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Accidentally Yours by Ames, Ilsa (20)



Time passed, the leg brace came off, I learned to walk with a soft cast and crutches, and I was even able to go back to work at last.

I went back to brunette. And really, that felt like I was finding the real me again.

I struggled a lot because I had to relearn everything at my office all over again, even though only two months had passed since my accident. I couldn’t remember anything about what had happened, my life before, or how to do my job. Tiago saw that I’d had enough and took me away for the weekend. A mountain ranch retreat, with horses, trails, and lots of peace and quiet.

He did whatever it took to keep me calm and happy, and I loved him for it. He’d brought me up to the mountains to the ranch for a chance to get away. And even if I couldn’t ride at all with being pregnant and all, it was still so beautiful to be away from it all. Plus, there were plenty of hiking trails, and I could still do that, as long as we stuck to the easy routes.

On our second afternoon, Tiago took me to one of the stables, where the handler smiled and nodded, telling us to take our time with the horses as she took her leave. Again, I couldn’t ride, but I knew this was Tiago’s way of letting me get close to the gorgeous animals. I moved close to one—a mare who’s name according to the handler was “Fancy”.

“Hey there, Fancy,” I said softly, moving towards her stall.

But the big horse snorted as I got close, and when she twirled sideways and knocked against her stall door, I gasped in surprise, jumping back. My feet tangled, and my heart leapt into my throat as I tripped backwards off my feet.

But Tiago caught me with his arms to steady me and for a moment he held me there. He inhaled the scent of my hair as he pulled me tight to his body. We haven’t been fully intimate since my accident, but we’ve come close. We wanted to take it slow, to relearn what it was to want each other, so we’d both agreed, only when the time was right.

Now, his lips brushed at my right ear and I wondered what it was like to make love in a barn. He picked me up in strong arms, carried me to a pile of hay, and spread out a blanket he’d found. We were the only guests that weekend and the staff didn’t come out during the afternoon, so I knew we were safe. Kind of. That gave me a thrill I didn’t quite understand, but let it go.

“Do you want me to tell you about our honeymoon, June? What got you off the hardest while we were there?”

I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him deeply. My leg was still in a brace, but it wasn’t so painful anymore and I had most of my mobility back. I wanted him, and I knew I was finally ready to have him. I’d waited for weeks now, I’d wanted him with a desire that only grew stronger with each day that passed.

“Tell me, Tiago,” I breathed.

“Fuck, June,” he groaned into me. “We were on the beach, in Hawaii, and the sun, the breeze, and probably the drink you’d had, got you so fucking turned on. Too turned on to wait to get back to the room.”

I swallowed, the breath lingering in my throat as my eyes widened. “We had sex on the beach?” I pulled back, shock mixed with laughter in my eyes.

“Not quite, but you came so hard.”

His lips trailed down my neck, his breath hot on my skin. “People could have seen you too, baby. There was a curtain. I know you don’t remember, but there was a thin white curtain around the day bed on the beach. Some privacy, but not complete. And when I slid my hands all over you, you wanted it even more because of it.”

He growled, his hands trailing over me as I gasped.

“Anyone could have seen you, angel. Anyone could have seen you when I made you come so hard on my fingers.”

“Oh fuck,” I gasped, feeling my walls clench in response to his words.

“I stroked your tight little pussy until you came so good for me, and fuck did it make me hard making you squirm and come like that.”

“I—I wish I remembered that,” I whimpered

I couldn’t remember any of it, though.

Tiago’s fingers trailed down the sharp line of my jaw before he kissed me. “You made me so hard that day. You were down on your front, in the sand, and I’d just put oil all over you so your skin gleamed in the sunlight. I slid my hand around your front, down into your bottoms, and you were wet before I even got my fingers inside of you.”

My eyes were wide, I knew they were, as I waited for him to go on. Tiago moved, his hips pressed into mine, until I felt how hard he was as he pressed into my center. I inhaled deep and filled me senses with his scent. He smelled like spices, of warm, wonderful things that made me melt. I had already melted for him, though, I felt the pool of it between my thighs as a heat that nearly burned me. I pressed my hips up, I wanted so much more of what he had to offer. I wanted the kind of sex he whispered about now, the kind that was so good, but so dirty. I craved it from him.

That’s when his lips pressed down into mine and my thoughts flew away. His lips caressed mine and all that existed was him.

I felt his hands cup gently at my breasts, before he teased my nipples into tight peaks in my bra. I cried out in protest when he stopped the kiss and he moved.

His fingers enticed my eyes to follow his movements as he pulled my shirt away and his lips pushed my bra aside. He teased me, inhaled the scent between my cleavage, rubbed his lips over the inner curve of each one. I was ready to scream by the time his mouth sucked my left nipple deep into his wet, hot mouth.

I arched up into that wet heat. His lips sucked at me and I went wild as shocks of pleasure bolted down to my clit. I pulled at his clothes, he pushed at mine, both desperate to touch bare flesh.

“I need you, Tiago, don’t make me wait. Please, baby, now.” I begged, unashamed if it led me to the point where I got to feel him inside of me. I didn’t care about foreplay right now; I just needed to feel his hard length as he opened my body.

“There’s my girl, my hungry, dirty girl.” He had a smirk in his voice, but I didn’t care as his lips locked onto mine. He pulled me tight to his body with his hands on my hips and teased me with a slow grind for a moment.

