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Blood Moon Dragon (Dragon Investigators Book 2) by Shelley Munro (15)

Wednesday, Papakura

Herbert strode into the motel office late afternoon, striking it lucky with the last room. It was the same unit the girl had occupied, which answered one question. She’d checked out after her clown scare.

But where had she gone?

An older Maori woman checked him in, her light eyes freaky with their intensity. Her nostrils flared and her gaze locked with his. He shook himself because it felt as if she were looking inside his mind. She slid the key over the desk. “Enjoy your stay.”

He blinked, instinctively going for polite. “Thank you.”

A young woman entered as he left. Bingo. This one was the other’s friend, and eventually she’d lead him in the right direction. She’d know Cassie Miller-Pope’s location, and once he found the woman, he’d keep her off-balance enough that she wouldn’t worry about anything happening on her land. She’d be frightened of her own shadow.

* * * * *

Hotel at Matakana

Sometimes Cassie made mistakes. Most people did, however picking up her phone without checking the caller identity—right up there amongst the big ones.

“Cassandra, I expected you to call me,” her mother said. “You’re twenty-six and should have outgrown this childish behavior.”

Cassie tapped her finger against her leg and awaited her mother’s next salvo. When it didn’t come, she said, “Mother, I’ve been busy, and it’s only been six days since I arrived.”

“I can’t believe you intend to live in your grandfather’s house. If it were me, I’d sell it to—”

“I own the farm, Mother. Granddad left it to me. Please, we’ve had this discussion. Let’s agree to disagree. How are you? How is Dad?”

“We’re fine. Thank you.”

“What do you want for breakfast, Cassie?” Hone called from the doorway. He’d gone for a run along the beach while she dallied with a coffee and the newspaper.

“Who is that?” Her mother’s sharp tone peeved Cassie.

“A friend.” Less said the better.

“A male friend?”


There was a pause, a huff of air. “I hope you’re having safe sex.”

“Mother, I am not having this conversation. It’s good to hear from you, but I’ve been taking care of myself for a while.” Thank goodness her mother wasn’t in the same room because her cheeks had bloomed scarlet. Judging by Hone’s grin, he’d caught the conversation.

“I suppose you’re spending time with that girl?”

“If you mean Emma, then yes. She’s my best friend.”

“Who is the man?”

“Hone works with Emma.”

“I see.”

Cassie doubted it. “Mother, you might not approve of the way I live my life, but I’m healthy and content. Why can’t you just be happy for me?”

“With your educational qualifications, you could be doing much more than working as an assistant to a singer.”

Cassie grit her teeth until compulsion tell her mother exactly how much wealth she’d amassed had passed. “Mum, I’m going to say this for the last time. I love you, but since I am an adult, you can’t make my decisions for me. I am taking a break from my job for one month. Once that time has passed, I will make a decision as to what I’ll do next.”

“But how can you afford to take a month off work? Do you need any money? If you sold—”

“Did you get the Christmas present I sent you?”

“Yes, the gift box came, and it’s lovely. Your father loves the two CDs you included. I didn’t think I’d like this Katie-Jo person, but she’s quite good.”

Pride squeezed her chest. “I’m glad you’re enjoying them. I hoped you would.” She’d recorded her Dad’s favorites in a friend’s studio, knowing that her parents would never realize they were one-of-a-kind. “I’ll ring you soon, as long as you promise not to harangue me about the way I live my life.”

Her mother sucked in an audible breath. “I’m sorry, Cassandra. I didn’t realize I was lecturing you. I only want what is best for you, to see you succeed. Your father keeps telling me I’ll push you away, but you always listen to me. This is the first time you’ve told me to stop.”

“I should have put my foot down earlier then,” Cassie said lightly, wondering what had happened to her over-achieving parent.

“You remember Karen Ellingham?”

“One of your friends.”

“Yes, she had a heart attack and passed away. She’s two years younger than me. It’s made me think. I’ve decided to scale back and delegate more. Your father has suggested it before, but I’ve always pooh-poohed the idea. He’s taken up golf. Says it’s all mathematics and angles, and I’d enjoy the challenge.”

“Why don’t you travel for pleasure? Try golf?”

“You’re truly happy and you don’t need any money? We could send you some.”

“Mom! I’m going to go now before I lose my temper. Learn how to play golf. I’m hanging up now.” Cassie ended the call and inhaled to deal with her surge of confusion. Her mother had apologized, even though it had been half-hearted.

“Everything okay?” Hone refilled her coffee.

