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Accidental Valentine: A Bad Boy Romance by Sienna Ciles (26)

Chapter 4


For a rich, handsome, playboy kind of guy, Alex sure seemed really down-to-earth. By the third or fourth glass of wine, I was damned-near putty in his hands. He really did show me a great time and he kept complimenting my eyes, my smile, and my legs, which made me feel sexier and more appealing than I had felt in quite a long time. He even bought me dinner—something ridiculously expensive that I can’t even begin to even pronounce but it was the most delicious, delectable meal I’d ever eaten.

After my fifth glass of wine, we took a romantic stroll around Central Park. It was actually a pretty warm night for early April in New York but when he saw me rubbing my arms from the slight chill of the night air, he took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. He stopped to pick a flower out of one of the flower beds in the park and put it in my hair.

“Was that corny?” he asked me with a grin.

“It was actually really sweet,” I told him pleasantly.

“There’s a spot in this city that I personally feel is one of the most amazing views of the entire area,” he said softly. “It’s absolutely incredible. I would really like to show it to you.”

I was having such an enjoyable time in his company that I honestly wasn’t ready for our evening to end. The shy, sheltered part of me wanted to say no, but then the words of my best friend Joana suddenly crept into my head:

You need to go out and enjoy yourself! Have some fun for once in your life, goddamnit!

Before I even had a chance to answer, he was already leading me toward the front of the restaurant.

“Black Rolls Royce,” I heard him tell the valet standing just outside the entrance.

Holy shit! This guy must really be loaded. Black card, $500 bottles of white wine, $150 dinner, and he drives a black Rolls Royce? This is almost too good to be true.

In the back of my mind, I was thinking about how Joana would be reacting if I’d told her about Alex. She would be in my ear telling me to take a chance and that this could possibly be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The valet pulled his car up and handed him his keys. Then he opened the door for me and I climbed into the passenger seat.

I had never in my life been inside of a Rolls Royce. It was quite impressive. He had a customized leather interior with all of the bells and whistles you could imagine. It was almost like riding inside of a mini-limousine.

“Are you comfortable?” he asked, glancing over at me with his deep, seductively captivating blue eyes. I nodded and flashed him a warm smile. He stepped on the gas and we were off into the night.

Less than fifteen minutes later, we pulled up into the parking garage of an incredibly fancy, glamorous-looking high-rise building. I was completely and totally astonished when I saw it. It was so tall—I mean, it looked like there were literally like a hundred fucking floors, at least. Standing outside the front of the building, I couldn’t even see all the way up to the top floor from the ground.

“Usually, there’s a doorman here,” Alex said as he opened the front door to the building. “But he leaves in the evening.”

He held the door for me as I walked inside and then I followed him over to the elevator. The lobby was exquisitely decorated with stone statues and a huge chandelier on the ceiling. I could tell right away that this had to be a building where very affluent people lived.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we stepped onto the elevator.

“It’s a surprise,” he said sweetly, taking me by the hand.

“All right,” she said. “I just need to call my friend and let her know where I am, and who I’m with,” she said.

I gave her space to make her call, and tried not to eavesdrop. When we got off the elevator, we were on the top floor of the building.

“Okay, now close your eyes,” he said sternly.

“Really? Why?” I asked with a giggle.

“Because, like I said—it’s a surprise,” he explained.

“Okay,” I said, closing my eyes.

He led me down a hall and around a few corners. I kept giggling and he kept telling me not to peek. I assured him that I wasn’t peeking. Eventually, he opened a door and I could feel the wind blowing. I knew we were outside again.

“What’s going on?” I asked, walking slowly out into the night air.

“Not yet,” he said. “Just a little further.”

We took a few more steps and finally, he let go of my hand and told me I could open my eyes.

“Oh, my God!” I exclaimed as soon as I opened them. We were standing out on some kind of veranda on the roof. The view of the city was absolutely breathtaking!

“Nice, right?” he said, glancing over at me.

I cupped my hands to my face and my mouth dropped open.

“It’s beautiful!”

I had never seen the city from so high up and it was truly spectacular. I could literally see for miles. Nightfall had arrived and the entire city was lit up like the fourth of July. The brightness from the windows of the tall, elegant buildings illuminated the night sky and the headlights of the vehicles driving around on the streets below added even more radiance to the sight.

