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Aiden: House of Flames (Dragon Rockstar Warrior Romance) (Dragon Guardians Book 3) by Scarlett Grove (14)

Chapter 15

Winnifred had to admit that she was a bit astounded by Aidan’s story. It was all so fantastical. If she hadn’t seen the vampires and his dragon form for herself, she wouldn’t have believed it. But she had, so the explanation was welcome.

It did give her much greater insight into where Aiden was coming from. And she felt much more compassion for him that she had at first. She understood why he was watching over her. And she was beginning to see that it might actually be a bit of a burden for him.

“Have any of the other dragons found mates?” she asked.

“My cousin, our leader, Kian found his mate Everly when she applied for a nanny position for Ember. Our strongest warrior Dax found his mate Aria when she was kidnapped by the vampires. They hunted her for a long time. Even after we had rescued her from the compound, they wouldn’t give up. You see, Aria has a great power. Her song has the ability to heal. But it also strengthens dragons, so we are able to injure the vampires after hearing it. Without the buffer from her magic, we are unable to make contact with vampires.”

“Is that why they kept coming back to life when you fought them on the island?”

“Her power wears off over time, so it is necessary to continue to listen to her song.”

“Do you have the buffer now?” she asked.

“We ran the analysis and found that it lasts for twenty-four hours. Since protecting you is one of our crew’s greatest priorities, I am making sure that that happens.”

“Where are the other dragons’ mates?” she asked.

“They live in our mansion. It is easier to protect and defend one position.”

“Oh,” Winnifred said, realizing how much extra work Aiden was having to do to protect her. “I’m sorry that I’m making you go to so much trouble for me.”

“I can’t force you to just come live with us.”

“I really appreciate that,” she said.

She had feelings for Aiden, feelings that were growing all the time. But if he had taken her forcefully back to his mansion and expected her to stay there, she would have resented him. It may have made it impossible for them to connect after that.

“I could see that it would cause more harm than good to take you to the compound. Aria was already in the vampires’ clutches and in great danger when we found her. We had no choice but to keep her safe in the compound. She wasn’t happy being cooped up in the mansion at first. After she and Dax mated, and she found her power, she’s happy to live with us. But it was a struggle for her that I don’t want to repeat for you. Since the vampires hadn’t targeted you yet, I took you home as you asked.”

“You’ve been sleeping outside my window to respect my space?” She chuckled.

She could see him growing uncomfortable.

“I…” he stammered.

“I would rather have you sit outside my window, protecting me than to be kidnapped by bloodsuckers.”

“I’m glad you feel that way,” he said, his shoulders relaxing.

“I admit that it’s weird. I’m in the middle of a paranormal war, and it sounds like I’m a prize. I’m not so stubborn that I can’t see that.”

“I will always give you what you need.”

She gazed at him over her champagne flute and she took a long sip. Aiden had initially struck her as the typical self-absorbed rock star wanna-be that she knew all too well. But he’d turned out to be the exact opposite. He was gentle, kind, and full of honor. He would do what was best for her in secret, even when she was too stubborn to accept his help.

The server returned, asking if they wanted dessert.

“We have a world-renowned chocolate tiramisu,” she said.

“I’ll have one of those,” Winnifred said.

“Make that two,” Aiden said.

Aiden poured them both another glass of champagne and the server returned with their desserts. Winnie took a small spoonful of the creamy dessert and slid it between her lips. She groaned as the flavor of chocolate, cream, and coffee hit her tongue. There were many delectable desserts available in Seattle, but this had to be one of the best she’d ever tried.

After they finished their meal, Aiden asked her if she wanted to go dancing in the dance hall across from the restaurant.

“I would love that,” she said.

He offered her his hand, and she took it, loving the feeling of warmth and security that washed through her when they touched. She stood, and he guided her through the dining room and then out across the lobby to the ballroom.

A jazz band played soft music for a small audience who swayed on the dancefloor and sat along the edges of the hall. Punch and snacks lined a buffet table and crystal chandeliers cast twinkling, warm light throughout the shadowy room.

“I have no idea how to dance to this,” she said.

“You don’t need to,” he whispered.

The music swelled in her heart as Aiden swept her up in his arms and spun her out onto the polished floor. Winnifred, a street-smart runaway who’d made good, wasn’t exactly accustomed to ballroom dancing, but Aiden’s grace and agility guided her through the steps as if she’d been doing it all her life.