“My mother. All my life my mother has lectured me about my poor decision making. She didn’t approve of Emma, considered her a bad influence. She doesn’t support me being in New Zealand. She worries I’m not making the most of my opportunities. Today she didn’t make any digs about my weight, but she normally tells me I should have more self-restraint and diet. I love my parents, I do. They offered me opportunities while I was growing up. Because of Dad’s insistence, I learned to play the guitar and the piano. I have a business degree as well as one in music. Mum had several miscarriages after me, and I get that she’d want to push me to excel, but a job in the business world…that’s not me.”

“Why haven’t you told your parents you’re a singer?”

“When I was a teenager, they sent me to boarding school, but during the holidays…” Cassie shuddered. “The holidays were awful, and as soon as I finished my schooling, I applied for a job in Nashville. The distance helped me get perspective and embrace my independence. My first job really was as an assistant to a music star. I met Kevin, and I had incredible luck. My employer was generous with his help, and I became successful. Every time I talked to my mother, she lectured me about my perceived wrongs. It was easier to remain silent. I don’t deal with confrontations well. A flaw, I’m afraid.”

“You’re perfect the way you are.” Hone leaned against the back of the couch, his tattoos drawing her eye. “I can’t say I understand your silence though. I would’ve bragged of my triumph.”

Cassie laughed. “Your family seems close. Because I attended boarding school, and my parents worked long hours, we didn’t spend time together.” Come to think of it, she hadn’t explored his tattoos yet. Fingers or tongue or both? “My mother lectured me, informed me I did everything wrong. It was easier to stick my head in the sand.”

Hone sipped his black coffee, his gaze on her. “Why the costume? The disguise? I’ve looked you up on the ’net. No one would recognize you if they didn’t know your secret already.”

“That started off as a joke. I had chronic stage fright, and Kevin suggested I dress up in a disguise. It sounds silly, but it helped, and I realized the anonymity would work in my favor too, so I developed my brand and stuck with it. As long as I’m careful, it means I can go shopping or out to dinner in the States and no one recognizes me.”

“Huh, I’m fucking a beautiful country star and I can’t tell anyone.” Hone’s grin and suggestive wink took away the sting of the harsh language. “Hey, don’t freeze up like that. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You haven’t,” Cassie said, striving for a light tone. She thought she managed quite well. “You mentioned breakfast. I could eat.”

“Want to go for a walk or order in?”

“Order in,” she said without hesitation. “I still haven’t had a chance to explore your tattoos. I could have fun with syrup.”

“Deal, but we’re both eating breakfast naked. If I’m getting sticky, so are you.”

Not long after their breakfast, Cassie straddled Hone’s hips as he lay facedown on the bed. She traced her fingers over the black-and-red dragon inked into his skin. A rumble came from him as she stroked down his spine. His entire body shivered beneath her touch. The man oozed sexual charm, and every single time he touched her, he rocked her world. She leaned down to press her lips against the head of the dragon.

“Your skin is warm.”

“Because you’re torturing me with your attention, your scent. You’re wet and it’s driving me crazy.” He moved, twisting his body so fast, she almost toppled off the bed. His fingers banded her biceps, helping her balance until she leaned against the heaped pillows at the head of the bed. “I’m going to get another condom. You sore?”

Her cheeks heated. “A little.”

“I have lube. Got some when I visited the restrooms in the main building. Figured a new source of condoms wouldn’t hurt, especially since we had the first one conk out on us.” He grabbed a package off the right nightstand. “And since you keep disobeying me, I intend to blindfold you.”

Color her intrigued. “Are you going kinky on me?”

“We can do whatever we want.” He ended their conversation with a kiss that stole her breath and dulled her active brain. All she could focus on was the erotic duel of his tongue with hers and the shudder of helpless delight holding her in thrall.

He pulled back. “I happen to enjoy giving my lover pleasure.”

“But it’s still my turn. Let me taste you.”

“I’d like to do that too, but not if you’re sore. I need control.”

Her tongue darted out to swipe her bottom lip.

He sucked in a quick breath, and she heard his now familiar yet strange rumbly purr. “Enough of that provocative behavior, Miss Miller-Pope.”

She looped her arms around his neck and grinned.

Hone rose to dig around in his bag. He came out with a navy-blue scarf.

Some of her good mood faded. “Do you travel with blindfolds?”

“I packed it when you weren’t paying attention.”


“Cassie, look at me.” When she did, his gaze that reddish-brown glow. “It’s true I’ve had other women. I like women, but right now, you have my full attention. I’m here with you because that’s what I want. Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered, cursing herself. Stupid insecurities.

“You still want me to put on the blindfold?”

“Yes.” She didn’t hesitate this time. She trusted Hone. He wouldn’t hurt her physically, not intentionally.

He sat on the edge of the bed, swept the hair from her face. His lids rested at half-mast and his lips curved in a faint grin. Her insides clenched, a spear of desire darting through her sex. She knew what awaited her and couldn’t wait to experience his controlled passion again.

