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Alpha Series: Alpha Landon by Midika Crane (10)

"You're sure?"

I nod, pushing the pin further into my hair, watching it disappear into my black tresses. I feel Cyrus's eyes on me, as I wipe a bit of smudged lip gloss off my chin. I slowly sit back into my seat, flipping the sun visor and mirror back up into its place above my head.

"It will be fine, can you drive already?" I sigh. Cyrus pauses, before turning the ignition on again. We were meeting Landon at his estate, where we planned to drive him to the Wisdom Pack. He would probably refuse, saying he had a driver already or something. Oh well, I didn't want to walk here, not with the storm that had rolled in.

Cyrus had nervously parked outside the gates of Landon's personal Territory. Last time I was here, I was being dragged to captivity against my will. He wanted to make sure he really had been invited. I know, I couldn't believe we were about to meet another Alpha. Some weren't even lucky to meet one at that.

The window wipers moving in a blur in front of my eyes made me feel slightly nauseas, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't completely certain about those flowers, and the perfume, if it even was perfume.

I had dressed as well as I could. I'm not used to dressing up that often, so my mother's old dress I borrowed felt wrong. It was itchy and tight around my waist; which I didn't feel overly confident, mainly because I'm sure I've gained weight lately. But this was a too special of an occasion to where my normal drab.

Once we had been let in through the over strained protection unit, known as Landon's Guards, we ventured inward. Cyrus drove slow, painfully slow. So slow, I had begun to dig intents in my skin. Once he came to a stop, all original drive flew out the window. I sat hopeless in my seat for a few moments.

I stared out the window, dotted with raindrops, to Landon's front door.

"Are you okay?" Cyrus asks intrusively. He leans over and grabs my hand off my lap, cradling it softly in his own. It didn't do anything to quell my nerves.

"I'm fine," I mutter, giving him a soft smile. He nods, and opens his door, stepping out. He doesn't seem too fazed by the fact that the rain was pouring down around him, flatting his hair over his forehead. Maybe it is because he is fixated on that fact that the front door of the Landon's home cracks open. We both watch curiously, as Landon walks out, holding hands with some girl.

My mouth instantly falls open. Who the heck is that?

"Hey guys, you're early!"

I continued to stare blatantly, not really aware of my actions. She stared straight back at me, with eyes so black I swear I could myself in them. I hadn't even gotten out of the car yet. Landon and the girl watch me slowly make my way from the car, cringing ad the rain immediately began to soak through my dress. Once again, I ignored Landon's gaze, finding myself attracted to her dangerous gaze.

It felt she was talking to me, like she was transferring her own thoughts into my mind. Something about her, had an unfamiliar, unpleasant aura that surrounded her, which left a foul taste in my mouth.

"Yeah, we thought we could beat the rain, but I guess not," Cyrus replied blandly, snapping my trance away, so I could concentrate on reality. I could still feel the girl staring, but I remained transfixed on a pot plant outside their front door.

Cyrus looked at me, motioning for me to come under the shelter, that Landon and the girl huddled under. They were both dressed remarkably nice, and her long brunette waves were perfectly in place. I grit my teeth, trying not to be jealous, as I feel my hair expanding on my head from the growing humidity.

I take Cyrus's hand and step up the stairs, coming to a stand beside Landon. His smart suit gave me a sudden urge to run my hands down his chest.

"Oh, then is Natasha. She is coming with us," Landon said, finally addressing the woman by his side, who clutched to his side like a lost child. I wasn't angered by her presence, just curious.

"Althea," I stated, smiling a little. Hopefully this front won't wear off later tonight. She stared at me, not smiling. Awkwardly, I lowered my gaze to my shoes, which were getting dotted in raindrops. I felt Cyrus place his hand on the small of my back gently.

"I have our car, if you want us to take you," Cyrus offered politely. I could tell he was nervous, especially in front of the Alpha. His hand shook slightly on my back. I guessed he wanted to come off generous, so that Landon didn't think he was using him. At least that's what I hoped he was doing.

"Sure thing," Landon answered, giving us all a big smile. He didn't look at me. I was briefly surprised at his acceptance, as usually it is hard for him to receive things. Maybe it had something to do with Natasha.

I hung back, as Cyrus reopened the car doors.

Apparently, Natasha got car sick easily, so she took front seat so she could watch the road, while Cyrus took the driver’s side. I was now stuck in the back, with a well-dressed Alpha, that was in an all too pleasant mood. He even smelt familiar, which let me relax back into the soft interior of Cyrus prized car.

