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The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6) by Wendie Nordgren (15)


We arrived on Parvac so quickly that I only had time to shower and dress before being alerted that transports were loading into our bay. Momma had been waiting at the land port. Nico and I took the lift down to meet her. She wasn’t alone. Momma had brought along an entire contingent of individuals who were annoyed with me. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared right back at Kaoti. He manipulated me into stopping by holding Poppy at his shoulder. Momma stepped from the transport and rushed to hug me. Then, she started crying again which forced me to pat and attempt to soothe her.

Fitz gave me a hurt look for having run off and left him which made my cheeks burn. Watching everything unfold was Papa, who gave me an innocent look. Captain Ricimer gave Dario a glare that suggested they would soon have words. Dario grinned at him.

“Take us up, Captain,” Papa ordered to break the tension between them before it came to blows.

“Momma, I thought you were going to wait for us to pick you up.”

She seemed frail and shaky in my arms. “Your father thought this would be easiest. Oh, Teagan. I’m so relieved you came back.” I could feel her sincerity through our empathic bond. Violet, Kaoti, and Poppy entered the lift with Momma and me. “With him finally gone and no longer hidden, I don’t have to continually fear when he might strike at us next. When your father told me, it was as though a heavy burden had been lifted from me. It was like I floated free untethered, but I felt panicked almost. I’m not sure how to describe it.”

I held her close to my side with my arm around her back. “You don’t have to. I understand. Let’s get you settled. You and Papa have your own Imperial suite onboard.”

“I’d feel more settled by playing with my grandchildren.”


After spreading a blanket out over the carpet, Momma, Terre, Violet, and I sat and played with the children and Thunderdrop. The men quietly observed us under the guise of attending to business on their vid-screens.

That night, I attempted to sleep between Nico and Zared. I couldn’t do it. I was too angry with them. Zared had known the entire time, and when Nico had found out, he hadn’t rushed to tell me either. Quietly slipping from bed, I went to the sitting area, curled up on the couch with my feet under me, and watched Sue in her tank. She couldn’t sleep either. A hand touched my shoulder. Startled, I looked up at Dario. He wore a pair of blue, knee-length pajama bottoms. The lights from Sue’s tank cast shadowy designs over the muscles of his bare chest.

“What are you doing up?” I whispered.

“I was getting a snack when I heard you. Join me?”

I followed him into the kitchen and chuckled when I saw what he had been up to. Sandwich implements were spread out all over the counter. I made one for myself and got a glass of fizzy water to wash it down. Dario sat and ate his sandwich while I picked at mine.

“Are you planning to eat that?” he asked. I pushed my plate across the table to him. “What’s this? It’s good,” he asked around a mouthful.

“Turkey, bacon, mayonnaise, and cheese,” I answered.

“So, do you want to talk about it?”

“They knew. Papa, Eli, Zared, Nico, and all of my Omnes Videntes knew. They knew Flavian hadn’t assaulted me, that it was all a mind fuck so I would be convincing to Felix. How could they treat me that way?”

Dario brushed the crumbs from his hands onto his plate. “You need to sleep. You will be better able to evaluate the situation once you are rested.”

“I’m too upset to sleep. I’ll sit up and watch Sue. She relaxes my mind.”

“If you are intent on staying awake, come stretch out with me. We can talk about it without fear of waking anyone.” Dario offered me his hand. I took it and followed him to his quarters. His bed was a rumpled mess.

“You couldn’t sleep either?” He started straightening his blankets. “Don’t worry about it,” I said. I sat cross-legged on the foot of his bed, and he sat with his back propped against his pillows. The dark, soft-looking hair of his chest practically begged to be touched. I raised my eyes to his face which was just as compelling.

“No, angering one’s Emperor along with at least half a dozen Inquisitors, hasn’t been conducive to my sleep.”

“I’m sorry, Dario. I didn’t mean to put you in the middle of all of this.”

“I would gladly insert myself into any situation in which you require an ally. Now, tell me what prevents your sleep.” A gentle, compassionate smile was on his lips.