“I come out here sometimes just to clear my head,” he explained.

“Thank you,” I said, looking over at him adoringly.

“For what?” he asked, moving in closer to me.

“For keeping your word. You really did give me a date I’ll never forget,” I told him. I meant every word.

He pulled me in closer to him and the intoxicating scent of his cologne filled my nostrils. Completely entranced by the moment, I wrapped my arms around his neck and our lips met. He was a wonderful kisser. I parted my lips willingly as our kiss deepened and his tongue slid into my mouth. I let out a soft moan as he pulled me closer and his hands found the small of my back.

“Stay with me tonight,” he said.

I wasn’t sure if it was a question or a command but at that moment, I no longer cared.

“Okay,” I said softly.

He swept me up in his arms and carried me back to the elevator. A few minutes later, we were in his condo.

His place was immaculate. He had a huge television—it had to be at least seventy or eighty inches—in his living room, and a black leather living room set with matching tables and lamps. His large, spacious kitchen featured an island with a marble countertop and matching stools and a flat-top electric stove with black lights hanging down from the ceiling. It was definitely the ultimate bachelor pad of a wealthy businessman. I’d never seen anything like it before.

He led me to his bedroom, where he had a king-sized bed and black and platinum bedroom furniture. There was another big flat-screen television on the wall across the room and an extravagant glow-in-the-dark fish tank with exotic aquatic inhabitants swimming around inside.

It was mind-blowing. I couldn’t help but think about how nice it must be to come home to such beautiful, elegant surroundings.

“Your place is absolutely gorgeous,” I told him with a huge grin.

“Thanks. I’m glad you like it. Would you like another glass of wine?” he asked.

“Sure,” I replied as I plopped down on his bed.

He poured glasses of wine for both of us and came over and sat next to me. “Do you want some music to listen to?”


“What kind of music do you like?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. I like R&B,” I said. It seemed so strange that I was in the penthouse of a guy I’d just met. We barely knew each other, to the point I had to tell him what kind of music I liked. It was too weird.

Picking up a black remote control, he pressed a button and the lights in the room immediately dimmed. He fiddled again with the remote, and slow rhythm and blues began to play.

As I sipped my wine, I looked around in awe, taking in my surroundings and losing myself in the moment.

“You really are a beautiful, intriguing woman, Holly,” Alex said, looking deeply into my eyes.

I wasn’t sure if he was just saying what he thought I wanted to hear, but I was totally caught up in it all. I took his glass and mine and set them down on the nightstand beside the bed and pulled him closer to me. Our lips touched again and it was like a thousand bolts of electricity shot through my body.

Completely enthralled by his energy and the romantic vibe between us, I lost myself in his kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and we fell back onto the bed. I let myself thoroughly succumb to his touch and his kiss and he climbed on top of me, running his hands up and down my body.

“Oh, Holly, I want you,” he mumbled softly between kisses.

“I want you, too,” I said breathily, pressing my lips back against his.

He reached back and slid the zipper of my dress down. I unbuttoned his silk shirt and pulled it off his shoulders. As we undressed one another, we kissed passionately. Our tongues intertwined as our mouths muffled out moans of passion and desire for each other.

He slid my dress down over my shoulders and past my hips and I unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his legs. His body was amazing and so fucking sexy. I ran my hands over his muscular, toned upper body and eight-pack abs. He sighed at the feel of my hands against his skin and I moaned as he trailed kisses from my mouth, down my neck until his lips found my breasts.

A soft groan escaped my lips as his tongue traced circles around my pert, erect nipples and I ran my fingers through his thick dark hair as his hand traveled down my belly and slid into my satin panties. I arched my back as I felt his fingertips against my nub, applying just the right amount of pressure to set my entire body on fire.

The music continued to play in the background as he trailed more kisses down to my navel and then slid my panties down over my hips. His mouth found my center, causing cry after cry of pleasure to escape my lips. It had been so long since a man had touched me so intimately, and Alex’s technique was second-to-none.

I threw my head back and gripped the sheets as he pushed my legs back and used his tongue to bring me closer and closer to an intense, powerful orgasm.

“Oh, Alex!” I cried out in passion as his fingers slid deeper into me, pressing against my walls while his tongue simultaneously flicked against my sweet spot.

