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Call Sign: Thunder by Livia Grant (8)

Chapter 8

Zach was hanging on by a thread. Holding Allie all night as she'd spooned in his arms, her ass thrust against his cock, had been the beginning of his torture. He'd squelched his need to claim her in favor of soothing her through the nightmares that had threatened to wake her several times in the night.

Hell, the memory of her naked across his knee, her naughty ass painted with his hand prints, threatened to have him ejaculating in his shorts like a damn teenager. She'd wriggled perfectly, surrendering to his dominance. He felt like a bully having punished her without her prior consent. She wasn't one of his playmate pickups from a bar, who left with him knowing full well she'd be feeling his hand warming her bottom before the night was over. He had a reputation, after all.

Allison was different. She was an innocent. He was playing with fire and if he wasn't careful, he would end up hurting her way worse than any spanking could.

She was looking up at him with her big blue eyes. So trusting. A miraculous mix of innocent and lusty. He couldn't stop himself from ravishing her now to save his own life.

He stood long enough to shuck his briefs and reach for a condom on the nightstand. After he got suited up, his eyes connected with Allison's and in that moment, something happened that had never happened before. His heart physically constricted in his chest, almost in pain. His pulse raced with much more than sexual excitement. If he wasn't so desperate to be inside her, he'd take a timeout to try to sort it out.

But he was desperate.

Zach kneeled between her legs, enjoying the view of her puffy wetness as he reached for her legs, lifting them so her knees hung over his arms. As he moved forward, he took her splayed legs with him, opening her wide beneath him.

Their eyes didn't leave each other as he leaned down, their faces only inches apart. The tip of his erection slid through the wetness he had tasted, anxious to drive into her. He waited, wanting to make the moment last as long as he could.

"Please… Zach… I want you."

Her desperate plea did him in. He didn't need another invitation. He drove his hips forward, sliding into her sheath in one thrust. Christ, she was tight. Her body hugged his shaft like she'd been made for him. A perfect fit. The look in her eyes told him she felt the same.

It took all of his self-control to keep things slow, wanting to give her time to acclimate to his girth. Not wanting to hurt her or, in her precarious state, frighten her. He needn't have worried. She was rocking beneath him in an attempt to meet his thrusts harder.

Zach leaned down to capture her lips with a kiss, loving how connected they felt in every way possible. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders as she held him tight, the pain driving him to plunge a bit harder… a bit deeper.

The bite of her teeth on his lower lip as she took their kiss violent sent him over the edge. He yanked away from the kiss, growling, "Put your hands over your head. Hold on to the headboard."

She obeyed in a flash, notching his dominance higher. He sat back on his heels, lifting her ass off the bed as he maintained their intimate connection. He stilled his thrusts while buried balls-deep in her heat, moving his hands to grasp her too-thin hips in an iron grip.

Her eyes begged him for more and he gave it to her, pulling his hardness out to the tip and crushing forward, again and again, each plunge claiming more of the woman beneath him until they felt like one intimate being.

She was so beautiful as she fell over the cliff into another strong orgasm beneath him. He chased his own climax, pounding faster until the sounds of their bodies slapping together drowned out his heavy breathing.

"Christ, Allie. You're so beautiful. Open your eyes. Look at me while I explode inside you."

Her eyes snapped open—the blue of her irises barely visible around her dilated pupils. She was so close again.

"Come with me, baby. That's it. Squeeze me harder."

Zach had always been a generous lover, making sure his dates got what they needed before he disappeared from their lives as fast as he'd arrived. It was why women put up with his horn-dog ways.

But he had never before felt the pure joy that consumed him as he and Allie climaxed together. Maybe it was his long hiatus from sex, left-hand wanking aside. Maybe it was because Allie was so young and vulnerable. He didn't know what the hell was behind it. All he knew was he hadn't felt closer to any other human being than he did Allison Benson in that moment.

And it scared the shit out of him.

He moved on autopilot, pushing down his fear long enough to get to his feet, crossing to the bathroom to grab a warm washcloth and towel, and flicking his spent condom in the trashcan.

His heart contracted when he returned to the bedroom to find Allison still stretched out, holding on to the headboard like a good little submissive. He doubted she even knew how amazing she looked, flushed from sex and smiling like a siren.

He washed her gently, enjoying inspecting her pussy swollen from their lovemaking.