“I like your hair loose.” He smoothed his hand over her hair and tucked a strand behind her ear. “Ready?”

“Ready.” Her mouth dried. Silly, really. They’d made love three times throughout the night, each time heat-pumping good.

With quick competency, he tied the scarf in place. A pent-up breath whooshed from her, and she started when his whiskers rasped across the delicate skin of her neck.

“I want you on all fours. You okay with that?”

“Position me,” she said, her pulse racing a little faster. Sex with Keven had been quick vanilla stuff in the missionary position. This—Hone—kept her off-balance.

He guided her into place. “You’re beautiful. Sexy.” His hand ran over one buttock without warning, and she let out a nervous laugh. “Widen your stance. Yep, perfect.”

The mattress shifted and warm air blew down her slit. The action repeated and then his tongue licked and circled her nub. Sensations coursed to life. Her hips jolted, but Hone gripped them, forcing her to stillness.

“Not yet,” he said.

She jumped at the sting on her right buttock. “Hey.”

“Do as you’re told.” His gruff voice lit a flame inside her and expectation, anticipation, had her pulse racing, her breathing hitching. With her sight shrouded, every other sense overloaded her with information. She could smell his aftershave, hear her hoarse breathing while her pussy pulsed and craved friction.

He licked her again, keeping each stroke gentle against her tender flesh. She sighed and relaxed as much as she could to enjoy his attentions. Another lick teased her. She waited for more and nothing happened. Her throat worked, and she groaned.

“Easy, sweetheart. Just getting the lube.”

A rustle sounded, the crackle of plastic and a sharp creak. The thumbing open of a lid?

Without warning, coldness struck her sex. She started, and Hone chuckled.

“I should have warned you, but I wanted to see you jump.”


The second application didn’t feel so bad. The lube heated from her body and the coolness eased her swollen flesh.

“I’m putting on a condom now, hopefully one that won’t bust. Date’s good. Nah, we’re good.”

“Pleased to hear it,” Cassie said in a tart tone.

He laughed in that infectious way of his, the one where his entire face lit up, sometimes with that weird red glow in his stare. No idea what that was, but she’d already deduced if she saw that gleam, emotion had come to the fore.

Hands smoothed over her buttocks, the point of contact igniting lust in a big way. Condom. Contact. All engines go.

His cock prodded her entrance and pushed inside her. She winced and forced herself to relax. She hurt, but she wanted him so much.

As he pushed deeper, his finger glided over her clit. Instantly, pleasure pushed to the fore, desire and need. The warmth from his chest as he leaned against her, his cock fully embedded. Heaven.

He continued to move with slow, even strokes. It was magical. It was mesmerizing. It was stunningly beautiful the way he took his time. The man played her like a maestro, then upped the tension until she exploded with the ecstasy, with the joy and bliss of the moment. And as she toppled into orgasm, he increased his pace, driving into her now, flesh slapping flesh until his cock contracted and he reached his own completion.

Hone stilled, deep in her body. “I don’t know if I can move. You’ve worn me out.”

Cassie snorted a laugh. “Not you. You’re insatiable.”

He separated their bodies, and she mourned the loss of contact. “Be back soon.”

Cassie waited a second, then tugged off her blindfold to stare after him. She wasn’t stupid enough to miss the view.

His tattoo drew her attention. She blinked, sure she was seeing things. The dragon. She clapped her hand over her mouth before she made a fool of herself.

She could have sworn the dragon had been ready to leap from Hone’s skin, its red eyes flaring full of fiery life.

Now…now it appeared as if it were asleep.

The water turned on and switched off. Hone wandered from the en suite with a washcloth in his hand, a big yawn splitting his face. He stilled on seeing her. “Something wrong?”

“No, but you’re going to start me yawning soon. Someone kept me awake all night.”

His grin told her that hadn’t been a problem for him. “Spread your legs for me.”


“Love the way you blush. Go on, babe. I’ve seen you now. Don’t try to hide from me.”

When she hesitated, he pushed her gently, so she fell against the pillows and used his free hand to tug her legs apart. She sighed as the warm cloth hit her swollen tissues and sighed again as the heat eased the lingering sting.

That done, he tossed the cloth aside and gathered her in his arms. “You up for snorkeling?”

“I need a nap.”

“We can do that. A quick nap before we go for a drive to Goat Island. I organized a picnic basket when I walked over to the main building.”

“I like a man with a plan.”

Hone laughed as he tugged her against his chest and nuzzled her hair. She drifted toward sleep, her mind heavy. Life after Hone would be difficult, even if she was richer for their acquaintance.




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