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Split Screen Scream (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) by Debra Parmley, Operation Alpha (9)

Chapter 9

It was the getting naked part.

Getting naked in front of a new boyfriend who’d never seen her naked.

Reed isn’t the type to criticize, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t think it.

She didn’t want to see disappointment in his deep brown eyes if she took off her clothes.

Her ex had hated the underwear she wore when she dressed in her forties or fifties fashions. Called them her “granny panties” and said those were for fat chicks and when was she going to get a thong like a normal girlfriend.

She’d tried a thong once and hated it.

Why wear something that would wedge itself as soon as you sat down and stood up more than once? If he wanted to see that much flesh, why not just go without?

It hadn’t made any sense to her. She hoped Reed wasn’t a man who was into women wearing thongs. Wearing one would not put her in the mood for sex.

She hoped he’d be all right with her forties and fifties fashions and everything that went with them, because dating a guy that wasn’t…well, that kind of relationship wasn’t what she wanted. This time, she wanted a man who, while he didn’t have to like everything she liked, at least didn’t dislike things about her or her lifestyle.

Her phone rang.


She answered it. “Hello?”

“Hello. How are things?”

“Pretty good, I guess.” She smiled. “I really enjoyed the wedding. It was so beautiful. And your friends are so nice. That was the most romantic evening I’ve had in a long time. Thank you for inviting me.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.”

“I really did.”

“Well, I can’t top that evening, but I can take you to dinner. Saturday night?”

“Yes, I’d love to.”

“I’ll make reservations and surprise you.”

A thrill shivered through her. “Oh, I like surprises.”

“Good. Now I have a request.”

“You do?” She hoped it was something she could accommodate. “Okay, what is it?”

“Could you wear that little rod polka dot dress you wore the night we met? The dress wasn’t ruined, I hope. Can you still wear it?”

Her eyes widened. It was as if he’d been reading her mind. He wanted her to wear the vintage dress. “Why, yes, I can wear it.”

She’d worked hard on the dress, soaking it and then scrubbing it to get the stains out. It wasn’t as white as it had been, but she’d taken a brush and painted bleach on it, and then had rinsed it out again until the stains weren’t noticeable.

“I’d be happy to. I didn’t know you liked it.”

“Yeah, I liked it.” His husky voice sent a feeling through her body, that made her think of him watching her in that dress, and made her start to get all hot and bothered.

“Oh, I’m so glad you did,” she said, her voice lower now, and becoming breathy.

“Yes, I did. You looked hot in that dress.”

Oh, he said hot. That means he’s thinking of sex and me. “Thank you.”

“And with a dress like that, someone should be taking you to dinner.”

“That would be lovely.”

“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.”


* * *

As they were seated at their table, Reed watched Christie move in the little polka dotted dress. She was like visual candy. Reed could imagine what her nipples might look like beneath the strapless dress, beneath the strapless bra. Before he slid everything down. He’d imagined doing that. Thoughts of her in that little polka dot dress, and then her losing that dress, had become his new favorite fantasy.

The waiter took their drink order, and then returned with a bottle of red wine. He offered Reed a taste. Reed okayed it, and then the waiter poured them each a glass and left.

Christie took a sip of wine, and then began to speak. “So,” she began. “There’ve been break-ins in my area recently. I’m looking into getting a dog. Well, a puppy really. And I realize that in the meantime, I need to buy a gun for my protection at home. But I’ve no idea what to get. I don’t feel comfortable with the big guns. I’d get a small handgun, but that won’t do any good against a man with a big automatic gun like the theater shooter. I wouldn’t know what to do against someone like him.”

Reed watched and listened intently, waiting until she’d finished speaking. “Let’s talk about that. Why do you think the shooter wasn’t able to do more damage?”

“Because you stopped him.”

“That’s part of the reason. He had the bigger gun. I had the handgun. Why did I win?”

“You’re a SEAL.”

He liked the way she said that, so instinctively, because it made him feel like Superman. “Right. And one thing SEALs do constantly is train. I know my guns like I know my own hand.”

“You won with a handgun because you were trained.”

“Right. Training is key to winning.” Reed nodded. “The other thing is, these idiots who want to shoot up a theater, or any other public place full of civilians, think full automatic will cause more damage, so they don’t bother aiming, and they end up causing less damage than if they’d used a pistol more carefully. Big gun doesn’t always mean big win.”

She frowned. “But they have more bullets.”

“Having more bullets and rapid fire does not mean accuracy.” He tilted his head. “You like vintage things. Think back to the 1920s. You’ve seen movies with the tommy guns, right? Thompson submachine guns?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “I have. I love the 1920s dresses, but those guns are scary.”

