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Queen's Guard (Shifter Royalty Trilogy Book 2) by S. Dalambakis (7)


Elder Harris was right about one thing, everyone in school knows. I’ve been getting weird looks by everyone. The boys have surrounded me all day. Graydon walks behind me, Max and Lucian take up either side, and Zeke walks in front of me. They haven’t let anyone get close to me all day, and for that, I’m grateful. The classes where I am alone are the hardest to get through. The boys have been fielding questions all day. But when they’re not with me, I get surrounded, even waiting in the hallway for them, like now. I’m getting bombarded with questions.

Is it true? Are you really the Alpha Queen? Can I see the necklace? Is Kelsey really the new prophetess?

I swear if I get asked one more question, I’m going to scream. I just want one peaceful moment.

“Alright, everyone give the girl some room.” I look around to see who was talking. A girl no taller than me was elbowing her way through the crowd around me. She’s so beautiful. She has this amazing glow to her brown skin. Her black hair is straight and reaches her butt. There are two braids in the front, one on either side of her face. But what really draws your attention are her two different colored eyes. One is amber, like a glass of whiskey. The other eye is a pale blue, so pale that it almost looks completely white. She has on black skinny jeans, black boots with studs and chains, a Guns -N- Roses t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. She looks like a badass. “Where are those boys of yours?” She ask crossing her arms under her chest, cocking a hip out to the side.

“They should be on their way. Thank you for that. Um, but who are you?”

“Besides the girl who just saved your ass from the inquisition? I’m Catori Na’Estse, but you can call me Cat.”

“Well, thank you Cat. But I have to ask, why did you help me?”

“I have my reasons, but I haven’t deemed you worthy enough yet to know. Just know, I’m an ally, and I’m here to help you.”

I inhale. “You’re a shifter.”

“Yeah, I’m a coyote.”

“Cool.” My boys pick that moment to show up.

“Callie are you alright?” Zeke asks.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. You know just making new friends,” I answer gesturing my hand toward Cat.

“Hey, kitty Cat,” Max says. Of course, Max would know her.

“Max, how many times have I told you not to call me that.”

“At least a couple dozen by now.”

“And yet, you still continue. Maybe, it’s time I start taking drastic measures. Like every time you call me that, I get to hit you in your pretty little face.”

How dare she threaten my mate, not even two minutes after she said she was on my side. Is this seriously how she shows it? A low deep screech escapes my lips. Everyone stops and looks at me. I step and stand in front of Max. If she even thinks about trying to harm him, she is going to have to go through me first.

“Easy, angel. She’s just kidding.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t really going to do it. I’m not stupid enough to go after the Alpha Queen’s mate. I’ve been trying for years to get him to stop calling me that ridiculous nickname.”

My shoulders relax, and I let out a deep breath. “Sorry, this is all new to me. I don’t have a lot of control yet.”

“I understand, the need to protect your mate over takes any rational thinking.”

Cat’s voice is barely above whisper. I can see the sadness in her eyes. “Hey, are you okay?”

She jumps at the sound of my voice. She clears her throat. “Um, yeah. I’ll be fine. You doing what you just did reminded me of something.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Maybe, one day.” Cat turns to leave but Lucian calls out to her.

“Hey, Cat, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?”

“Depends on what it is.”

“Callie needs to learn the basics of self-defense. If you’re free tonight, do you think you could help us out?”

“Yeah, I can.” Cat holds out her hand to Callie. “Give me your phone, so I can put my number in there.” I pull my phone out of my hoodie pocket and hand it over to her. A few seconds later she is handing my phone back. “Text me the when and where. Peace out girl scout.” Cat turns and leaves.

“See ya later kitty Cat.” All you see is Cat put her hand in the air and flip Max her middle finger. He starts to laugh, and I tap him in the stomach.

“Hey, be nice. Besides you guys, she could possibly be my only other friend. Why did you ask her to help? I thought Zeke was doing my training tonight?”

“Well, you could have picked worse,” Graydon says.

“Cat is more your size. She knows how to fight, and she’s good. It might be easier and better for you to learn from another girl,” Lucian answers.

I shrug my shoulders. “She is the only person who came to help, Graydon. I was getting overwhelmed with the barrage of questions. She also didn’t ask me any herself. Cat just cleared a path and made the students back off and give me space. She doesn’t seem too bad to me. Lucian, that’s an excellent idea.”

“She’s not, but we need to get a move on before we miss lunch altogether.” My stomach picks that moment to rumble, just to make Graydon’s point.

I’ve been dreading this moment all day. The point in the day where I have to go to gym class. This is the only class that I have with Kelsey. I’ve seen her in the hallway. Her normal entourage size has doubled. I’ve been uncomfortable all day, and she’s just eating it up. If I do envy anything about Kelsey, it’s her self-confidence. Lord knows, it’s something I have to work on; especially if, I’m going to be queen.

Luckily, Kelsey is too busy entertaining her adoring fans to notice when I enter the locker room. The rest of gym passes in the same fashion. Oh, I had a couple of people come up and ask me questions, but it didn’t take Kelsey long to jump in and take over. More power to her. Of course, because it’s me, and I have the worst luck in the world, Kelsey stops me as I’m trying to leave the locker room. She reaches out and grabs my forearm.

“You had to know I never had any intention of keeping this quiet. It was a nice try though.”