His palm pressed to the small of her back and his big hand enveloped hers as she held his shoulder and gazed up into his eyes. Moving together to the music, with his arms around her and his eyes sparkling in the light, Winnifred felt as if she had somehow stumbled into something wonderous.

Aiden’s story was unbelievable, yes, but now she knew she belonged to that world. There was no going back. And there was no one she’d rather be guided by than him. He had shown her his dedication, loyalty, and restraint. Now it was almost as if he was waiting for her to tell him what to do, to make the first move, to make everything all right.

She didn’t know if she could shoulder the responsibility, but she was willing to try. Her heart throbbed in her chest as she laid her head against his shoulder. Aiden moved so gracefully it made her feel as if she were graceful too. As if she’d known how to dance all her life and hadn’t just picked it up for the first time. She wondered if everything would feel like that with him. He ran his hand up her back and left a trail of fire along her spine.

She looked up at him and smiled, wishing she knew what to do, how to get closer. It was like there was an invisible wall between them, a wall she couldn’t cross because of her own limitations. If she gave in to the burning desire she’d felt for him since the first moment they’d met, what would that mean? Could she give up control? Could she let him in to her heart?

He moved away from her, twirling her out until their arms were fully extended. He then pulled her back, and she rushed against his chest with a gasp and gazed up into his smiling face. The champagne had left her giddy and her heart light. Maybe she could let down her guard. Maybe she could let love in. She knew she wanted to. And that desire to open up and let her love flow, full and boundless, was growing by the moment. Aiden cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead gently as the song came to an end.

“Would you like to take a walk outside? You can see the entire galaxy up here at night.”

“Yes,” she swooned, pressing her palms to his chest as he rested his forehead against hers.

Outside, the air had cooled but it was still warm. The dim lights of the resorts did nothing to drown out the lights of the stars above. The sky was spangled with a patchwork of twinkling lights, millions of pinpricks sparkling through the fabric of the cosmos.

She gripped the railing of the balcony and drew a deep breath, gazing above her. The Milky Way Galaxy seemed close enough to touch, as if she could just reach up and feel the heat of the stars on her fingertips.

Aiden stood beside her, calm and steady, silently waiting for her to turn to him and tell him how much she wanted him. Winnie ran her hand over his on the railing and turned to gaze into his eyes. They sparkled with the light of the universe and the heat of his inner dragon.

“Aiden,” she whispered. “I don’t understand this burning inside me. I’ve felt it since we first met. I’m used to being in control. But now I want to let go. I want to give in to this need, to be close to you. I wish I could explain it, but I can’t.”

He turned to her and gathered her in his arms, his eyes blazing. The heat of his body radiated through her. She opened her mouth to speak, but he claimed her lips before the words escaped.

She moaned, relieved he had silenced the confusion. His tongue pressed between her lips, tasting the flavor of her mouth. Champagne lingered on his breath. She gripped the lapels of his jacket and drew him closer as their kiss deepened.

He cupped the small of her back and the nape of her neck, holding her in an all-encompassing embrace. His body crushed against her as passion intensified between them. She had to pull away to catch her breath before their hunger drew unwanted attention from the other resort guests.

“I have a suite,” he whispered. “There are two rooms…”

“Let’s go,” she said, cutting him off.

His hot breath blew over her forehead. Together they hurried through the resort, into an elevator, and down a luxuriously appointed hallway. He drew the key card from his pocket and opened the door at the end of the hall.

Inside was a lavish suite with large leather couches, a kitchenette with gray granite counters, a big-screen TV, a balcony overlooking the sweeping view, and doors to two separate bedrooms. It must have cost a fortune. A massive bouquet of lilies and roses sat on the table in the dining room filling the suite with intoxicating fragrance.

“Wow, this is gorgeous,” she said, stepping into the room and twirling around.

“I hope it is to your liking.”

She stepped toward him. “You don’t have to try so hard.”

“I do. I cannot lose you. I need you…because of who you are. You are strong and good. You see so much beauty in the world. I want to see the world through your eyes. At least to be near you as much as I can.”

“Aiden,” she said her voice quivering.

She tilted her head and gazed up into his burning, wounded eyes. Her heart ached, wanting to soothe his pain. It made her feel such a deep well of affection for him. Affection that was growing at breakneck speed. Could she be falling in love? If she had ever known what love felt like, then this was it.

