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The Vampire's Mate (Tales of Vampires Book 3) by Zara Novak (14)




Rubago and Will stood at the bottom of the hill in the darkness. Behind them was Culver city, a small settlement an hour west of Castle Belmont. In front of them hills lay at the edge of the city. Small beacons of light pin pricked from cave mouths at the top of the hill line.

“If Azu is anywhere around here. It will be up in those caves.” Rubago said.

Will gulped. She knew he was courageous, but facing a witch was a thing that daunted many vampires. “Do you suppose we make a move now?”

She shook her head, narrowing her eyes on the points of light up the hill. “Too risky. Azu isn’t as powerful as I am, but she is sneakier. She fights dirty, she uses magic that is wrong.”


Nodding, she led him up the hill a little further. “We were both born human, but it wasn’t long before others noticed our powers. The Queens of Gaea took us, a witching group that helps develop magic in young children. It was there I learned what it means to be a witch, to protect, to take care of all life. Azu had always been a rebel. When our education finished, it was time for us to go out into the world and start our work.

Azu took the knowledge the Queens had given to us and went down her own path. Now she is using that dark magic to aid the very people trying to stop the vampires.”

Will ducked low, pulling Azu to the ground beside him. “Over there.” He said, pointing at a group of men in white emerging from the tree line. “The Order.”

Rubago smiled. “Very good. It confirms my suspicions that Azu is definitely up there in the caves. She has possessed several of their men with Nephilim magic, and that's how they’ve grown so strong. It requires regular maintenance. I doubt she will let the men into her cave. If we follow them at a distance, we might learn a few things. Once we know what we’re dealing with, we can come back here and take Azu out, weakening the Order for good.”




Anderson and Ellie led the group up the dark hill to the mouth of the caves.

“You’re rather quiet tonight,” he said, turning to the young blond girl beside him. “What’s eating you?”

Ellie spoke, but didn’t look over at him. Why was it she was always so hesitant to face him? Anderson knew he was a good looking man. He was the youngest ever person to hold such a senior rank in the Order. Her father practically saw him as a son, so why was she so coy around him?

“I’m just tired. We’ve been running around these woods for weeks trying to find the feral. Maybe it’s time we gave up and just return to hunting the families.”

“Not until we have all the pack behind us again.” Anderson said. An alpha named Logan Nash had been the leader of the original wolf pack they had fought alongside. After they failed to find a marked girl at Castle York, Vangzali herself took Nash as a prisoner. His pack split in two after that. Half of them remained hidden in the woods with a prisoner, under a female shifter named Chang, refusing to budge until they got Nash back. The other half split away under a shifter named Scarrow and had been working with the Order since then.

When Anderson and his men got to the top of the hill, they found Scarrow and his pack were already outside the witches cave. Despite being allies, reuniting the groups always felt awkward. The Order and shifters hadn’t always been friends, and there was something that Anderson plain didn’t like about Scarrow. In his human form, he was tall and gaunt. His arms and legs looked too long, and his hollow cheeks and dark ringed eyes made him look like a drug addict.

“Fancy seeing you here.” Scarrow rasped as Anderson and his group approached the cave. “I take it you're here to top up your magic?”

“Naturally.” Anderson said. Azu’s Nephilim magic had worked wonders for their strength, but it still required a regular recharge. What he couldn’t understand is why Scarrow would be here. He looked around at Scarrow’s pack of shifters, who were watching his group with careful regard. “And why are you here Scarrow?”

“Good a place as any to regroup with you is it not?” Scarrow said. “We want to make an attack on the Belmonts. We’re tired of hunting this feral. He’s dangerous, and he’s done nothing to us.”

“We attack the Belmonts when your pack gets it shit together.” Anderson snapped. “Is Azu coming out?”

Scarrow squinted at Anderson, then answered. “Five minutes, yes.”

