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Bosco (Kings of Korruption) by Geri Glenn (25)


The back yard is full of leather clad bikers, women in tight shorts, and screaming kids playing happily in the pool. At the front of the house is row after row of neatly parked motorcycles. Our neighbors must hate us.

Brightly colored streamers and oversized balloons decorate the fence line surrounding us, a giant sign with the words ‘Happy Birthday’ hanging on the side of the house. Today marks four years since Millie was born.

Her cancer is now in remission, though she’s still undergoing the maintenance phase of her treatment. She’s given us a few scares over the last year and a half, and I’m sure there are a few more in our future, but for now, she’s doing well and she’s kicking that cancer’s ass.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

I whip around to see Laynie, her dog Dexter at her side, with a warm smile on her face.

My hand flies up to my chest and I laugh. “You scared the crap out of me. How’d you even know I was in here?”

She grins and points behind me out the kitchen window. “Tease told me you were watching out the window. Said you look like you might need to talk.”

I huff out a laugh and shake my head. “You know, for a blind woman, you’re surprisingly stealthy.”

“You can blame Dexter for that,” she says, reaching down to pat the smiling dog’s head. “Now tell me, what are you doing staring out the window while your daughter is having a raging party in the backyard?”

I laugh a little at the mental image that gives me and turn to watch out the window again. “I’m just thinking how much everything has changed in the last couple years. How much I’ve changed. I was so angry at all of you when Mouse died. I certainly didn’t want anything to do with the club.”

“Except for Bosco,” she says, a teasing smile in her voice.

“Yeah. He was a different story. He wouldn’t leave. No matter how miserable I was to that man, he was relentless.” I pause, watching Bosco as he turns a batch of hot dogs on the barbeque, laughing at something Jase says.

“Then Millie got sick and I wasn’t just angry at the club, I was angry at the world. I was confused about my feelings for Bosco, and how I could be so angry with the Kings but still need them to function. It was terrible.”

“And now?” Laynie asks from behind me.

I look around the yard at the people that had come to help my daughter celebrate four years on this earth. “Now I realize that this club is one of the best things that ever happened to me and Millie. You’re not friends, everyone here is our family. We might not be related by blood, but you’re all more of a family than my blood relatives.” I grimace. “Sounds cheesy, I know.”

Laynie laughs. “No, I get what you mean. I was alone too, ya know. I had my brother and my parents, but they all treated me as if I was a child. They didn’t see me as a grown woman because I was blind. Being around the club was the first time I ever felt normal.”

I watch through the window as Millie squeals and splashes Ryker and little Maddox. “Do you think Mouse would be okay with the way things turned out?”

Laynie’s body presses against me from behind, her arms wrapping around my waist, her chin resting on my shoulder as her sightless eyes gaze out the window to the people we love. “I think Mouse would have done anything to ensure you and Millie were happy. He would have wanted you to move on, to love with a passion, and to show Millie the way to do the same. Wherever he is, I think Mouse is very okay with the way things turned out.”


“Marry me.”

I blink from my place on the edge of the bed at the crazy woman standing in front of me. “What?”

Her face splits into a grin so full of happiness, it takes my breath away. “Marry me.”

I finish pulling off my sock and stand, walking the three feet that separates us and take her face in my hands. “Baby, pretty sure I’m supposed to be the one that does the askin’.”

“You were taking too long.”

I cough out a laugh and pull her body to mine, wrapping my arms around her. “Don’t you want me to do the whole down on one knee thing?”

I feel the shake of her head against my chest, and then she pulls away. “I just want you to marry me. I want you to adopt Millie, and I want to be Mrs. Scott Boscarelli.”

As amazing as that name sounds on her lips, I’m still focusing on the other part. “You want me to adopt Millie? Legally?”

She gazes into my eyes and nods. “You love her, she loves you. She never got to meet her father, but you’ve been there for her since the day he couldn’t be any more.”

The idea of being legally bound to the two people I love more than anything else in this world sends my heart into outer space. “Mrs. Boscarelli,” I say, trying the name out on my lips. I grin down at her. “I like the sound of that.”

“Me too,” she whispers, her eyes serious.

I stare down at her, feeling so light, I fear I might float away, and whisper back, “You bet your ass I’ll marry you.”

She grins and pops up onto the tips of her toes and presses her lips against mine. Scott and Sarah Boscarelli. Millie Boscarelli. The idea of my girls taking my name is more than I ever could have hoped for.

Leaning down, I tip Sarah’s head back and deepen our kiss. My hands come to her shoulders and slip the edges of her robe from her shoulders, her breasts falling free. Pulling away, I stare down at her, dragging my knuckles across her pebbled nipple.