She threw herself into his arms and kissed him hard on the mouth. He growled and picked her up, cradling her against his chest. His kisses became ravenous as he carried her through the room, finally losing his cool, measured control. She was so relieved. Now they could lose control together. He laid her on the bed and ripped off his jacket, throwing it on the ground. His tie came next and then the buttons of his shirt. He pulled it off and threw it away, leaving him naked to the waist.

The light of a single lamp glowed on the hard planes of his chest and stomach. Winnifred bit her lip, feeling her body tingle with need. He stalked toward her, leaning over her on the bed and kissing her like a hungry beast. Winnie let out a deep groan and gave in to the all-consuming need building inside her. She laid back across the bed as he kissed her face, her mouth, her cheeks her forehead.

She leaned up on her elbow and pulled off her sweater and dress, dropping them on the floor beside the bed. Underneath she wore simple white lace underthings. He made a rumbling noise in the back of his throat at the sight of the dark skin of her breasts against the white lace. He palmed her breasts, running his finger along the exposed flesh just above the line of her bra. He kissed her neck, snarling like the animal that hid inside him.

Aiden sank between her legs, his hard, throbbing shaft pressing against her wet core. He reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. He pulled it away, revealing her tight, rosy brown nipples.

He sucked the tight bud of her nipple into his mouth, kneading the flesh of her breasts as he pressed his manhood against her entrance. She groaned and arched her back, running her hands through Aiden’s wavy black hair.

He kissed over her belly, sinking lower. His hands slipped down her sides and pulled off her panties as his knees settled on the floor beside the bed. Aiden licked along the insides of her thighs leaving a trail of burning need. Her core throbbed and she ran her hands over her stomach, framing her pelvic mound with her fingers.

“Aiden,” she whimpered.

He licked the slit between her legs with the flat of his hot tongue and her entire body quivered as she sucked a trembling breath through her open mouth.

Aiden pressed his tongue against her clit, wagging with the speed of her favorite vibrator. She moaned, her eyes widening at the intensity of pleasure. Winnifred groaned and arched her back, panting and breathless as he consumed her. His tongue played on her most sensitive parts, slid down her slit, and thrust inside her channel. She mewled at the wet, soft penetration.

He pulled back and continued to slide his tongue around and over her clit. The pleasure built like a geyser getting ready to burst. Aiden held Winnie’s thighs, pressing her legs open and then sucked her clit into his mouth, gently nibbling at the swollen bud.

The geyser burst from deep underground, pleasure sprinkling over her body. She let out a long, keening moan. Aiden laid the flat of his tongue against her slit, holding there as she ran her fingers through his hair.

He didn’t stop. He pressed his wet fingers against her entrance as he nibbled on her clit, building her up again after the avalanche of pleasure that had just knocked her down. Aiden gazed up at her with dark hooded eyes. His long black lashes cast a shadow over his blue irises. He smiled, his roguish tongue pressed against her pleasure, as his fingers hooked inside her.

Aiden pressed against her g-spot as his tongue wagged over her clit. Winnie groaned, calling out his name, calling out to god and the universe, anyone who would listen to her prayer of thanks. She was consumed by a pleasure so deep, she felt she was falling into a bottomless well.

He rumbled against her clit, stroking her inner pleasure. She was swept away yet again. It came abruptly, like a sneak attack. Winnie gritted her teeth, arching forward as she gripped his hair. The throbbing orgasm permeated every cell of her being. As it subsided, she lay back on the bed, panting.

Winnifred pulled him up to her and kissed his salty mouth, reaching for the buckle of his belt. She could feel his stiff cock beneath the fabric of his slacks. She felt the thickness of his throbbing length, wanting to see it and touch it and feel it inside her.

He took her hand and drew it away, shaking his head. Winnie looked up at him, through the shadows of his hair, trying to see his eyes.

“But, I want to,” she said.

“I can’t.”

“What’s wrong?” she asked, thinking it was something she’d done.

“Nothing is wrong. If I’m inside you, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold back. I’ll have to claim you as my mate. There’s no turning back from that. Before I make love to you, I need to know that you’re ready,” he said sinking to his knees in front of her, revealing the pained look on his face. “I need to know you are prepared to be mine forever.”

“That’s quite a commitment,” she whispered.

She wanted him. Oh, yes. She wanted that long, thick shaft inside her, pummeling her over and over again. But he was right. Winnie wasn’t ready to be claimed as his mate. She didn’t even quite understand what that meant. She was relieved that he had stopped and believed him when he said he didn’t know if he could control himself.