He lay next to her, pulling her into his arms so she could use his chest as her pillow. They enjoyed several quiet minutes of quiet snuggling, another first for Zach. This was usually the time he'd make his excuses and bolt out the door. Today, he was relieved to find there was nowhere he'd rather be.

Their stomachs growled in unison, causing them to break out in joint laughter.

"Time to get some food in your tummy."

"Not yet. I'd rather take a nap here."

"Yeah, well, I'd rather get started helping you put those ten pounds back on."

"You were serious about that?"

"Hell yes, I was serious about that. About everything."

She wiggled out of his arms to prop herself up on her right elbow next to him, peering down into his face. "You mean…" She blushed pink.

"Everything, Allie. You're done turning to booze and other destructive behaviors to drown out whatever you are dealing with. You're gonna come to me with your problems and we'll work through them together."

She looked like she wanted to say something, opening and closing her mouth several times, no words coming out. He was patient with her, giving her time to finally blurt out, "You mean you'd really spank me again?"

"Spank you. Paddle you. Discipline you. In a heartbeat."

"No fair. I can tell you like it!"

He was caught. He grinned. "Maybe. But let me tell you, there are many different kinds of spankings. Those you'll love, and those you'll hate."

"What kind was today's?"

He didn't want to scare her, but he owed her the truth. "Today was the kind you'll learn to love."

The blush on her cheeks turned a darker shade of rose to match her ass. "I confess, I already do."

That news shouldn't have made him happy, but it did—right up until her face dropped. "You mean you'd spank me harder than that?"

"If you put yourself in danger and don't take care of yourself, you bet your ass I would."


He could see his answer surprised her. "Don't worry about it today, honey. Just be a good girl and come eat a good breakfast, and your bottom is safe."

She grinned playfully. "Race you to the coffee."

* * *

Thirty hours later, Zach felt like a different man than he'd been only two days before. He had happily holed up in their suite with the hope of getting Allie on the road to recovery from the kidnapping. Now, as he held her napping in his arms, he knew she'd ended up changing him more than he cared to admit.

He'd expected to start feeling the normal urge to drop her off at her home, ready to regain his privacy. Instead, he found himself dreading saying goodbye to her later this afternoon. He'd even caught himself several times picturing her in his apartment, wondering what it would be like to have her waiting for him when he got home each day.

In the end, he knew they were moving too fast. She needed more time to recover. So he'd texted her father the night before to let him know Allison was doing well and that she'd be home on Sunday. Zach had to get back to the base for work the next day. And Allie, well, she needed to move on with her life, free of the demons that had been haunting her.

Damn, he'd had fun helping her drive those demons out. His dick was actually tender; they'd fucked so much in the last day.

They had christened the entire suite—her splayed out on the dining room table, Allie bent over the back of the couch she'd been spanked on, under the hot spray of the shower, and even on the bathroom counter where she'd banged her head over and over against the huge mirror as he'd pounded into her. Most surprising to Zach, they'd even made love tenderly in the bed in the middle of the night, both falling back asleep with his softening erection still inside her.

Between their passionate sexcapades, they had talked about nothing and everything, taking breaks to eat and nap. He couldn't remember having a better weekend in his whole life, and he hated that it had to end.

"Allie, honey. It's time to get up. We've already blown past the check-out time."

She snuggled in closer against his chest. "Who cares. They'll just charge another day."

"Spoken like the rich girl you are."

"I resent that. I can't help it if my dad spoils me."

A new anxiety hit Zach. She was used to living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. He'd never be able to provide her with that kind of life. Then it hit him. He was contemplating a future with her. There was no denying it. It had finally happened. He'd found a woman who made him want to settle down, and there was no way he could ever make her happy in the long run.

He tried to push the sadness down. He didn't want to ruin their last few hours together worrying about a future that could never be. He was a marine. Her father was a US Senator. Allie deserved someone who didn't take off on dangerous missions. Who wouldn't leave for parts unknown on a regular basis, disappearing for weeks or months on end as he was deployed across the globe. Even if they wanted to give it a shot, he knew her father wouldn't allow Allie to have a relationship with an officer. He'd proven he'd stop at nothing to control his daughter's life.

No, better to walk away clean today, with each of them keeping the memories of their fun weekend.

Two hours later, they found themselves in the back of the limo her father had sent to pick them up. A heavy sadness permeated the space until Zach found it hard to breathe. When he couldn't stand it any longer, he pulled Allison into his lap, hugging her close against his chest, comforted by the way she clung to him.