“You know what prevents it.” I plucked at his blankets. “They used me and made a fool out of me. I think Eli’s betrayal hurts worst of all. I trusted him. He ordered my hybrid Laconian warriors to lie to me. They are bonded to me. Was everything a trick, even becoming an ensign?”

“I don’t know, Teagan. When I am provided with the report, we will read it together,” he said with absolute sincerity. I rubbed at my arms. He patted the bed beside him. “Come here. I won’t hurt you, lie to you, or betray you.” Dario stretched out his long, muscular arm. I crawled across the bed to him and cuddled up against his side. “You should come and runaway with me to Daphoene. I could take your mind off of all of your worries. It is a beautiful planet of which you have seen very little.” Dario felt warm and safe beside me. He smelled like soap. I relaxed against him.

“Oh, what would we do?”

“I could take you to see the volcanoes. Perhaps, we might find one ready to erupt. It’s a beautiful sight. There are innumerable sights to see, and I would go to any lengths to amuse you.”

“Would you have really taken a flogging for me had I refused to speak to Papa?”



“You needed someone who would defy even him at that moment. I knew it instinctively.”

“It would have hurt and been humiliating,” I said as I imagined the horror.

Dario lifted my braids and let them slide through his fingers. His words rumbled beneath my ear. “To experience hurt and humiliation would have brought me closer to you and to understanding how all of this has made you feel.”

I lifted up to look into his eyes. “Why would you want to understand those feelings?”

“So, I could help you feel better.”

I captured his full bottom lip with my own and let myself luxuriate in the softness. Pulling back, I could feel his heart’s furious beat beneath my palm. “I was told that while we were on Naxa, you planned to seduce me into agreeing to marry you. Was that true?”

Dario nodded. “I ache for you, Teagan. I thought that maybe if you ached for me as well that you might accept me as a husband to you.”

“You have been patiently waiting for me, always there to step in when I needed you. It was you who kept me from spiraling into despair when Uncle Kagan and I had our huge fight. You seemed to know what I needed better than anyone else. What is it that you need, Dario?”

He reached up to still my hand on his chest. His eyes had gone dark and were filled with a hungry look. “You know what I need, and that is for our lives to be bound. Through me, you would control Daphoene, her armies, and fleets.”

“What would I do with them?”

“Not all reports were prefabrications. There are members of the Warrior Caste who are vehemently opposed to female admittance into their ranks. With me at your side, along with those aligned with House Galerius, your base of power strengthens providing additional security for your niece and her new friend. Neema should have the stars, as you do. I would be a champion to you and each daughter you bear. Take me, Teagan. Accept me, and I will prove myself to you.”

“Is that all you feel you have to offer me, Dario, warships, men, and political influence?”

“I can offer you considerable wealth. Anything you want or desire will be yours.”

“Dario, you don’t understand.”

“Then, make me understand,” he said with a note of desperation in his deep voice.

“I’ve come to think of you as a friend. I like you.”

Disappointed, he said, “And, that isn’t enough for you. How am I to compete with males who are able to connect with your mind and soul?” He got up, taking his warmth with him, and began pacing his room. “Your friendship is enough for me.” Dario turned to face me. “I treasure your friendship and trust, but I want so much more. I need more. Wanting you while you are so close but so far from being attainable is a torture far worse than anything I can imagine even Inquisitors inventing. To know you will never accept me is more painful than any possible torture yet devised.”

“I didn’t say that I wouldn’t accept you, Dario. I will take you as a husband, but my feelings for you may always be like those for a close friend. Would that satisfy you or cause you more pain?”

Dario’s gaze transfixed on me as though I were a transport’s lights, and he was the stag trapped by them. “You would accept me, but not love me as you do the others. Would I never feel your touch? Would I forever long to hold you?”

“If you were mine, you might never touch my heart as it seems you long to do.”

“Perhaps, that might change in time. Your heart has the power of a sun and the pull of a moon.” Dario picked up a vid-screen and activated it. Then, he sat beside me and read his marriage contract to me. His holdings and wealth put those of Fitz and Nico to shame.

“How did House Galerius become so wealthy?”

“Diamond mines. I will cover you in the glittering gems if you accept me.”

