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Ace of Harts by Dani René (6)

Triston and I were seated in business class waiting to take off. His mood was better than it had been the past few days. He turned to smile at me as the flight attendant went through the final checks. I was happy to have a window seat, at least it would distract me from Triston. The excitement of being away for a few days was tangible. Soon Triston and I were giggling about shapes in the clouds. As relaxed as we both were, the sexual tension was still thick in the air between us. I have wanted to go to LA since I was a teenager and now another one of my dreams was realized, thanks to Triston. The flight attendant brought us each a glass of champagne. I sipped mine slowly, I skipped breakfast. I was too nervous at the thought of seeing Triston again. He made me feel like a teenager in love for the first time. The magnetic pull of his body next to mine was distracting. He was wearing a casual pair of black slacks and a silver/blue shirt. The first four buttons were undone and I got a glimpse of his tattoo. I yearned to run my fingers over it. I was still so confused about Bash’s lie about working. I gave him a chance to tell me something and he didn’t. I was angry. I knew I needed to concentrate on work these next few days, I wanted to show Triston we make a good team.

I took a gulp of champagne, the bubbles went straight to my head and made me feel dizzy. I needed to take it slow. Triston turned towards me. “A toast, to our first official business trip,” he smiled sincerely and I clinked his glass. Taking another sip, I definitely started to feel the effects of the champagne. I needed to get something to eat.

As if reading my mind, Triston called the flight attendant over, “Can I get you anything Mr Hart?” she fluttered her eyelashes. Jealousy boiled inside me with such ferocity that shocked me. He smiled confidently. He knew the effect he had on women and he enjoyed the control it gave him. “My girlfriend would like a sandwich and one for myself, please? Vegetarian, vegan if you’ve got.” Her face fell at the mention of the word girlfriend. She walked off with a sour look on her face.

“Girlfriend?” I stared at him in disbelief, he smiled and nodded.

“I needed to get her off my back, she was annoying me.” He shrugged and carried on typing his email as if he had just said the most natural thing in the world. I stared at him for a few moments before starting with my interrogation. “Triston, you mentioned you had a brother?”

He stopped typing but didn’t look at me, “Yes?” he said cautiously.

“Well, I was wondering—” I played with the stem of my glass. I didn’t know what I wanted to ask or how to even ask it.

He turned cutting me off, “Are you going to ask if I know you’re fucking my brother?” My mouth fell open at his blatant honesty. I wasn’t sure if I nodded in response, but he carried on.

“I do realize that Miss Reid, I am not happy about it, you need to stay away from him.”

I frowned at him, “What do you mean? Why?” He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath he looked at me directly. The blue of his eyes intense in the dim light of the plane. There was something he wasn’t saying, it played across his handsome face. “If I show you something, I want you to take it and decide for yourself. I can’t tell you to stay away from him. You are stubborn that much is clear. So I am giving you the proof you need to make up your own mind. I would never hurt you in anyway if we were to… Anyway, if you want to be with him, I will wait till he fucks up and then I will be here to put you back together.”

I stared at him. How did he know Bash would hurt me? He couldn’t know about the text message. They were brothers, maybe Bash has done that before and Triston knew. “What makes you think your brother would hurt me?”

He put his finger to his lips, “Miss Reid, keep your voice down.” He gave me the softest and sweetest smile I had ever seen on his beautiful face. “This is what makes me think he will hurt you.” He turned the laptop towards me. There was a photo of Bash in a Brazilian restaurant sitting next to a girl wearing next to nothing. I stared at the photo then looked at Triston, “How did you find this?” He closed his eyes, a serious expression burdened his beautiful features. “I have looked into my brother because I knew you were dating him. I knew from the first night you went to the bar in Brooklyn. He’s done this in the past and I didn’t want you to be another one of his fuck toys!” Anger flashed in his eyes and I shivered, I had never seen him so angry.

“Triston… I am sure there is an explanation for this?” I pointed at the screen, but even as the words left my mouth I didn’t believe them.

He turned to me, “Really? He is fucking around on the most beautiful woman to grace his presence. Now you’re telling me there’s an explanation? Excuse me!” He got up and walked to the restrooms. I gasped at his words. He just called me beautiful. My heart raced and I felt a blush on my cheeks. I pulled his laptop over to my tray and looked at the photo, the caption mentioned his name as well.


