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Archer by Emilia Hartley (174)

Chapter 17

Amara sat in front of the DVD player Sunday night, cross-legged on the floor, an array of movies in her lap. She couldn’t decide what they should watch. Horror? Comedy? Action? She wasn’t mean enough to make him sit through a chick flick. But she had had enough horror and action in her life for a while, hadn’t she? Even if the Trials were over and Kal Vann was locked up, sitting through two hours worth of intense drama like that wasn’t her idea of fun.

Comedy it was.

“Hello?” Mitch called from the front door. “Anybody home?”

“Right here,” she called back, sniffing the air. “Mmm. What’d you get me? Won tons? Sweet and sour chicken? Crab puffs?” Scrambling to her feet, she went to help him with the takeout. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the sweet aroma of Chinese food. “Oh wow. You are so my hero.”

“It never did take much to please you,” he mused, chuckling to himself.

Amara smirked. “What would you know about pleasing me?” she teased, setting the food on the table.

Mitch laughed. “True.”

“So, what do you want to watch? I couldn’t decide, but I narrowed it down to comedy. I’m not exactly in the mood for hardcore action or a slasher flick.”

Confused, Mitch frowned. “I thought I was picking the movie?”

“Were you? I couldn’t remember.”

He scoffed. “Typical.”

“How about the new Ryan Reynolds one? Sure, it’s got a lot of action, but I’ve heard it’s hilarious.”

“Perfect. Hey, will you help me get these plates? I can’t reach them and I’m too lazy to grab the stool.”

“Sure.” Obliging, Mitch came up behind her and reached to the top shelf. The entire line of his body pressed up against hers as he retrieved the plates.

She froze. What was he doing? He’d never done anything like that before. They’d been friends for years and it had always been strictly platonic. Why was he changing it now? Could Nova have been right about him after all? Was he the one stalking her?

Mitch glanced down at her, frowning. “Are you going to move?” he asked. “I thought I was getting the plates here. As it is, I’m about to bring them down on top of your head. I doubt you want that.”

“Oh, right. Sorry.” Embarrassed, she got out of his way. Now she was imagining things. Of course it wasn’t Mitch. He would never do that to her. He didn’t even look at her that way. Never had. And then there was Zoe to think of. She was just letting the events of the last couple days get the best of her.

Shake it off, Townsend, she thought to herself. You’re losing it.

“Are you going to eat or what?” Mitch asked, staring at her funny. “You’re freaking me out.”

She wasn’t going to do this. She wasn’t going to suspect someone any time they brushed up against her. And she certainly wasn’t going to suspect Mitch again. No, instead, she was just going to enjoy the time with her best friend.


“Hey, Mac, you got a minute?” Nova stood in the doorway to the sheriff’s office, one arm resting against the door jam.

Mac looked up from the papers spread across his desk and took off his glasses. “Sure Nova. What can I do for you?” He motioned for Nova to come in and sit down.

“It’s about Amara’s case,” he said, taking the seat in front the desk.

Mac’s face became grim. “Yeah, I thought it might be. I ran prints on the second note, but I didn’t get anything. Whoever he is, he’s never been arrested before.”


“Has anything else happened that I need to be aware of?”

“He called her again last night. We were at my place this time, and there’s no way he could have been spying on us there. I live in a pretty secluded area so I have a lot of security.” To put it mildly. “He called her cell. Amara didn’t wake up, but since it was three in the morning, I figured it was him. He didn’t say a word. Just a lot of heavy breathing.”

Mac was scribbling furiously in his notebook. “Did you say anything?”

For a second, Nova hung his head. “I’ll admit, I did threaten him. I told him not to come near her, or I would find him. I told him to leave him alone.” Frowning, he pursed his lips. “I may have also called him a dickless prick.”

“No shit?” Mac asked with a laugh. Nova could tell he was trying to remain professional, but even the sheriff of their fine small town had to laugh sometimes. “Probably wasn’t your best move, but given the circumstances, I more than likely would have done the same. Besides, you can’t exactly blame a man for what is said to an unknown caller in the middle of the night.”