“Being married friends is enough for you?”

“Having you in my life is enough for me,” he swore.

I placed my palm to the screen. Dario stared at it a moment in disbelief before adding his scan to mine. I took the vid-screen and put the finalized marriage contract on the nightstand. Then, I reached down between us and rested my hand on his rigid shaft.

Dario’s gaze upon my face heated. “I thought you only wanted friendship.”

“I never had friends to play with as a child. Now that I am grown, I think having a playmate I’m married to would be fun. Want to play a game, Dario?”

In a deep, husky voice, he asked, “What game do you have in mind?”

I lifted my gown over my head and let it fall to the carpet. His hands shook as he removed his pajama bottoms. “Whoever comes first has to be on the bottom next time.”

“That sounds like an excellent game.”

My hand didn’t wrap all of the way around Dario. He was too thick. Greedily, he explored my flesh with his mouth from where I straddled him. I held him in place and lifted up, aligning him with my center. I groaned at the feeling of the soft head of his stone cock stretching my lips. “Oh, Dario. You’re so big.” I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of surrounding him with my softness.

“I’ve never had a girl for a playmate. This is quite nice and far more satisfactory than playing with dolls.”

I laughed while lowering myself down his shaft. He was so thick and hard that by the time I had fully impaled myself on his length, a powerful orgasm tore through me causing me to collapse panting against his chest.



“You lost.”

He rolled, pinning me beneath him. Dario moved with hard, long strokes, in and out, over and over until I lost all sense of everything save for our intimately joined bodies that had grown hot and slick from our vigorous activities. My eyes squeezed shut, and my back arched from the bed as a second orgasm bubbled and exploded through me, leaving me to tingle and fall. Dario was a battering ram against my willing gate.

“You’re so big and hard,” I said breathlessly as his thrusts punctuated my words. My words at that moment were a mistake. He slammed forward and pumped me full of himself, breathing as though he had just won a race. My limbs tingled with pleasure. “Dario, you’re the only man who has ever made me look forward to losing.”

He laughed and kissed me. “Together, we will always win.” Pulling his long length from within me, he stretched out beside me. Covering us both with his blankets, he rested his palm against my bare stomach. As our breathing returned to normal, we drifted off. A deep sleep that had been eluding me for weeks finally opened its arms to me and claimed me.

Near morning, Dario woke me by humping against my thigh in his sleep. My soft laughter woke him. “I dreaded waking from my dream but have found a more satisfying reality.”

I straddled him and brought his wrists up above his head where I playfully trapped them. “You were eager to play before you were even awake.” I let my eyes roam over the black stubble covering his cheeks before settling my gaze on his dark-brown eyes. I hadn’t dreamed it. Dario was mine.

He grinned and spun us so that he was on top. “If I recall, you lost three times before I did.”

I gasped as he slowly worked himself into me. Larger than even Fitz, Dario had already made me sore during our wedding night, so after he had given me pleasure, I gathered my will and rolled pleasure through him, stimulating his endorphins. Dario came so hard and with such force that he almost knocked the air out of me. I laughed.

“You cheated,” he said, but he didn’t seem upset by it.

“It was self-preservation. I need to be able to walk.”

“I’m more than happy to carry you wherever you wish to go.”

I smiled. “Then, carry me to the shower.”

“As you wish, Lady Galerius.” Dario winked at me and dragged me to the end of the bed by my ankles.

We laughed throughout our shower.

When I went to my room to dress, it was empty. Telepathically, Zared said, “Nico and I woke up alone in bed together. It was disturbing. We are currently in the gym.”

Angrily, I said, “Thank you so much for letting me know what’s going on.”

He went silent in my thoughts.

It was so early that just about everyone on the Imperial deck still slept. I went to the kitchen for coffee, walking past Papa, who sat at the dining table with his breakfast before him.

“You’re still angry.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? The list of males with whom I am angry is long.” I took a seat near him and sipped my coffee.

Dario approached, and I smiled at him. “Tell me I am not on that list.”

“No, darling. You are on my other list.”

“What other list?” Dario asked.

“The short one of people who I can trust.”