Sebastian Hart, owner of Tribal Fuel on vacation with beautiful Shantay, model, and actress.


It’s her! He was all over her, there was no denying that they were together. I couldn’t stand to look at the photo for another minute. I minimized the browser window, there was a document open behind it. I knew I shouldn’t snoop, but my curiosity got the better of me. What do they say curiosity killed the cat? Yup, that cat is me! The words I read brought tears to my eyes, my heart hammered in my chest. The pain in the poem was clear, the words tugged at my heart and I wanted so much to just hold Triston at that moment.


Not being allowed to touch you is complete torture.

I would rather just kiss you than to pretend I don’t want you,

I have been fidgeting all day.

I can’t stop tapping my fingers.

It feels like I want to scratch at my skin when you're not around.

I am coming down from a high, that’s exactly what it feels like.

You are a drug I have become addicted to and it hurts that I can’t be with you.

The only thing that satiates the craving is your laugh, your smile, and your words.

It’s so hard not to be with you


I wonder who he was talking about? It was so beautiful. I looked up startled and saw his eyes blazing, “What are you doing?” He grabbed his laptop and closed it. I sat back, giving him a small shrug. Our eyes locked and the electricity sparked between us. “Nothing, I just closed the photo and then, there it was…” I motioned to his laptop. I was completely lost for words. He slid back into his seat and put his hand on my knee, giving it a small squeeze. “Don’t do that again, please? It is private.” I saw the pain behind his pleading gaze. I wanted to hold him, I wanted to feel him against me and kiss him so much it hurt.

I looked into his intense stare, “Why? Who is it for?” I asked. His gaze burned into me, he shook his head. The flight attendant arrived with our sandwiches.  Took her long enough, I thought angrily. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Bash.


*Hey babe, just saying hi! B*


I hit reply, I wasn’t in the mood for his lies right now, I felt the anger flare in my stomach.


*Did you have fun with Shantay in Brazil?*


My phone rang, Bash’s name flashed on the screen, I hit the cancel button. My phone rang again;I was simmering watching his name flash on my screen. “Answer it, I am intrigued to hear what he is going to say,” Triston whispered in my ear, as angry as I was his breath sent shivers through me. I looked at Triston in complete shock. He nodded. “Hello?” Immediately I was sorry I even checked my phone, I wasn’t in the mood for this.

“Babe, look it’s not what it looks like, we just posed for a photo.” He pleaded like a guilty man. Why is it never what it looks like? It was captured on camera.

“That wasn’t a posed shot and she has your number too. Do not lie to me, Bash.” Triston looked at me then, he shook his head. He opened his laptop and messaged someone on his IM, a reply pinged and he turned the screen towards me. There was another photo, not taken by media, it was a PI photo. I read Triston’s message to the unknown contact, “Show her the other pics.”

Another pic came through, “Babe? You there?” Bash’s voice was strained; he knew he had been caught. The second photo even more incriminating than the last. Shantay was sitting on Bash’s lap, his hand between her upper thighs. “Bash, don’t call me again.” I hung up before he could say anything. Tears stung my eyes. Triston closed his laptop, he lifted the armrest between our seats and pulling me to him. My phone started ringing again, Triston held out his hand, “Give it to me now!” He ordered, his voice was a low whisper. I passed it to him.

He answered the call, “What do you want? She told you not to call.” I couldn’t hear what Bash was saying, but it sounded like he was shouting. “Dear brother, if you come near her again, you will have me to answer to. Do you understand me.” It wasn’t a question and he didn’t wait for a reply, he powered off my phone.

He kissed my head softly, “It will be okay… You’re with me.” I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I didn’t care. I just enjoyed the closeness he offered.




“You definitely need to fix it!” Triston shouted at the receptionist. We were standing at the reception desk of the stunning Sofitel Hotel; Triston was not happy. Mr Jacobson’s assistant booked us into a suite instead of booking two separate rooms. Running his fingers through his hair I could tell he was exasperated at the situation. I tugged on his arm turning him to face me, “It’s okay, it’s only for a few days. Let’s just take it.” I was tired and all I could think of was a hot shower.

