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Breakout (San Francisco Strikers Book 1) by Stephanie Kay (13)

“What’s up with you?” Cheesy asked as they prepared to head back out onto the ice to start the game.

“Nothing. Just ready to win. We need the points,” Ethan said, trying to turn his focus to the task at hand and not to the woman in the stands that his eyes were constantly drawn to. She had on a black Strikers shirt, and the inner caveman in him hoped that his name and number were plastered along the back of it.

Now he just had to convince her to come out with him tonight. He’d missed her, more than he wanted to admit, and had felt like a total moron kissing her through the phone on New Year’s, but her laughter had made it worth it. He’d just been grateful that she hadn’t been offended by his note. It’d been a little ballsy to write it, but he hadn’t been able to resist.

“Sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the girl you were winking at in the stands?” Cheesy said. Ethan couldn’t read his tone. Cheesy wasn’t known for teasing the guys. He was always focused on winning. Ethan got the drive to focus on playing, but Cheesy was never “off.” The guy needed to relax.

“You should come out with us tonight,” Ethan said, steering the conversation away from Penny.

“We’ll see. Just make sure you aren’t distracted by her. Chicago isn’t an easy team to beat, and in our last game, they handed us our asses. I’d rather not have a repeat.”

“Then it’s a good thing that I win when she’s in the stands.”

“If that’s the case, you better get her season tickets.” A hint of a smile graced the captain’s face. Maybe Cheesy was teasing. The guy needed to work on his delivery.

“If you guys are done chit-chatting, how about we get out there and win,” Baz called out, breaking into a grin that showed just how many teeth the guy was missing. No player ever wore their good teeth during a game. Ethan was lucky he still had all of his.

“Let’s do this,” Ethan repeated, bumping gloves with Baz before following the large defenseman toward the ice.

The crowd roared as the players hit the ice again. And the euphoria of playing the game he loved shot through him. He knew it was going to be a rough, physical game, and Ethan wouldn’t have it any other way.


“You have a hot date or something?” Sully asked. They immediately headed toward the bar as soon as they entered Crash and Byrne.

“What are you talking about?” Ethan asked, scanning the room and hoping that she hadn’t decided to go home. Seeing her at the game tonight had energized him. They’d beat Chicago four to three, and he’d scored two of those goals and an assist. She was definitely a good luck charm. Aside from playing like shit in that game before Christmas, he was averaging just over a point a game for the last month.

He’d texted her that he’d be at Crash and Byrne once they wrapped all the post-game media. She responded by telling him how amazing he’d played. Surely that meant she wouldn’t stand him up.

“You rushed through your interviews and shower. Thought you’d leave without us,” Sully said before nodding a hello to Adam, the owner, and Sully’s former AHL teammate.

And then he spotted her. She offered him a quick smile and wave, sitting up straighter.

“That’s the good luck charm, right?” Cheesy asked, with a head tilt toward Penny’s table.

“Good luck charm?” Sully asked.

“Yeah, she was at the game tonight. Harty claims that when she shows up, we win,” Cheesy said. “And since we beat the number one team in the standings tonight, you better give her season tickets.”

“She looks familiar. Wait, isn’t that the girl who ran out on you at the grand opening of Adam’s new bar?” Sully asked, laughter in his eyes.

“Uh, yeah. We got over that.”

“I think I need to hear this story,” Cheesy said.

“Maybe another time. You boys are welcome to join us.” He offered for purely selfish reasons. Sully and Cheesy could flirt with Penny’s friend and then Ethan could keep Penny to himself. It was an asshole move, but he missed her, and she’d finally agreed to meeting him out on her own. Their last dinner had been a result of him dragging her from her office, so it didn’t count.

“Hi there,” he said when he reached her table. He ducked down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips, swallowing her light gasp before she could object. He was done with pretenses.

“Umm, hi,” she said after he pulled back, her cheeks a bright red, her eyes dark.

