats to look at the plug protruding obscenely from her posterior. “No underwear either,” he said. “You are being naughty.”

He bent her forwards and spanked her bottom twice, the sound echoing through the house. Rose lowered herself back onto him, reaching down for his trousers at the same time.

“What are you doing?” he hissed. “He will be back any moment.”

“He’ll be talking to Mother about how strange I am acting. We have plenty of time for me to do this.” She found his member, drawing it out of his trousers before lowering herself onto it, feeling it slide up inside her. With the bulk of his shaft in her, she brushed her dress back into place, hiding from view what was happening between her legs. She looked down. It was impossible to tell he was inside her, it looked only as if she were sitting on his lap as before.

Rocking back and forth slightly, she could feel him throbbing inside her, a sensation that sent shivers through her as footsteps echoed from the hall. Forcing herself to keep still, she smiled up at Jonathan as he walked back into the room. “You remain on his lap then. Would you not prefer to sit on another chair?”

“I am sitting on the thing I like the most.”

“I confess; you are acting rather differently to how I expected.”

“I must confess; I love my Papa.”

“Of course you do. We all love our parents.”

“Not my parents, my Papa.”

“Your Papa?”

“Yes,” Rose said, stroking Papa’s cheek with her hand. “He takes care of me. Now what would you like to discuss?”

“I am sorry,” Jonathan replied, shaking his head. “I cannot remain here whilst you behave like this.”

Rose squeezed her thigh muscles, gripping Papa tightly inside her, pleased to hear him breathe in sharply behind her. “Like what?”

“Acting like a child. It is perverse.”

“Do you not like children?”

“That is not the point. You are not a child; you are a grown woman.”

“Does that mean I cannot sit on a man’s lap?”

“It means you should have some sense of decorum. I shall bid you good day. I have no wish to speak with you again until he is gone and you have learned how to behave around a gentleman.”

Rose watched him march from the room. The moment he was gone, she began to bounce on Papa’s member, feeling him twitch within her as she did so. It took under a minute for him to fill her with seed and she slid off him just in time for Jonathan to slam the front door on his way out.