When his eyes met mine I could see he was tired as well. “Are you sure?” I nodded. He turned back to the trembling receptionist. “Check us in, and give me two key cards, I apologize for the scene.” She nodded quickly and continued with the check in process. Placing two key cards on the desk she gave him a meek smile. Triston grabbed the key cards and nodded, “Thank you.” Grabbing the handle of his suitcase he turned to hand me one of the cards. I wasn’t sure why he got two. It wasn’t like I was going anywhere without him.

“My apologies for the confusion Mr Hart,” she mumbled, he grabbed our bags. He looked at me with those steel-blue eyes, “Let’s go beautiful.” My stomach fluttered at his words. Since the argument on the plane and Bash being a complete jerk, Triston was so attentive. More than he normally is. It’s strange to see how quickly his moods change, it was like flipping a coin. I wonder what went on in that beautiful mind? At the elevator, I pressed the call button and stood back. I blushed thinking about the last time I was in an elevator with him. When the car arrived, we stepped inside, “Floor?” I looked at him.

“We’re on 6,” his voice soft and deep. We were sharing a room for 3 days, the thought made my heart race. My stomach fluttered at the thought of seeing Triston in nothing but his towel. I smiled and looked at the carpet in the elevator. “A penny for your thoughts?” His deep voice startling me out of my wayward thoughts.

I shook my head, “Just excited to be here.” Biting my lip to keep from bursting into fits of giggles, I looked up at him. His eyes darkened falling on my mouth.

“You need to stop doing that Miss Reid.” His control faltering, his scratchy voice pulling at my core. I didn’t even realize I was doing anything. I don’t do it on purpose, but it made me smile that I had such an effect on him.

The elevator pinged and the doors slid open. We stepped into the hallway and turned to our right. Walking passed a few doors on either side, we reached our room. Triston slid the key card in and opened the door, holding it open for me. The room was beautiful, the balcony had a view of the ocean and the city below. The room was beautiful. With deep browns and blues, it felt relaxing and I was looking forward to doing just that. There was beautiful dark wood furniture which gave to the relaxing ambiance of the room. There was a spacious living room area with a sofa, table, and television cabinet. The separate bedroom was huge with an en-suite bathroom and balcony door which overlooked the ocean. I did notice that there was one king size bed. My body trembled at the thought of sleeping next to Triston. With the deep-rooted tension between us I could tell this was going to be interesting. Would he finally let me in? Is there actually a chance for us? My heart hoped for a chance.

“I will take the sofa; you have the bed. I am so sorry they fucked up the rooming arrangements.”

I shrugged, putting on a calm exterior hoping he would relax about it too. “No Triston, we’re adults and it’s a huge bed.” He looked at me with those beautiful sparkling eyes and gave a brief nod. “We can talk about it later.” His cool control back in full force.




An hour later we were in a silver Mercedes SUV. Mr Jacobson had his driver pick us up to escort us to the Jacobson mansion in the Hollywood Hills. We pulled up to large ornate black gates that opened slowly. Allowing access to the most beautiful sprawling mansion I had ever seen. I gasped, Triston grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. He leaned down and whispered, “Welcome to the other side Miss Reid.” I felt a shiver on my skin from his warm breath. My hand tingled at his touch and I savored the feeling. I was conscious of the need I felt to have his warm soft hands on me and how I ached to have them on me all the time.

I smiled at him, “Thank you Triston, you have no idea how much this and you mean to me.” The words tumbled out before I could catch them. My heart raced realizing what that must have sounded like. I scolded myself, why on earth would I say something like that when he made it so clear there was nothing between us! I needed to keep my comments to myself.

“And you to me Miss Reid,” his eyes seared into mine. The heat in them was unbearable. Like when you’re staring at the sun, but unable to look away. His words caught me off guard, my heart hammering in my ears and I hoped he couldn’t hear it too. He turned, opening the car door and I realized we had stopped.

He came around to my side and opened my door. I slid out of the car, happy that Triston suggest we change before coming here. I was wearing one of the black knee-length dresses I brought along, with my black pumps. Triston looked amazing as usual in black slacks and a white dress shirt. He had a beautiful cerulean tie on which accentuated his eyes.