The two groups sat apart from each other in silence while waiting for Azu. Anderson stared at Ellie, who sat drawing circles into the dirt with a stick. He often suspected that she wasn’t about this vampire hunting life. Despite being the daughter of one of the greatest vampire hunters of all time, the girl was very hesitant for the act herself.

She questioned orders regularly, delayed, or delegated to other members in the team. He’d only ever seen her kill one vampire herself, and that was an accident.

Anderson hated that she was so beautiful, and he hated that she’d rejected his advances so many times. His mind played that one shameful memory he had of her. That one night he’d forced himself upon her and she’d fought back. Sometimes he still thought of that night. How her skin had tasted under his lips, how her body had felt under his hands. For a few seconds it was perfect, then she’d smashed him over the head with a rock. Since then, things had been off between them.

Take what you want. You’ll be in charge of the Order one day. Kill her father, rape her… put your seed inside her little virgin cunt. She’ll be yours, but only if you stand up and take her. NOW.

The dark voice burnt his skin like ice. He listened to it, his breath quivering as his eyes burned holes into the side of Ellie’s face. She looked up, seeing he was staring at her. Anderson did his best impression of a genuine smile, but the dark voice inside was haunting him. She looked away just as quickly, turning away from him.

What the fuck was wrong with him? What was this voice inside his mind? The longer he had the dark magic, the worse it was getting. It was probably best to stop, to pull back before he lost control, but he couldn’t. He needed the magic to get the job done. Once they’d killed the Belmonts and the Yorks, he could go back to his normal self. Ellie would come round to her senses by then surely.

And if she doesn’t, we can always make her.

“Let’s do it then.” The hollow voice of the witch said as she emerged from the cave. The group jumped to their feet in silent apprehension and approached Azu one by one. They were fifteen in their ranks, but only six of them were strong enough to hold the Nephilim spirits. The process was simple enough, the men approached, Azu held a hand to their heads and filled them with the ghastly blue light of the Nephilim force. The men struggled, twitched as the magic infiltrated their bodies in the most unnatural way. It wasn’t a pleasant thing to watch, but it was over quick enough. Anderson was the last person to approach as usual. As he walked up to her, the witch raised a brow.

“Only five of you? Where is the other? There were six last time. There's always been six.”

“Hayden is dead.” He said clenching his jaw. “A vampire killed him.”

Azu dropped her hand, her eyes flaring with fire. “Vampire? Who? Impossible!”

“Ansel Draco.” He said, spitting the words from his mouth like they were poison. “He’s new around here, and he’s different.”

“Draco…” Azu shook her head and laughed. “Yes. I know him. It’s bad that he is here. Draco is dangerous, extremely dangerous.”

Anderson shrugged. “I handled him easily enough.”

“Did you kill him?”

“No. The feral distracted us. He got away.”

Azu looked furious, but she let the emotion simmer away quickly enough. “That’s what you get for messing with that feral. I told you to stay away from him.”

“Just work your magic witch.” Anderson said. “And we’ll be out of your hair.”

She looked him up and down with careful eyes. “I can’t keep doing this much longer. The magic is warping the minds of you and your men.” Her eyes flicked over to Ellie momentarily and back to Anderson. “You will not harm that girl, do you understand?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Anderson scowled.

“Hm. I’m sure. This is the last time I’ll replenish your group. You are wasting the magic on frivolous causes. If you want to satisfy our mutual employer, I suggest you and your friends make an attack on the Belmonts soon. I’d hate to disappoint the Circle.”

“Just do it bitch.” Anderson hissed through tense teeth. “And give me Hayden’s dose too. He won’t need it, seeing as he’s dead.”

She placed her palm against his head and blasted the magic inside of his body. The dose was stronger than any he’d felt so far. Anderson felt it ripping at the edge of his body, threatening to break out at any moment. Finished, Azu turned from him and started back to her cave entrance.

“Is that it?” he said, laughing loudly. “Is this the last time we meet witch?”

Azu turned back on her heels, flaring her wicked eyes at him. He was afraid of the woman, and her cold glares put the fear of death inside of him. He swallowed the feeling down though and tried to keep his cool resolve.

