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Already Designed (The South Haven Crew Book 1) by Xavier Neal (7)

Chapter 7




It is definitely a con being forced to watch your boyfriend feel up another woman in front of you.


“And cut!” The director yells.


On camera, I meant. In real life if he were feeling up another woman he’d need to look into other career choices because handless actors are not exactly in high demand.


Levi leans against the edge of the office desk on set, eyes fixated on the conversation between the director and his always bitchy, blonde co-star, Miranda. The intense focus in his stare weakens my knees.


How is he sexy just concentrating? God, I swear, everything about him has a way of turning me on. Watched him slice an onion last week for dinner and ended up postponing the meal to let him finger me against the dishwasher. Not sure if our inability to keep our hands off one another is a pro or con yet.


Miranda plops her manicured nails onto her red thong covered hips, her querulous speech never ending, “I don’t know, Tom….I felt like that whole scene lacked passion.”


Levi lets out a loud, annoyed huff. “It was perfect.”


“Maybe for you, but I felt like I was tonguing a dead frog.”


Why would she know what that’s like?!


“Tell her I was fine, Tom.”


The man’s bushy gray eyebrows pull together in clear indecision.


“You know it was good,” Levi coolly insists. “If it wasn’t you would’ve stopped the scene immediately, and we would’ve started over.”


Tom tilts his head to the side in agreement, which is when Miranda complains again, “The entire thing was a dud, Tom. It was like two cousins kissing.”


Oh that you wanna know more about? Not the frog thing!? You’re...weird…you know that?


“No sizzle, whatsoever.” She steps closer to him. “All I’m saying is if I didn’t feel it, chances are the audience won’t either.”


He cringes and moves towards a camera. “Can we roll playback?”


This whole situation has taken a little getting used to. On a logical level, I know it’s just acting. I know these are scripted moments based on fictional people. I know it’s just a job. However, occasionally my mind jumps out of the rational zone into neurotic and wonders if he is attracted to the women he’s swapping spit with. If he gets a hard on sometimes. Part of me wonders how I can know the difference between what he does based on his actual feelings versus what he does for a paycheck. During the one ugly discussion in which I may have appeared to be a little unstable, he explained there are little things he does when it’s real to help keep the fence between fiction and reality secure. For instance, in real life he often kisses me with two hands on the nape of my neck, though he made sure to add all other women before it’s only been with one hand, yet when he’s acting he avoids the action all together. When we’re pawing at each other like virgins not ready for sex but obviously ready for more, he releases this savage groan that he says he can’t make on screen without it sounding forced. So when a scene calls for him to ‘moan’ or ‘groan’, his alternative is to give a slight grunt or he charms his way out of doing it period. See. It’s the little things….The entire elucidation erased my uneasiness and stopped me from returning to the list of reasons why this can’t work. We’ve been dating for almost a month, but it was really only after that conversation did my brain slowly begin to truly accept the possibility that we can have a future together….


“Looks good,” Tom announces confidently, eyes still glued to the screen. “Let’s call it! Lunch and then we’re moving onto the interrogation scene with you and Marc.”


Miranda tosses her hands up in defeat. “Wardrobe!”


A petite brunette rushes over with an open robe at the same time Levi spots me lingering near the snack selection.


As soon as he’s close enough to hear me, I happily sigh, “Hey, I-”


His lips eagerly cover mine, fingers latched onto the sides of my face.


Oh yeah….He only kisses off screen like this too.


Levi’s tongue wildly whirls mine around robbing me of the ability to do anything other than ride the lashes of pleasure. The prurient public behavior combined with the overwhelming fervor of his mouth wobbles my knees. In an anxious attempt for stability, I accidently bump into the table behind me.


He abruptly draws his mouth away, yet his fingers remain in place, sweetly stroking my cheeks. “I thought we were meeting at my place.”


And I thought my panties were going to stay dry a little longer. Guess we were both wrong. Oh! Constant need to change underwear or possibly stop wearing it altogether would go on the con list if I were still making it….Which I’m not. Obviously….Okay I’m trying to completely stop! It’s a habit. Wait, what do you mean you’re putting the underwear thing in the pros column?


My mouth bobs but the connection between it and my brain seems to still be severed.


Levi’s smile becomes cocky. “Need a minute?”


The arrogance resuscitates my senses, and I graze my hand against his crotch. “Do you?”


He drops his touch, steps back, and readjusts himself, eliciting a smug smirk to join my expression.


I love that we’re both equally capable of turning each other on with minimal effort.


I slide my hands into the back pockets of my jeans. “I stopped by the studios to bring Lani lunch ‘cause she bitched and then begged.


“She’s not here.”


“No. She’s on the opposite end of this monstrous collection of buildings in studio 6F.”


He nods his understanding of the location.


