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'Tis The Season by Cynthia Dane, Hildred Billings (5)





Scene 5


Victoria & Madison


Victoria was used to making sacrifices and doing things she usually had no interest participating in… for her girlfriends, anyway. The more she loved someone, the more she was willing to put herself into uncomfortable situations. As long as it made the girlfriend happy, anyway.

This? This was the worst one of all.

It did not help that she was a woman, and this event was highly catered to male clientele. Or at least women who didn’t mind associating with a number of men. At night. In a brothel.

Victoria didn’t care how upscale the event was. Everywhere she turned, she saw a bunch of men – some of them associates from her social circles – fawning over women in cocktail dresses while being served drinks.

You’re here because you love your girlfriend. Madison was on the other side of the lounge, conversing with one of her coworkers and the man standing between them. Victoria was just good enough at lipreading to know Madison pushed an early membership for the downtown nightclub opening beneath the house’s banner the following year. Madison was already promised a high-profile position as long as she continued to prove her good business sense and manners to her bosses.

Does leaving me here to rot count against her? Victoria knew the biggest issue was here. She could as easily get up and mingle as she could camp out in her chair and nurse brandy after brandy. Okay, so this place serves amazing brandy. Only the best of the best at Le Chateau, the pinnacle of nighttime entertainment for the rich person looking to find some overnight companionship.

Victoria glanced around the room. Including her girlfriend, most of these women in sparkly outfits and combing their fingers through their locks were former escorts, cam girls, adult film stars, and even madams of their own enterprises from around the world. Now they commanded the highest prices in the country, and the men (and few women, Victoria supposed) who came here were treated to the kind of experience only kings used to receive.

For a higher price, a man (or woman) could become a patron to one of the eligible young ladies in the Chateau. That’s what Victoria had done to ensure that her girlfriend could comfortably be in a monogamous relationship while maintaining her status at work.

But it was one thing for Victoria to agree to her girlfriend going to work to serve worldly billionaires their drinks and give them (above the waist, ahem) massages while they enjoyed her carefully curated conversations. It was quite another for Victoria to witness how involved both Madison and the other women became when in the presence of open wallets.

It was also quite another for Victoria to be the only female patron. Well, unless she counted Lana Andrews beguiling people with stories of her Worst Christmas Ever, and Victoria didn’t. The woman was there with her husband, and the two of them were the most infamous swingers to ever pocket half a billion in their personal accounts every few months.

Victoria may have been an heiress in her own right, but these people put her to shame. The only thing she had to talk about with them was her highly coveted house in Old Town. Everyone wanted one, but with only thirty built, people like Victoria became the envy of every billionaire wishing to have a small piece of history – that they would never live in.

Madison shook the man’s hand and had a brief, happy word with her coworker before making a beeline for Victoria in her corner chair. With her came the sweet scent of flowers, and enough ample cleavage to remind Victoria why she patiently waited for Madison to finish her work on a daily basis.

“Sorry about that.” Madison draped herself across Victoria’s lap and gave her a cleavage-filled hug. That’s right. Perfume and body odor are the perfect combination. Would it be too gauche if Victoria smashed her face in and kept it there for the next few hours? It was the only way to block out the bullshit erupting around them. “I’m so busy chatting people up while you’re over here utterly neglected.” Madison leaned back. The chair was big enough for her to put most of her weight on the arm while keeping her lips close to Victoria’s cheek. “Because I don’t think for two seconds that you’re going to make nice with the other guests here.”

“Whyyyy would I do that?” Victoria smashed the back of her head on the chair. I want this chair in my house. Huge, leather, padded. This was the kind of chair to relax in after a long day of writing, editing, and dealing with publishers. Iced tea in the afternoon or a cold beer in the evening… it didn’t matter. Victoria wanted to watch the late shows from this perch. Bonus points if it came with the view she currently had of her girlfriend’s best physical assets. Okay, so she has amazing thighs, too. Madison’s favorite dress cut was the infamous tube dress, and she modeled one now. Black with gold sparkles. Like a real Hollywood leading lady. Mine, at least.

“Let me guess. You’d rather hang out with me?”