“Chang and her pack will reunite with your group soon. Once you reunite, you should make your attack on the Belmonts straight away. Once they are dead, we will be free to find the lost daughters.” Azu looked passed Anderson to Ellie. “You there, girl.”

Ellie stood. “Me?”

“Yes. He will be dead soon,” she said pointing a finger at Anderson. “Once he dies, you will be in charge of the group. When that happens, come back here.”

“Oh… okay.” Ellie stuttered, not sure what to make of the witch’s words.

“What the fuck did you say bitch?! Is that a threat?!” Anderson roared, storming toward the witch. Fear or not, he could use the Nephilim magic inside of him to kill her.

Azu held out a hand and an invisible wall of magic smacked Anderson back to the ground, holding him there.

“Merely a fact darling,” she said in a cold whisper. “Your time is coming and I can see this girl has importance… so she must be the one to replace you. All the better for it. Find Chang and her pack. Once your group is back together take this.” Azu held out her hand and threw a black stone onto the dirt in front of Anderson. He picked it up from the ground, turning it over in his hands. “What is this thing? It weighs a ton.”

“A hell charge. A powerful magic breach. Use it on the West Wall of the Castle when you make your attack. It will get you inside the walls. Stay clear, and once you want to arm it, listen to that voice inside of you.”


“Yes,” Azu smiled. “That new voice inside your mind.” She looked from Anderson to Ellie before looking back at him again. “Don’t act coy with me Anderson, I know what is happening inside that twisted skull of yours. You’ve heard the dark voice. I’m sure all of your men have. That’s the Nephilim spirit, fighting to take control of your mortal minds. Men are too weak to hold dark magic for too long. If we carry on much longer, you’ll end up going crazy. Good thing you’ll be dead soon anyway, scum.”




Back at the Castle, Rubago and Will reported to Eric.

“Can you take this witch out?” Eric asked. “This Azu?”

“Possibly.” Rubago said. “But I would have to do it myself. If anyone else tried, it would mean certain death for them.”

“Did you get what you were looking for, Eric?” Will asked. “Was Zora much use?”

“Blessed Silver.” Eric said. “Effective against shifters, and we can hold it without too much trouble. There was another thing.” He looked at Rubago. “Kat is a breeder. Zora noticed it as soon as we entered the brothel.”

Rubago raised her brows. “I knew there was something different about her, but I didn’t expect that. Still… I don’t question Zora’s judgment, she has a keen eye for things like that. Where is Kat?”

“Upstairs with Ansel,” Eric said. “I suspect they will be in each other’s company much more going forward.”

As if they weren’t already.

“No Edmund?” Eric asked.

Rubago and Will looked at each other.

“Is he not back yet?” Will asked. “We parted ways. Rubago and I traveled separately. Edmund and Sophia would have slowed us.”

“Wait. Sophia was with you too? Why didn’t I know about this? She had strict instructions to stay in the castle!”

“She followed us Eric. There was no way we could have known. That girl is quiet when she wants to be.”

“So you sent her back with Edmund?”

“Yes, it was much safer than traveling into Azu’s territory, believe me.”

Eric walked over to a large iron crossed window with his hands behind his back. Dawn was bruising with the early pink of sunrise. “If they are still out there, then they had to find shelter. There is no way for us to search for them now until nightfall. Sophia isn’t cut for survival like this. She’s not used to fighting—”

“She is a fighter Eric,” Rubago stressed. “I’ve known Sophia almost as long as you, remember that. That girl is more powerful than you think. With Edmund’s help, she’ll be able to handle anything that comes her way. Shifters, the Order… they’ll be fine.”

“I have no doubts that Sophia can handle herself and stay out of sight. I have no worries about that. It’s Edmund that worries me.” He turned and looked at Rubago. “You mean to tell me that my sister is safe with him?”

Rubago blinked, finally understanding Eric’s fear. In that regard, she could make no promises.