Yeah. I needed directions…several times.


“Anyway, since I was in the area, I figured I would swing by your set making me a supportive best friend and girlfriend all in the same day.”


“Damn, I love the way that sounds.”


“What? Supportive? ‘Cause you’ve got at least a hundred Facebook groups devoted to you and a shit ton of Instagram accounts that have nothing better to do than post pictures of you with over the top accolades attached.”


His hands slide to my hips to tug me closer. “Girlfriend.”


A slight blush coats my cheeks against my own volition.


He started it! After the first night we had a sleep over, we’re talking literally just fell asleep together in his bed, he started referring to me as that. We woke up the next morning. Fooled around. And then during our meal he answered the phone telling whoever was on the other end he had to call them back because he was having breakfast with his girlfriend. Yeah! That’s it! There wasn’t a discussion or a conversation. Didn’t even sound like I had the option to deny it. Not that I would’ve. Regardless of my initial doubts about dating a guy like him, and the slightly detailed downsides, I have yet to be actually disappointed….In fact, I keep being delighted. He’s full of surprises and sweet sentiments. He’s doing everything possible to insure he maintains his ‘exception’ status.


“Do you wanna follow me home or leave your car here?” Levi casually questions.


“I’ll follow you. I’ve got a morning meeting to get to in Highland.”


His face falls. “Guess you’re not staying over….”


“Or maybe I packed everything I need in a travel bag, so I could spend the night with my boyfriend.


Levi’s smile returns in full force. “Damn, I love the way that sounds too.”


I give him a cute wink and motion my head for us to get going.


After making faces at each other in bumper to bumper traffic for forty minutes, we arrive at his beach house, both starving. He immediately hits the kitchen to begin cooking dinner while I whip us up a snack. We eventually gorge on pecan crusted halibut, roasted asparagus, and red potatoes with the sound of Kindergarten Cop playing in the background. I insist on doing the dishes since he cooked, yet Levi, as usual, refuses not to help.


Which is odd to me considering his whole celebrity status. His assistant more or less waits on him hand and foot outside this place, but it’s like the moment he crosses the threshold, he’s almost…normal again. Like a superhero desperately clinging onto his secret identity or something. I like getting to see the non-spoiled side of him. The laid- back guy who cooks and leaves his swim trunks draped over any piece of furniture that can house them. Is it weird he has more pairs of swim trunks than most women do shoes?


Once the kitchen is cleaned and the movie is over, the two of us hit the beach for a post dinner stroll.


We do this most nights following dinner whether it’s here or out at a restaurant. He hates eating and letting his body just relax. Me on the other hand? I love to eat a great meal and just cuddle up. This whole squeeze in an exercise instead of letting the chocolate cake settle on my hips thing has me not so secretly hating him. The problem is I wanna put this little act of healthy living in the cons column because like I said, there’s nothing like sleeping on a full stomach, but logically speaking, this belongs in the pros section. A man wanting me to live a longer, healthier life is technically a good thing.


Levi’s fingers adjust their grip on mine. “I would’ve totally been able to handle those kids in that movie.”


I shake my head slowly. “Not a chance.”


“Hey! I have nieces and a nephew, plus my mom’s been running a childcare center since before I was born. I have way more experience than he did.”


“There are department store clerks who have more experience than he did. Doesn’t mean they’re qualified to handle kindergarteners.” A small chuckle bounces between us proceeded by a loud squeak from me. “Oh! And what the hell? How did I not realize Hetty from NCIS: Los Angeles was in that movie!?”


“Because that was long before she was fearlessly bossing around a big bald headed rapper.”


We laugh louder and the cool wind wraps around us.


Did I forget to mention when I told my dad I was dating an actor from Lawless Lives, he insisted I start binge watching other cop dramas along with it? And like a good daddy’s girl I did. They’re primarily background noise when I’m working, but I pay just enough attention to them to participate in the conversations my dad loves having about them. In a strange way dating Levi has managed to strengthen the father daughter bond. 


Levi abandons my hand to allow his arm to drape around my shoulder.


With mirth still lingering in my tone, I ask, “Why do you watch cop dramas if you’re on one?”


“Gotta keep up with the competition.”


A pointed look crosses my face. “Your competition would be shit like Criminal Minds, not sexy military shows.”


He tucks me against him tighter. “You throw in words like sexy to watch me squirm or see if I’m paying attention?”


Another snicker slips out. “Bit of both.”


“Let’s see you squirm then.”


The opportunity to ask for clarification isn’t necessary. His fingers slide down and tickle the space right underneath my arm pit. I immediately squeak and squeal before taking off into a sprint.


Fuck this. I’m much too ticklish to win this battle.


Levi’s laughter increases as does his speed. To no surprise, he manages to capture me with minimal effort. He ignores my pleas for mercy and tickles me like some sort of diabolical monster determined to have me spill government secrets.