“Those are some of the most inaccurate guns ever made. They were heavy and pulled up when you shot them. The shots would spray.” He moved his arm in an arc up and over. “Like this. So if you’re aiming at a guy you might hit him, but if you didn’t hit him at first, already the gun would be moving, and you’d be fighting to control its aim. Not an easy gun to shoot. Modern guns are more accurate, but the same principals apply.”

“So, I’d need to go to the range and train.”

“Absolutely. I’d be happy to train you.”

“Okay, so maybe I can try some of the other handguns and find one that is easier to use.” She glanced down at her small hands. “I might need one of those tiny guns like women used to hide in their dresses.”

His large hand closed over hers. “We’ll find you one that fits your hand but isn’t too small to be effective.”

“Okay.” She smiled. He continued to hold her hand, and then gave it a squeeze before letting go.

The moment her front door closed behind them, Christie caught her breath.

Her nipples were hard beneath the dress as his words ran through her mind on a repeat loop. Would he like what he saw? Or would he make a comment like, “Nips as big as quarters… It’s unnatural in a woman. Why can’t you have little bitty nips?”

But this had nothing to do with her ex. He was not taking up space in her head tonight. She pushed old words aside to focus only on Reed. This was just nervousness due to the idea of Reed seeing her naked for the first time.

Still, she hoped for a more favorable reaction from Reed.

Reed leaned forward and brushed her lips softly.

Her nipples tightened even more, and her panties grew damp. The man could make her wet with only words and the briefest of kisses. Whatever kind of magic this was, she wanted more of it. They kissed until she forgot everything but his kisses. When she came up for air, he smiled at her.

“Turn around.”

The command, spoken in just that tone of voice and coupled with the way he was looking at her, made her weak in the knees. Smiling, she complied, turning slowly, silently, feeling his gaze on her as she moved. When her back was to him she stopped.

His fingers lifted her hair, and his breath on her neck made goose bumps form. She shivered with need.

Then he kissed the back of her neck, and her breath caught again. His lips continued the exploration of her back, raining kisses across her bare skin.

He unzipped the back of her dress and kissed her neck, just below her ear

“Mm,” she murmured, savoring the sensations.

His hands gripped her waist, and he turned her slowly on her heels.

Standing before him, facing him, she looked into his brown eyes, which, now darkened with desire, gazed back at her.

“You may have to peel me out of this,” she said.

“With pleasure.” His tone and his words made her dampen her panties even more. His hands slid from her waist up her rib cage, and then to the neckline of her dress, which exposed her cleavage. His index fingers traced the line of skin where the dress stopped. Just near enough to make her breathing change but not near enough to touch her nipples.

“I’ve been wanting to unwrap you all night, anticipating it like a boy at Christmas.”

She bit her lip. “I hope you like what you find.”

He smiled a deep smile. “I’m sure I will.”

He began to tug at the dress, and soon it was in a puddle on the floor around her ankles.

She remained standing in bra, half-slip and panties.

He knelt and placed a kiss on her abdomen just above the elastic waistband of her slip. Her belly pulled in slightly with her gasp. His lips tickled just enough.

Then he looped his fingers into the elastic waist and pulled it straight down.

She held her breath.

This was the moment when he’d tell her she was wearing granny panties and ought to show more skin.

Instead, he breathed in and out and leaned closer to her, his eyes closing as he said, “Your scent, your arousal is intoxicating.”

From that moment, her worry was banished and she felt nothing but heat. Heat from his warm breath across the dampened panties and her skin, heat spiraling slowly throughout her body.

Then he stood again, and taking her chin in his hand, he kissed her, long and deep.

Lost in the kiss, Christie forgot how to think. When he pulled away, looking deep into her eyes, he smiled.

She smiled back in a happy daze.

“Time to unwrap your breasts,” he said.

“Yes,” she breathed, then held her breath.

He reached around her and dropped a kiss on her shoulder. Unhooking her bra, he pulled it away and stepped back, then tossed it onto the floor.

Her breasts, freed, fell slightly, the weight of them pulling them down, as her nipples rose slightly, harder than ever.

He stood drinking her in with his gaze, his smile growing. “Beautiful,” he said.

She let go of the last bit of doubt and smiled back at him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“No. Thank you,” he responded, and his hands reached to cup her breasts.

His hands were warm and strong, and he held her breasts as if they were fragile, precious gifts. His eyes told her that he saw them as such.

Heavier and fuller at the bottom than at the top, no one had ever held them in this way, feeling them, learning them, seeing and appreciating them.

He too was giving her a gift. The gift of his appreciation.

His thumbs came up to touch her nipples.

