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Understanding Alice Du-Kane by Riley Walker (24)

The Rules

Ridge: You ok? Why you been avoiding us lately

Cash: Pretty Girl what’s wrong

Oren: Miss you

North: Talk to us. Please

I feel guilty about ignoring them, but right now I’m knee deep in other things. I make a note to call them all later tonight and apologize. No matter how I feel about the conversation I overheard the other night, the Michaelson brothers have been very good to me, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t developed feelings for them. Even the jerk, North.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small hand tapping me on the arm. I peek down and see Iza. I bend down so I can talk to her at eye level. “Good morning, Iza. What can I do for you, precious.”

“Miss Alice, my momma signed me up for the Girl Scouts, and they are making me sell cookies. Do you think you could help me?”

I think for a second. I could buy all her boxes, but I’m sure that isn’t what her mom, Erica, had in mind when she told little Iza to ask me. Then it hits me.

“I have the perfect place for you to sell all your cookies. I hope you have a lot of boxes, because I have a feeling you are going to sell out very quickly. Just be sure to save me a box of those Thin Mints, okay?”

Iza smiles big and runs off to find her momma. This may not be the best idea I’ve ever had, but it’s a damn sure smart one.

“What in the heck is going on out there?” John is peering out the front window, a scowl on his weathered face.

“What do you mean, John?” I ask while acting clueless. “I don’t see anything out of the ordinary going on.”

“Don’t you toy with me, Alice. There’s a little girl in front of a pot store, your pot store, selling Girl Scout cookies to the customers.”

I shrug my shoulder. “Everyone gets the munchies, John. Especially potheads.”

“Whatever you say. You’re the boss lady.”

I turn and face him. “When I thought about where to put her, I was actually thinking of gaining the attention of all the older ladies from the gym next door. It didn’t cross my mind about our customers buying from here until we set her up.” I begin to wipe down the counters, again. What is it about people wanting to put their hands all over glass cases? “Anyway, you have to admit, she looks pretty cute sitting out there in her uniform selling the cookies. Who could say no to that face, John?”

He just grumbles as he walks away from the door, but I see the small smile on his face. Even stuffy John can’t deny Iza her happiness at selling box after box of those things. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the top seller of her entire troop.

I’ve called a meeting with all the ladies at the warehouse tonight. We need to discuss the rules and what is expected, also the location each one is to take. Zoe assures me the new product, FLAG, will be ready to roll out within the week. Before I start the meeting, I send out a text to the guys. It isn’t right for me to ignore them, but I just can’t deal with what they were talking about the other night. Not yet.

Me: Sorry. Been super busy. Will call you all later

Cash: K Pretty Girl

Oren: Call when u can

Ridge: Call 2nite Hot Lips

North: We’ll be waiting for that call

“Evening everyone!” I put my best smile on. “We need to go over a few things. First, Mrs. Bell will be here first thing tomorrow to take everyone to Target for clothes and other supplies. I know we’ve already purchased a few things, but you are going to all need more and once we start selling, we won’t have as much free time on our hands. Next, we need to discuss territories. I can’t put any of you where you used to work. We need to stay far away from any of those places as possible. We can’t risk running into any of your pimps when we’re out there.” I thought about this a lot last night. This is my main concern for the ladies. Even if their previous employer doesn’t see them, someone else may and that could end very badly. I roll over the large map of Memphis I had blown up and attached to a stand. I’ve added lines to form grids so we can divide it out easily. “I need each of you to come up here and put an X where you used to work, then we can decide on the best areas to begin. We obviously won’t be working corners,” I say as I roll my eyes at the thought of sending them to a corner to sell FLAG, “so we need to make use of the contacts we do have that we can trust. Old friends, customers, preachers, anyone and everyone we can think of.” The preacher comment gets a laugh, but I happen to know a certain minister that sells to his entire congregation. He’s on my list to go see as soon as FLAG is ready. “Also, we aren’t just going to be selling the product in bags, but also in edibles. Brownies, cookies, cakes, things like that. These items will need to be ordered. It might seem a little weird to walk around Memphis with bags full of baked goods.”

I step back from the map and let them all start marking it. It looks like most of them were mostly on the south side. I can definitely work with this. I want to expand us out east. Hit up the stay-at-home-moms, single women, reading groups, and whoever else that would be a client you’d never suspect. The ladies’ safety is my top priority. Getting them out of the city limits and selling to proper women, aka the Upper Class, I think will work to our benefit.

Once they have all finished with the map I take a deep breath and get to the only rule I have.

“I only have a few rules that I absolutely insist must be followed. You cannot, in anyway, touch the product. No using at anytime. This includes smoking or eating the edibles. If I catch you doing so, you’re automatically out. That is the quickest way for us to get caught, and for you to be noticed and bring possible harm to everyone else. I want to trust you, and I want you to trust me. However, before I get to know all of you, for now, we will be having mandatory drug testing.”

I wait for them to stop groaning. I knew this wouldn’t go over well. Not that I think they will all start using, but because these women gave up everything to come work for me, and I should show them the same faith they have shown me. Unfortunately, I’m a business person first and I need to protect myself, Zoe, and Du-Kane, Inc.

“I know you hate it, but it’s what has to happen. Sally will be handling them when the time comes.”

I give them a moment to digest it all before I tell them the rest of the rules. These should be easier for them to accept than the drug tests. “Two more things, no more prostitution. I don’t care what or who is offered to you, just say no.” I inwardly snort to myself over that one.

“Lastly, don’t get caught. You’re all smart ladies, don’t sell to the cops, know your surroundings, and please, don’t get picked up with FLAG on you.” I clap my hands together. “Alright, that sums it all up. There’s food over there, so eat all you can and have a great night. Don’t forget, Mrs. Bell will be here first thing tomorrow.”

I walk over to Sally who is in the back of the room, leaning against the wall. “How do you think it went?”

“You did good, Alice. I don’t think we’re going to have any problems with them. They are all too grateful to be out of the environments they were in. If nothing else, they’ll do what's right for their kids.”

I nudge her with my shoulder. “I’m really glad you’re here, Sally. Thank you for taking this all on. I know it can be a handful, but I knew if anyone could handle it, you could.”

Sally chuckles at me. “Spit it out, Alice. What do you want?”

“Moi?” I push off the wall and look her in the eyes. “I don’t want anything. I just needed to tell you again how much I appreciate you.”

“Stop being sappy. I’m surprised you don’t have at least one of those hot guys here with you tonight.”

I huff before I can answer. “I have some thinking to do on that front. They may want more from me than I can give them.”

“What do you mean, more?”

I raise my eyebrow at her.

“Ohhhhh. That kind of more? All four of them?”

I nod my head at her. “I overheard them talking the other night when they thought I was asleep.” I smack her on the arm when she smirks at me. “I fell asleep on the couch during a movie. Get your head out of the gutter, Sally.”

“Alice, I have to say, if anyone could handle four men, it’s definitely you. Is it because what you think others would say? I say go for it. Hell, if there were four hunky brothers all wanting me, I’d have my bags packed and a case of condoms with me before you could count to ten. Forget everything else, just go with your heart. What is it telling you to do?”

I grab up my old friend in a hug, whispering in her ear, “Thank you.”

Stepping away from Sally, I pull my phone out of my back pocket. She’s right, I need to forget all the misconceptions I have and do what my heart says, and my heart says I’d be an idiot not to see where this could go.

Me: My house. Tomorrow at 7

Ridge: Done

Oren: Bringing wine

Cash: Bringing me

North: I’ll be there