He removed my clothes slowly, he explored each inch revealed with his mouth, his fingers, and his eyes. I was already on fire, and even with the awkwardness of taking my loose pants off over my brace, I was beyond control. I would have pushed him back and sank myself down on his cock if he hadn’t spread my thighs a little wider, taken himself in hand, and guided his thick cock to me. I swiveled my hips, desperate, far more than eager, to take him deep inside.

He took my jaw in his hand and held my head still, stopped the way I’d thrashed it around, to look straight into my eyes as he thrust every inch of his thick cock straight into me. “Tiago…”

It was a moan of pleasure, of need for more, for all of him. We moved slowly in time together at first, my legs out behind him but bent at the knees, but then we moved faster. It felt too good for slow and easy. This was passion and desire that had been caged for weeks unleashed at last.

He was my husband, I was pregnant with his baby, but for me, this was our first time all over again. I knew his body from our play before, but the sensation of his body in mine was brand new. Yet, it was also deliciously familiar.

“Fuck, June, you’re so beautiful.” The words came from between clenched teeth as I moved with him, my slick walls more than happy to grasp at his thick length.

“I’ve waited so long to have you like this again, June.” His eyes captured mine as we moved together. “I almost died waiting for you.”

“You missed me?”

“Fuck, you know I did. Every fucking day, June,” he groaned, making us both cry out as he slid deep inside.

“Did you…” I blushed, the words hanging on my lips. “Did you miss me, though?”

I arched one brow, biting my lip as the blush spread across my face. Tiago’s jaw clenched, and I knew he understood what I was saying.

“You want to know if my cock missed you too, angel? That it? You want to know how fucking hard I was missing this sweet pussy, and those gorgeous lips of yours. How much my balls ached for you?”

He thrust deep, and I moaned as I felt him fill me so perfectly.

“You want to know about how I’ve stroked my big cock since I’ve found you again? Fuck, baby. I know we had to go slow, and I was never going to rush you. But ever since you fell back into my world, I can’t stop myself. With you here but not with me—without the feel of that perfect, tight little pussy sliding down my cock, it’s been like sweet agony. Fuck, June. I’ve been so hard thinking about you and wanting you that I’ve wrapped my hand around my cock and stroked it until I’ve come all over my hand so many times.”

That nearly sent me over the edge. There was something hot about the knowledge that he couldn’t control himself, that he’d had to pleasure himself, because of me. My lips parted, and my breath came faster as I let the passion take over. Tiago throbbed deep inside of me and I wanted more.

“And how’s reality measuring up to the fantasy?” I breathed, my eyes on his.

“You blow the fantasy out of the water, June,” he growled. His fingers gripped tightly into my hips so that he could slam into me harder, and we both grunted with pleasure.

“Fuck me right, Tiago, and you might get to do it all over again.” I promised him, and his eyes burned with a deeper fire, with a thrill that I knew only I could give him.

Tiago leaned down and his teeth bit into my shoulder, followed by a kiss that soothed the skin. He nipped at my shoulder again as his hands went beneath my ass, his fingers dug into the crevice and found my other entrance and I gasped. Was he going to touch me there? Had we done that before? Was I the kind of woman that enjoyed that too?

He pulled me up tightly, my ass off the blanket now, and I began to move on him, my feet dug into the hay as we moved together.

“Oh, I’ll fuck you right, June. I’ll fuck you whenever you want, wherever you want, and however you want it. All you have to do is tell me.”

I laughed from pure delight and love for him as he leaned back enough to encircle a nipple, my hips nonstop in their dance on his shaft.

My hips swung, I picked up the pace, fanned our pleasure ever higher, unconcerned with my leg or anything else because my mind was filled with nothing except Tiago.

“Fuck, just like that, beautiful. Fuck that big cock just like that. I want to feel you let go, baby. I want to feel your tight little pussy come for me.” He gasped as I squeezed around him, just that close to release.

“All of it.” I gasped the words out as his mouth and fingers worked my body into a frenzy, my own movements drove my clit into his pelvis, until I could only gasp as my world rocked away from me.

I felt his fingers on my ass as they gripped tighter, before one finger pushed into the secret hidden place there, and I felt my pussy spasm hard and fast as I fell over the edge. Something bigger was there, though, something stronger waited for me.

“All of it, Tiago, all of it is for you.” I wasn’t even aware I’d said the words but heard his grunt of response. His finger had stilled, but now I pushed down and felt the tip of his finger slide deeper into my ass.

I thrust onto Tiago’s cock and his finger, with another wave of pleasure that still wasn’t quite the end of it. I wanted it, I wanted what waited on that edge I hadn’t quite been driven to yet. I wanted it all.

I contracted, became a speck of light, before I burst and my body convulsed in pleasure as Tiago gasped above me.

Just like that, June. Come for me, baby. Let it all go and fucking come for me.” He urged me on, but I didn’t need it, I was already there.

This was the final puzzle piece, this explosion of pleasure that steals every thought from your head, only to allow all of the memories to come back at once. As I screamed my pleasure, as Tiago groaned my name as he exploded inside of me.

…And my memory returned, like a bang.

I clawed into his back to hang on, pleasure gripped me to put the memories on hold. I had my husband back, I had me back, and this is where we belonged. He panted my name over and over as he came within me, and each pant sent me into another spiral of pleasure. I felt as if I’d turn inside out from it all, that my body and his would really become one as my body swallowed his.

This was my husband, and finally, I was his wife again.