He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine. The gesture was so sweet and a calm filled me. He exuded confidence which melded into me and all the tension between us disappeared. I loved this side of him, he was happy. There was something that seemed to just make my heart smile. As we walked up to the large dark wood doors they opened and Mr Jacobson greeted us with open arms and a massive smile. “Ah, there are my two favorite people! Welcome! Please come in,” He shook Triston’s hand and he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. Triston pulled me alongside him and I tingled from the feel of his body close to mine.

“Let’s get some lunch and talk business!” We walked through the entrance foyer which was the size of my apartment. The architecture took my breath away. Outside the red face-brick, the interior was a mix of old world charm and modern lines. Dark wood mixed with glass. There were large modern paint splattered artworks hanging on the walls. A large sweeping staircase led to the second floor. I walked through in awe of the home. Triston glanced at me and smiled. His eyes creasing at the corners and that sweet crinkle in his nose made me smile.

Mr Jacobson led us through a study and out onto a lush manicured garden. “So tell me, is the hotel okay? I have only used them once before.”

Before Triston could answer I stepped in, “Yes! It’s beautiful, the room is exquisite.” Triston’s gaze was one of amusement, he shook his head, squeezing my hand. I smiled, sticking out my tongue. His eyes burned into me again and as they darkened I knew there was something more between us.

We sat in the warm LA sunshine and had a light lunch of tapas and an amazing salmon salad. Mr Jacobson toasted our business arrangement with a crisp white wine. We discussed the event and the requirements. We were going to have a busy day tomorrow, setting up the meeting plans. We needed to confirm all the scheduled dates with the venues. That was imperative to everything running smoothly. Since it was an international event, Triston and I would be getting in a lot of air miles.

After lunch, Mr Jacobson escorted us back to the car. “Right you two young’uns, have yourselves a good evening, tomorrow we work!” We had the afternoon free and I was excited to explore. I wondered what Triston wanted to do, maybe we should go to the beach? I thought of Triston in swim shorts and I knew that would be a good idea.

“Did you have any ideas on what you wanted to do Emily?” I turned to look at Triston and giggled. “Have I been promoted from Miss Reid?” I asked him jokingly.

He smiled, leaning over whispering in my ear. “You were promoted a long time ago beautiful.” I trembled. “Miss Reid I will keep for when you… frustrate me.”

His hot breath on my ear sent delicious shivers over my skin. The fire he ignited in my stomach flared and I squirmed in my seat. He traced the outline of my ear with his tongue and I bit my lip to keep from moaning out loud.

“Jesus Triston! The driver can see you!” I hissed at him and he let out a carefree laugh.

“Oh Miss Reid, you do make me laugh...” He grabbed my knee, giving it a squeeze, electricity surged through me again. I shook my head and turned to look out of my window. Trying desperately to ignore the fact that his hand had my skin on fire.

The driver pulled into the drop off area at the hotel ten minutes later. We made our way back to the room, I definitely needed to change, it was way too hot! “Did you want to go to the beach?” I asked Triston. I picked up my suitcase, too nervous to make eye contact.

“Yea that sounds good! You just want to see me without a shirt on…” he growled. I giggled at his comment. It’s like he can read my mind. Of course, I wanted to see him without a shirt on.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Mr Hart!” I retorted, picking up a cushion and throwing it at him. He caught it and winked at me. He was a lot more relaxed now and I found the tension in my shoulders ease.

I unzipped my suitcase, rummaging through the clothes. I found my black bikini, black board shorts and crocheted white top. “I am going to change,” I closed my suitcase.

“You change here, I want to hop in the shower first,” Triston walked passed me to the bathroom. He had a black and silver swim shorts in his hand and nothing else. My mind wandered at the thought of seeing him in those. This was definitely not going to help the sexual tension between us.

I waited until I heard the shower start. Stripping down I changed into my bikini. It was a plain black halter top with a silver diamanté heart in the middle. The Capri bottoms were black with three straps over each hip holding together the front and back. There was diamanté on either side. I pulled my top and shorts on and decided to tie my hair up. I had my hair halfway into a ponytail when Triston walked out of the bathroom in nothing but his swim shorts. My breath left me and I froze.