“Take it off,” I order.

With a sly smile, Sarah steps back and undoes the tie at her waist. Pointing her arms at the ground, she lets the material fall to the floor and stands before me, completely bare, her hooded gaze on me, waiting for her next command.

“Hands and knees on the bed.”

My cock lengthens in my jeans as she does what she’s told, her head turning to watch me over her shoulder. “Spread your knees.” I’m really not sure how I’m keeping my voice so calm when my heart is doing jumping jacks inside my chest. She spreads her knees, and in this position, her ass toward me, I can see it all.

I can see the curve of her ass and the velvety pink flesh of her center, slick with desire.

“Show me how you fuck yourself,” I command, this time my voice hoarse.

Her perfectly manicured fingers slip along her belly and down between her legs, collecting the wetness at her core. I watch, caught in a trance as she slides them back to her clit where she draws slow, sensuous circles.

I groan and unbutton my jeans, unable to look away. Her soft gasp hits my ears, just as my jeans hit the floor. She watches me, her eyes burning with desire as I take my cock in my hand and stroke its steel length. Her fingers disappear inside of her, her head falling back.

She’s so fucking hot like this. Unguarded, vulnerable, primal. “Please,” she whimpers, her fingers slipping in and out, her hips rolling. “Fuck me, Scott.”

Unable to wait another second, I drop to my knees, running my tongue from one end of her pussy to the other, the taste of her driving me wild. I bury my face between her legs and suck in her clit, my fingers reaching beneath her to roll her nipples.

I nip and suck, and lave my tongue along her puckered nub until she’s writhing on the bed, unable to breathe. When I feel her body start to tremble, I pull away, positioning myself at her core.

I bury myself inside of her. Her silken walls clench at my cock, sending shivers along my spine. Flexing my hips, I drag out and drive back in. My thrusting gets faster, more feral, unable to hold myself up. I place my hands under hers and entwine our fingers.

Sarah powers back, taking and giving, her gasps turning to moans as she takes me deeper than I’ve ever been before. My head swims as our bodies come together, my lungs heaving to catch a breath.

When Sarah falls over the edge of her climax, I plummet alongside her, my eyes rolling back in my head.

We stay that way for several seconds, our hearts hammering, our bodies spent. Finally, I pull away and drop to the bed beside her. When Sarah’s bright eyes meet mine, I pull her to me, my lips capturing hers.

My heart has never felt fuller than it does in this moment, and I marvel at the thought that we have the rest of our lives to fill it up even more.


His kiss sends fire through every nerve in my body. It’s been so long since something as simple as a kiss has been pleasurable at all. It’s also terrifying. Reaching up, I gently drag my fingernails through the short hair at the nape of his neck and pull away, my forehead resting against his, his harsh breaths mixing with my own.

“I’ve gotta get back to work,” I whisper, my eyes meeting his from beneath my lashes.

Eric groans and pulls me closer, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin on the side of my neck, sending goosebumps racing along my flesh. “Fine.” His voice rumbles in his chest. “Go, but later, we’re doing that again.”

Butterflies flutter up a storm in my belly and my head swims. It’s been so long since a few simple touches and words from a man had made me feel anything, let alone the desire I feel in his arms. Pulling back, I pop up on my toes and press a soft kiss to his lips.


I grin, evading his hands as he grabs for me again, pretending he’s going to pull me back. With a wave of my hand, I hurry around the corner and away from him. My shift is almost over, but it had taken a while for Pimp to even agree to let me work at the club. He was worried that being around the alcohol would be too hard on me, so he’d agreed to let me do the first half of the night for a while, just to see how I’d do. I’m not about to let him down, even if my current drug of choice is quickly turning out to be a member of his security staff.

Picking up a tray, I step into the throng of people and begin grabbing stray empties and wiping down tables. As usual, the place is packed. Club Chrome has always been the place to go. It’s one of the most popular clubs in the city, if not the most popular.

Once my tray is full, I turn to head back to the bar where I can unload the empty glasses and bottles. I only make it two steps before he’s in front of me, his angry, hate-filled eyes boring into mine. Grabbing my elbow, he yanks me toward him, his fingertips digging into my skin. His lips brush against my ear as he yells to be heard above the thumping beat of the music.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” Marco demands. Fear freezes me in place, my wide eyes filling with tears as the empties on my tray begin to rattle from my shaking. “Put that shit down and let’s go,” he snarls, tugging my arm so hard, a bottle tips and falls from my tray, shattering onto the floor at our feet.

