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Playing to Win: Risking It Book 2 by Autumn Reed (15)

Chapter 15

I sat in my car after finishing my externship hours for the day, undecided about where to go next. After spending Saturday afternoon with Snow and the Ts, I’d avoided them all day yesterday, insisting that I had to study. Although I did get a lot of work done, I’d also needed the day to reflect and recharge. I was still struggling to understand when and how things had changed between us. Maybe because of the way my relationships with them started, or because there were three of them, I’d mistakenly believed we’d remain in the casual stage longer than usual. Instead, the opposite seemed to have occurred. They’d given me a key to their place, adopted a dog for me, and I was even meeting Nicholas’s family this weekend. There was nothing casual about any of that.

Staring at the shiny new key on my keyring, I reminded myself that I was no longer going to let fear hold me back. I’d packed a bag before leaving my apartment this morning in anticipation of staying the night at the townhouse. Now wasn’t the time to back out. I could do this.

On my way to the townhouse, I detoured to the grocery store. I knew myself well enough to understand that part of my hesitation with the Ts was how little I had to offer them in comparison. They had money, successful businesses, and the kind of good looks that stopped traffic. It wasn’t much, but I could at least make them dinner.

I hesitated at their front door, tempted to ring the doorbell. It would defeat the purpose of giving me a key, of course, but I felt strange walking into their house unannounced. Deciding on a compromise, I unlocked the door and loudly said, “knock knock” as I paused in the entryway.

The sound of little feet on the wood floor let me know Snow was zooming toward me, so I put my bags on the ground and picked her up when she launched her tiny body at me. “Hi, Snow. Did you miss me?”

Nicholas appeared a few seconds later. “Oh, good. You can take over puppy duties.”

“Is she giving you trouble?”

He kissed me quickly, barely avoiding Snow’s pink tongue. “No, but she has a ridiculous amount of energy. It’s kind of exhausting trying to keep up with her.”

I laughed as Snow squirmed in my arms so much I almost dropped her. “It seems like she’s making herself right at home.”

“Yes, though this is the most excited I’ve seen her. Must be a girl thing.”

Ace slowly rounded the corner, looking unsure about whether he wanted to approach. “Come here, Ace.” He scampered over, and I scratched behind his ears while trying to keep a hold on Snow. “He must be feeling neglected.”

“Yeah, he’s been pouting in the corner all morning.”

“Poor guy.”

“He’ll be okay. Cole’s been taking him on extra-long walks to make up for it.” Nicholas picked up my bags and peeked in the one with groceries. “What’s all this?”

“I thought I’d make you guys dinner.”

“I knew this giving you a key thing was a good idea.”

I followed him into the kitchen and watched while he put the groceries away. “Don’t get used to it. I only know how to make like five meals.”

“Any homemade meals are appreciated around here. We can maybe manage five between the three of us.”

I wandered over to the dining room table, which was covered in sketches and notes. “Is this all for your proposal?”

“Yes.” Nicholas joined me, taking a seat in front of his laptop. “I may have gotten a little carried away. I’ve come up with so many different ideas now, I’m having trouble narrowing it down.”

“I’m no expert, but I’d be more than happy to provide an opinion. If you want.”

“Really?” He pulled a chair up right next to his. “I’ll take any help I can get.”

When I sat down, Snow immediately tried to hop up on the table and ended up sending several papers flying to the floor.

“I guess those are out,” Nicholas joked.

“Now I know what you mean about her being energetic. I don’t think she’s stopped moving since I got here.”

“Maybe she’ll tire herself out and take a nap.”

“Maybe. Now, show me what you’ve got.”

By the time Nicholas presented his fourth design, I was officially impressed. I was expecting them all to somewhat mirror what he’d done at Loft25 but on a simpler, smaller scale. Instead, he’d taken that same feel of an upscale modern loft and breathed new life into each and every idea. One felt more industrial with warm colors and exposed beams while another leaned toward a sleeker design with cool colors and metal accents. The others were variations of the same but somehow still unique.

“I can’t believe how incredible these are.” Even after inspecting each design several times, I couldn’t choose between them. “I mean, I knew you were good, but I didn’t realize you were this good.”

Nicholas laughed. “You might be a little biased, but I appreciate the support.”

“I don’t think so. Chelsea would be lucky to end up with any of these.”