“Teagan,” Papa started.

“What? Exactly how long did you know the truth about Flavian?”

Neema toddled in and saved him. “Mommy, I’m thirsty.”

I bent down to pick her up. “You’re thirsty? Good morning, my love. Do you want some juice?”

She nodded her little head of dove-grey hair at me. “Where’s Daddy?”

“Daddy is with Uncle Hiroshi, Phillip, Jazon, and Tracy. They will be home with us soon.”

Neema yawned. I made her a sippy cup and returned with her to the table. “I want Rio,” she said while holding her hands out to him.

Niklos toddled in next and went straight for Papa. I made his plate and gave him his sippy cup. Then, I went to the nursery for Peter. He was sitting up in his bed looking at me.

“Would you like a clean diaper and some breakfast?”

He held his hands up to me, melting my heart as he always did. We were in our rocking chair nursing when Farowyn entered. “You took Dario as a husband.”

“I did, as I have taken you.” I wondered if Farowyn was about to criticize me for not discussing my decision with him. I prepared myself for a battle.

“Your other marriages are recorded, but ours is not. I wish for our union to be officially recognized.” That was it. Farowyn was done.

“Alright. We will see to it as soon as the children are fed.”

Farowyn bowed to me. “I will speak to Emperor Probus.” My father’s name on his lips angered me, and he knew it. “Do you believe your father would ever deliberately cause you harm?”

“No, but….”

“Since he has been in your life, has he hurt you?”


“Teagan, an unstable genius brutally tore his family from him once. It had to stop. You made an unwitting sacrifice to protect what is dear to you because your father had no other recourse than to lure the predator from hiding by using his own sweet child. Do you think it was easy for him to stay silent, to see your pain, and watch you leave?” Farowyn didn’t wait for a response. He bowed low to me and left.

I rocked Peter until he started pushing against me to sit up. “Nik, Ma.”

I kissed Peter’s forehead. “You want your brother? Okay. Let’s go find Nik.”

Niklos and Neema were playing on the floor near the dining table. Peter cried and held his hands down to his brother. Niklos said, “Sit here, brother,” and patted the carpeting beside him.

Lorca handed Peter some blocks.

Papa, Farowyn, and Dario were still seated at the dining table. I walked to Papa, and tears began to fall. He pushed his chair back and held me while I cried against his neck. “I’m sorry, my darling. Please, forgive me. I know I am well-deserving of your anger.”

“I love you, Papa. This was all so hard.”

“I know, my darling. I know, but he will never hurt us again. Will you forgive me?”

I kissed his cheek and got up from his lap. I didn’t answer. I wasn’t sure if I could forgive any of them. Joining the children, I taught Peter to play with his blocks. Glancing up, I watched as Papa brought Momma breakfast in bed. Nico and Zared returned from the gym. They had known about Flavian since the explosion on Parvac when the Inquisitors had escaped. Had everyone known but me?

Farowyn dropped down beside me with a grin on his alien lips and the most financially basic marriage contract with which I had ever been presented. It was the addendum to the contract with all of its political jargon that was convoluted. It had the seals of Papa and King Rorgowyn, the approval of Director Larkin Sapor, and that of Papa’s Military Advisory Committee, along with several Eloneave officials whose names I couldn’t read, much less pronounce. I placed my palm in the appropriate section to be scanned. Farowyn didn’t kiss me. Instead, he cocooned me in his arms along with Peter, who I held on my lap. We remained that way until Neema and Niklos became curious about Farowyn’s arms.

“Fawin, let Neema play in arm tent, too! Neema likes camping!”

I bit my lip hard to keep my explosive laughter inside. However, Farowyn let his laughter free. Soon, he was amusing the children with his patagium and learning to give pony rides. I sat at Momma’s feet. She had decided that my hair was a mess and insisted on fixing it.

After she had removed half of my braids, she said, “I am very proud of you. Captain Aegisthus told me how brave you were throughout Felix’s capture.”

“You heard about it from him? Papa didn’t tell you?”

