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Caliente Nights by Suzette Riddick (2)

Chapter 2


Alonzo Castro wanted to leave. Period. If one more woman approached him, he was going to hurl his drink across the crowded restaurant. Groupies throwing themselves at the professional baseball player had lost its luster years ago.

In the early days when he was a twenty-two-year-old rookie the attention was flattering. Back then Alonzo ran through women like water flowing from a faucet. Now at the age of thirty-four there was nothing appealing about the waitress scribbling her number and address on a drink napkin, sliding it under his dinner plate. If he was interested, which he wasn’t, the senseless chick didn’t put her name on the paper.

Alonzo grunted before tearing the napkin in shreds, purposely leaving it on the tabletop. He was sure that by tomorrow morning some exaggerated story would be floating across social media about him barking at the woman and sending her off in hysterics.

His agent Bret Carlson, chuckled. “After all these years you’re not used to beautiful woman coming on to you?”

“It gets old,” Alonzo answered taking a sip of his drink. Why couldn’t he meet a sweet girl who wasn’t interested in his professional status? Someone who didn’t care about the fame and the money.

Alonzo changed the subject. “So, what’s up. You said you wanted to talk.”

He tried to keep the irritation out of his voice. Bret was a top-notch agent and they’d been together from the beginning. The man had never deliberately steered him wrong. His most annoying habit, however, was making everything seem like the house was on fire and burning to the ground.

Bret fidgeted in his seat. After Alonzo’s team didn’t make it to the playoffs, he mentioned retiring from the game. According to Bret, Alonzo was too good an athlete and on top of his game to hang it up now. Alonzo was one of his star athletes, making him one of the top paid agents. Bret hoped what he had to say would cause Alonzo to reconsider. If he did, Bret’s commission would be hefty. Enough to get him out of the trouble he had wiggled himself into with the wrong people.

Bret scratched the back of his neck. Something he did whenever nervous or bringing Alonzo bad news. He cleared his throat, shifting his eyes away from Alonzo’s dark, piercing gaze.

“Nike is interested in an endorsement for a new sneaker—”

“No,” Alonzo interrupted.

Bret threw his hands up in the air. “Alonzo, buddy, you haven’t even let me finish.”

Alonzo cut into the Chicken Marsala on his plate. He speared a piece, before putting it in his mouth he reiterated, “Not interested. I told you I’m not renewing my contract. My family needs me.”

“This deal could make us … I mean you, millions.”

“Did you not hear me?”

Alonzo didn’t care about the money. He had enough to last him three lifetimes if he continued to live sensibly.

Bret’s face turned crimson. He didn’t understand why Alonzo had to retire to help his brother Julio open and run a chain of restaurants. Bret took a sip from his drink to quench his rising anger. Hadn’t he already assisted his father in getting his auto shop up and running? And wasn’t it enough he was sending his sister Teresa to the most expensive fashion design school in New York? The only one in his family who hadn’t been a pain in his ass was Alonzo’s mother. Marta was happy running the household at the family’s four-thousand-square-foot home on the Main Line.

“Alonzo, Julio is a big boy. Don’t you think he can handle the ins and outs of his restaurants. I mean, come on, you’re putting up the capital. That should be enough.”

The edge in Bret’s voice was a little more forceful than he intended. He realized his mistake when Alonzo shot him a deathly glare.

Alonzo wiped the corner of his mouth with the napkin after he finished chewing and swallowing the chicken. Over the past three years, he noticed that Bret was getting greedier and greedier. Lately, he was constantly coming at him with this deal or that investment. From the beginning of his career, Alonzo’s parents drilled into his head to read over contracts and have them reviewed by a lawyer. His parent’s advice came in handy because a time or two, Alonzo would have made an unsound financial decision if he hadn’t heeded their instruction. He no longer trusted the man who once looked out for his best interest professionally.

He dropped the napkin in the center of the plate, then drained the contents of his glass. Once Alonzo said what was on his mind, he was out of there.

“Bret, you more than anyone should know my family comes first. I don’t give a damn about Nike or any other company’s endorsement. I made my brother a promise and I’m sticking to it.”

Alonzo stood, peeling off enough bills to cover their meals and a generous tip. “What I give my brother is none of your damn business.”

“Man, I didn’t mean anything,” Bret backpedaled.

“Of course, you didn’t,” Alonzo snarled as he sauntered away from the table. Before he could make it to the exit a crowd of customers waiting for tables gathered around him requesting his autograph. Although in a sour mood he plastered on his trademark charming smile, graciously obliging his fans before continuing on his way.

Something was off with Bret. Alonzo never made it a secret to his agent that he would retire while he was still at the top of his game. Alonzo refused to go out being a has been, traded from team to team. Besides, he promised his parents once he was financially secure he would invest and help Julio to make his childhood dream come true to open a chain of restaurants throughout the city and surrounding suburbs. What Alonzo hadn’t shared with Bret was that he would be responsible for the daily operations of the chain. He was excited to be giving up the grueling schedule of traveling from city to city for months at time for a stable lifestyle.

Philly’s nightlife was teeming with people of all ages. On any given weekend in Center City, South Street or Old City, twenty-somethings to fifty-somethings and sometime older, could be found roaming the shops, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. Julio was a graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education in New York City. He worked with some of the best chefs in the business. Alonzo was confident his brother was ready for the task of head chef. And with Alonzo’s dual degrees in finance and business, he was confident their venture would be a success.

A frown marred Alonzo’s features as he rounded a cement column. Flapping in the wind, a white piece of paper was attached to his windshield. Not again, he thought as he took long strides to his vehicle snatching the note off, tempering the urge to tear it in shreds like he’d done earlier. Quickly scanning the note, Alonzo hissed an expletive. He walked around to the front of his car and kneeled to inspect the damage.

Although the damage wasn’t extensive it annoyed Alonzo that some driver had been careless. He glanced at the neat handwriting and the signed name. A woman driver. For a brief second, anger consumed him. Did she intentionally ram the back of her car into his? It wouldn’t surprise him in the least if that was the case. Over the years, women had done shady things to capture his eye. This minor fender bender wouldn’t be any different.

Alonzo eased into the driver’s seat and started the engine. He had enough of gold diggers’ stunts. First thing tomorrow morning he was going to the dealership to get an estimate of the damages. Then he was going to pay Jeanette Adams a visit at the address she’d scribbled on the note along with her telephone number. And heaven help her if this was an attempt to make her way into his bed.

“At least she had sense enough to put her name on the damn note,” Alonzo grumbled in disgust as he sped off.