“Hi, I’m Amanda,” her friend said, holding out her hand.

“Nice to meet you,” he said, and then introduced them to Cheesy and Sully.

“Cheesy, Sully, Harty. Do all of your nicknames end in Y?” Amanda asked.

“Most, but not all,” Cheesy stated, his serious face back. Ethan held in his chuckle. For such a goofy nickname, the man was way too serious.

“First round’s on me because of the win,” Penny said, before gesturing for them to sit down.

“I like this girl. Good luck charm and she buys a round,” Sully said, taking the high back chair between Penny and Amanda.

“Good luck charm?” Amanda asked.

“We win when she comes to the games,” Cheesy said, and then turned his stern expression on Penny. “You are now required to come to all our home games. Maybe you could fly out to a few away games.”

Penny laughed. It rolled over Ethan in waves, and his gut clenched with the overwhelming desire to always make her laugh.

“I’ll keep that in mind, and I’ve only attended two games.”

“And we’ve won both, so let’s not question it,” Ethan said, pressing a kiss behind her ear. “Nice shirt, by the way,” Ethan said, loving his last name stretched across her shoulders.

“This thing? I just asked for the least popular player. It’s so sad that they gave me this one. I thought people liked you,” she teased.

“You’re asking for it,” he growled close to her ear, thrilling when she shifted on her seat.

The waitress popped up next to Sully and asked, “You guys want your regular?”

“Of course. Burgers with the works. Do you ladies want anything?” Sully asked.

“No thanks. We ate during the game. I’m surprised the kitchen is still open,” Penny said.

“Sully used to play in the AHL with Adam, the bar owner. On game nights, Adam keeps the kitchen open for us since we’re usually starved by the time we get out of the arena,” Ethan said.

“Yes, and Sara makes the best burgers. Make sure you tell her I said that,” Sully chimed in as the waitress jotted down the order and then left.

“She’s going to spit in your food,” Ethan said with a laugh.

“She loves our mutual flirtation,” Sully said.

“Sure, sure,” Ethan said.

“So…congrats on your goals. Almost a hattie,” Penny said.

“You know those aren’t common, right?” Ethan said, sliding his chair closer to her before dropping down onto it and resting his arm along the back of hers.

“I know. Sully got a hat trick,” she said.

“Uh, no I didn’t,” Sully said.

“Yes. A Gordie Howe one. A goal, an assist, and a fight. I read about it online. I’ve been studying up,” she stated proudly. He couldn’t wait to give her the gift he had in his car. Her fact loving brain would love it.

“Very true,” Sully said.

“Amanda, are you a hockey fan?” Cheesy asked.

“Not really. That was my first game. It’s definitely hard to follow because you guys are so fast. And it’s so hard to see how attractive you all are under those helmets. I know it’s for safety reasons, but you should all at least warm up without them on.”

Ethan tried not to laugh as Cheesy blustered at Amanda’s blatant flirting. Poor guy.

“Interesting theory, but I’d rather not get a puck to my unprotected face during warm-ups,” Cheesy replied.

“Just a suggestion,” she said, holding his gaze intently.

“So, when’s the next game, since I apparently have to show up,” Penny asked.

“We have tomorrow off, but we expect to see you there on Sunday,” Sully said.

As the discussion turned to the next game, Ethan loved hearing Penny’s input and answering her questions. She was taking an avid interest in his career, in what he cared about. He’d never had that before, and as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek, he decided that he wasn’t going to let her run again.

Penny sipped her second drink almost two hours later. The guys had stuffed themselves with mouth-watering burgers and traded stories about hockey, pranks on the road, and how they’d gotten to the Strikers. She was fascinated by their different routes to the big leagues. Hockey players didn’t make it to the pros without pure grit and determination.

Ethan and Cheesy had remained with them for the rest of the night. Sully was at the bar flirting with the cook, Sara. The man was trying too hard in his flirtation attempts.