She moaned, which was as close as she could get to admitting what she wanted, without letting him know how needy she was. Or how long it had been since she’d been touched by anyone—and never in this way.

He went to one knee and took a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, and then sucking, lightly, just enough to tease.

She rested her hands on his hard, muscular shoulders and just when she would have pulled him closer, to beg him to suck harder, he released that nipple and moved to repeat the same actions with the other.

This time, she did try to pull him closer as she threw back her head.

My God, it feels so good. She wanted more.

He stopped, and then looking up at her with those deep brown eyes, said, “You’re still wearing too many clothes.” He grinned.

She grinned back. “Not for long,” she said as she reached for her panties.

“Let me,” he said, and he began to pull them down. Snug, they resisted, but he got them over her hips with more ease than she would have, reminding her how strong he was, which only increased her desire for him.

He slid them down her legs and then said, “Step out.”

She did, and then she was standing naked, in only her red high heels.

He ran his hands around her ankles. “I think you can leave these on,” he said.

“Yes,” she breathed.

Running his hands slowly up her legs, he raised goose bumps again, until he reached her hips and grasped them. “Come here,” he said, as he pulled her to him.

“Yes,” she replied, catching her breath, as she knew what was coming next. His breath upon her bare skin, feathering across her folds, mad her hotter than she already was.

He parted her folds and leaned in, the first touch of his tongue an answer to her unspoken plea. He began licking slow, so slow she wanted to hurry him, so she pulled at his head. But he ignored the pull and continued on at his own speed and rhythm until soon she was crying out and releasing everything that had been pent up for over a year.

Licking up every drop of her pleasure, he then pulled back and smiled at her. “Delicious,” he said. “So sweet.”

He liked it? Really liked it?

It seemed as though he liked every part of her. That knowledge sank home and relaxed her even more. I’m so glad he does. But how will we do when we go further?

Everything would change once they want all the way. It always did. And not always for the better.

“How about we move this into the bedroom?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m ready.”

He scooped her up in his arms as if she weighed little, when she knew that wasn’t the case, and then he carried her into the bedroom, where he placed her gently on the bed.

“Now, you have too many clothes,” she said, smiling.

“Soon remedied,” he said, as he unbuckled his belt. He pulled up his shirt and dragged it over his head.

She admired his chest, his abs, and his arms.

My God the man is perfect. So handsome and sexy.

He took off his shoes, and then his pants.

“Looks like you have a package for me, too,” she said in a shy but eager voice.

“Yes, I do,” he said in a teasing tone, his voice doing that thing to her insides that got her all wound up.

He walked over to her, and standing by the bed, asked, “Are you ready to open it?”

“Oh yes.” She blushed as she spoke, but she very much wanted to open it. She reached for his boxers and pulled them down to reveal his hard erection.

“Oh, my,” she said. She glanced up at his face. He was watching for her reaction. “Such a hard and ready gift,” she said. “Whatever shall I do with it?”

“Whatever you’d like,” he murmured.

She wrapped one hand around his erection, looked at it, and said, “I think I must taste first.” Then she put her mouth around his cock and began to tease him, first with her lips and then with her tongue.

It wasn’t long until he was exploding in her mouth, and it tasted so good that she swallowed. So good, she’d never tasted the like before.

“Mm,” she said looking up at him. “You’re delicious, too.”

His eyes and his smile were bright and happy. “I’m glad you think so.”

She patted the bed. “Join me in a cuddle?” Men needed time in between, and cuddling was her favorite way to fill that time.

He moved around to join her on the bed. “I’ll join you, but I’m not ready to cuddle just yet.”

“Oh?” This surprised her, and she wondered what he had in mind to do.

Lying next to her, he ran his finger across her lips. “I loved watching your lips around my cock,” he said. “Watching your enjoyment made mine grow all the more.”

She smiled, her lips tingling beneath his touch.

Then he kissed her lips. She relaxed into the kiss. His hand moved down her body until one finger entered her folds and began to stroke.

The way he was kissing her and stroking, she knew she’d never be able to hold back.

She was right; he built her and built her until she exploded again. And then, to her surprise he moved down her body and began to lap at her, licking it up, before stroking her again with his tongue.

My God we’re never going to go all the way if he keeps that up. But it’s so nice.

This time he lapped and laved until she was on the edge, and then he stopped.

Wait. What? Why is he stopping?

She looked at him, bewildered.

When he moved up to put a condom on, she knew he intended to take her all the way.

He returned to kissing her, bringing her back to the point where he’d left her when he stopped. Then he rubbed himself against her, teasing her. Smiling, he said, “Are you ready?”

