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A Devil of a Date by Long, Andie M. (10)


Chapter Ten




“They are being very kind in trying to help you and having us live with them temporarily, so you mustn’t be rude when we walk in there.” I reminded Frankie, who had spent the rest of the afternoon chuntering about trust issues.

“I will be very tactful in my approach.”

“Good.” I rang the doorbell, and the door appeared to open on its own. When I scrunched my eyes, I could just about make out Mary’s outline.

“Mary, are you alright? You look very washed out.” I stepped through, concerned about her translucence. She opened her mouth but then she was gone.

I stepped into the kitchen where Theo was sat at the table nursing a cup of tea.

“I just saw your mum, well kind of saw her, then she disappeared. Is she alright?”

“She’s worn herself out with busy-bodying. I had Margret and Dylan around earlier to discuss the next stages for Frankie’s treatment and what with that and rifling through your things while you were out, she’s expended too much energy.”

I saw Theo’s hair move slightly as if it had met a small breeze.

“Can’t clip me around the ear right now, can you, mother? Go and lie down for pity’s sake, woman.”

Frankie pulled out a chair facing Theo and sat down. “Have you been feeding me blood?”

Theo sighed. “Let me get you a drink of tea, Frankie, and I’ll explain everything. Coffee, Kim?”


Drinks in front of us, Theo sucked on his top lip for a moment and sighed.

“I was at a loss as to how to help you, Frankie, so I experimented. I knew that our talking could help in you coming to terms with your new existence, but every time I offered you a bottle of blood to drink you gagged which is most unusual. So, I talked to Dominica, one of the elders from the caves, and she said she’d come across a case like yours only once before and they’d decided to give small donations of the founding vampires blood to them in order to see if they could spark the usual change.”

“So you admit to giving me blood?”

“Yes, minute amounts, so my apologies about the sherry-cask. It was indeed what I said, but I also put in a few drops of this very powerful blood. Have you felt any different?”

“He’s not been quite as clingy.” I declared. "He stayed on a chair reading a book today. I managed to get quite a lot of work done. Also at times he was quite surly towards me. It’s all very encouraging.”

“Charming. Most women covet attention, you want me to be distant and insulting. No wonder you’re single.” Frankie huffed.

“See? He’s more like his old self.”

“That’s good news. So what we’ll do is keep on with the talking therapy and also a daily ration of the original source.”

“Why do I need shower gel?”

“Not that Original Source. Blood, you dummy.” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t want the blood. So forget offering me any more sherry-cask whiskey. I just can’t face it. I’m so not a vampire. Now can I have more of this Rosehip tea because it’s delightful. I’ve missed it since I no longer needed it as a magician to turn off my ‘turnip smell’ as you so-called it.”

“You like that?” Theo poured Frankie another mugful.

“It’s delicious. I love herbal teas. They’re far superior to English Breakfast or Earl Grey.” He drank his second cup down. “I can’t believe we’ve found something I like the taste of. Gosh, I’m really thirsty today. Did I read so much I forgot to drink?”

Theo filled him up a third time, and I tried so hard not to let a smirk reach my mouth but come on, it was impossible.

“What? What’s with your face?” Frankie huffed and turned to Theo. “Could you tell me the name of this particular brand? I want some for the office.”

“It’s English Breakfast mixed with, erm, original source.” Said Theo. “Mainly you’re drinking blood, Frankie. Now we need to go through to my office so we can work on you accepting that fact.”

“I’m—I’m—” Frankie looked down at his mug.

“You’re a vampire, dude.” I lifted my own coffee mug and chinked it against his glass.


Frankie was subdued when he returned with Theo to the living room later.

When Shelley opened a large packet of cheese and onion kettle chips and placed them in a bowl in the middle of the table, he didn’t try to eat any. I wish I could say the same myself but they are so more-ish and I must have eaten over half the packet easily, dipping my hand in for great handfuls until Shelley slapped my fingers away.

“When might you know if you’re pregnant?” I asked her, getting brave after drinking two glasses of wine.

