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Wrangled By Love (The Cowboy Way #1) by Barb Shuler (25)

Everything Will Be Okay


A week in the hospital is pure, unadulterated torture. Every thirty seconds someone wants something. If it's not to probe you with something, it's to drain you of all bodily fluids or, get this, to “see how you're feeling”. Excuse me, I'm in this place because I was accosted and shot, how in the hell do you think I'm feeling? I feel like shit. But it seems when I need to pee, no one is around.

With a groan I throw my head back, instantly regretting that move because pain immediately shot through me. I hit the button again to call the nurse…. and nothing

“I give up,” I said, tossing the covers off of me. Taking a small breath I shifted slightly.

“Crap sticks and candy canes. You people suck ass!” My grumble falls from my lips as I try to shift my ass from the bed without getting tangled in wires, without hurting my ribs, and without moving my shoulder in the slightest. That's not a pain I want right now. No, dear Lord. That feels like a red hot poker is being stuck into me.

“You got this, Georgie… small steps,” I gave myself the small pep talk as my feet hit the floor. I tried to brace myself as my muscles moved to lift my frame up. I sucked in a painful groan as I straightened. I used the IV pole to steady myself. Okay, a few steps and I could pee. Lord have mercy on my bladder. I was almost to the bathroom when my room door opened.

“Mrs. Larson, what are you doing up alone? Here let's get you back into bed,” the nurse said as I stood at the end of my bed. I held out my good arm.

“Lady, I mean no harm… but I have to pee. I swear to God, this is like, a code red. Forget bed, I need a toilet. Y'all haven't answered my damn button… in forever. Please, I just need to pee,” I was all but sobbing as she moved to help me.

“Okay, come on, I'll help you. Take slow steps,” she said as she helped me into the bathroom.

This place was doing my damn head in. I was stuck here and honestly I didn't care about me right now. The last week had been so hard on Tate. The day after… or a couple days… crap, how long have I been in this place? Anyway, Tate got some really bad news. Well, bad but good, I guess.

Seems that his crazy ass ex had a baby and he didn't know. They were waiting on blood tests - the DNA kind of blood tests - to come back and all that. He’d brought his phone in yesterday - I think - and the pictures of both kids together… well, there was no doubting the little man was his.

The way Kathy Jo’s great aunt had explained it was that Tabitha wanted babies. Period. She didn't mind whoring out her daughter to get them. Once she was married to Tate the beast of a woman had to get creative with her mental abuse. That's why Kathy Jo left him before they got married. She was sane enough to want to keep him away from her mother.

It was all a cluster fuck of cluster fucks - as Phoebe would say. When Kathy Jo became pregnant with Abbie, she was actually pregnant with twins. The day she went into labor she was home. Her mother had a so called midwife come over with her, just as they'd “practiced”, but when the first baby was born he was taken away before anyone knew what was going on. By the time Tate and his Ma arrived Kathy Jo was giving birth to Abbie. No one thought there was a second one in there.

From what Fern - Kathy Jo’s great aunt - had surmised at the time was that Kathy Jo was so out of it, medication wise, that she may not have even know herself. But when the postpartum hit, Kathy Jo was easy to manipulate and she finally cracked. She’d decided that she and Abbie would be better off dead than deal with her mother. Tabitha had used every opportunity - when others were not around - to tell her daughter she was worthless, a rotten mother; and God only knows what else.

I never wanted to feel bad for Kathy Jo, not when Tate told me what had happened but now, now I felt for them all. No one deserves to be bullied, no matter what they say or do.

Rubbing my face, I tried to sort out my thoughts and feelings about it all. I wouldn’t care if he had ten kids, I love that man with every fiber of my being. I just hate that he's blaming himself. I can see it in his eyes. How in the hell he could think any of this shittastic turn of events was his fault, I didn't know.

“Ms. Larson, are you ready to move back to your bed?” The nurse was at the door, her back to me. I guess she was giving me as much privacy as she could. I sighed again and shook my head even though she couldn't see me.

“Can I shower while I'm in here? I feel gross and disgusting,” I said, a pout pulling at my lips.

“I'll need to check with the Doctor, but I'm sure we can arrange that. Can you stay there for a moment?” She asked.

“Not like I can run off, now can I?”

I heard her chuckle as the door opened. I sat there, on the throne of all places, and was contemplating what was next when I heard the door open again.

“Please tell me he said yes, even if he said no. I'm stripping out of these things now,” I cursed as I tried to get the stupid pale blue gown off. Seriously I wanted a real shower. A bowl of warm water and a wash rag just didn't do it for me.

“Well, that's a helluva way to be greeted,” a deep voice said. My grin grew as I looked up into Tate's gaze.

