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Knight Defense (Rise of the Wolf Nation Book 2) by Sydney Addae (13)



THE NEXT MORNING, SILAS and Jasmine had breakfast with David. He seemed well rested and while not super-excited, it was apparent he looked forward to roaming the wilds of Canada.

“You’re flying into Toronto?” Jasmine asked.

David frowned and looked at her. “I don’t think so. I think we’re flying into Ontario. Dad?”

“Yes, Ontario,” Silas said. It had been a long night, he hadn’t been able to sleep until Angus was in the air on his way home. It had been a successful operation all around.

Storm had secured his target, and boxed everything in the small cabin, taking all Lee’s files, laptop, disks, everything. Hawke had a lot of information to wade through today between the files Angus took from Humphrey and those from Lee. Silas planned to sift through Lee’s work later to gain insight on the military’s future plans.

“I contacted Jarcee this morning to tell him about the trip and everything,” David said. “He sounded like Jarcee but distracted. His mate’s living with him.”

“Really?” Jasmine said becoming animated. “How long has it been a week? Two? That’s fast. No wonder we haven’t heard from or seen him. He’s setting up house.”

Silas chuckled. He’d check in with Jarcee soon, just to make sure everything was going well and to remind him everyone wanted to meet his mate. Maybe they’d invite them to the compound for dinner or go to a restaurant.

“Storm made it back okay?” David glanced at Silas.

“Yes, he got back a few hours ago.” He didn’t add anything else, Storm’s mission wasn’t something he wanted David concerned about.

Adam walked in and entered the kitchen. He kissed his mom on the cheek and nodded respectfully to Silas. Grabbing a plate, he sat next to David and added bacon and eggs.

“You ready for this, boss?” Adam asked David. Silas was a bit surprised Adam spoke rather than using their link.

“Yeah, should be interesting.” He talked about the beauty of the place, the mountains, and wide-open spaces.

“Ice and snow,” Adam said with a small grin. “Seriously, be careful.”

“Always. Besides, Jackie says Cain is always on the alert.” He squeezed Adam’s shoulder. The two embraced.

“What’s going on?” Jasmine asked the question Silas had been wondering. “David’s going on an exploratory trip to Canada, nothing more, right?” She looked up at Silas.

Frowning, he nodded. “Right. Is there something you’re not telling us? Because Adam’s good-bye doesn’t sound like I’ll see you at the wedding in a few months,” Silas said.

Adam laughed. “I know, kind of overly dramatic for sure. But it’s so strange for David not to be here, in the compound, what we referred to as the base. Our captain is leaving the command post, sorta, and it’s just weird.”

Silas thought about it for a few seconds. Adam had always been more emotional, maybe that’s all there was to it. “We’ve always known David would leave the compound when he found something that interested him enough to do so. I think this will be good for him.”

“Don’t come back an Alpha,” Adam joked.

David looked at him but didn’t smile.

Silas stilled and watched the two.

“What?” Adam said looking at his parents and then back at David. “I was just kidding, but I must’ve said the wrong thing. Are you ready to be an Alpha?”

“No. There were only two ways to become an Alpha. To start a pack, allowing others to join, or to win an Alpha challenge. You know I won’t start a pack, are you suggesting I not accept a challenge if one is presented or that I cannot win an Alpha challenge? I’m going to believe you don’t mean either because they are both insulting and that’s not your intent. But there are some things you shouldn’t joke about. Honor and integrity are no laughing matters.”

Adam stared at David a few moments and then nodded. “You’re right. I apologize. I wasn’t thinking about the process, just the end result. A part of me is afraid if you take such a responsible step, we have to become grown-ups, behave differently. I don’t want our dynamic to change.”

“Change is inevitable, Adam. It’s how we manage change that’s important,” David said. “You’re mated to a talented artist and have had to make changes to accommodate her gift to the pack. Sounds like a grown-up thing to me.” He placed his hand on Adam’s shoulder. The two stared at each other for a few seconds and then embraced.

“Love you,” Adam choked and burrowed his face in David’s shoulder. “I’m always available for you, use me if you need to.”

Silas glanced at Jasmine. They knew the pups could share each other’s energy, did that extend to the mates as well? Could David pull on Storm, Bella and Quinn’s energies through his litter-mates?

“Love you, too.” David clapped Adam on the back. “I’m always available for you and your den. Know that.”

“I do,” Adam said as he sat back. “I do.” He looked at Silas and Jasmine with a sheepish grin. “Breakfast is great.”

Silas chuckled. “Glad to hear it.” His gaze slid to David who stood and refilled his glass.

“Tomas contacted me last night to see if we were still sharing a place or if he should get his own now that Renee is mated. I didn’t think it made a difference. He’s still my close friend. I mean I like Storm too, but Tomas and I go way back. Would there be a problem you think?” He looked at his mom.

Silas was happy she’d get to answer this.

“Sharing your place with Tomas is between you and Bella. If she’s okay with it, then I’d say it’s fine. If you’re asking if Storm or Renee will be upset that you still have a good relationship with Tomas, that’s something you can ask her.” Jasmine looked at Silas. “What to do you think?”

“I agree with you.” He didn’t deal well with exes. And even though this situation was different, Storm would never allow Tomas solitary access to Renee again. Which meant Tomas would no longer attend family functions if Renee and her mate were there.

Tomas’ parents, Matt, Silas’ lead doctor and his mate, Davian, who was Tyrese and Tyrone’s biological father, would make further adjustments to keep the peace.

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” Adam said. “Bella and I want him to stay at the house with us. It’s good having someone from a normal pack around.”

David stood, took his plate to the sink and then placed it in the dishwasher. “I’ve got to meet Cain downstairs in the tunnel in a bit.” He walked to his mom, kissed her cheek and hugged her. “Love you, see you when I get back.”

Jasmine stood, hugged him tight for a few seconds and released him. “I’m so proud of you. Be safe, take lots of pictures and send them to me. I expect to see something every day.”

David laughed and kissed her cheek again. “I promise to try.”

She patted his face, stared into his eyes and nodded. “That’s all I ask.”

David moved to Silas, embraced him for several seconds. “Love you, thanks for letting me go.”

Silas slapped him on his back. “Thank your mother, I had changed my mind and planned to cancel it. Now I’m glad I listened to her, you’re ready and I’m very proud of you.

“Love you,” David spoke.

“Love you, too soon. All of you have made me so proud.” They separated. David and Adam hugged again before David left.

We need to test our links before you leave. When you reach your room, let me know,” Silas told David.

Yes, Sir.”

“One by one, we’re leaving,” Adam said watching his mother. “Think you’ll have more pups?”

“I have six, and several grands, nieces, nephews, why would I have more pups?” She tilted her head to the side and looked at Adam. “I’m not lonely. Or bored. My days are full as it is. The idea reopening the nursery holds very little appeal.” Smiling she looked at Silas. “I have the love of my life all to myself and we can go wherever and whenever we want without taking anyone else’s schedules into account.”

Adam chuckled. “When you put it like that, I can see why not.” He kissed her on the cheek. “You’re the world’s greatest, Mom, though. Glad I was in your last litter.”