Aiden had shown unbelievable restraint, and as much as she wanted him, she wasn’t going to pressure him to test the limits of his will. But she wasn’t going to leave him hanging.

“I think I know a solution,” she said, reaching out to him. “You won’t have to hold back. And I can give you what you need.”

“But…” he said as she stroked his cock over his pants.

“Trust me,” she whispered, pulling him toward her.

His eyes widened as she unbuckled his pants and she slid them down his hips. His cock was huge. The biggest she’d ever seen. Long and thick, with smooth skin that was velvety to the touch. She grasped him, gripping the base of his shaft. Aiden groaned in surprise and threaded his fingers through her hair.

“What are you doing?” he whispered as she licked.

“I’m pretty sure this works on dragons,” she murmured, swirling her tongue around the head of his dick. “Does it feel good?”

“Oh, yes. It’s working,” he grunted. “I’ve never…”

“Shhh. Just let me.”

“By the gods, Winnie…”

She giggled and took his dick into her mouth, sucking as she stroked his length with both of her hands. Aiden’s slick shaft was so long and thick, she knew she’d suffocate if she tried to take all of it. The smell of him intoxicated her with burning need. It made her want to try.

She stacked her hands under her mouth and began to move up and down, soaking his cock in a slow, steady motion. He groaned, sounding more like a roaring dragon than a man. She sucked him deeper as she dipped lower and lower with each stroke. She gently squeezed his cock with her fingers, gripping rhythmically as she moved over his length.

“Fuck…” he barked, fisting her hair at the back of her head.

He was losing his restraint. She could feel the tension in his hips, needing to thrust into her. She pulled away, gasping for air, gripping his wet cock with her hands for control. If he pumped into her mouth, she was afraid it might drown her. She looked up at him, desire and fear mingling in a heady concoction that became full blown lust.

“Don’t hurt me,” she breathed, smiling up at him.

His eyes blazed as his hand tightened in her hair. “Don’t stop,” he commanded. “I won’t move.”

She whimpered and slid her hands up his dick, sucking the tip. His cock was throbbing with pent-up need. She knew he’d come at any second. Holding her mouth around the head of his dick, sucking feverishly, she stroked her gathered hands up and down his length. Faster and faster as his cock swelled, pulsating in her grip. She whimpered as he pushed her down on his cock just slightly, growling above her as his hand twisted in her hair.

“I’m going to…” He sounded almost panicked. Like he had no idea what to do.

Winnie willed him to come in her mouth. She wanted him. She wanted to make him climax. To taste him and feel his seed slip down her throat. She slid away with a needy grunt and glanced up at him for a split second.

“Come for me, Aiden,” she purred.

She enveloped him with her mouth and hands, sucking and stroking him toward release. Aiden let out a strangled groan, his entire body shuddered. He stroked her hair and cheeks as his seed shot deep into the back of her throat. She moaned, gulping down the hot flood. He tasted of musk and life, the flavor fresh and erotic. She licked up the last of it, panting and sticky. She fell back on the bed, spent and satisfied.

Aiden fell to his knees beside her, gathering her waist in his arms. He rested his head on her stomach.

“You are a goddess,” he murmured. “Where did you learn this mouth sex?”

She giggled. “You mean after all the research you’ve done on romance, you’ve never heard of a blowjob? It’s pretty common for humans.”

“Humans are very smart people,” he said, pulling his underwear up. “We dragons focused on wooing a woman. I imagined mating would take care of itself.”

“Good thing I’m here to show you,” she said, running a finger up his forearm.

“I hope I didn’t hurt you,” he said as they crawled under the covers.

“You are the king of restraint. But you also have a king sized…um.” She chuckled.

“Is my cock too big for you?” he asked, stroking her pelvis.

Winnie giggled, holding him tight under the covers. She buried her head in his chest, inhaling his scent.

“It was touch and go for a minute there,” she said, looking up at him. “But I think we worked it out.”

“Good,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief.

She still tasted him in her mouth. The flavor built a fire inside her that she knew could only be quenched one way. Now that she’d felt him with her hands and licked his length, she wanted him even more. If only she could allow herself to commit to him, to let down her walls and believe that love could be safe and true.

She sighed, snuggling up against him. She was too tired to think about it now; she’d think about it in the morning. He wrapped his arms around her, and they slowly drifted off into a blissful, contented sleep.




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