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Millie Vanilla's Cupcake Cafe: Christmas Weddings by Georgia Hill (7)

Millie parked outside the front door of the Lord to let Eleri get out. She had no intention of lingering. There was nothing for her at the hotel and she had Christmas shopping to do. She and Tessa planned on going into Lyme later. If what she’d put into motion ten days ago happened, she might actually have more than a fiver to spend on present-buying this year. Besides, she had no desire to play gooseberry to the affair quietly blossoming between Alex and Eleri.

Alex appeared at the door, looking anxious. ‘Good morning, both.’ His breath puffed out in the cold air. ‘Jed’s back. His trip was curtailed somewhat. Come in, come in.’ He sprinted around to the driver’s door before Millie could change her mind. Opening it for her, he whispered, ‘Do come in. I’m rather worried about the old boy.’

Alex led them, this time, into a recently refurbished sitting room. By the hotel’s standards it was probably considered small, but Millie thought the café would fit in twice over. She glanced around, appreciating the subtle blues and creams, her attention caught by an enormous abstract hanging on one wall.

‘One of Ken’s,’ Eleri explained. ‘Alex and I thought it would be lush to display some local artists in the hotel.’

‘And, of course the main advantage is, as it’s a free advertisement for them, I haven’t had to pay a penny for it.’

‘Alex!’ Eleri nudged his arm playfully. ‘You don’t mean that, bach.’

Alex regarded her with affection. ‘Don’t I? The other advantage is if I absolutely hate the piece, I can change it at will.’ He pulled a comical face at Millie.

Eleri put an arm through his and looked up at him, laughing. ‘You don’t mean that either. Ken paints genius stuff.’

Jealousy shot through Millie. They looked so relaxed with each other. Had already got to the tender, bantering stage of their relationship. She wondered if they’d slept with each yet and guessed not. Eleri might have to work a little harder at piercing Alex’s closed-up shell. Although he was a lot more relaxed these days, he was nothing like his brother. At the thought of Jed another tumult of emotions flooded her. Not jealousy this time. Love, loss, longing. Anger. All far more complex than she imagined Eleri and Alex were experiencing. Fear prickled. She wondered why his brother was worried about him.

‘Hello Millie.’ A soft voice had her wheeling around. For a moment Millie didn’t recognise him. In place of the glossy Boden boy was a shadow, a wraith. He wore an over-sized navy and claret striped dressing gown. Alex’s at a guess.

‘Jed.’ She went to him and took his hands, any antipathy forgotten. ‘You look terrible.’

‘Thanks.’ He managed a grin. ‘Can we all sit down, do you think?’ He sank onto the nearest sofa. Millie thought he winced in pain.

She sat next to him. ‘Have you been ill?’

‘You could say that.’ His attempt at joviality was pitiful. ‘Picked up some kind of bug and couldn’t shake it off.’

Alex busied himself pouring coffee for them all. ‘Jed had to cut his trip short and get home.’

‘Didn’t get much work done,’ Jed added. ‘I had to get an earlier flight back.’

Millie looked from one brother to another. ‘And neither of you thought to tell me?’

‘Sorry, Millie. I only found out when I had the call from Heathrow to pick him up.’ Alex handed her a cup. ‘I collected him the day before yesterday. Since then it’s been a bit hectic. Getting him to see a doc and sort out someone to look after him.’

‘Would you care, Millie?’ Jed asked, quietly.

‘Of course I care! I love – ,’ Millie stopped short and looked down, confused. ‘We may not still be together but I still care about you. A lot.’ She sucked in a breath to regain control. ‘And you really do look awful.’

Jed slumped back. ‘Yeah well. To be honest, I feel it.’ He shook his head at Alex’s offer of coffee. ‘I’ll stick with water, thanks, bro.’

‘Are you eating? Is there anything I can make for you?’

‘Oh, Millie my love. I wish I could have you as my nurse.’

Before Millie could answer, Alex butted in. ‘You’ve got the inestimable Coral meeting your every need, Jed. At vast expense, I might add. And Millie hasn’t time to play nursemaid.’

Jed met her eyes. ‘Alex hired an agency nurse.’ He pulled a gloomy face. ‘She’s terribly bossy. I don’t like being told what to do, you see.’

‘When did you ever?’ Alex put in, drily. ‘And may I remind you the alternative was Mother. Ma’s brand of nursing is rather robust,’ he added, as explanation.

Millie could well imagine.

‘She’s threatened to come down to see you, as it is.’ Alex sat on an opulent blue- velvet chaise and grinned.

Jed let his head flop back as if the effort of the conversation was too much.

‘What does the doctor think it is?’ Eleri asked.

Alex answered, as Jed had his eyes closed. ‘Some kind of infection. Should go in a week or so. As long as he rests. Which, of course, he won’t.’

‘Dengue fever, maybe? It’s common in South America.’ Eleri nodded at him. She seemed to know all about tropical disease. Draining her coffee, she stood up. ‘Come on Alex, we need to go and fry our brains over a new name for the hotel. This room is looking fab, by the way. I can’t believe how quickly you pulled it together.’ She drifted out of the room.

Alex gave his brother a concerned glance. ‘Don’t let him do anything strenuous, please, Millie. If either of you need anything we’ll be in the office. Or you can ring for Coral, of course.’