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Imperfect Love: Hostile Fakeover (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Cary Hart (4)






Tossing and turning isn’t how I expected to spend my night, but Ford Phillips got under my skin in more ways than one.

I could lie here in bed all day and wallow in my misery or I could hit the ground running and make today my bitch, finish up the last couple pieces in my collection.

I opt for a happy medium and throw on a sweatshirt and slippers before I head to the downstairs kitchen. Even though each floor has its own, the main level is the only one that has all of the appliances. Well, working ones.

Is that….

I round the corner and see Ford plating up breakfast…for two. “What’s this?”

“Consider it a peace offering.” He sets the plates on the table. “I hope you like eggs and bacon?”

“This is just…” I search for the words, unable to think.

“Too much?” He starts looking in the cabinets for mugs.

“No! Not at all. I’m just not a morning person.” I go to the correct cabinet and pull out a couple of mugs, setting them on the counter.

“Thanks,” he says. The way we maneuver around each other comes easy. I could get used to this.

“You’re welcome. You were close.” I give him a lazy smile. “Grans used to say I wasn’t allowed to speak before coffee. Said I was kinda grouchy so…”

“Got it. Limited conversation.” He pours me a cup, handing it to me. “Drink up.”


“Sit. Eat.” It’s not a command, but almost a suggestion.

“I’m not that grouchy.” I take my place across from his, at the table for two, and dig in. “Oh my God! This is soooooo good!”

“Glad you like it.” He just smiles while finishing his breakfast. Together, silently eating.

“I have to say; you surprise me, Ford Phillips.” I push my plate away and lean back in my chair, sipping the rest of my coffee.

“How so?”

“I didn’t expect you to be all domestic.”

“Go on,” he urges.

“You’re just different.” I pause, again trying to find the right words, but they don’t come.
“I haven’t had a lot of coffee,” I admit, holding up my empty cup. “I’m doing good to make simple sentences.” I let a laugh escape…something else I’m not used to in the mornings and, definitely, something that hasn’t happened since Grans’ death. “I guess what I’m trying to say is…it’s nice. This, today, was a pleasant surprise.”

“Well, I’ll just take it as a compliment then.” He excuses himself, taking our plates. “Refill?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” I hold up my mug, practically begging.

“So, while I was in the shower this morning. I did some thinking and came up with this list.” He slides a paper in front of me.

“What’s this?” I pick it up.

“That, is a list of everything we need to get done.”


“Yes, we. How I see it is we don’t know who is going to end up with this place after thirty days. So every decision that is made needs to be made together.”

“Alright. I can do that. At first, I thought you meant we were going to have to do all the work together.” I laugh nervously.

“I did. So, go get changed, and let’s knock some walls down.”

“Ford, I can’t help, I have a show to get ready for,” I reply, instantly upset that I can’t help. But if there is any chance of me saving this place, then all my time needs to be spent on finishing my paintings.

“B, I was only kidding. As much as I find knocking down walls therapeutic, I’m going to leave that to the construction crew.” He reaches out, covering my hand to calm me down. “Your work is amazing. Focus on that, and I’ll take care of this.”

“Ford, thank you.” His words take me by surprise. I guess I didn’t expect him to be like this, but if my Grans thought enough of him to add him to the will, then that speaks volumes.

Maybe there is more to Ford Phillips than his panty melting smile and tight ass.






This was supposed to be easy. Get in, buy the property, and build a club. What I didn’t count on was…her. Strong, determined, and so goddamn beautiful.

Now, a couple weeks later, and I’m fighting to keep it together. Checking my watch, I see she’s been upstairs most of the day while I’ve been dealing with the contractors. It’s been a little tricky, planning this in sections, but if it’s what I have to do to get in here, then I’ll do it. Whatever it takes.

“Help! Oh my God! Ford! Help me!” Bianca screams.

Dropping everything, I take off running and bound up the stairs, two at a time. Throwing open the door, I call, “B! Where are you?” I scan the room, but she is nowhere in sight.

“Psst…over here.” I see her head peak out from under the bed.

What the hell?

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to the edge of the bed and bend down. “Care to tell me what you are doing under there?”

“He’s back.”

“Who’s back?” I look around, wondering if this girl is for real. Maybe I need to add crazy to her list of qualities.

“The bird,” she whispers.

I look over and see all the windows are open and the screens are missing. “You want me to shut them?” I head over, closing one at a time.

“Noooo! Don’t!” she screams, and when she does, I turn, only to see a bird dive bomb me and fly out the window.

“What the fuck!”

“Hurry!” B slides out from under the bed, gets up and, leaping over the coffee table and to the windows, slams the rest of them shut.

“You okay?”


She’s so quick I didn’t have time to prepare for the leap. Our bodies collide and I fall back, wrapping my arm around her before we tumble down.

“Shit! Ford!” Her hands are on me. “I didn’t mean to…”

“I’m fine. The question is; are you?” I sit up, bringing her with me; and when I do, she wraps her legs around my waist, and we are just sitting there in the middle of her room.

“No! That damn bird got in again and shit everywhere.” She holds out her arm. “He shit on me, Ford. On my arm.”

I scrunch up my face. “That’s gross.” I push her arm away.

“I’ll probably die of the bird flu or something crazy.” She pauses. “You’re welcome.”


“For dying so you can have the building.”

“Come on.” I stand up, carrying her to the bathroom.

“Where are we going?” Her voice is filled with curiosity mixed with a little excitement.

You are going to get cleaned up so you don’t die today.” I let out a chuckle, something I have been doing more of since being around her. “Then, we eat.”

“Eat?” she questions as I sit her down on the counter.

“As in pizza.”

“Like a date?”

“As in, I think we both need to get out of here and relax a little.” I wink at her while reaching under the sink and grabbing a towel. “Now, you get cleaned up, and I’ll meet you downstairs in thirty minutes.”

“Thanks Ford.”