“It can be anything from one week to five weeks apparently.”

“And how long are vampires pregnant for?”

“Around six months.” Theo said. “Obviously with our little mixed breed baby, we’re not altogether sure what’s going to happen. No one mixed a vampire with a half witch/half wyvern before to my knowledge.”

“It’s certainly not in the encyclopaedia,” nodded Frankie.

“Are you nervous?” I asked Shelley.

“Nah. I can’t think why anyone would be nervous about having a baby come out of their hoo haa. Especially when you’re a witch/wyvern cross, only learned that a few months ago and do not understand how that will impact on giving birth to a vampire’s baby. Not shitting myself AT ALL.”

“Well, there’s no need to be sarcastic. I was only showing interest.” I rolled my eyes at Theo.

“Could you possibly not say that you’re shitting yourself, darling? Apprehensive is such a better word.”

“Do you want me to insert a melon somewhere so you can practice what I have ahead of me?” She glared at her husband. “Oh it has gone very quiet in here now, hasn’t it?”

“I will care for you no matter how difficult it gets or how uncouth your mouth, my darling wife, of that you have my word.”

Frankie stretched out against the back of the sofa. “I’m thirsty. Do you have any more tea?”


The strangest thing happened the next day. As the sun rose I heard a groan. Startled, I turned to see Frankie dive under the duvet. “I’m knackered.” He said, and then, he fell asleep.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t get back to sleep myself. I sat up against the headboard, a bit uncomfortable that there was a vampire under the bedclothes.

“Oh, love, I’m sorry to disturb you. I didn’t think you were dating any more.” Came a whisper to my right.

I jumped, seeing Mary’s form.

“What are you talking about?”

“We didn’t do things like that in my day. It was very just do the deed and clothes back on, but I should think if the fella is busy down there under the sheets, the least you could do is act like you’re enjoying it.”

“Oh my God. Mary he’s not doing that! His vampire gene is kicking in a bit. He saw a little of the dawn and dived underneath. I should be so bloody lucky at getting any other action.”

“Oh, well, that’s alright then, I’m not disturbing anything after all.”

“Except for floating around my bedroom in the very early hours of the morning.”

“I like to check on everyone, make sure you’re all okay.”

I sat up and swung my legs out of bed. “Well, I might as well get up now. It’s not that long before my alarm’s due to go off, anyway.”

“I’ll make you a drink, shall I? Then I’ll come keep an eye on Frankie here.”

“Coffee would be lovely and would you?” I said, looking at the lump under the duvet, genuinely grateful that she’d look out for him.

“Of course. It’s what I would have done with Theo had he been around.” She screwed her face up. “No actually, I’d have tried to stake the little shit. It’s a good job I’ve had time to forgive him for the thirst that was beyond his control.”

I bit my lower lip. “I worry about Frankie. I know he’s not mine to worry about, but I’ve kind of been his guardian of late.”

“Well, I would guess by the fact he’s sleeping that he’s evolving now into a full vampire? I should imagine you’ll find it strange him not being by your side all the time.”

“Well, it’s early days so we’ll see how it goes.”

I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it. Probably a short sadness followed by a loud cheer and a party.

Downstairs, I had several cups of coffee and fixed myself a bacon butty, while I waited for Shelley to wake up.

She wandered into the room bleary-eyed at seven forty-five. Now I’d always been lairy with the time, but Shelley was always an early riser. Things had changed since she’d married a vampire.

Mary placed a coffee in her hand and Shelley slumped in a chair at the kitchen table. “I think I’m going to need to be turned soon.” She leaned over towards me and whispered. “It’s a bit much when your husband is at his brightest in the middle of the night and keeps you awake. No matter how nice it is, I still need some sleep. I can’t keep staying up til the early hours.”

“It must be difficult having a different sleep schedule?”

“Well, I guess it’s not any different from someone whose partner works night shifts, but just sometimes it would be nice to spend the whole day together.

