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Origins: SHIFTERS FOREVER WORLDS by Thorne, Elle (13)

Chapter Eighteen

Brenna still harbored resentment for Halvar. She knew she shouldn’t. As she took slow, measured steps toward Calder and Halvar, she determined that she should be the better person. She should be forgiving of others.

But by the love of all she held holy, she could not. Not easily. She took a deep breath, letting the crisp air fill her lungs. Winter was upon them. She and Calder would have to work extra hard. She didn’t want to tell him that she was with child again. Already. So soon after Torsten’s birth.

She hoped for a girl, because one day, that meant she’d have more help of the kind she needed. They didn’t need more hunters. She needed help with a woman’s work. And though Calder often offered to help. He was all thick fingers and thumbs when it came to doing some of the tasks she wanted help with.

She let the breath out slowly as she reached Calder and Halvar. “Greetings,” she said in the language Calder had been teaching her.

Halvar beamed a joyous smile, looking at his brother. “You’ve been teaching her our language.”

Calder nodded.

“You are welcome to our abode and our fire,” Brenna told him.

“Thank you.” Halvar cast his eyes downward, as though ashamed of

What, she wondered. What is he ashamed of?

Though truthfully, she could think of many things this brutish cad of a man could be ashamed of, she doubted he had the depths and character to recognize it.

Halvar looked up and locked gazes with her. “I have not always been a good man. And I was not fair to you.”

She bit back a gasp. Wonders would never cease. The man did have an understanding of his wrongdoings. Unless Calder had something to do with it. She glanced sideways at Calder. But no, she didn’t think Halvar’s response was spurred on my her mate. The man had experience an awakening, it seemed.

“I am glad to see you are well.”

“It is no thanks to your kind,” he snapped, then clamped his lips together tightly.

“You do not think your kind did anything to merit the actions taken against them? Killing the village’s men? Raping their women?” Maybe she’d been wrong. Maybe he hadn’t learned anything.

His jaw worked, the muscles tensing then releasing before he finally replied. “I misspoke. My apologies.”

Brenna noted the sincerity in his tone and the concern on Calder’s face. Though she did not want to relent and be forgiving, her heart told her she should be more accepting. That Calder could have insisted she be among his own kind, but he’d never pushed the matter.

He’d never asserted that they move to the north, rather he’d been content to remain in this area and make a home with her. And by the same token, she’d never pressed him to join her people—though for her it would have been more difficult since she was legally still bound and wed to her husband.

No, she could not harden her heart. She needed to forgive Halvar—for her husband’s sake. As well as for the sake of her children.

Brenna took Halvar’s hand in hers. “There is nothing to forgive, brother.”

Calder put his arm around her and drew her against his body. She knew she’d done the right thing.

She tugged on Halvar’s hand. “Would you like to meet your nephews?”

“Indeed, I would.”

* * *

Brenna squeezed Calder’s hand. He gave her a look of appreciation. She nodded her acknowledgment.

Halvar was in front of the fire, playing with Gunnar, telling him stories about bear shifters. Stories that Calder had never told the child out of respect for Brenna’s feelings on the matter.

Halvar, who had no knowledge of this, was regaling the little boy with his tall tales.

Brenna hadn’t put a stop to it. She believed Gunnar would forget about the stories. He was so young still. If he never heard about them after this night, once Halvar was on the road, she could make sure they were never brought to his attention again.

Gunnar’s eyes grew droopy, his lids falling, though he fought to keep them open.

Halvar held him out for Brenna to take. She held her little son, kissing his forehead, then looked at Halvar, who bore a tender expression on his face.

Brenna made a snap decision. “Stay with us for as long as you want.”

Emotions flooded Halvar’s face. “Thank you.”

With a final glance at her mate, she nodded and took Gunnar to the cabin where baby Torsten was already fast asleep.

The image of Calder’s appreciation for the gesture she’d made toward his brother was the image that she carried on her mind as sleep overtook her.

That, and Halvar’s words whispered to Calder.

“Brother, help me.”