I yank my arm out of her grip. “Having one vision,” I air quote vision, “doesn’t make you the prophetess.”

“Yes, it does. The Elder Council already has given me the title.”

I shake my head. “Title. That’s the only thing you care about. I guess time will tell whether you decide you use your new found ability for good or your own selfish gain.” I walk right past Kelsey with my head held high. As soon as I was far enough away, I sag against a nearby wall and let out the breath that I was holding.

One day she won’t affect me like this. The bell rings, shit, I’m late for class. I run as fast as I can. I don’t need a repeat of the last time I was late.

“Are you sure you sent Cat a text?”

“Yes Graydon. I can show you if you want,” I snap.

“She should be here by now.”

“I know that.” I stalk away and head to the locker where the boys had put my stuff. I rummage through my bag, trying to find my phone. Once I do, I check to see if I missed any messages from Cat. I haven’t, so I send her a quick message.

Me: Hey, checking to see if you were still coming to help out tonight?

I hear the faint sound of a phone beeping.

“If you turn around, I’m already here. I said I was going to help, and I am. Sorry I’m late.” Cat’s voice echoes in the room.

“Just checking.”

“Sure you were. So which is the impatient one?”


“Figures. It’s always the strong silent types. Let’s get this show on the road before Graydon's panties begin to twist again.”

An hour later, I’m lying on my back on the mat again. This training center is officially becoming my pain master with Cat and the boys driving the whip.

“Come on, you almost had that last move down. You just have to throw your hip into it more,” Cat says as she bounces from one foot to another.

“I can’t. I don’t think I can even get up. Muscles I didn’t even know I have hurt.”

“Callyn, get up now. Try one more time and I’ll give you a break.”

“Ugh, fine.” I’m only acquiescing so I can take a breather. I’m out of shape, breathing hard, sore, and sweaty. I am officially done with this. But, I get up and back into the stance formation Cat taught me. I do as she instructs and throw my hips more, and the move comes out perfectly. “Yes,” I shout as I jump and fist bump the air.

“See, I told you,” Cat says as I walk over and offer her a hand up. “Come on, let's go get water.”

The boys watched for the first half an hour, to make sure I was going to be okay, then went off to train themselves. “Thanks for helping me.”

“No problem. You’re actually pretty easy to train. You take directions well. I know I might be stepping over the line, because we just met today, but what was with all the fuss when we first started?”

I sigh, because I knew sooner or later she was going to ask. There was no hope of her missing the looks, and the hushed, angry whispers between me the guys. “I’m surprised you don’t already know. Kelsey has no qualms about blasting my life to anyone and everyone who will listen.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not like most people, and I like to form my own opinions about people and situations. Look, Kelsey and I aren’t friends. There’s no love lost between us. Kelsey is the last person I would listen to.”

“That’s good to hear. The guys were worried about how I would react about you coming at me swinging.” I clear my throat. “My father is in jail because he hit me. I’m getting better every day, but somethings are hard to break. They were worried that when you raised your fist, that I would have a flashback and freeze. So, they stuck around to gage my reaction and to intervene if necessary.”

“Fuck, girl. I heard the rumors, but that's what they just are, rumors. I don’t take much stock in them. I’m glad he’s in jail. Is there going to be a trial?”

“I’m crossing my fingers there isn’t. The police have my report and the pictures of what my back looked like. Plus, the boys went and talked to the police about how they found me, and what my father said to them.” I shrug my shoulders. “I think I would be having a worse time dealing if I didn’t have the boys and their families. Plus, the Donaldsons have been good to me as well.”

“I heard something about them fostering someone. I didn’t know it was you.”

“Yeah, I’m only there until my aunt arrives, which is in two days.”

“Hey, it could have been worse.” I look at her. How? “You could have had to stay with Kelsey.” I cringe. She bumps my shoulder. “Let’s finish this.”

I groan. “I’ll make you a promise. If you get through the rest of this, we’ll do something this weekend, and I’ll tell you my story.”


We were just walking back out to the mat when the boys come over. I can’t help but openly appreciate just how good looking they are. Each of them have their sweaty hair slicked back. Their tank tops are plastered to their skin, clinging to every muscle. I moan out loud. Before I can appreciate the view anymore, water is being squirted in my face.

“Down girl. Focus.” I look over at Cat. Did she really just hose me down? She starts to laugh, and that’s when I see the water bottle in her hand. Then I start to laugh, because let's be honest, if she didn’t do that I would have stared at them for the rest of the night. Those boys pack a punch.

“Oh God, it’s already starting,” Max whines and that throws me and Cat into another round of laughter. It takes a moment before we can gather ourselves.

“Let’s show these boys what you can do,” Cat says.

We make our way to the mat and start running through the drills. This time feels different. My vision is sharper, my movements more fluid, and I’m not so out of breath. The moves are coming easier, and I can feel the power in my punches and jabs. There is even a few times I correctly guessed what Cat was going to do next. I blocked and countered those moves like a pro. I feel like a different person. That’s when I feel my necklace is warm against my chest.

“Wait,” I say. We both stop. I place my hand over my necklace.

“What’s wrong, Callie,” Graydon questions.

“It’s my necklace, and the fact that I feel different.” I turn and look at Cat. “Didn’t you notice?”

“I did, but I don’t have an answer for you.”

“I think I might,” Lucian states.