I so would! I would spill them all right now!


“Call me sexy,” he commands between chuckles.


My body thrashes back and forth in objection. “Never!”


The efforts amplify causing my laughter to reach pee on myself levels.


“Stop!  Stop! Oh my God! Stop!”


“Call me sexy.”


“You’re sexy! You’re sexy! You’re sexy!”


Levi’s tickling touch transforms into a sweet embrace though the pompous grin remains. “Why thank you.”


I struggle to catch my breath. “You’re also an asshole.”


“What was that?” His fingers twitch in a threatening nature. “Tickle you more?”


“No! No!” My head profusely shakes. “I give up! I give up!”


He winks and delivers a sweet kiss to my lips. “You put up a good fight…like always.”


The two of us take a seat side by side one another on the beach.


You know the ocean really is gorgeous at night. The water glistens and even though I don’t wanna be too close to it, I do enjoy the way it seems to respect that decision and only comes close enough to touch the tips of our toes.


“Did you work today?”  Levi asks, hand sliding around my waist to its favorite spot.


“I did.”


“How was it?”




“Good or bad?”




There’s a sudden pause in the conversation, which prompts me to turn my face towards his. The expression he’s displaying is heartwarming. All of his attention is plastered on me, patiently waiting for whatever crumbs of information I’m willing to give.


How could any woman break this guy’s heart?


“Good because it was productive. I managed to wrap up everything I needed to get done by noon. Proofs sent to Minka Knight and Becca Krye-”


“Aren’t those your favorite authors to work with?”


I swoon inside at his ability to remember trivial details regarding my job. “They are. Both women are super sweet and phenomenal writers.”


He flashes me a soft smile.


“I got all my emails answered. Calendar updated. You know, just the basic bullshit. But it was bad because a cover I slaved over designing last week was rejected for the fifteenth time.”


“Fuck. Fifteenth?”


“Yeah. You think that Miranda chick you work with is a diva? This author we have who in my opinion writes like shit, has the ego of Mariah Carey in her prime. She makes everyone jump through hoops like circus performers until the big bad boss lady threatens to let her go again. At that point she becomes a raging mess of apologies and essentially caves into the very first cover I presented to her. As much as I wish she was the only author we have who behaves like that, sadly she is not. The publishing industry shares that similarity with the acting one.”


“That sounds…stressful.”


“It is what it is. Every job comes with pros and cons.”


“True.” He agrees with a slow nod. “Let me ask you this. You mentioned you wanted more income and more recognition from your job than you’ve been receiving. Those things are on your five-year agenda-”




“What’s it going to take to get you to the point you feel you have accomplished those things? What additional recognition are you seeking? Plaques? Bonuses? Would just having a bigger salary do? A personal spending budget? An assistant? Do you want more of a corporate position? Less grunt work? Hell, is there a possibility you need a different job all together? Maybe one that still allows you to use your skill set, but has a more obvious ladder for climbing? I mean I can look into what the studio has open in the graphic designs department. It should only take a couple phone calls.”


A sweet smile slides onto my face. “I’m happy with what I do, Levi, but I appreciate the offer.”


“Are you happy? Honestly?”


“Some days happier than others.” I playfully bump my body against his. “But in a general sense, yeah. The pros always outweigh the cons. Even if they didn’t I’m happy designing book covers and promotional graphics. I enjoy the creativity and freedom I’m entrusted with. Do I want more gold stars for my nametag? It wouldn’t hurt my feelings any.”


His grin becomes crooked.


“I guess what I really want is a bigger salary and more responsibility. More…control without having to get the stamp of approval first all the time. Does that make sense?”


“Yeah. I see what you’re saying.”


He prepares to look away when my question stops him. “Why do you ask?”


Levi lifts his eyebrows up.


“Why the sudden curiosity about my future?”


The reticence in his answering adds tension to the situation. “I uh….I guess I was just trying to help free up some space on that plan of yours.”


My tone becomes strikingly tender. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”


“I want a permanent spot.”


His confession causes my breath to hitch.


“I figure, if you can cross off some of the other things, it’ll give me room to prove I can be more than just the fun that was initially missing. That I can be the type of man you wanna marry someday. That I can be the type of man you have kids and dogs with….”


Before I can filter my response, I whisper, “Who says you haven’t proven that already?”


He inches his face closer to mine. “Have I?”


My mouth crashes against his with voraciousness.  Levi’s approval of the conversation ender is released in a heavy groan. His hand glides upward to my ribs, securing us together. The racing of my tongue syncs to the racing of my heart, and I suddenly forget how to breathe.


Am I crazy for being this…into some guy I practically just started dating?