“No, you cannot.” Nova’s smile faded. “Do you have any suspects, sheriff?”

Mac only shook his head. “Sadly, no, I don’t. Believe me, I wish I did. Strathford is a small town, but we have our share of kooks and weirdos, just like anywhere else. Still, most of us have known Amara her entire life. I can’t think of a single person who would wish her harm.”

Nova stared at the ceiling. So they were still at square one. Perfect.

“Alec,” Mac called as the deputy passed by the office. “Hey, Alec, get back here.”

The young deputy appeared in the doorway, a carton of Chinese food in his hands. “Yeah, boss?”

“Where did you get that food?” Mac asked. “It’s not your break time, is it?”

Alec shook his head vigorously. “No, sir. That guy brought it in. Said he had extra and he was feeling generous since he’d fought with his girl and she was finally letting him make it up to her. There’s more if you want some.”

Nova’s head snapped up. “What did you say?”

“There’s more if you want some?”

“No, before that.”

“His girl was letting him make it up to her. Guess they’d had some kind of fight and he was bringing her Chinese to make it better. Seemed a little strange, but there you have it.”

“Who was it that brought in the food, Alec?” Mac asked. He was watching Nova’s face more than anything else.

“That guy that brings us dinner. The one from the tavern? Shoot, I’m so bad with names.”

“Well I’ll be damned,” Nova murmured. He stared up at the sheriff. “I know who it is, Mac.”


Amara took a bite of sweet and sour chicken and chewed while she watched Mitchell struggle to use his chop sticks.

“Damn it, I can never get these stupid things to work,” he complained, spilling rice all over his plate.

Amara couldn’t help but laugh. “Here.” Reaching over, she adjusted his fingers to where he was holding them properly. “There you go. Try now.”

Obediently, he picked up another bit of rice, and this time it didn’t fall. “You are amazing, you know that?”

She grinned. “I try.”

“I’m sure. Nova’s a lucky man.”

“I tell him that every day.”

Mitch laughed. “I’m sure you do. But does he realize how lucky he is? I mean, truly? You’re beautiful, smart, funny. Does he understand that the woman he’s getting deserves to be treasured?”

“He knows, Mac,” she assured him. “Don’t worry, Nova’s a really great guy. And he’s good to me.”

“I don’t know, Mara.” Mitch shook his head. “I’m not sure he’s good enough for you.”

A little uncomfortable, she patted his arm. “Thanks. You’re sweet.”

“I’m serious. There’s no one else like you. I know I’m with Zoe and everything, but the girl has some major issues, and I just…I don’t think it’s going to work out.”

“No? Oh. I’m sorry, Mitch. I know how much you cared for her.”

“The thing is, I’m just not sure there is anyone out there for me.”

Sympathy washed over her. “Sure there is. You’re funny, sweet, kind. You own your own business. I may have helped make it what it is, but hey.” They both smiled. “You’re still successful. You’re handsome, and you pick up some mean Chinese food. What woman wouldn’t want you?”

“I knew it,” Mitch whispered, staring at her. “I knew it.”

Frowning, she stared at him. “You knew what? Mitch? Hey! Damn it, Mitchell, get off me!”

Their food fell to the floor as she fought to push him off, but Mitch just kept coming. His body was on top of hers and he had her back pressed into the couch, pinning her down. She managed to wedge her hands between their chests, but that didn’t stop him from trying to kiss her.

“I knew it,” he said again. “I knew you couldn’t actually love that guy. I knew you always wanted me. I just had to convince you of it. The roses. You used to talk about roses when we were younger, how romantic you thought they were. I thought you would know they were from me. I thought you would ditch that guy and come tell me you loved me once you realized how perfect we are for each other.”

“Mitchell, get off of me.” She was beginning to panic. His voice had turned into that of a stranger. How could she have been so blind?

Finally, he sat back, and Amara scrambled to the edge of the couch and tucked her knees against her chest. She gaped at him. “Oh, my god,” she whispered. “Nova was right. It was you.”