My chest feels as if someone has loaded it down with iron blocks. I struggle to draw in oxygen and my eyes burn with tears. “No.”

Marco’s eyes flare. “You don’t fucking tell me no, Rachel. Let’s go!”

He doesn’t wait for me to say anything else. He also doesn’t care about the tray in my hands. His grip on my elbow tightens and the next thing I know, he’s dragging me along behind him as he storms through the crowd.

I try like hell to plant my feet, to slow him down, but the floor is slick with spilled alcohol, and everyone around us is lost in their good time. Nobody notices as I scream and yank, desperate to pull my arm from his grip. I’ve never seen Marco this angry. Something inside me tells me that if he gets me out of this club and somewhere alone, it’ll be the end of my foray into sobriety. It will be the end of me, period.

The tray I’m still trying to balance as he pulls on me wobbles on my hand, and that’s when my senses come rushing back to me. With every ounce of strength I can yank from inside myself, I shove the tray, glasses and all, into Marco’s back. I pray the sound of the shattering glass is enough to attract the attention of the security staff.

When he rounds on me this time, I shrink back. I remember now why I let him rule my life for so long. Marco is terrifying. He’s all-consuming, intense, and a master manipulator, but mostly, he just scares the absolute shit out of me.

“Big mistake,” he snarls, his arm going back and preparing to strike. The impact of the back of his hand hitting my cheek knocks me to the ground, and I swear I feel my brain rattle inside my skull. Suddenly, the people around us take notice. “Get up!” His nostrils are flared with rage as he glares down at me, extending his hand for me to take.

A large man, one of the patrons, steps forward from the crowd, pushing his body between mine and Marco’s. “Back the fuck off, man!” As the two begin shoving each other, their screaming heard well above the music, I slowly peel myself from the floor and get to my feet.

Marco looks past the intruder, his eyes spearing mine. I watch in horror as his jaw grows hard, and then he turns, disappearing into the mass of people. I know without a doubt that last look he’d given me was a promise—a promise that this isn’t over. My problems with Marco are never going to be over, not until one of us is dead.

You can read Rachel’s story in the





Book 1 coming

September 2018

My kids – Even though you were giant pains in my even more giant ass as I wrote this book, I love you and I do it for you. I love you.

To Christina DeRoche – Thank you for plotting with me, brainstorming at odd hours on the phone and being my favorite book whore. I love you heaps and look forward to having many more road trips in our future.

To Jacqueline Sinclair – I miss you. Come back to the writing world. Thank you for your solid beta. As usual, your opinion means the world to me.

To Piper Davenport – Did I ever tell you you’re my hero? I loved meeting you on BookSplash and look forward to getting a chance to spend more time with you. Thank you for fitting me in on such short notice to make sure my book looks beautiful, as only you can do.

To Michelle Thomas – Thank you for bitching at me and demanding word counts. Thank you for holding me accountable and for being so on the ball. It’s nice to have someone on my side that just knows what to do without me telling them. This book never would have been finished without you riding my ass as much as you did.

To Nicole Lloyd (and Levi) – My valued friend, master pimp and the wife of my favorite handyman. Thank you for the beta read, the pimps, the laughs and the support you and your husband give me.

To My Review Team – I couldn’t ask for a better bunch of book junkies. Thank you for loving my books, supporting me and writing honest reviews that often bring a tear to my eye. You make all of the headaches worth it.

To Rebel Edit & Design – Dana, babe, thank you. That you for the edits, the love and for fitting me in whenever I suddenly decide to get my ass in gear.

To Robin at Wicked by Design – My favorite designer. Don’t ever leave me.

To the Awesome Ladies at Enticing Journey Promotions – Thank you for such a successful release blitz.  You ladies have made my life so much easier at release time!  Never stop doing what you do.

To My Queens – I’ve loved getting to know you, laughing with you and finding new reads with you. Thank you for being by my side through this journey.

To The Bloggers – Everyone of you that took the time out of your busy schedule to post, review and/or talk about my books, thank you.  A million times thank you!  An indie author needs you amazing people to find readers, and I’ve been blessed to have so many of you support me.

And lastly, To The Readers – For every one of you that took a chance on me and bought my book, thank you!  For those that left a review, double thank you!  It’s readers like you that give me the courage to keep writing, and improving my skill, hoping to bring you the best story I can.  I thank all of you for making it possible to live my dream of writing full time. For any of you that have spread the word and shared my posts or told someone about my books, you keep me going!  I love each and every one of you for whatever support you’ve given me!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!




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