The ache between my thighs begins to reach an uncomfortable degree, and I harshly fist his white t-shirt in a silent protest. He groans louder. Claws at my side. Nips at my bottom lip. Within seconds our actions begin plummeting towards the reckless behavior we should be more cautious of considering his celebrity status.


Between hungry rolls of our tongues, our shirts are banished and our bodies are wedged in the sand. His hands explore every exposed inch, offering me numerous moans of excitement. Our jean covered lower halves grind against one another creating too much friction. Too much need.


All of a sudden, my body flies up and my hands busy themselves with undoing his belt.


His hands initially mimic mine yet he unexpectedly stops. “We can’t do this here.”


I try to hide my disappointment.


“Not because I don’t wanna make love to you in the sand…by the ocean….at night…all of which would easily win me the Most Romantic First Time Together award,” he smoothly starts, “but because I um.…Well I don’t….Fuck, this is gonna sound stupid, but I don’t have any condoms on me.”


My shoulders drop. “Are you joking?”


He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head. “I really fucking wish I was.”


A sigh of disbelief soars to the sky.


“I have one in my wallet, which is back at the house. And I have a whole box in my bedroom.”


That’s almost a mood killer. Wonder if it’s a new box he bought or leftover from the last slut brigade. Oh….Yeah. That’s definitely the end of my sexual run for the night. Probably for the best. Having sex this thoughtlessly would’ve probably been a major disaster. Geez, what is it with him? Why do I keep throwing all my intelligent, thought through choices out the window? He’s not that charming.…Is he?


Levi’s blue eyes open to meet mine. “That…that last comment came out kind of shitty.”


“And a little slutty.”


His sneer makes me smile.


“We should probably call it a night,” I casually state. “We’ve both got early mornings anyway.”


Refusing to accept defeat, he shoots his body up and lets his lips imprison mine. Instantly, my mouth opens, more than willing to melt into every push of his tongue. His hands sail down to my ass to give it a firm squeeze.


Our kiss breaks on a heady moan.


Levi’s repeats the movement as he skirts his teeth along my neck. “Let’s have dessert first.”


I hum and my body returns to grinding against his.


Did we or did we not just discuss why we should stop!?


“You taste me,” he growls, stealing a nibble, “and I’ll taste you.”


Our tongues reunite once more while our hands begin tearing at each other’s clothes with newfound impatience. By the time we’re positioned to simultaneously devour one another, I’m convinced I’m going to blow from the heat of his breath alone. Levi lets his tongue take a small swipe of the wetness dripping from my pussy. His initial groan is delicious but the greedy one he makes immediately after with his face drowning between my legs has me desperate to return the pleasure. I guide his weeping tip past my parted lips, thrilled with the way it thickens in the confines of my mouth. He groans again and the vibrations cause me to shudder. I let the head of his cock touch the back of my throat, cup his balls, and begin sucking. More moans escape him and his tongue thrashes wildly, which spurs mine to retaliate by doing the same. My fingers lightly tug at his nuts while his graze along the slit of my ass. The feathery touches in combination with the hard sucking of my clit create lecherous cries that repeatedly bump against the tip of his dick. As if incapable of ever finding satiation, the two of us greedily ravish each other and reward one another with primal sounds of satisfaction.  Feeling my orgasm no longer willing to be denied, I suck as hard as I possibly can at the same time I surrender my final moan. My body quakes on top of his tongue, riding the ruthless devil, demanding it keep going until I can’t take any more. A hard grumble is the only warning Levi gives before completely letting go. Hot rushes ruthlessly coat my tongue and splash against the back of my throat. I selfishly swallow every little bit, loving the fact I know he’s fulfilled outside of sex.


So am I….


Levi’s first to concede. His spent face falls away from my still shaking body. “Can we go back to the house and have seconds?”


I release his softening shaft with a comedic pop sound.


“Damn. Thirds?”  His hoarse voice flames the fumes of my faded orgasm. “Can we have dessert for breakfast?”


The side of my face lands on his toned thigh. “If you promise to make us something better than those gross ass pancakes.”


Levi laughs, gives my bare butt cheek a smack, and offers to serve whatever I want.


Neither of us make the effort to reach for our clothes or cover ourselves.


Benefit of a private beach.


His fingers gently caress the area he just spanked while I stare out at the water pounding against the rocks like applause for a job well done on both our parts.


It’s a relief to know Levi wants to be in my life as much as I secretly want him to. He’s definitely not the guy I had in mind when I pictured building a future with someone, yet no matter how many times I refer to or remake my pros versus con list, the outcome is the same. I end up not caring about how there are more negatives than positives on paper. I love the way he makes me feel. I love the idea of feeling this special, this wanted for a lifetime. This is exactly how I imagined I would feel about the person I wanted to form forever with….Truthfully? I can’t see that person being anyone other than Levi Stone. Is this a bad thing?