My eyes roamed the naked taut torso of my boss. His arms and body were exquisitely cut. Big, sexy veins ran from his forearms into his hands. His abs were rock hard and formed to complete perfection. There was a prominent sculpted V shape pointing into his low-slung black swim shorts. I drank him in, every exquisite inch of his perfect body. I wanted so much to run my hands and tongue over that torso. “Are you enjoying the view Miss Reid?” He asked in absolute amusement, I averted my eyes. I felt the heat on my face and I knew I was bright red.

“I… I… am…” his laugh was soft and friendly. I was at a loss for words. My whole body was on fire, yearning and aching to feel that rock hard body against me. I spun around facing the wall. Trying to calm the knot in my stomach. I finished tying my hair and picked up my phone. I didn’t turn it on I just needed some distraction from looking at him.

“Is that stubborn mind of yours working overtime?” He was right behind me. I felt the heat radiating from his naked skin warming my back. I was trembling without him even touching me.

“No… no… certainly not!” My voice came out strangled, I cleared my throat and put my phone in the drawer. Triston laid his hands on my shoulders and the searing heat that filled my abdomen was unbearable. The electricity that shot through me was intense and I ached for more. He turned me around to face him. His index finger trailing a feather light line from the back of my ear along my jaw. Until his fingers rested on my chin, lifting it. My eyes met his intense gaze, “Will you have fun with me today? Just forget Bash, forget work and just have fun?” He pleaded with me and I smiled, his caring nature was so beautiful.

I nodded, “Okay Mr Hart, I will do as you please.” His eyes flared with a darkness at my words. I was mesmerized at the midnight blue taking over his normally steel-blue eyes. I didn’t dare look down, I knew that if I saw his body again I would probably drag him to the bed and we wouldn’t leave the room.

He kissed my forehead softly which ignited little sparks on my skin and I felt myself blush. “Okay, then it’s settled! I do look forward to you pleasing me Miss Reid.” He turned around, I was stunned by his words. Watching the muscles in his back ripple as he moved. His broad shoulders flexing as he grabbed a t-shirt, pulling it over his head. I felt myself breathe again. “And leave that god damn phone right there.” He ordered, the control returning to his voice. I smiled and shook my head.




The taxi dropped us off at Venice Beach. This was my first visit to the infamous beach, it was everything that I thought it would be. It was a quiet afternoon. There were tourists snapping shots of their family with the beach in the background. The beachfront shops were selling some amazing trinkets and ice creams. We strolled around for a few minutes stopping at a store to buy sunblock. It had an amazing vibe and I felt relaxed. “Triston!”

We both turned around to the sultry voice behind us. A beautiful leggy bleached blonde in a tiny bikini ran up to him. She threw her arms around him and he gave her a reluctant hug, I felt a bite of jealousy hit me hard. She was tanned and beautiful, she must have been a model. “Jenna, how are you?” He asked in a guarded tone. I felt so short and frumpy compared to her.

She looked over at me with disdain. She flashed him her best smile and fluttered her fake eyelashes, “Good! I just landed the CK job! I am ecstatic, when are you going to do my shoots again! I miss you.” She reached out and stroked his chest. I felt bile rise up into my throat and all I could do to keep from puking was to take a deep breath.

He grabbed her wrist, pulling it off his chest. Releasing it from his grip, he gave her a small smile. “I am a busy man these days Jen, this is my partner in crime, Emily.” He gestured to me, I smiled and nodded, not wanting to talk to this woman who blatantly wanted Triston. She gave me a small smile and looked back at Triston.

Without a second thought, she carried on talking to him, “Will I see you while you’re here?” He shook his head and grabbed my hand. He gave it a small squeeze. I wasn't sure if that was a sign of him reassuring me or to give her the idea that we were together.

“Emily and I are here on vacation, planning a private event.” His voice clipped and serious. I glanced at him, what was he talking about? She frowned and leaned in closer to him.

“Don’t tell me you got engaged!” She playfully slapped his arm. I could tell she was definitely not joking, she seemed shocked and it made me smile.

“Not yet, I have to go Jen. See you around.”  He gave a small nod and turned around.

He pulled me against him and we walked off towards the beach. “Who on earth was that?” I asked him when we were out of earshot.

“Can we not talk about her, please?”