Victoria held her closer. Madison was the perfect size for squeezing and grabbing, unlike Victoria, who often felt like she was all limbs. Sometimes those long limbs came in handy, though. Petite princesses like Madison demanded only the heartiest of hugs.

“Make some friends, Vic!” Madison pinched her girlfriend’s cheek. “I’ve got about another hour of mingling to do before I’m all yours for the rest of the night. Maybe earlier, if the other patrons gets ornery enough to disappear.”

“I don’t want you getting in trouble.”

“Whatever. Management doesn’t care if I don’t make myself available to them.”

“I meant with me.

Madison scoffed. “Vic, honey, darling… as if.”

“What is that accent? Suddenly you’re a valley girl?”

“I’ve been practicing. Why do you think Clueless is the first movie you see when you log into your Hulu account?”

“Why the hell are you practicing a valley girl accent? You’re from New York.”

“Because clients are more likely to pay for girls to show up at their parties speaking like Californian teens of their youth.” Madison hopped off the chair and fixed her outfit. “So, like, get used to the fry, babe.”

Victoria was sad to see that ass leave her presence… not so much the vocal fry.

She was even sadder to put up with what happened next. Apparently, someone thought she looked mighty lonely at this party. And that someone was her next door neighbor, a man who happened to be the patron of Madison’s boss, the buxom blonde making the rounds in the most ridiculous pushup bra Victoria had ever seen. It worked, though. I mean, I’m looking right at her tits. If I didn’t already know her, I’d spit all over myself if she talked to me. Victoria was worried about Madison getting in trouble?

“Hey.” Seth Christens put his empty glass on Victoria’s table and sat in the chair next to hers. “Are you as introverted as I am, after all?”

Victoria rolled her eyes. All around them, men in suits and dinner jackets exchanged kisses with their favorite mistresses and discussed upcoming business transactions with other guests. The proprietor of the establishment kept to her queenly throne on the other far side of the room, where everyone came to her to discuss personal and business matters. Seth’s girlfriend, Judith, was the representative moving her derriere across the room, schmoozing everyone else as if she forgot her boyfriend existed.

“Present company is not my style.”

Seth nodded. Somehow, he seemed to not think that included him. Maybe he thought they had a special relationship because they had been neighbors for years. “Mine neither. I’m not involved in this business stuff, so I have no idea what they’re talking about. Doesn’t help I helped deliver most of their kids.”

“Riiiight. So you’ve seen things only they were supposed to see. Awkward, yes.” How could Victoria shake this awkward turtle? What does Judith see in him? Sure, Seth paid for the privilege of having Judith as his girlfriend, but they appeared to actually be in love? Somehow? My story is stranger than theirs, so whatever. “Guess it wouldn’t be so bad to have somebody to talk to. I’m only here to support my girlfriend. I’d rather be home watching TV or taking a bath.”

“Same. Including the bath.” Seth watched on as his girlfriend slapped a man’s ass, the both of them uproariously laughing.

“You ever get tired of that shit?”

“Honestly? No. It’s just how she is, even outside of her job.” Seth paused for a moment. “Sometimes people are just naturally drawn to their perfect profession.”

Victoria caught sight of Madison, who was short enough, even in her pumps, to be lost in the crowd of tall men and svelte sex workers. She shook hands, complimented cufflinks, and pinched the occasional cheek that was not Victoria’s. Everything she said and did had the undercurrent of sex infused into it. Wasn’t that what had killed Victoria when they first met? Why wouldn’t it be the same for everyone else? What did I think was going to happen, getting involved with a sex worker? TV and a bath was way better than this. At least I don’t share her with anyone else. Seth couldn’t say the same thing. Judith had two boyfriends, and he happened to be the one around tonight. I would go clinically insane!

“By the way, Madison suggested that you two get together with us for New Year’s Day. Something about college football that I barely understand.”

“Would that we could, but Judith will be in Monaco through the third. She’s off with the other guy.” He caught a look from Victoria. “I get Thanksgiving, he gets Christmas. Because, as that Euro fuck puts it, You have your quaint American tradition and my family is Catholic! What does Catholic have to do with it when you don’t even practice?”

“Don’t look at me. My family is Episcopalian.”

“Mine’s Methodist. And practicing.”