“So, you don’t have a favorite?”

“I love them all. Can you give her two options? Or would that be too much work?”

He seemed to consider it. “I’ve already done most of the pricing research on all of these, so it wouldn’t be that much extra work to present two of them.”

“Okay, then I think you should let her choose between these two.” I pointed to the first and fourth designs. “Although the first one is exactly what Chelsea described, I think she might like the fourth one even better. It’s still within her general parameters, but it’s more interesting, has more personality.”

He studied both for a few minutes before nodding. “You’re absolutely right. I have a feeling she’ll end up choosing the one with more personality, as you put it.”

“Me too.” Snow whimpered in my arms. “I better take her outside to play before she stages a revolt.”

“One more thing, really quick,” Nicholas said, reaching for his laptop. “Which one of these light fixtures do you like better for design four?”

I leaned into him to see the screen better when an unexpected voice came from the direction of the kitchen. “Well, well, don’t you two look cozy?” Jeremy was standing with his arms crossed and an obvious smirk plastered on his face.

“Hi, Jeremy, nice to see you again.” I gave him a polite smile before turning back to Nicholas. “I prefer the second fixture.”


Knowing it was cowardly, I took my opening to escape. “Okay, Snow, time to play outside.”

Once we were in the backyard, I reevaluated the Jeremy situation for the hundredth time. As far as I knew, he still believed I was only Cole’s girlfriend, so I couldn’t really blame him for reacting to what he saw. It was more the way he reacted that bothered me. Like he had something he could, and would, use against me and Nicholas. It definitely wasn’t how I would expect someone who was genuinely turning his life around to act. If he had appeared concerned for Cole, that would be different.

The patio door opened, and Cole stepped out. “Hi, I didn’t realize you were coming over.”

“Should I warn you next time?”

“No, but I would have tried to get rid of my brother sooner, if I had known.” He crowded my personal space until I was forced to wrap my arms around him or fall over. “Snow missed you yesterday.”

“I missed her too.”

“Just her?”

I pretended to think about it before nodding. “Yep.”

He kissed a path down my neck. “I need to brush up on my skills, then.”

“Practice makes perfect, or so I’ve heard.”

“How about I practice while you sleep in my bed tonight?”

“Who said I’ll be sleeping there?”

He nipped at my shoulder. “The sleeping part is entirely optional. The rest is not.”

Catching sight of Jeremy watching us through the door, an uneasy shiver went through me, and I stepped away. “I’ll take it under consideration.”

“I’m counting that as a yes.”

I tossed the tennis ball for Snow, and she ignored it once again. Apparently, it was going to take more work than I realized to teach her how to fetch.

“We should bring Ace out here and show her how it’s done,” Cole said. “I bet she’ll pick it right up.”

“That’s a good idea. Do you want me to get him?”

“Actually, I need to run Jeremy to his motel. We just stopped by to pick up my old laptop for him to borrow.”

“Okay, no problem.”

“How about after dinner? Nic told me you’re cooking.”

His enthusiastic grin made me laugh. “Lower your expectations. It’s only a simple pasta dish.”

“No deal. I’ve never had a girl cook for me before. I’m allowed to be excited about this.”

“Well, then, I better get started.”

* * *

As I finished editing an article for the school paper, I couldn’t help but smile at the unusual domesticity of the evening. Before meeting the Ts, if a friend had told me she was dating three roommates, I would automatically envision black silk sheets, bondage, and orgies. The reality was so at odds with that image, it was almost laughable.

While Nicholas helped me make dinner, re-runs of The Big Bang Theory played in the background, and the dogs were constantly at our feet, waiting for scraps to fall on the floor. Dinner conversation consisted of Nicholas’s renovation plans, another of Shane’s trips to California, and Cole’s newest idea for an app. After we finished eating, Shane washed the dishes while Cole took the dogs for a walk and I disappeared into the office.

So, there I was, sitting at my own desk at the townhouse—complete with an assortment of pens, highlighters, and notebooks—not entirely understanding how I’d come to be here but grateful all the same. There was something comforting about being surrounded by three intelligent and capable men that I never expected. They weren’t demanding anything of me or asking me to sacrifice my independence. Instead, they were supporting me and finding ways to fit me into their already full and busy lives.