I stopped before we reached the end of the promenade. Triston halted mid-stride, “No Triston, I am asking you a question?” his eyes glanced behind me and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I reached up to push him away when he held on tighter.

“Just stand still Miss Reid!” he ordered as I struggled in his embrace. “She is watching, just smile and listen to me.” I stopped and watched his eyes dart back and forth between me and the blonde who was clearly not taking the hint. “I slept with her on a shoot a few years ago. She was infatuated with me; the feeling isn’t mutual. It was a long time ago, she meant nothing to me, it was a fling. She clearly thinks otherwise.” As he told me his eyes never left mine. The sincerity burning into me and I felt at ease.

“So you prefer blondes?” I questioned slyly. Seeing his eyes flicker with annoyance at my challenge I giggled.

He leaned down, his tongue tracing the shell of my ear. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I was so turned on my breathing faltered. “Miss Reid, if you continue to push me, there will be consequences!” He hissed, the words making the butterflies in my stomach do somersaults. His mouth found mine and he kissed me deeply, the passion radiating from him made my body melt into his. His tongue caressed mine, there was an urgency in his kiss. Pulling my body tighter against him, I felt his rigid arousal. The electric sparks that shot through my body were present as always.

When his lips left mine all I could do was stare at him, “Now do you think I prefer blondes?” he smirked and grabbed my hand. “Let’s swim… I need to cool down.” He adjusted himself, his erection straining the front of his shorts. We got close to the water when he pulled off his tee and dropped it next to his shoes. I took in the tanned sculpted body walking into the water and I ached to feel his wet skin against mine.

“You coming?” He ran into the water and I watched the surf splash against him, I pulled my top off and slid my shorts down. Leaving my clothes in a heap with my flip flops, I walked into the water. Grateful that it was warm I stepped in further, enjoying the waves against my hot skin.

Triston turned around, he was completely soaked. His shoulder length brown hair dripping down his back. As he stepped into the shallow of the surf my eyes roamed his body. His sculpted abs dripping wet. His low-slung shorts heavy from the water which seemed to pull them lower. The v line muscles more prominent, I couldn’t help but lick my lips. “Do you like staring at me Miss Reid?” He asked with an amused expression, I nodded slowly. I couldn’t hide it anymore, I wanted him and he knew it.

“Mmmm, we should do something about that, but first, I want to get you wet!” He grabbed me and lifted me against him, I squealed as he walked us into the water. I splashed water as I kicked back. His words and his body making the apex between my thighs moisten. I giggled as he spun me around in the warm crashing waves. All the worries and concerns melting away with his arms around me. We both laughed as he walked further into the ocean, “Triston! Put me down!” I shouted. I held onto his strong shoulders and I felt the muscles flex under my touch. He felt so good against me. There must be a chance for us, I am not imagining this feeling between us. “I don’t think that’s an option Miss Reid, I am not letting you go!” His words held more meaning than we both cared to admit. I held onto his neck and felt the warm water slowly soaking my hair. He reached up with one hand and pulled my hair tie off, freeing my long brown hair. I leaned back wrapping my legs around him, wetting my hair, it felt refreshing.

“You look better with it down anyway.” He smiled as I pulled myself back up. Holding on to Triston’s neck, his face inches from mine, his eyes a midnight blue. “You’re beautiful,” he growled in a deep scratchy voice that tugged at my core. I smiled and stared into his glistening eyes.

“You’re handsome,” I whispered back. He kissed me, a deep soft kiss, full of longing. His tongue invading my mouth, stroking my tongue as they danced together. His lips felt like they were made to be on mine. He held me so close like I was part of him. My heart hammered in my chest and my skin tingled at the current between us. I pulled away breathless, my lips felt cold at the distance between us.

“Then we make a good match, I just—” he looked away, pain so clear in his face.

“What Triston? You need to be honest with me, please?” I begged. He nodded.

“Emily, I want you to know me, I want you to know everything, I am just scared if you do, you’re going to disappear. I am not easy to be with. I am not used to opening myself up.” His solemn expression made me sad, there was something hurting him and deep down it hurt me to see him like that.

I grabbed his face in my hands, “I am not going anywhere, get used to it!”

He smiled, “You’re a stubborn little one aren't you?” I nodded.






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