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Awaken (Vampire Nights Book 1) by Sharon Stevenson (10)

Chapter Twenty-One


Skye shivered as the vampire’s cold body fell on hers. It only seemed to fuel her fire when his cool lips touched her skin. The tingling sensation made her crave his touch. She pulled at his shirt, undoing buttons until he stopped kissing her to take it off. Her hands wandered the hard contours of his body as he started to trail kisses down her neck. Heat burned through her as he pushed and pulled at her clothes to access to the covered up parts.

She pushed him away and pulled her vest and skirt over her head.

His heated gaze travelled the length of her body before she moved her hands to his trousers. He was straining the material, making it harder for her to undo the button and get hold of the damned zipper. She wanted him so badly, and she didn’t think it was just because it had been so long, and he was the best looking guy – okay, vampire – that she’d ever seen in real life.

He’d tried to protect her, from the crazy guy who was coming to the brothel, from her flat mate’s sleazy boyfriend, even from himself. This was the kind of guy she’d spent the last five years looking for, the kind that didn’t exist in the world she lived in.

He stood to haul the rest of his clothes off and she took the chance to get rid of her underwear. This time, he climbed back over her slowly, positioning himself over her without quite touching. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him down until their lips were a breath away from meshing together.

“You’re too far away,” she said, gasping as his body crushed hers into the mattress in response to her complaint. She felt him throb between her legs, so close to entering her that she could barely stand it. One little hip-thrust is all it would take… “Wait!” Her eyes widened as she realized she’d almost let her eagerness get the better of her. “I don’t know if I have any—”

He blinked. “I can’t get you pregnant, or give you anything. I’m not human.”

She had to stifle a giggle. It was only funny because she was used to dumb excuses from lazy idiot boyfriends who didn’t want to bother with the hassle. She didn’t give her standard response, because she knew Theo wasn’t anything like those guys.

“What?” His intent stare took away the nervous energy she’d gotten tangled up in.

She bit her bottom lip and released it slowly. “I can’t believe I’m about to have sex with a vampire.”

He kissed her and she started believing it. The slow grind of his body against hers drove her crazy as his kiss deepened. She was more than ready for him by the time he thrust his cold, hard length home. The tingle spread over her body as he pushed deeper and deeper, his cool skin moving over her heated body and creating sparks of pleasure that made her moan achingly. Having him inside her, filling her, made her tremble all over. He’d barely had to do a thing to stir her desire. The euphoria that burst through her when her climax hit was a million times stronger than how incredible she’d felt after he first bit her. He didn’t free her mouth from his even once as he continued to move, hitting hard and deep and making her stifled gasps and moans louder.

She could sense his climax before it hit, the faster movements followed a hot surge within her before he freed her mouth. His eyes were glowing when he moved back, though he closed them quickly, wincing slightly as he withdrew from her.

“What’s wrong?” She was breathless and her heart was pounding like crazy, she could barely think straight, but she knew from the look on his face that something was definitely wrong and it made her tense up instantly.

“It’s nothing. It’ll pass.” He opened his eyes. They were still glowing.

“You need blood.”

He groaned. “I’ll get some when we can find Brody.”

She thrust her wrist under his nose. “Just drink.”

“I can’t.”

He got up, hauling on his trousers. Her heart sank as he looked around for his shirt.

“I’ll be back in a second,” he told her, calming the sudden vice that gripped her at being abandoned so soon after succumbing to his charms.

He wouldn’t do that, and she knew it. She hadn’t realized how much what her ex had done had actually affected her. She’d never have been so worried if something like this had happened before then. Her instincts had shifted and she didn’t like that thought.

He put his shirt on and she lay back down.

“Fine. But I’m still keeping your jacket.”

“I never asked for it back,” he told her, leaning in and kissing her shoulder before he left.

She grumbled to herself as she rolled over in the bed. When her door opened again, she wondered what the hell he’d been doing that had taken less than a minute. Did vampires even pee? She didn’t bother to move, waiting for him to come back to her.

The hand that moved along her naked back made her shiver. Her eyes snapped open and she jerked away as she realized it was warm, and that the smell of hash had followed the owner into the room.

“It wasn’t nice of you to let your boyfriend knock me out, Skye.”

She moved away as he grabbed at her, her gaze on the lamp on the nightstand. His hand fumbled towards her over the sheets and something fell on the bed in front of her. The knife! She grabbed at the handle before she wondered why the hell he’d give her a weapon.

“Take your hands off of me,” she warned, feeling him back off and breathing a sigh of relief.

She grabbed the cover to hide her nakedness from his wandering gaze as she pointed the knife at him.

He was smirking at her, his arms folded. He’d left the door open. Where the hell was Theo?

“You really think that’s going to save you?”

“Fuck you, arsehole. You’re never getting into this flat again. Ever.”

“Oh, yeah? Cut yourself.” He narrowed his eyes and she would have sworn they flashed before he whispered something under his breath that she didn’t catch.

She stared at the gleaming blade as she held it to her other wrist. The slice was fast, and it fucking hurt. Blood pulsed from the wound as she gritted her teeth against the pain. It throbbed like hell. “What the Fuck!”

Theo’s return only made the creep smile some more.

“Ah, yes. The boy who screwed with the all mighty Blackburn brothers. How is it that you’re still walking around, exactly?”

Theo’s eyes widened at the blood seeping from Skye’s arm onto the sheets. She wanted to hold the wound but she couldn’t let go of the knife. Her knuckles were white on the handle.

“What the fuck have you done?” He moved towards her.

The guy who’d forced her to cut herself said something she didn’t hear and flames engulfed Theo. She gasped. It was like some kind of trippy nightmare. Theo lunged at the creep and he laughed as the flames flickered over his own skin.

Skye knew the exact moment when Theo snapped stoner-boy’s neck. It was when she was able to move again of her own accord. Her head was swimming as she moved, clamping her hand over her slit wrist and stalling when she realized she didn’t know what to do to help Theo. Something magical had happened. How the hell was she supposed to counter that?

Theo stood, picked up the knife, pricked his finger and spoke quietly. She watched dumb founded as the flames shrank and dissipated. His clothes were dust, but he was okay. She ran to him and he took her wrist to his mouth.

“I can heal this.” He shook as he ran his tongue over the wound. His eyes were glowing brighter than ever. He was starving. She was sure of it.

She was also sure she was going to faint if she had to stand for much longer. “I don’t feel too good.”

“We have to get you to a hospital.”

“And say what? You fixed me, I’m fine.”

He shook his head. “I don’t know what he did exactly, but you’re not fine.”

He doubled over suddenly. “Shit!”

“You need to drink.” She pointed to the dead guy on her bedroom floor.

He sighed as he got to his knees and pulled the guy’s hand towards his mouth. He turned away from her and she sat on the edge of the bed. Her head was spinning. She didn’t feel like she could have lost a lot of blood but the bed-sheets seemed to debate that issue with her. It looked like something out of a horror movie.

She shivered and got up, throwing on a t-shirt and jeans. Chances were they were going to have to leave the flat and she was choosing comfort over style after the day she’d already had. Bra be damned. It wasn’t like her A-cups really needed the support.

“Are you done yet?” She found trainer socks and pulled her gym trainers from under the bed.

She was almost ready to go. Then she looked at Theo as he rose and realized he was going to need something to wear. Unfortunately, the only thing her ex had left behind she’d ripped to shreds and posted to him at his mum’s house. She didn’t even have an oversized t-shirt that she slept in. Most of her clothes were skin-tight.

“I think you’re going to have to smell like a stoner,” she said with a sigh.

He looked down at the dead guy as he wiped his mouth. “I think I can handle that.”