Was it possible that the three arrogant nightclub owners who dared to use me as a bet were turning out to be good guys and even better boyfriends?

Nicholas poked his head in the room after knocking. “Is it okay if I interrupt you for a minute?”

I closed my laptop. “Come on in. I was just finishing up.”

He sat in a comfortable-looking leather chair in the corner. “I wanted to make sure you weren’t upset about that scene with Jeremy earlier.”

“Did he say anything else after I left?”

“Nothing I care to repeat.”

Not surprising.

“I’m not upset, but he makes me uneasy. I can’t help but think he’s hiding something.”

Nicholas nodded. “I know what you mean. He’s always been a troublemaker, but he’s actually been behaving almost like a human these last few weeks. Doesn’t mean I trust him.”

“For Cole’s sake, I keep hoping I’m wrong about him.”

“Me too. If he says anything inappropriate to you, don’t hesitate to tell me, and I’ll take care of it.” His face lit up in an unexpected grin. “Or you can knee him in the balls. That works too.”

“Will do,” I agreed, not clarifying which option I’d choose. Either seemed entirely possible.

He stood and hovered over me. “Cole made it clear that he claimed you for the night. Since I get the entire weekend with you, I’ve decided not to protest too much.”

“How gracious of you.”

His head dipped, and those luscious lips of his brushed over mine with the lightest of caresses. “See you in the morning, Cinderella. I’m making pancakes.”

When he disappeared, I touched my lips as if to determine whether the kiss had been real. At moments like this, I half-wondered if I was living a fairy tale and didn’t even realize it.

I packed up my things and headed down the hall to Cole’s bedroom before detouring back to Shane’s room. One of my biggest hesitations about staying at the townhouse was the uncertainty of the sleeping arrangements. Was I supposed to take turns with each of them? Roll a dice? Pin the tail on the hottie?

It seemed that Cole had taken the choice away from me tonight, for which I was grateful. Still, I felt strange ignoring Shane and figured telling him good night would be the polite thing to do.

His door wasn’t closed all the way, so I nudged it open to find him sitting on the bed with his laptop.

“Isn’t this your night off? I’m starting to think you’re a workaholic.”

He looked up and smiled at me. “By necessity, not choice, I assure you.”

I walked into the room and perched on the edge of his bed. “You have a lot to do before your flight to Pasadena tomorrow?”

“Sadly, yes, though I’m happy to take a break.” He patted the empty space next to him. “Sit here.”

I moved to where he indicated, and he pulled me into his side. “I had every intention of taking you on a proper date this week, but duty calls once again.”

“I’m not concerned about the date part of it, but I would like to spend more time with you. Think you can squeeze me into your schedule one day next week?”

“Consider it done.” He ran his fingers through my hair, making my body instantly relax. “What are the chances I can convince you to stay right here?”

The chances would have been excellent if Cole wasn’t already expecting me. This demonstrated exactly why I didn’t want to pick a room for the night. It was an impossible choice. I longed to stay with Shane as much as I wanted to leave.

“Are you going to make me choose between you and Cole?”

He sighed. “It’s tempting, but I guess I’ll save my turn for when I can give you my full attention.”

Relieved, only because he was making the decision easy for me, I lifted up on my elbows and gave him a quick kiss before hopping off the bed. “Night, Shane.”

“Night, babe.”

I reached Cole’s room as he was stripping off his shirt, and he grinned at me. “Good timing. I just put the dogs to bed.”

“Where is Snow sleeping?”

“In her crate in the laundry room. It’s best to crate train her from the beginning so she’ll get used to it as a safe place.”

“I trust you. You know a heck of a lot more about raising a puppy than I do.”

“Most of it is common sense, but there are a few tricks that make training easier. I can teach you the next time you come over.”

“Sounds good.”

Cole removed his jeans, and I busied myself with my overnight bag to keep from staring. It was rather ridiculous, considering a week ago I was watching him without an ounce of shame as he flaunted his body in even smaller boxer briefs. Of course, I’d been drinking then. And now we were alone. In his bedroom.

“Did you lose something?”

My head snapped up. “Huh?”

“You’ve been digging through that bag for so long, I assumed you lost something.”

“Oh, no. I, um, was having trouble deciding which top to wear.” I held up a silky tank and long-sleeve T-shirt. “How cold do you keep the room when you sleep?”