“Yes. Oh my God, yes.”

Couldn’t he guess? He had to know how ready she was. She couldn’t bear it if he stopped a second time.

He entered her slowly, and then slowed again when he realized how snugly they fit together.

“It’s been a while,” she said.

His gaze softened as he stared down into her eyes.

She’d just volunteered the information that there hadn’t been a man in her life who’d been this intimate with her for a while. He seemed pleased and now he moved tentatively, as though afraid he’d hurt her.

The slow stroking was building her and making her ache for more. “Faster, please,” she said.

He kissed her lips. “Soon.” Then he continued the slow, sexy thrusts, out and then in again, teasing her.

“Oh my God, please,” she begged.

“Please what?” he asked, grinning, making her say it.

“Please fuck me. Hard.”

That was all it took for him to increase his rhythm and to stroke her hard until she cried out his name as she came.

Panting, she opened her eyes. He was still poised over her, still deep, and he was watching her.

“I loved watching you come. Beautiful.”

“You took me far. Then farther.” She didn’t say farther than she’d ever been, though it was true.

“Good.” He smiled. “I’m glad.”

He kissed her then, and they stayed together kissing for a bit before he rolled off.

Reed was no quick love maker. Before, during, or after. He took every moment and savored it. This fast-acting Navy SEAL could go very slowly when he wanted to. He was extremely fit and a much better lover than she’d even imagined. She was amazed by their lovemaking and by how good she now felt.

Lying side by side, he watched her and then took her hand in his. “Happy?” he asked.

“Oh, very,” she said. “Very, very happy.”

“Good. Then come here if you want to cuddle.”

Oh, she did want to cuddle. Smiling, she moved into his arms and snuggled in. His body was hard, his chest not soft like her other boyfriends’ chests had been, but not so muscular as to be uncomfortable.

He held her for a bit until she dozed off.

Soon, he was kissing her forehead, waking her. “Baby, I’ve got to be going soon. Have to be ready for work.”

“Mm,” she said. “I like being awakened with a kiss. That’s nice.” She smiled, still in the happy glow he’d given her.

“I’ll remember that,” he said. “Kiss me goodbye, before I have to go.”

With one long deep kiss, she wanted him again, but she knew she couldn’t keep him there. He had work. Of course, he had to go to work. She couldn’t keep him. He had other commitments.

Once he’d left, she realized that was the new question. How long could the two of them last? What they had was very, very good. But she was afraid to attach too much to it. Or to him.

Where was this relationship going?

Now that they’d crossed over into “all the way”, she knew she liked him so very much. In fact, she’d fallen in love. It would hurt if he left. It would hurt really bad.

She rolled over, hugged her pillow and tried to get back into the happy dreamlike bliss she’d been in before. She had another hour before she had to get up.

* * *

It always happened. Another mission and no time to tell her. Even if there’d been time to call Christie, he couldn’t tell her where he was going or for how long. They had a mission, and he had to go. Now.

Reed packed his bag and hoped Christie would still be interested in seeing him when he got back.

It wasn’t easy dating or being in a relationship with a SEAL. And last minute missions like these went with the territory.

He’d planned to talk about that, now that they’d become intimate, and he knew this was going somewhere. That is, at least if she could handle being with a SEAL. Not every woman could.

* * *

Christie looked at her phone for the fourth time that evening, wishing Reed would call.

She really wanted to see him again. Didn’t he want to see her? She hadn’t heard from him yet, and it had been two weeks since their last date. Maybe he wasn’t as interested in her as she’d thought. It could be confusing dating some men, but Reed hadn’t seemed like that.

With a sigh, she put down her book, ignored her phone, and clicked off her lamp before curling over to go to sleep. It wasn’t quite midnight on a Friday night, and here she was at home, lonely and starting to feel sorry for herself. It was easier to just go to sleep than to keep thinking.

While asleep, she heard a strange noise in the other room, which woke her. She had to lie very still, listening.

Someone is moving in the other room. Who could it be? The person who’d been breaking into cars in the neighborhood? Oh my God, I bet that’s him. What if he has a knife or a gun?

She reached for her cellphone and dialed Reed. He didn’t pick up, but his answering message did. She whispered into the phone, “Reed, someone is in my house. In the other room. I don’t know what to do.”

The sounds were getting nearer. She pulled the phone under the covers and placed it face down so the light wouldn’t show. Turning the phone to mute, it would now be silent, and Reed would be able to hear.

The door to her room started to open.

Frozen in her bed, Christie waited for what would happen next. Her heart raced.

Maybe he’ll think I’m asleep. I just won’t move.

Just as she closed her eyes, the door to her room started to open.




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