Penny was a bundle of energy, and she couldn’t blame the alcohol since she’d only consumed two martinis and the handful of fries she’d snagged from Ethan’s plate to offset some of the booze. She just loved spending time with him. When they were together, it was like no time had passed since Italy.

Tonight’s conversation had flowed, and he’d kept her laughing. But on the flip side, all his attention had left her nerves frayed. His hand brushed against the back of her neck, or he linked his hand with hers, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. One more touch, casual or otherwise from him, and she would burst into flames.

“How about one last round?” Ethan asked, nodding to Penny’s empty glass.

“One more and then I should call a cab,” she said, hoping she was at least slightly subtle, but knew she’d failed when he grinned.

“I’ll take you home,” he said.

“How presumptuous of you.”

“I wasn’t inviting myself over for a sleepover, but the offer is always open,” he whispered against her ear.

A shudder rocked through her, and she took a steadying breath. “One more drink and we’ll see.” Not that she didn’t know exactly what they were leading up to.

His eyes twinkled as he grinned at her. He took everyone else’s order and turned toward the bar.

“I’ll go with you,” Cheesy called out, following behind Ethan.

Penny pulled at her turtleneck under her Strikers shirt.

“A little hot under the collar?” Amanda whispered next to her, her gray eyes laughing.

“I’m wearing a damn turtleneck, what do you think? And I’m surprised you noticed.” Penny nodded toward Cheesy.

“He’s hot, right?”

“Mmm, I guess.”

“You guess? Right, because you’ve only looked at Ethan all night.”

Penny stammered. “No, I haven’t.” She needed to find less observant friends.

“Of course not.” Amanda grinned.

“I know, and I’m so screwed.” Penny rested her head on Amanda’s shoulder.

“You’re not drunk, are you?” Amanda asked.

Penny raised her head. “Nope. Barely buzzy. And second guessing everything.”

“Stop fighting it. You both want each other, he invited you here tonight and never left your side. He’s funny, attentive, and cute. Stop over-analyzing it and go for it.”


“No. Don’t pass this up just because of work or whatever hang-ups you have about him. He’s one of the good ones,” Amanda said.

“I know,” Penny whispered.

“Here you go.” Ethan returned, handing her a martini. Their fingers brushed and little bolts of sensation shot through her body.

“Thanks,” she mumbled. She ran her fingertips along the glass and couldn’t help but notice that Ethan watched her hands as well. She grasped the glass and took a sip.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yes. I should’ve asked for a water, too.”

“It’s on the way. Ran out of hands,” he said sheepishly. Dammit, why did he have to be so adorably sweet? He reached out, his finger twirling around one of her curls and tugged. She felt the pull down to her toes, and her stomach clenched.

She leaned into his touch as his finger caressed her cheek. “Maybe we could have a sleepover,” she replied.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he murmured as he shifted closer to her.

She ran her finger over his hand on the table, her eyes half hooded as she looked up at him. His eyes darkened as he watched her, and when he leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t stop him.

His lips brushed across hers, the softest of touches, and she melted against him, her head tilted back as his lips pressed harder against hers. Her hand gripped his shirt, curling into his chest as she pulled him closer, their heads slanting for a better angle. He deepened the kiss before pulling back, resting his forehead against hers.

“Sorry. I’ve wanted to do that all night,” he said, his voice rough.

“Me too,” she whispered.

Amanda cleared her throat, and Penny pulled back, her cheeks hot.

“Get a room,” Amanda teased.

“Maybe we will,” Penny shot back, laughing when Amanda just nodded.

“I’m probably going to head out soon, anyway,” Amanda said. “I’ll grab a cab home.”

“Did you drive?” Ethan asked Penny.

“We took BART to the game. There’s a stop just up the street from here. Didn’t want to have to deal with a car if I had too much to drink. I’m only a few blocks from here, so I figured I’d walk home,” she said with a shrug.