“Tate, baby! Hey, please help me. I want a shower. I'm all gross.” I made a grabby hand out to him and he stepped inside the bathroom, careful to keep the door respectfully closed.

“Okay, did they say you could shower?” he asked. I frowned and shook my head. “I'd be happy to give you a sponge bath. It might do you some good.”

“Ugh, Nathaniel Cannon! You stop that right now. You hear me?” I scolded but it was too late. My body was zinging with desire. Oh, he was gonna pay for that. Yes sir. He was gonna pay.

“What? I was dead serious,” he said, his brow raised. He was fighting to not smile. I patted his cheek and shook my head.

“You're full of it, Mister,” I groused. He leaned in and kissed my lips. That was it. I was a goner.

“Ms. Larson, good news- Oh, Mr. Cannon, excuse me. I just talked to the Doctor and it looks like you will be going home today. Would you like to take a shower now or wait until you're home?” She asked and I blinked.

“Home… but- Do I smell?” I asked, almost afraid to know.

“You don't stink, baby. Come on, let's go get you ready. That's why I'm here. They called and said you were being discharged,” Tate said.

He helped me stand and back out to the bed. Two other nurses came in and within a few blinks I was unhooked from the machines, the two IV’s were removed and I sat there, my head laid against Tate’s chest. I wanted to get dressed and escape this place before they changed their minds.

A few minutes later and I had signed discharge papers, was dressed and being wheeled out of the hospital. I took in a deep lung full of fresh, crisp air - and regretted it. The pain in my side was met by my resolve. I would relish the pain in exchange for the fresh air. I let out the breath slowly. Thank you Jesus, I was free. I’d have done a happy dance if it wouldn’t have made me keel over in pain.

It only took a few minutes more for Tate to get his truck. When he pulled up I chewed on my lip. There was no way I could climb up into it. It wasn’t that it was high off the ground or anything, but with one good arm, I had no way to balance myself when I stepped up on the running board. As usual, I worried for no reason. Before I could protest, Tate had me in his arms and lifted me up into the truck. I smiled as he latched my seatbelt since I couldn't. After a brief kiss, he shut the door and moved around to climb in himself.

Home. I was finally going home.


I wasn't sure what to expect from Georgie when we got home. I'd told her everything about my son. Yeah, there was no doubt in my mind, or anyone else's for that matter. That boy was mine. He'd been checked over by a few doctors and he was healthy enough. He was a little under weight, and just starting to toddle around. Doctor Rutledge, the pediatrician at the hospital, said he'd adjust well. With Abbie there he'd have another baby his age to pick things up from. He'd be moving around and talking more soon. It was all music to my ears. I had no idea what he'd gone through at that house with those crazy ass people, but he'd never have to worry about that again.

By the time I pulled up at the house Georgie was asleep. The meds they have her on for pain were strong, and they always hit her hard. When I opened the door to get Georgie out, Tango leapt up and sniffed her. He whined before licking her face. After she started to stir I chuckled and pulled him back. “Move it. She's okay, I promise. Come on, let's get her inside, all right?”

We were greeted by two squealing babies - excuse me, toddlers - barking dogs and happy faces. Georgie woke enough to hold her arm out for Abbie when I sat her on the couch.

“Both of them,” she’d said. Ma and I moved to put Abbie and baby Toby against her. She wrapped her good arm around them and just sat there, breathing them in. There was a few minutes of silence before I heard Georgie sniffling. She kissed both Abbie and Toby’s cheeks.

“You okay, darlin’?” I asked, a little tense. What if she was in pain with them both standing on her lap, leaning against her.

“Yes” was all she said. She whispered to both babies that she loved them. I watched as she gave Toby a big smile.

“You, little man… I'm so glad they found you. You have a loving family now.” She said the words almost too soft for even me to hear, and I was sitting beside her. Both babies laid against her. I saw the wince of pain but the moment I moved to take them from her she glared.

“Don't, just let me have them for a minute.”

I nodded and leaned over to kiss her cheek. A few minutes later, when my attention went back to them, Georgie had scooted down a bit and they were all asleep. Abbie, Toby and Georgie were knocked out. I chuckled and went to pick up the kids.

“Here, just push the footrest up. Let them sleep,” Ma said. We fiddled with the lever and as soon as her legs were up Tango got up on her slinged side and laid his head on her thigh. I sat back into the corner of the couch and just watched them. I wasn't the only one. Everyone was staring at them. Georgie had accepted Toby, just like that. No questions. No hesitations. She took him into her arms and that was that.

If it were possible to love someone more, it was happening now. I loved this woman with all of my soul. With everything that had happened in the last week, hell, even before that, she has been a rock. So strong and able to overcome any obstacle put in her way.

I couldn’t wait months. No, as soon as she was feeling better, we were getting married. I was going to steal her name and give her mine. She would be my forever as I would be hers.