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Bells and Bows on Mistletoe Row by Emily Harvale (25)

Harrison walked from room to room, checking that everything was perfect. It had taken some doing, between Sunday morning and this evening, but with Luke, Daphne and Kiki's help, The Grange was ready to receive its guests, and there was still an hour to spare. Plenty of time for him to shower and change. Kiki had gone upstairs at least two hours earlier, and although it had taken more than a small amount of persuasion from him, Daphne had gone to her room just over an hour ago. It always took women far longer than men to get dressed for such occasions. He hoped it would all be worth it.

As he flicked on the final switch for the outside lights, his gaze wandered down towards Mistletoe Row and landed, with little effort, on number 29. From here the cottage looked warm and welcoming and he could just make out the tree, decked with lights, in front of the sitting room window. His gaze wandered upwards to the attic room, which he knew from what Luke had told him, was Juliet's. Was she looking out of her window at The Grange? He could see an amber glow emanating from the room, but the curtains were clearly drawn, and he couldn't see any movement inside.

What would she think when she looked up at the house and saw the lights? Would she be pleased that he had made such an effort to make the house look festive? Or would she be annoyed and feel that he was trying to step into her family's shoes? And although he had personally invited everyone who lived on Mistletoe Row, would any of them turn up? Or would they too feel that the Bows were trying to replace the Bells? He would soon find out.

He ran upstairs to his room, told his voice activated smart speaker to play Christmas music, threw his clothes into the washing hamper and jumped into the shower, singing along with Mariah Carey. He knew exactly what he wanted for Christmas. He simply had no idea how to get it. When they were in the pub on Monday, Kiki had said, much to his annoyance, that money could buy anything. She was wrong. Money couldn't buy love. And love was what he wanted more than anything in the world. If he had to choose tonight, between all his money or love, it would be a no-brainer. Love would win. But not just any love, of course. The only love he wanted; the only love he had ever wanted, was Juliet's. And it made him sick inside to think she may have given that love to someone else. Not that there was anything wrong with Daniel Dobbie, as far as he was aware. Apart from the fact that Juliet appeared to be in love with the man.

And yet something Luke had said had made him think that perhaps he was wrong about Dan and Juliet. When he had told Luke what he had seen on Friday night, of which Luke was apparently unaware, and of what he had seen again in the pub this morning, Luke had shrugged and laughed.

'They've known each other all their lives and they're exactly the same age, bar one month. Of course they're going to be close. But if Juliet has feelings for Dan, she definitely hasn't told Zoe. And Zoe says that she thinks Dan may be gay. I know he looks like a strapping, athletic kind of guy, but he's certainly got a strong feminine side.'

'He calls her darling all the time,' Harrison said. 'He doesn't do that to anyone else. Not that I've heard, at least.'

'But she doesn't call him darling, does she?'

That much was true.

'Every time I see them together they've got their arms around one another,' Harrison moaned.

'But have you actually seen them kiss? Not a kiss on the cheek. I've seen them do that. A real kiss. On the lips.'

He hadn't. But perhaps they didn't like to be overly demonstrative in public.

'There's only one way to find out, bro,' Luke had said. 'Just ask Juliet.'

'That may not be as simple as it sounds.'

'Of course it is. You simply ask her if she's dating Dan, or anyone else? I'd ask her myself, but you've forbidden me from telling her how you feel. Although I suppose I could ask her if she's dating anyone. As her future brother-in-law that shouldn't sound too creepy. I wouldn't want her to think I'm interested for myself. And Zoe would kill me if she thought that. On second thoughts, ask her yourself. And do it tonight. You're not getting any younger, you know.'

'Thanks. I'll bear that in mind.'

And he had been thinking of little else all day.