Victoria had resigned herself to the fate of the night. Talking to her own stupid neighbor, watching her girlfriend flirt with other men, and getting drunk on top shelf brandy. Supposedly, there were worse ways to spend the days before Christmas, but Victoria had yet to figure out what they were.

She never thought in a million years that she would be the source of the main drama that night.

It started when one of the security guards swept into the lounge and approached the proprietress, Monica, with a message meant only for her ear. She glanced at the doorman as if he had asked her to take off her panties and throw them across the room.

She then looked at Victoria.

“Uh oh.” Victoria sat up in her chair. “I know looks like that.”

“Like what?” Seth peered through the crowd.

Monica and the doorman left their corner of the room and headed their way. Were they coming to tell her that her headlights were still on? That sounded like a daft move Victoria would definitely make.

“Ms. Nicholson,” Monica said the moment she reached that corner of the room. “My doorman has informed me that a courier is here to see you. He claims to have a letter he is under strict orders to deliver straight into your hands.”

“What?” Victoria wondered if she had drunk too much brandy. “You’re kidding. Right?”

“I’m afraid that I am not kidding you, Ms. Nicholson. Peter can tell you more.”

The doorman stepped forward with a nod of the head. “A man came up to the door and claimed to have a message for you. We have no idea how he found you here, unless you told someone that they could drop something off.”

Victoria shook her head. “That sounds… a tad strange.”

“Not the strangest thing to ever happen around here with one of our guests,” Monica said, “but strange enough to make a few hairs stand up on the back of my neck. If you don’t mind, Ms. Nicholson, we can take you to see this man.”

She glanced in her girlfriend’s direction. Madison had quickly caught on to the small commotion in the corner and immediately came over. She had more eyes for her boss than for her girlfriend.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

Victoria answered on Monica’s behalf. “They’ve informed me that there’s a man here with a message for me. They want me to go see him. Do you know anything about this?”

Madison shook her head. “What’s a guy doing all the way up here at night at this time of year?”

“Any time of year, honestly.” Monica motioned for them to follow her. “Come. We can afford to miss a few minutes up here. Might be good to stretch my legs.”

Victoria reluctantly followed with Madison close behind. They passed through a long hallway that was much quieter than the party-filled lounge, and went down the grand staircase to find a small congregation of guards surrounding the man in question.

His face immediately lit up as soon as he saw Victoria. However, he said nothing, and that was probably the safe thing to do, since every guard surrounding him gave him the harshest glares they could muster.

“Is this him?” Monica asked.

Peter nodded. “This is the guy looking for Ms. Nicholson.”

“What is this about?” Victoria stepped forward. She didn’t recognize the young man wearing a dark, unmarked uniform. He didn’t seem threatening, but his keen interest in her was unnerving as best. “And how did you find me all the way up here?”

The man unveiled the small envelope in his hand. “This is for you, from my employer.” He side-eyed one of the guards attempting to take the letter away from him. “I’m under strict orders to give it directly to you. No one else.”

“Is that what the issue is?” Madison asked.

“Trust me, there are many more issues at hand.” Monica gestured to the man and his car outside the opened doors. “Let’s start with how you found us and why you’re here at the midnight hour.”

“Afraid I have a plane to Europe to catch in a couple of hours. As soon as I confirm Ms. Nicholson has the letter, I’ll be on my way.”

Victoria took the envelope. “Thank you, I guess.”

The guards behind the man parted. It was his only chance to make a clean getaway. “No, thank you, Ms. Nicholson. Now I might be able to make my flight. Have a good evening.” He nodded to his audience before heading out the doors. One guard followed him to make sure he got back in his car and drove away.

“Well?” Madison pointed to the letter in Victoria’s hands. “What is it? Who’s it from?”

Victoria turned it over. “It only has my name written on it. No sender name or anything.”

“Weird. You should open it.”

Rolling her eyes, Victoria slid her nail beneath the seal and popped the envelope open. The guards dispersed, including Peter the doorman. Monica maintained a respectful distance until she was certain that nothing was terribly amiss.

Victoria unveiled a single piece of fine stationery. Madison almost snatched it out of her hand so she could read it first.