“Really? By yourself?” His brow quirked up. Sure, her sleepover sounded premeditated when he questioned her like that.

“I probably would’ve grabbed a cab,” she said, trying to play off her intentions. Not that she’d had intentions. Wait. Had she?

“I’ll drive you home. Amanda, do you want a ride?” he asked.

“I’ll drive her home,” Cheesy piped in. Penny’s gaze darted between Cheesy and Amanda. It seemed so random since he hadn’t returned most of Amanda’s flirtations. But Penny had been so focused on Ethan so she might’ve missed it. And now she felt like a crappy friend.

“Sounds like a plan, Cheese,” Amanda said, draping her arm around his waist. She was a foot shorter than the guy so that was the best she could do.

“It’s Ben,” he said stiffly.

“Suits you better than Cheesy,” she teased. “So, Ben here will give me a ride home and you two kids can go get a room.”

Penny held back her snort. Subtly, thy name is not Amanda.

“You had to go there, didn’t you?” Penny muttered, and covertly elbowed her friend.

Amanda grinned, pulling her in for a hug and whispering in her ear. “Have fun. And I want to hear all about it—in the morning.”

“I hate you,” Penny grumbled.

“No, you don’t. Now don’t keep that hot man waiting. You ready, Cheese?” she asked.

Ben glared at her, but dropped some money on the table to cover half the tab. “Yep.”

“Let’s go,” Amanda said, bidding them good night and following Ben out of the bar.

“That’s interesting,” Ethan said with a chuckle.

“Yes. I'm not sure what just happened,” she said, shaking her head.

“I’ll just settle the tab and then we can go,” Ethan said. Her nerves started as he walked away. Was she making a mistake?

“Stop over-thinking it,” he said when he returned.

“Sorry,” she said.

“Whenever you’re ready.” It was a loaded statement.

She tucked a curl behind her ear. “I’m ready.” She drained her water and hopped off her barstool quickly. Her ankle wobbled.

Damn shoes. Yes, blame it on the shoes because that’s what’s messing with her equilibrium. Not the alcohol, or the fact that she was now pressed against his body, or the fact that she was about to take him home with her. His arms locked around her waist.

“Are you okay?”

“Umm, yes. Totally mortified, but yes.” She tried to step away from him, but her limbs didn’t want to move. His heartbeat raced under her hand on his chest.

“Are you sure your knee is okay? Not that I mind having you in my arms.”

“My knee is fine. It’s really my feet.”

“I’m excellent at giving foot massages. Don’t you remember?” he asked as he kept her flush against him.

“Maybe,” she whispered. But she remembered. He’d given her a foot massage right before she’d thrown herself at him and then promptly passed out. Not one of her better moments, and she wished he wouldn’t remind her.

“Come on, let’s go,” he said as he pulled her toward the door, his fingers laced with hers.

The cool night air hit her as they walked outside, wiping away some of her buzz, and she shivered.

He tucked her arm into the crook of his elbow, pulling her close. “Better?”

His warmth seeped through her side, and she could only nod. He led her to his car. A luxury sedan, but not the sports car she’d assumed.

“Which way?” he asked.

“It’s just three blocks up and then take a left.”

“I had fun tonight,” he said as they set off.

“Me too,” she whispered. He linked his fingers with hers, squeezing her hand as he drove. She’d missed him. Missed this. Sure, they’d only had a week in Italy, but there’d been an ease between them.

“Turn left here, right?”

“What?” She shook her head.

“Left here?”

She looked away from him. They were already on her street. “Ahh, yes it’s this street. Number 145.” They managed to find street parking, and he was out of the car and opening her door before she could grab her purse.

He pulled her from the car, and reached behind her to grab his bag.

“Now who’s presumptuous,” she teased.

“Would you rather I go home?” he asked, that crooked smile in place. She’d trace it with her tongue tonight.

“Definitely not,” she said, wanting there to be no more questions between them.





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