Momma whispered, “Tavere doesn’t share with me anything that he believes might upset me. My guards hide nothing from me and never have.” She squeezed my shoulder. Quietly, she said, “I would be furious if I were you. Now, I understand why you left Parvac. Had I known what had caused your anger, I wouldn’t have begged you to return so soon.”

“I’m sure Papa knew that, and it was the reason he didn’t tell you.”

Papa said, “You know I can hear you. I’m sitting right here.” He was seated in a chair a few feet away. We ignored him.

“I am furious, insulted, betrayed, and hurt. However, I am angriest with one male in particular.”

I didn’t think I would ever be able to look at Inquisitor Eli Beck again. Unfortunately, his warship kept pace with mine. Ephors was a welcome sight. However, it annoyed me that the Empress was the last of the three ships to dock. I had wanted to speed to my home and lock the doors against unwanted visitors. So far, I had refused every call from Eli and had no intentions of speaking to him. I didn’t even want to look at him.

“Momma, I think it would be fun if we ladies and the children rode together to my home.”

“What a lovely idea, my sweet,” she said as she patted my cheek.

Thunderdrop lifted his legs up and down in excitement, eager to play in the trees. Together with Terre and Violet, we took the children to the transport bay. I sat in the driver’s seat and drove down the ramp and out into the land port. The males were quick to follow.

“Let’s have lots of girl time while we are here. We can spend time at the spas, go shopping, visit art exhibits, and things like that.”

Momma said, “What a lovely idea. Your father can go hunting.”

I said, “Your Imperial Guards can protect us.”

Violet said, “It’s not fair of you to be upset with Kaoti. He was sworn to secrecy, and he was only told so he wouldn’t jeopardize the mission by killing the operatives. And before you ask, no. Of course, I didn’t know. I only found out last night after he was granted permission to share vague details with me.”

“I’m sorry you’re in the middle of this, Violet, but I’m going to be angry for as long as I’m angry. I’ve got a right to feel how I feel and to work through it at my own pace.”

“Fine. I can respect that. Just know this. My husband may look like the cold, merciless assassin he is, but he has a heart, and you are in it, scratching and making it bleed. When he hurts, I hurt, so try and have some pity where he is concerned. Felix is the one who deserves your anger.”

“Fine. Whatever,” I said with sulkiness.

I parked in front of my house, the one Papa had given me. He spoiled me every chance he got with mansions, warships, transports, and barges. I knew he loved me and had been desperate to protect me, but Flavian….

Ira, my personal assistant, and Max, my chef, waited for us at the doors. I ran to them and gave them hugs.

“Hello! I’ve missed both of you! Have you met Momma?” I turned to help get Neema, Niklos, and Peter out.

“Chirp! Chirp!”

“Yes, go play. Have fun.”

Neema ran straight for Max. “Max got cookies for Neema?”

“Oh, yes, Princess Neema. I have been making all of your favorites for the past two days.”

“You’re good, Max,” she said as she kissed his cheek.

Max had Neema in his arms, but he and Ira went down to one knee when Momma stepped from the transport. While getting Peter out, I jumped and hit my head on the roof when Kaoti appeared out of thin air to help Violet with Poppy. I glared at him and rubbed my head.

“Daddy,” Poppy said as she grabbed his lower lip in her tiny fingers.

Kaoti said, “There is nothing a father won’t do to protect his daughter.”

“I don’t need another lecture. Why don’t you go impregnate your wife or something?”

Violet said, “He already did. I should be puking all over your carpets again in no time.”

“Oh.” I stilled and looked at them. “Congratulations. I’m happy for you. You should relax and take it easy.”

My thoughts went straight to Luca and our baby. Quickly, I turned away from them to unfasten Peter from his seat, but Terre saw my face as she was getting Niklos out. Taking deep breaths, I worked on appearing angry rather than heartbroken and went inside.

“Oh, Teagan, this is lovely,” Momma complimented.

“Thank you. Abbie helped me decorate.”

“Abbie Cassian. We should call her to join us,” Momma said.

Soon, Papa and everyone else had arrived. Farowyn and his men joined Thunderdrop in the exploration of the woods.


“Yes, Teagan?”

