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Alpha Queen (Shifter Royalty Trilogy Book 3) by S. Dalambakis (13)


Training tonight isn’t going so great. They’ve added Alcina to the mix, saying that she shouldn’t just rely on her magic in a fight. I agree, but she has a long way to go. I wasn’t sure what to think when Callie texted me about them training with Alcina. She searched for some spell to help enhance theirs and her powers more. I guess she found a spell and is waiting to try it out at the end of practice. You can bet your sweet ass I’m staying to keep an eye out on my best friend.

She also told me about the new people that are going to be coming in. I cringe. That didn’t go so well for us the last time. I hope that this time will be different. Graydon’s voice booms across the gym.

“Come on, Alcina. You can do better than that.”

Is it wrong to say I get a sick sort of satisfaction watching him yell at her? I know he’s doing it with good intention, but still. I honestly thought she was going to give up after the first five minutes, but she’s hanging in there. She’s tougher than she looks. I’ll give her that much. After a few more minutes, Graydon calls the end of practice.

“Ten-minute break, then we’re going to try that spell. I think we should do it outside because we don’t know what will happen, and I don’t want to have to explain to my father how we burned his gym down if something goes wrong.”

Callie walks up to me. “So, what did you think?”

“It could have been worse.” I shrug. “She has a long way to go, but it will be better for her in the long run.”

“Are you staying for the next part?”

“Damn straight I am.”

“Good. You know, just in case.” I understand what she means. Just in case Alcina tries any funny business, but I’ll take that bitch down if she tries anything.

“Don’t worry. I got your back.”

“I know you do. Come on, we both know Graydon only means five minutes and not ten. I saw him go outside already with Alcina.” Graydon isn’t very patient, but he’s gotten a little better since he met Callie.

I follow her outside. We walk a little way to the woods that are behind the gym. Alcina is setting up for the spell.

“Everything is ready. I want to try it first without the blood.”

“Is there really a difference?” Lucian questions.

“Yes. Blood always makes the spell stronger. I don’t like doing that unless it’s absolutely necessary. Blood magic is hard to come back from once you start doing it. All that power is enticing to some.”

Hm. She earned a few more points in my book for that honesty.

“Stand back, just in case.”

All of us take a few steps back. We all watch in fascination as Alcina starts to mix ingredients in a bowl, referring to the book that lays open next to her. She starts to say the spell, adding different things as she goes. After she was done, I was a little disappointed. I kind of expected it to be a bit flashier. You know like a few flames or at the very least some sparks. But nothing happens.

“Um, does that mean the spell didn’t work?” I ask.

“One way to find out.” Alcina stands and looks at the Callie and the guys. “Which of you want to give this a try?”

Zeke steps forward. “I will. Out of all of us, my elemental power should be the least destructive if something goes wrong.”

I watch as Zeke pulls moisture from the air, a small ball of water hovers just above his hand. Alcina hovers her hand above the water ball but nothing happens. She then places her hand on his arm, but again, nothing happens.

“Are you sure you’re doing this right? What is this spell even supposed to do?” Alcina glares at me. “Give me dirty looks all you want, it’s not going to change anything.”

“We can try to do the spell again but add drops of our blood.”

“I don’t know if we should trust this. Nothing happened before, and I doubt anything will happen now. I don’t understand why we’re wasting our time with this. As far as I can tell, this does nothing for you. Aren’t we supposed to make you stronger? We’re fine with the five of us. Callie is our catalyst. We’re stronger together. From what I can see, you’re the weak link here, not us,” Graydon yells.

“I’m just trying to help, like you asked,” she hisses.

“You’re not getting our blood. No way are we walking down that path. If you truly want to help, find another way,” Graydon growls.

“Fine. I’ll try to find another way.”

“Thank you,” Lucian says.

The others start walking back into the gym, but Callie stops in front of me.

“Thank you for staying.”

“Of course. Look, I know I said we could trust her, but have Zeke use his ability later just to make sure. We already know that talismans can siphon power, who’s to say she didn’t just do that too.”

She sighs. “I will.”

“Go on. I’ll stay out here and keep an eye on her.”

“Do you want me to stay with you?”

“No, I got this.”

“I’ll wait inside for you.”

I nod. I focus my attention on Alcina who is in the process of cleaning up. I need to touch her or something of hers to see if I have another vision. I can have visions without any touching, but they’re stronger when I do. Sighing, the only way to do that is to go over and help her. Accidently touching her would go over better than being obvious. Alcina looks up at me as I approach her.

“Did you come over here to doubt me some more?”

“I came over to help, but you can’t blame me for doubting you. Yes, I said you could be trusted, but what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t tell them to be careful. I’m only looking out for Callie’s best interest, and a part of that is trying to help her find a way to change that vision.”

“What do you think I’m trying to do? I don’t want Circe to be in control. You have to be out of your mind if you think she’s not pulling some strings, especially that of whoever is helping her.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I haven’t seen or heard of a witch that started using blood magic who wasn’t out for power. For her to still be alive after two hundred years, she is using some serious blood magic. One way to keep whatever is sustaining her flowing, she had to make a deal with someone, and that someone is Lorcan’s descendant. She’s had to have promised him power, but Circe will turn on him. Those who want power only want more once they get a taste, and they will do anything to it get it, even turn their backs on their allies.”

“If that's the case then why would she attack Callie and the guys?”

“My guess would be because she wants them out of the way before she takes out Lorcan’s descendant, leaving her with all the power.”

“You know an awful lot about this. What do you think she is going to do with all of that power?”

“You hear things when you’re around other witches. I’ve heard this happening with other people. It’s only logical to reason she wants to rule over everyone. That was the original plan when the talisman was created all those years ago.”

“Well then, we’re screwed.”

“Looks that way now, but anything can happen.”

I reach over, picking up the book she was using, when I started to get the feeling that I usually do right before I have a vision.

“Be careful with that, it’s…” Alcina’s voice trails off as I’m thrust into a vision.

“We’re going to be making a move soon. Is everything ready?”

“Almost, just a few more people to put into place.”


“Yes, they are blissfully unaware that we are so close. They’re children trying to play a game that I’m much better at.”

“You couldn’t do this without me.”

“Oh, Amos, when are you going to realize that the only reason you have power is because of that necklace. Without it, You. Are. Nothing.” Circe trails a finger down Amos’ chest. “Your only job is to keep that necklace safe. Don’t forget, I can end you.” Circe walks out of the room.

“You bitch,” he yells. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted her.” He walks over to a desk, unlocking a drawer. He pulls out a box, opening the lid. There, inside, is Celtic knot necklace with a hexagon shaped ruby. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let her get her hands on this.”

I blink my eyes to see Alcina in front of me.

“You okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, but I have to go tell Callie something. You should come to.” I race into the gym and seeing Callie and her mates in the center of the room. “I know his name.”

“Hell yeah,” Max fist bumps.

“That’s not all. Circe and Amos aren’t getting along, and they’re planning to make a move soon.”

“Fuck,” Graydon says.

“I saw it.”

“Saw what?”

“The necklace, the talisman. It’s locked in a drawer, in a desk, wherever he is hiding.”

“We need to draw him out.”

“I think the only way to do that is to defeat whatever is coming our way,” Lucian states.

“We need our help here now because we don’t know how long we have before they strike.”

All of us nod our heads in agreement. We need to band together because go time is almost here.