“That’s ironic. We’re trying to get Frankie to become nocturnal when you’d like Theo to be able to come out in the day.”

We both looked at each other.

“Do you think there’s something in Frankie’s body that might be found, some DNA or something, that could be looked at by scientists to see if a vaccine could be made? Maybe vampires could start being around in the day time?” Shelley said, looking quite excited.

“That’s what Theo said happened to the last vampire like Frankie.” Mary said refilling our cups. “They dismembered and tortured them trying to find a cure for daytime slumber.”

We looked at her in shock.

“I may have overheard that when he was talking to your parents about Frankie.” She said.

“I never thought of that. It would put him in extreme danger if people found out. It’s better that he carries on being given blood and we try to turn him fully.” Shelley said.

“Right, have a good day ladies. I’m off to keep an eye on Frankie. I’ll hit the burglar alarm if there’s a problem. That will ring your phone won’t it, lovey?” She said to Shelley, who nodded.

“What will you do about the agency when you’re turned? You’ll not be able to work during the day.” I asked her.

“Oh, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I’ve enough to think about now with the prospect of potentially being pregnant. It’s a shame though about the fact Frankie could be put in danger because of his current ability. Life would be a lot easier if vampires could keep the same hours as humans.”

A crash came from near the kitchen window and we rushed over to see what it was. “Umm, there’s nothing there.” I said.

Shelley went out of the front door and looked around, then an angry expression crossed her face and she stormed back in.

“For a winter’s day it was awfully warm out there under the window.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning that whatever was there either carried their own radiator or came from a very hot place.”

“Lucy?” I said. “What would she be doing here?”

“Not Lucy.” Shelley replied. “Satan. I’ve had my suspicions that he keeps hanging around. It would appear he can’t accept that he needs to stay downstairs.”

“She means Hell, not the basement.” said Mary, reappearing.

“Hmm, I wonder what he’s up to?” I said.

“Down to, more like.” Corrected Mary.


It was so peculiar not having company at work. I kept speaking to the corner of the office and then realising that Frankie wasn’t there. I did however get lots of work done and answered an email that congratulated the agency on its ability to bring love to the supernaturals of Withernsea. Hopefully it wouldn’t be long before I got my first wedding invitation as a thanks for my matchmaking abilities.

It was around three-fifty pm when I heard a loud bang at the back door, an earsplitting screech and I only had time to realise the door had flown open when I found myself pinned against the wall, vampire fangs descended and touching my neck.

My body froze in shock. The last time I’d been bitten was by the Devil disguised as a vampire and he’d almost killed me.

“Frankie. Frankie don’t do it. Please, just take a step back. You don’t want to feed on someone without their permission, right?”

He licked up the outside of my neck.

“But your blood is singing to me, Kim. Maybe just a little taste?”

His teeth punctured the skin, eliciting a sharp scratch like that from a needle, but then adrenaline flooded my veins and as I heard him suck, my legs turned to jelly and my body craved his touch. I wanted him to feed from me; so I could keep feeling the euphoria racing through my body.

Then Frankie wasn’t there anymore, and I hit the ground hard, landing on my bony ass.

“Ow.” I said rubbing my neck.

Although I found it difficult with the buzz in my system that was spacing me out, I saw that Shelley was now in the room. Her eyes shone silver blue and all I could think was ‘whoa’, whatever drug I’d had was really fucking trippy. Frankie was pinned against the wall wrapped in silver blue webs as Shelley’s raised hands were held open in front of him.

“Are you okay, Kim?” She asked me.

“Yeah, why, what happened?”

“Frankie escaped the house and decided you were dinner. I knew something was amiss as the house alarm went off and rang my phone.”

“God, I was only having a sip. I was in control.” He said.

“Did Kim give you permission to drink?” She turned to me. “Shit, was I disturbing something?”

“No.” I said as the shock hit and I realised what had just happened. “Fuck, he bit me. Shelley he bit me. What if he’d have killed me?”

She looked at her watch. “I’ll ring Theo. He should be up now. We need him here fast.” She said.