“Dear. Ms. Nicholson,


A mutual acquaintance of ours, Heather Lang, is under the impression that you and I would be fast friends in both business and personal matters. I’m inclined to agree with her. If you would do me the honors of making an appearance at my New Year’s party, I would be very glad indeed. The details are below. Please feel free to bring your significant other to my intimate soiree.


PS: I am a great fan of your writing and gleamed much knowledge from your relationship advice book. I’d love to pick your brain about other matters.”


There was no name signed at the bottom of the paper.

“Whaaaat the fuck, Vic.” Madison patted her girlfriend’s shoulder. “That’s whack. Are we going?”

“Are you kidding me? Of course we’re not going.” Victoria had never seen something shadier in her life. Would’ve been one thing if her mysterious inviter had written down their name. This, however, was clearly bad news. Intriguing bad news, but bad news nonetheless.

Madison took the letter and crammed it into her cleavage. “For safe keeping until we get back up to my room,” she said with a wink.

“You’re diabolically hilarious.”

“Hey, if you want it that badly, you can come and get it.” Madison spun around on her pumps and headed toward the grand staircase. “Pretty sure I’m needed back at the party, Ms. Nicholson! You going to join me or not?”

Victoria scratched her chin, her mind torn between the strange event and her girlfriend’s ass sashaying in that tight dress. “I’ll come back under one condition, Ms. Ricci.”


“You have to sit on my lap the whoooole time.”

“Why, Vic.” Madison turned around with a grin. “I do love it when you get so cute and possessive in a sea of testosterone.”

Victoria was pretty sure she was telling the truth, too.




The sun had barely begun to rise when Victoria opened her eyes and discovered an empty, lonely bed around her. She rolled over and searched for Madison’s body, intent on falling right back to sleep, but discovered she had nothing going for her beyond silk sheets and a memory foam pillow.

“Mads?” Victoria rolled back over and searched the darkened suite for her girlfriend. Maybe she was in the bathroom – except the light wasn’t on beneath the crack. I didn’t drunkenly imagine her getting into bed with me, right? That would’ve been really sad, considering Victoria was naked, and she swore she remembered having sex for like… at least an hour. Okay, maybe half an hour. Her head hurt too much to think about it.

The only way she had been able to survive the last hour of the party was by holding onto her hot girlfriend and drinking that whole bottle of brandy. As soon as Madison was given the okay to indulge in Christmas revelry, she did her share of partaking as well.

God only knew how good the drunken sex had been at two in the morning, but Victoria wasn’t complaining. Until now.

“Mads?” Christ. She was giving herself a headache.

Victoria eventually heard her girlfriend’s quieted voice on the other side of the room. A partition was erected between the bed and the reception area of Madison’s large, personalized suite. Thank God, since Victoria was not in the mood for a morning maid to see her in all her half naked glory. In bed, no less!

“This is very enlightening,” Madison said with a hush. “Thanks so much for going to so much trouble on our behalf. You didn’t have to.”

“Are you kidding?” That must have been Judith’s voice. “This mystery was too juicy to turn away. I almost forwent sex to solve this shit for you.”

“You really did not have to do that.”

“I said almost.” Judith disappeared with only a quick goodbye after that. The bedroom door clicked shut and a lock turned. Before Victoria could close her eyes again, Madison appeared around the partition, the mysterious invitation in her hands.

“What was that about?” Victoria was too groggy to appreciate her girlfriend in nothing but a loose-fitting T-shirt. Nothing but!

Madison plopped down on her side of the bed. “I took the liberty of telling Judith about what happened before we retired. Apparently, she made a few calls to some contacts she has and got us some interesting information.”

“Does she know who sent it?”

“No, but she looked up the address on the invitation and found out who it belongs to.”


Madison passed her the small piece of paper Judith had given her. “Do you know him?”

Victoria could barely make out the handwriting so early in the morning – and with a damned hangover. “Not in my state I don’t.”

Madison curled up beside her. “My poor baby. So hungover on all that brandy she drank last night.”

The paper crumpled up in Victoria’s hand. “You have no idea.” She swung her arm around Madison and promptly fell asleep in the crook of her neck. She woke up later with multiple kinks in hers.





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