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Caleb's Woman by Eve Vaughn (6)



Chapter Five


Sommer released a happy sigh of relief as she locked up for the night, bringing her week to a close. She’d had a lot of customers who came in to see what the new shop was all about. A lot of them said they’d return. She hoped so. Much to her disappointment, she didn’t book any catering gigs beyond the ones she’d already secured before the business officially opened but hopefully, that would change once the word got out about her delicious menu items.

She counted the money in the cash register before putting it in a deposit bag and then securing it in her safe. With that task complete, Sommer made sure the store was clean before heading out to her car. But when she went outside she was surprised to see Caleb’s sleek Hummer parked next to her vehicle.

She was surprised that he was here considering he was supposed to be in LA for the week on business. As she got closer, Caleb got out of his car. With purposeful strides, he closed the space between them and lifted her in his arms before giving her a hungry kiss that took her breath away.

Sommer melted against the hard wall of his body and just like every other time he touched her, she felt a tingling sensation that began in her core and spread throughout her entire body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss with the same enthusiasm it was received. She pressed her tongue forward to meet his, tasting mint and coffee.

Caleb cupped her ass and lifted Sommer off of her feet, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He broke the kiss to bury his face against her neck and nibble on her skin. “Mmm, I missed this.”

“Me too,” she groaned. “But as much as I’d like to continue this, you should probably put me down. Anyone could just walk by and see us like this.

“So what? Let them stare.”

She pressed her hands against his chest. “Caleb…”

He stared at her mutinously before releasing a defeated sigh. “Fine, but we’re going to finish this later.” He slowly allowed her to slide down his body until she was on her feet again.

“So what are you doing back so soon? I thought you were going to be in California for another few days.”

He raised a brow. “You almost sound disappointed.”

“Of course I’m not. I’m very happy to see you, I just wasn’t expecting you is all.”

“Speaking of which, it’s dark out. Don’t tell me you were alone in your shop at this time of night.”

Now it was Sommer’s turn to raise her brow. “At this time of night? It’s not quite nine. And is a nice neighborhood.”

“And people get robbed and mugged in nice neighborhoods just as easily as bad ones. You need to be more careful. What if it was someone other than me waiting for you Sommer?”

She rolled her eyes. “Now you’re starting to sound like my dad. Could you not ruin this reunion?”

He pressed his lips together in a firm line. It was clear that he wanted to continue his lecture but thankfully he changed the subject. “So have you eaten yet?”

“I haven’t as a matter of fact. I have some leftover spaghetti in my fridge I intended to heat up. Italian leftovers are the best.”

“I was hoping to take you out.”

“In public?” She didn’t mean to say that out loud but now that she did, there was no taking it back.

He narrowed his eyes. “Of course in public. Where else would we go out to eat?”

She shrugged. “Well, I did just say that I had leftovers waiting for me at home.”

“Which you can have another time. I haven’t seen you in nearly a week and I want to take my girl someplace nice.”

My girl.

He said it so casually but she, on the other hand, knew that this thing between them was only temporary. “Where did you have in mind?”

“If you have the taste for Italian, how about Gino’s?” he suggested.

Not only was Gino’s one of the most popular restaurants in town, it was also a favorite hangout of many Wulfen. What would they think when they saw Caleb and her out together? In the past, they’d gone out but that was before there were any romantic undertones. The last thing she wanted was to subject herself or Caleb to a bunch of people who would stare at and judge them. Why put them through scrutiny for something that wouldn’t last?

“Honestly, Calen, I’m exhausted. I’m not really interested in being around a lot of people. Besides, I was really looking forward to taking a nice hot shower and then heating up that spaghetti before settling down in front of the television to binge watch this series I’m trying to catch up. You understand right?”

“So are you saying you don’t want my company tonight? I took an earlier flight because I was excited to see you. I thought you’d feel the same way.”

She could hear the hurt in his voice, making her feel guilty. Sommer cupped the side of his face. “That’s not what I’m saying at all. Maybe I don’t want to share you with other people. Now that you’re back, I want you all to myself.”

“Is that so?”

She nodded. “It is. Why don’t you follow me back to my place? There’s enough spaghetti for the both of us.” Sommer placed a light kiss on his lips.

Caleb hooked his arm around her waist with a growl as he deepened the kiss. When he finally released her, Sommer panted to catch her breath.

“Lead the way, then,” he said softly, “Although what I’m hungry for isn’t spaghetti.”


On the way to Sommer’s apartment, Caleb played their conversation over in her head. While Sommer had appeared happy to see him, she seemed to lose her enthusiasm when he mentioned them going out in public together. She’d even said the word public as if there was something wrong with that. Maybe he was just being paranoid but he couldn’t help thinking back to last week when he wanted to take her out before he went off to LA.

Sommer had made the excuse of not wanting to go out because she had to get up early the next day. Maybe that wouldn’t have bothered him so much if he didn’t have a dinner meeting where wives and companions were welcome and again Sommer couldn’t come because she had a ‘headache’. He was starting to notice a pattern and he didn’t like it one bit.

By the time they arrived at her place, Caleb was frustrated. The good mood he’d felt at seeing her again after a week had disappeared. Sommer’s oblivious attitude only further served to annoy him.

She kicked off her shoes and placed her bag in the corner. “Why don’t you put a movie on?” she suggested. “I’m going to hop into the shower and when I get back, I’ll warm up the food that is unless you’re really hungry. I can warm up the food now and you can get started while we’re in the shower.

“I’m not that hungry,” he answered not bothering to keep the resentment out of his voice.

Sommer cocked her head to the side and gave him a curious glance before shrugging and heading to her bedroom.