“Mmm, Holly, you taste incredible,” he said softly against my folds.

I was just about to reach my peak when he suddenly stopped. Panting hard, I gasped as I lifted my head to look downward to see what he was doing. He had a wrapped condom in his hand and he quickly bit it open with his teeth. I was glad that at least one of us had a clear enough head to think about safe sex, because I was so far gone that it hadn’t even crossed my mind that I hadn’t been on birth control since my ex and I had broken up.

He pulled the condom over his length, and I realized how long and thick his manhood was. I wondered if I was going to be able to take it all, especially since it had been such a long time since I’d had sex.

“Holly, you’re so wet for me,” he whispered in my ear as he spread my thighs open and pressed his erection against my slit.

He gripped my breast with one hand and used his other hand to guide himself to my opening. I let out another gasp as I felt him slide into me, slowly at first, pushing deeper inside of me, little by little, until he couldn’t go any further He groaned in my ear as he filled me up with his length, and it turned me on to no end.

“Holly, you feel incredible,” he whispered against my neck. All I could do was moan unintelligibly at the amount of sheer pleasure he was giving me.

He started thrusting into me, speeding up his rhythm, and then slowing it down, cupping my buttocks. I cried out in delight as he plunged into me over and over again, lifting my hips and forcing himself even deeper. I called out his name as I arched my back and covered his neck in kisses.

My whole body began to tremble uncontrollably as he brought me right up to my peak and then sent me over the edge. I cried out loudly as I climaxed hard and fierce, and my entire body tensed up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my orgasm completely took hold of me and he squeezed me tightly in his arms, thrusting deeper into me and making me scream with overwhelming pleasure.

As my climax finally started to wane, my body relaxed and I sighed deeply. Alex looked down at me with an expression of pride on his handsome face.

We made love for at least another hour and in nearly every position imaginable before he was finally ready to explode. He came inside me, filling the condom with his essence as he gripped my ass from behind and groaned loudly, calling my name over and over. It was such a turn-on that I climaxed yet again, for the third time that night. His body tensed up for a moment and then he finally relaxed and collapsed on top of me, breathing a sigh of extreme satisfaction.

* * * * *

The rays of the morning sun hit my cheeks and caused me to awaken from my deep, comfortable slumber. I opened my eyes and looked around, squinting slightly from the brightness of the sun peeking through the open blinds of Alex’s bedroom window.

I sat up, holding the covers to my chest as I realized that Alex was no longer in bed beside me. That’s when it hit me and I realized exactly what I’d done. As I stood up and began to dress, I noticed a piece of paper sitting on the nightstand beside the bed. Picking it up, I saw that it was addressed to me.


I’m sorry I had to run to the office early this morning but I didn’t want to wake you. If you happen to wake up while I’m gone, I wanted you to know that I’ll be back as soon as I can!


Typical. I slid my panties up over my hips.

This situation reminded me so much of my ex that it almost made me sick to my stomach. The main reason that he and I had broken up was because he could never put me before his job. A part of me felt like I shouldn’t even make a big deal out of things, though, because it wasn’t like we were actually together or anything. It had just been a one-night fling, really. A totally amazing one-night fling, but a fling nonetheless.

I quickly finished dressing, gathered my things, and headed out the door.

As I was making my way out of the building, I noticed an older portly gentleman dressed in a red bellhop outfit with gold trim standing just outside.

“Good morning, madam,” the bellhop said to me with a genuine-looking smile.

“Um, good morning,” I replied nervously.

“I’m George. George Worthington, the building bellhop. Can I help you to your vehicle, ma’am?” he asked kindly.

“Oh…oh, no, I uh, I didn’t drive here,” I replied, suddenly realizing that I didn’t have a way back to my vehicle, which was parked all the way back in the Lovehouse restaurant parking lot.

Just then, Alex came walking up.

Perfect timing.

“Hey, Holly. Did you get my note?” he asked as a sweet smile spread across his prince-like face.

“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did,” I said, reaching up to scratch my head awkwardly.

“Well, where’re you headed off to so fast?” he asked.

“I, um, kind of got a thing? And I have to go home and get ready for it,” I replied uneasily.

“Oh, okay, well, I guess I’ll see you later, then,” he said amiably, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. “George, please have my driver take her back to her car in one of the limos.”

“Right away, sir,” George replied.




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