“If I keep it toasty warm, will you sleep topless?”

I tossed the tank back in my bag. “Just for that, I’m wearing my polar bear tee.”

Cole plopped down on the bed. “You’re finally, finally sleeping with me. You can wear a parka, for all I care.”

When I returned to the bedroom a few minutes later, there were several candles scattered throughout the room, and soft music played over a Bluetooth speaker. I froze in the doorway, surprised and slightly taken aback. This setup reminded me of the night I lost my virginity—the one and only time Matt made an effort to romance me.

“Um, Cole?”

He gave me a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry. Is this stupid? I don’t expect anything, promise. I just hear that girls like this kind of thing.”

My shock turned to laughter as I absorbed his rambling. The smooth, playboy Cole that I knew had somehow been reduced to a bumbling teenager. It was cute as hell and made him that much more irresistible.

I gave him a kiss before blowing out several of the candles. “It’s not stupid, it’s sweet. A few too many scented candles, though.”

“Noted.” He easily lifted me by the waist and dropped me on the bed, then stood over me, silent and staring.

“Something wrong?”

“No, I’m memorizing the sight of you in my bed.”

“Oh.” Oh? Was that the best I could do? Although an almost-naked Cole was enough to muddle any woman’s brain, it was more than that. He was watching me with an intensity I hadn’t anticipated, and I was wavering between self-consciousness and need.

“I’ve never done this before.”

“Done what?” I asked, wondering if my brain was even more scrambled than I realized.

“Slept with someone without . . .”

“Oh.” Clearly, I wasn’t becoming any more articulate. “If you’re scared of accidentally cuddling, we can always build a pillow fort.”

The teasing seemed to snap him out of his uncertainty, and he ditched any remaining traces of the sweetness clinging to him. Moving toward me with the stealth of a predator, he climbed onto the bed and balanced above me. “I think you’ll find there’s not much I’m scared of, Em.”

As his head dipped, my breathing shallowed and my pulse pounded in my ears. The playboy was back, and I was in trouble.

Rather than the onslaught I expected, Cole redefined the meaning of taking it slow. Each kiss was leisurely, every caress deliberate. The skin along my neck burned from where his lips trailed a path from my ear down to my shoulder, and I immediately regretted my choice of shirts. In my slinky tank, there would have been so much more exposed skin for him to explore.

Aching to feel him, I reached for his chest, but he was too fast. He gripped my wrists in one hand and pinned them above my head. I whimpered his name, and he only smiled in response. But it wasn’t the impish smile I’d come to know and love. This one screamed dominance and passion.

How had I not realized this commanding presence was lurking under Cole’s fun-loving façade? Images of him pressing my body against the wall and kissing the hell out of me rushed back, and I realized I shouldn’t have been so surprised. It had been there the whole time—I just wasn’t paying attention.

My entire body heated as he continued his assault, and my need to feel him grew until I was certain I would combust. “Cole, please.”

He groaned and drew back, his eyes flashing with warning. “You’re going to make me lose my self-control.”

“I’m okay with that.”

“I’m not. I promised myself I wouldn’t push you.”

Seriously? I was throbbing with need for him, and he was choosing now to overthink it? This was all my fault. I’d told the Ts I wouldn’t jump into bed with them, and now they were intentionally trying to drive me insane. That had to be it.

Still dying to touch him, I attempted to free my hands, but his hold was too strong. “You’re not pushing. I’m asking.” Begging, really, but I wasn’t about to admit that aloud.

He peered down at me, his expression undecided, before releasing my wrists and rolling onto his back. “This is probably going to sound ridiculous coming from me, but I want our first time to be special.” Lifting one hand to his lips, he placed a soft kiss on my palm. “I’ve never had this with anyone before, and I want to do it right.”

Just like that, the sweet Cole from earlier was back and making me want him even more than even his dominant alter ego. I was half-tempted to say screw special and strip off my clothes, but I could tell this was important to him. And even in my current state of arousal, I had to admit that having sex while Shane and Nicholas were in the house probably wasn’t the best choice . . . not for our first time, at least.

Realizing how much I wanted to make him happy, I turned to my side and kissed him on the cheek. “Okay.”

His face lit up with a relieved smile. “Why don’t we try that cuddling thing you mentioned? You might have to teach me what to do.”

“There’s almost nothing I’d love more.”




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