Caleb flared his nostrils in frustration. What was the hell wrong with her? If there was one thing about his Sommer it was that she was usually empathetic to his moods. In the past, if something was bothering him, Sommer would always be the first to notice if something was bothering him. And she usually had a way to cheer him up if he was feeling down. But ever since he declared his feelings for her she seemed to be pulling away from him. He never thought that being with her would put distance between them. It was frustrating as fuck because he couldn’t figure out why.

Unable to sit still as he waited for her, Caleb paced back and forth in her living room. The longer he waited the more irritated he became. He glanced at the clock noticing that she had been in the shower for an awfully long time. He would have thought she’d hurry back to him.

It became apparent that she was stalling. If Sommer wouldn’t come to him then he would go to her and demand the attention she seemed reluctant to give. He stormed to the back of her apartment where her bedroom was located. Thankfully she’d left her door unlocked, not that that would have stopped him. He could hear the shower running from her bathroom. Quickly he shrugged out of his clothing before heading toward his prey.

Once he was inside, a huge wave of steam hit him, bristling the hairs on his body. She didn’t seem to notice that he’d entered. When he pulled the curtain back, he saw Sommer resting her head against the wall with her eyes closed and the spray of the water beating against her skin.

Caleb slipped into the tub and placed his hands on her shoulder, making his presence know.

She screamed. “Oh, my God, Caleb! You can’t just sneak up on me like that, I—”

He cut her off by covering her mouth with his. Caleb decided he’d get an explanation from her later but now, he wanted her. Seeing her all naked and wet was more than his libido could handle. Sommer briefly stiffened before throwing her arms around him.

Her tongue slid forward which Caleb immediately sucked into his mouth. He’d had many lovers in his lifetime but none had ever driven him to distraction like Sommer. He loved the way she fit so perfectly against him. Everything about this woman drove him insane with lust from her taste to her scent.

The animal inside of him wanted to break free as his cock stiffened to painful hardness. He grabbed Sommer’s ass and lifted her up just enough to align his dick with the slick entrance of her pussy.

He broke the tight seal of their lips to stare into her big brown eyes. “Are you ready for me, baby?”

She nodded.

“I can’t hear a nod. Are you ready to take every inch of this dick? Are you ready for me to show you how much I missed you? Are you ready for me to fuck you so hard you won’t walk straight for a week?

She started to nod but stopped herself. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Caleb.”

Without further hesitation, he thrust deep into her cunt. Sommer let out a loud cry. “Oh, my gosh!”

Caleb inhaled sharply. He’d gone a week without this sweet pussy and it felt as if he was finally home again. She was so tight around his cock it was almost as if her walls were trying to strangle and milk him dry. The snugness was nearly more than he could handle.

Caleb smacked her plump butt cheek. “Wrap your legs around me and take this dick.”

Sommer complied without hesitation.

Caleb slammed her against the shower wall and started to pump in and out of her, hard and fast as Sommer moaned his name over and over again.

He wanted to hold out as long as he possibly could and savor the deliciousness of this pussy but he’d been without her for days and her pussy was so fucking tight.

Sommer buried her face against his neck as she raked her hands down his back. In his excitement, he felt his tail pop and the hair thicken along his arms and legs. This woman brought the animal out in him.

“Caleb, I’m going to come!” she panted.

“Then let go. Don’t hold back. Come on my dick.”

As her juices gushed around him, her walls got tighter still, driving him to his own orgasm.

He thrust into her several more times before he went still. Caleb held her close, not wanting to let her go. He wasn’t sure how long he stood with her in his arms, but Sommer was the one to finally break the silence that had descended over them.

“Wow, that was intense.”

Caleb chuckled. “That’s putting it lightly.”

“How about putting me down so I can wash up.”

“You’ve been in here a pretty long time. You seem pretty clean to me.”

“And you got me dirty again. I have your cum oozing out of me.”

Caleb released her and looked down to see his seed running down her leg. The very sight of it reawakened his cock.

Sommer shook her head with a laugh. “Whoa, there. Give a girl a chance to recover before we go again. Thank goodness I’m on birth control or I would be pregnant ten times over.” She giggled.

“Would it be a bad thing if I got you pregnant?” he asked half joking but truthfully he wanted to know the answer. The thought of Sommer pregnant with his child excited him more than he thought procreation ever could.

She popped him on the chest playfully. “You’re being silly. Neither of us is ready for a kid yet.”

“Sommer, I’m 35. If I’m not ready now, I don’t think I’ll ever be.”

She shook her head. “You know what I meant. You’re still young in Wulfen years. At the very least, you’ll live until you’re 150, so you have plenty of time.

“You could live that long as well if you officially joined with me.”

Sommer opened her mouth to speak before closing it. She then turned around and grabbed the bath sponge that was sitting in the shower caddy and put some soap on it.

Caleb took it out of her hand. “I’ll wash your back.”

She nodded and bowed her head as he went to work.



“What’s happening between us?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t quite figure it out but ever since we started seeing each other, you’ve been different.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Caleb.”

“Tonight, for instance, you didn’t want to go out with me. And you just seem more closed off lately.”

“I guess I’m just so focused on Afternoon Delights. Don’t take it personal Caleb.”

“You know if you need help Masters and Son

“Absolutely not.” She shook her head vehemently. “You know how I feel about that.”

“Suit yourself but my help is always there if you need it.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing else going on with you?”

“Of course not.”

“You would tell me if there was?” Caleb pressed.

“Yes. Caleb, you’re acting paranoid. Everything is okay.”

Though her lips said one thing, Caleb couldn’t help feeling that she wasn’t telling the truth. If Sommer was having second thoughts about the two of them being together than she could forget it because he’d fight tooth and nail to be with her and never let go.