"How are you?" Landon asks softly, once we had hit the road. It was a good three hour drive to our Neighbouring Pack. All the Packs were formed in a circle, each claiming a set of land to themselves. Purity Pack is the furthest from the Power Pack.

"Natasha? Who is she?" I question, my voice a hushed whisper. Luckily, the radio is turned up, so we can listen to Purity Pack news reporters through the static. Landon scoots a bit closer, watching me.

"A friend," he answers, looking back out the window. I think about that. It has to be a recent thing, considering the fact that his father didn't like him being 'friends' with girls. Then again, dis his father like anything?

"She's not all that talkative," I note, glancing at the back of the headrest. I can see her light brown hair peeking through. Strangely, I see many familiarities between Landon and Natasha, whose face, which I saw through the side mirror, was still as completely impassive.

"She's shy...nervous," Landon excuses weakly, looking back at me.

"I get that, I do. What made you decide to bring her?" I asked quietly. I had nothing against her presence. It was mainly the fact that he had invited me, when he could have invited her.

"I'm trying to make an impression. She's Alpha Axel of the Passion Packs sister. I hurt her, he will personally snap my neck," he whispers back. Oh...So this was a planned Alpha agreement?

"So, you’re using her?" I question. His face contorts in disgust, like he can't believe what I'm even insinuating. He glances at Natasha to make sure she didn't hear what I had just said.

"No, I'm not. Look, it's hard for me. I'm mateless, and I can't run a Pack on my own. It's getting harder for me to control myself," he explained lowly. I understand that Alpha's need a mate more than normal Wolves, like me.

"And there isn't anyone else?"

Landon stared at me blankly for a moment.

"No Al. I mean it's easy for you, you have Cyrus," he exclaimed. I saw Cyrus's eyes shift to the rear-view mirror as he heard his name. Within no time, he went back to shifting through radio stations.

"Yeah...But lately things have been, weird," I say so softly I'm not sure if my words got lost within the sound of the loud exhaust. Landon looks interested in this.

"Weird, how?"

"I don't know, he just been a little bit different. I feel like maybe I am with him just to help him. Like getting into the Wisdom Pack, which is his goal. I just sometimes wonder what will happen after that."

"You won't go with him, will you?" He asks, sounding panicked. He grabs my hands, squeezing them tightly till I wince.


"What way is it again? Left, or right?"

Cyrus says, seemingly confused, as we come to an intersection. The lack of signs didn't help the situation. Landon pus away, so my hands fall on my lap, still tingling from his touch. He looks out the window.

"Left," he answers. The moment was gone, and when Landon turned back, he didn't question me further. Good, because I didn't know the answer to his question.

We drive in silence, once Landon had given up on a working channel that didn't include the radio presenters voice laced with static. But every now and again, Cyrus would ask for directions, which Landon would provide.

By the time we had gotten there, having driven through the cold depths of the world outside Pack walls, and having entered the Wisdom Packs gates, my legs were cramped beyond belief. The whole time I wanted to lean into Landon, but I refrained.

Eventually though, we were there. Wisdom Pack was a lot more developed and intricate compared to my Pack. Poverty hardly touched any areas.

Alpha Alden's home was quite the spectacle. And I thought Landon's home was something you could only see in dreams. It hardly compared to anything I had seen beforehand.

We pulled up somewhere near the front, after being escorted by what looked like Guards. Cyrus and I were ultimately in awe, Cyrus nearly crashing the bonnet through the gardens. Landon didn't seem fazed, and nor did Natasha.

"Come along. He will be waiting," Landon instructed, popping the door open and stepping out carelessly. A small man scuttled down the stairs from the front door quickly. But Landon dismissed him. It probably looked confusing, considering the Alpha of the Power Pack had showed up in a beaten up old Corolla.

He rounds the car and open the door for Natasha, who elegantly steps out onto the stones, while I stumble out on my own accord.

The air was warmer here. The humid air clung to my skin possessively, and I found it increasingly hard to swallow.

"Friends, come on in, I have air conditioning," a voice called up from the top of the stairs. We all looked up, seeing a man, with folded arms, gazing down at us.

"Alden, how good to see you," Landon greeted warmly, as if they were the best buddies. This was probably true. Landon trotted up the stairs, with Natasha trailing along behind. Him and Alden shook hands, greeting each other. Cyrus and I followed up, unsure of what to do.

Alpha Alden turned to me, giving me a warm smile, that instantly relaxed my nerves. He held out his hand, which I took. I met his dark blue gaze for a brief, compelling moment.

"Alpha Alden, Wisdom Pack. You must be Althea."