“Make yourself at home.” I smiled at my handsome new husband while thinking of his girth.

“If you have no objections, I fear I must make a trip into the city. I’ve been managing for the last few days on borrowed clothing.” He gave me a dashing smile.

“Understood. See you later.”

After everyone was settled and Pierce and Lorca had the children, I changed and went for a walk. Not far from the house, a patch of ground caught my notice. Stumbling over to it, I sat, held my knees to my chest, hid my face against them, and cried. In the spot was where the tent had been placed in which Luca and I had spent our first night together. Pain choked me. A strong soothing force washed over me as Zared sat beside me and put his arm around me.

“Why did he have to die? He was so loving, so loyal, and brave. It’s just not fair.”

“It wasn’t fair, but Luca must rest easier in the afterlife knowing that you and the children are now free of your most dangerous threat.” Zared held his hand open beside me and laced my fingers with his.

“I’ll think I’m okay. Then, something happens to remind me of him, and I hurt all over again.”

“You don’t feel the pain alone. I share it with you along with your anger, confusion, and fear. Everything you feel, I feel.”

I nodded. We sat in silence and watched the bunnies as they hopped among the flowers and across the path until my tears had dried. Then, on silent feet, we were joined by Walter, Tomaz, Vawn, Xander, Wyatt, Vic, Zack, Zergio, Rozz, Izaac, Zam, Traviz, and Jezzie. They pleaded with their solid black eyes for my forgiveness.

Zared said, “Teagan, we tried to capture Felix. We tried and we failed. His fear of us made him overly cautious and spared him from our discovery. Using the Inquisitors was the only way, but Flavian was out of line.”

“Aw. Look here,” Walter said. He had his hands cupped in front of him and kneeled before me.

“Oh….” He placed a baby bunny in my hands. I touched its soft fur with my fingertips and petted its ears. Its little heartbeat tickled my palm. I giggled when it snuffled at my fingers with its little nose. Then, I put it down and watched as it hopped away to nibble at the vegetation. “I don’t want my pride or feelings to ever get in the way of you protecting my children or our family.”

Zared rubbed my shoulders. “We know. You’re cold. Let’s go inside.”

Zergio said, “We are a thought away, sister.”

I nodded and kissed his cheek. “I know. You all know that I love you, right?”

“We know,” Rozz said.

Together, Zared and I continued the walk that I had begun alone.

“I’m thinking of buying a ship for Farowyn. He should be able to travel as he pleases. Will you help?”

“Of course. Dario would be of great assistance as well. I believe Farowyn will be pleased.”

“Did Yukihyo know?” It hurt to ask, and I feared his answer.

“No. Fitz, Drex, Farowyn, your ladies, your staff, none of them knew. The Inquisitors knew, we knew, and Nico and Kaoti were told enough so that they would not kill them and were ordered to back off.”

“Nico can determine a lot from such an order,” I said.

“He can.”

After dinner, I encouraged Dario, Fitz, Zared, and Farowyn to check their vid-screens for any vessels that might be worth purchasing at the land port. We kept the reason a secret from Farowyn, but paid close attention to his opinions. In private, I called Yukihyo.

“Investing in Farowyn is intelligent. With a ship of his own and some credits, I can teach him to buy and trade for what his people need. Then, he can invest in another ship and train someone to assist him.”

“Can you outfit the ship he chooses with photonic film?”

Yukihyo inclined his head to me. “It will be my gift to him.”

“Thank you. How much longer until you’re home? Neema keeps asking for her daddy. But, selfishly, I need you. I need you so much.”

Yukihyo grinned. “Even surrounded by virile males, you still need me?”

“You’re my soul. You know that. This entire situation has been so shitty.”

Yukihyo frowned. “A beautiful princess should not use that word.”

“I apologize. Certain individuals are….”

“Teagan, language,” Yukihyo scolded before I could let loose the barrage of expletives that I had all planned out. “I will do my best to make everything better once I return. I will speak to you in the morning. I love you.”

“I love you, Yukihyo Lee.”

That night, I slept soundly once more, but between Nico and Zared, sharing not only blankets, but also forgiveness.




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