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Blindsided (Fair Catch Series, Book Three) by Christine Kersey (15)

Chapter Fifteen

With her manicure supplies in hand, Mari made her way back to the game room/art studio. Knowing Hank was there, waiting for her, brought on a kaleidoscope of emotions—excitement and anticipation, but even more so, hurt feelings and embarrassment. Despite that, and even after overhearing the things he’d said about her, the magnetism he exuded and the need she had to have him notice her, to want her, had hardly dimmed. And that made his words hurt all the worse.

Frustrated with herself that his words hadn’t killed her interest, she sighed as she opened the door to the art studio and stepped across the threshold.

Keeping her focus on Harper, she could feel Hank’s eyes on her.

“I brought all my nail polish so you can choose which one you want.” Mari set the bottles on a low table, then waited while Harper examined each one, picking one up and staring at it before setting it down and choosing another.

Finally, after studying each one, she held up two—a hot pink and a deep red. “I like these.”

Smiling, Mari said, “Then we’ll use both. We can alternate. Pink on one finger, then red, then pink and so on.”

“Okay!” She turned to Hank. “I want Daddy to do it.”

Not able to stop herself, Mari looked at Hank, whose eyebrows were raised. “I, uh, I’ve never painted nails before.”

Wanting to make Harper happy, and putting aside her stung feelings, Mari smiled tightly. “I’ll show you how.”

His gaze lingered on her. Why was he looking at her like that? Especially after what he’d said to Simone?

Clenching her jaw in annoyance that she was even asking herself those things when she needed to draw a bright red line between their roles, she tore her eyes from him and looked at Harper. “Let’s go outside so we don’t get any polish on the carpet.”

“Come on, Daddy,” Harper said, her hand still clutched in his as she tugged him toward the door.

Once they were all outside, Mari led the way to a shady spot near the pool. Sitting cross-legged on the pavers, she patted the ground in front of her. “Sit here, Harper.” Casting a quick glance at Hank, she didn’t direct him where to sit. Why should she help him any more than she was already?

He didn’t let her off that easily, though. “Where should I sit, Marigold?” His voice was low and sexy.

Hearing him say her full name, especially with that deep tone, brought back the memory of Friday when he’d leaned over her on the pool table and murmured in her ear. Heat pounded through her. She forced her suddenly rapid breathing to slow.

“You…you can sit wherever you want.” She couldn’t let him get to her like this. Not when she knew the truth of the way he felt about her.

A slow smile tugged up the corners of his mouth. “If you say so.” Then he sat right beside her.

That wasn’t what she had in mind, and when the subtle scent of his cologne wrapped around her, she had to stop herself from swaying in his direction.

Turning her full attention to the task at hand, she shook the bottle of base coat, then unscrewed the cap and lifted out the tiny brush.

“Let’s start with your toes, Harper,” Mari said. “Put your foot on my leg.” Then she glanced at Hank out of the corner of her eye. He was watching her intently, his striking green eyes boring into her.

What was going on? Why was he looking at her like that when he’d stated in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t his type, that he would never be interested in her? Because that wasn’t the message his eyes were broadcasting.

Harper’s foot landed on Mari’s leg, yanking her attention away from Hank and back to Harper. Glad for the distraction, Mari bent forward slightly and gently grasped Harper’s big toe. “This is the base coat, which you put on each nail before you add the color.” Keeping her attention on Harper’s toe, she added, “You brush on a thin coat. Like this.” Then she brushed some on.

Barely glancing at him, she held out the bottle of base coat. “Now you do it.”

He cupped her hand with both of his before taking the bottle, then he stroked the tender skin on the back of her hand with his thumb. Sensations raced up her arm and she had to work to keep from gasping. Seconds later he let go. Torn between loving the feel of his skin against hers and furious that he was playing with her, she clenched her jaw.

Did he think she was a stupid little girl? That she would fall for him just because he gave her some attention? That he was too amazing to resist? Clearly, he had no idea she’d overheard what he’d said to Simone. Besides, he was dating Simone! How dare he put any moves on her, no matter how subtle. London was so right, so very, very right, and if it wasn’t for Harper and how much she loved being with her father, Mari would tell London that she and Harper needed to go back to LA right away.

But she would never do that to Harper.

“Let me have your foot, Harper,” Hank said.

Harper moved her foot from Mari’s leg to Hank’s, and Mari shifted her gaze so that she was watching him. His focus was on what he was doing. Knowing it was safe to observe him, when she saw the incongruity of his large hands holding the tiny brush as he carefully painted the base coat on Harper’s toenails, despite her anger at him, a minuscule smile forced its way onto her lips.

When he was done, Harper held out her hands. “Do my fingers, Daddy.”

He looked at Mari, a question on his face.

After tossing a smile at Harper, when Mari looked at Hank, the corners of her lips straightened. “Do the same thing as you did with her toes.”

Looking a little uncertain, he held each of Harper’s tiny fingers in turn, painting base coat on each nail. When he was done, he put the lid on the bottle of base coat.

“It has to dry now,” Harper said, like this was old hat for her.

“Do you still want both of these colors?” Mari asked as they waited for the base coat to dry.


“Okay.” She handed the bottles to Hank, not giving him a chance to touch her hands again. Forcing herself to hold his gaze, she said, “Shake the bottles really well. And then you paint them on just like you did with the base coat.”

He grinned. “Alternating colors, of course.”

Frowning, she said, “Of course.”

“Got it.” After shaking the bottles, he opened the bottle of pink polish and did a decent job of painting it on every other nail on Harper’s fingers and toes. Then he did the same with the red. “What do you think, Princess Pink Rose?”

Harper admired her nails. “It’s pretty. Thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome.”

Keeping her eyes pointed at Harper’s nails, Mari said, “This coat will take longer to dry, otherwise the polish will smear. Once Harper’s nails are dry you’ll need to add a top coat.”

Hank chuckled. “I had no idea painting nails was so involved.”

Despite herself, Mari looked at him and tried to tamp down the irritation she felt. “I’m sure there’s a lot about women you don’t know.” Where did that come from? Completely out of line.

Mari’s face burned.

Hank’s gaze lasered in on her, and his voice was low and sexy. “I’d like to learn.”

The butterflies in her belly began to dance and she frantically tried to calm them. Tried and failed. Why was he looking at her like that when he had zero interest? Confused, Mari tore her gaze away and ignored his comment.

“I like the colors you picked,” she said to Harper. “They’re perfect for you.”

“Can we play a game after?”

“What game would you like to play?”

“The cherry game.”

Mari smiled. “Hi Ho Cherry-O?”



“Will you play with us, Daddy?”

Watching him out of the corner of her eye, Mari waited to see what he would say. In a way, it would be a relief if he bowed out. On the other hand, she didn’t want him to leave.

“I’d love to, Princess Pink Rose.”

Harper grinned. “Yay!”

Why should she expect him to bow out? She’s the one who should leave. It was time to give Hank and Harper father/daughter time. And putting space between her and Hank would be a good thing.

She smiled at Harper. “You and your daddy should play. Just the two of you, okay?”

Harper didn’t seem fazed at all. “Okay.”

Pushing herself to her feet, Mari looked at Hank. “I’ll be in my room if you need me.” Then, not giving him a chance to comment, she turned and walked away.