Too soon they pulled up into the circle drive of the two-story mansion Allison called home. It was a reminder that he'd never be able to provide a home even close to this luxury on his salary. Reason five hundred and thirty-five why it was best they said goodbye today and go their own ways.

The driver opened the door next to them, but neither moved to get out. Allison clung to him tighter, the sound of a sob escaping as she cried against his chest. He didn't blame her. He had a damn lump in his own throat at the thought of saying farewell.

"Shhh. It's okay, honey. You're going to be okay now."

"No I'm not! Not without you. I feel it, Zach. You aren't coming back, are you?"

He'd never lied to women before and he sure as hell wasn't going to start with Allison. "It's for the best. You'll see. You'll meet some great guy who will adore you."

"I already met a great guy. I want you!"

"Allison, come out of the car and into the house." Her father was standing outside the open car door. The men's eyes connected, but Zach couldn't get a read on the senator.

He turned, stepping out of the car with Allison still cradled in his arms. "Mr. Benson."

"Captain Garrett." He hesitated before suggesting, "Bring her inside, if you would."

"Of course, sir."

They climbed the wide front steps lined with small shrubs. Twinkling Christmas lights lit up most of the trees and bushes on the estate, and when they stepped into the large two-story foyer, a mammoth decorated tree occupied a third of the space.

Once inside, Zach released Allie's legs, letting her down slowly, keeping his arm wrapped around her for support. Her sobs had stopped, but she still clung to him as if she might be able to keep him from leaving.

Her father stepped closer, lifting her chin so he could see her tear-stained face. Zach had no idea what he was looking for, but the elder man looked his daughter up and down for a full minute, making what sounded like a relieved sigh as he turned to Zach.

"She's been eating again."

"Yes, sir."

"And the bags under her eyes. They're gone. You got her to sleep?"

"Yes, sir."

"How?" Zach's face must have given a hint to the other main activities that had occupied their time since they'd last seen her father. He retracted his statement. "Never mind. Forget I asked that."

Zach couldn't hide his smile. "Yes, sir."

The three of them stood awkwardly in the foyer. Zach had hoped for a few minutes of privacy with Allison for their good-byes, but her father seemed reluctant to leave.

Zach finally took a deep breath and said the words he knew would hurt Allison. "Well, I guess it's time for me to head out. Thank you again for the charter flight back to Camp Lejeune, sir."

Allison's tears were flowing again as Zach started to try to extricate himself from her clinging embrace. It broke his heart to hurt her, but this was for the best. He'd told her they could email. That would have to be enough.

He kissed the top of her head as he hugged her one last time. "Be a good girl, now, Allie. Remember your promises to me."

Like pulling a Band-Aid off a wound, he pulled himself away from her and took off, stalking towards the front door, refusing to turn back when he heard her sobs.

It was her father's voice that stopped him in his tracks. "What are you doing for Christmas this year, Captain Garrett? Do you have any time off?"

Had her father really just asked that?

He turned, trying to understand the dynamics at play. "I do have some downtime, yes. I'd planned on heading home to Chicago to spend at least part of the time with my family."

Zach glanced at Allison. She'd stopped crying and was looking at her father with pleading eyes he suspected had her father wrapped around her little finger. It was a look he'd love the opportunity to spank right off her face if she'd tried it with him.

When the senator looked back at Zach, there were tears in his eyes. "Well, if it's not too much trouble, Allison and I would like it if you'd join us in Vale for the holidays. We usually spend Christmas and New Year's at our townhouse there. The skiing is great."

Zach had been so sure he'd be locked out of Allison's life. He'd been too afraid to even hope for a future.

Allison raced across the foyer and back into his arms, clinging to him again as the men exchanged a knowing glare behind her back. The senator's message came through loud and clear. Zach was welcome as long as he made his little girl happy, but God help him if he hurt her.

Lucky for him, the only pain Zach planned on causing Allison was on her adorable little butt.

"I'd love to spend my time off with you in Vale, but on one condition."

Allie looked up at him, ready to promise the world.

"You'll have to teach me to ski. I've never been."

She grinned, forgetting her father was behind her. "That's okay. We don't have to ski. We can stay back and do other things."

Her look was hot enough to melt the floor beneath them. Zach was helpless to stop from kissing her, sweeping her into his arms and planting an open-mouthed, toe-curling kiss on her. Only the sound of her father clearing his throat convinced them to pull apart.

"Be a good girl now. I'll be checking to make sure you eat healthy and get enough rest."

She batted her eyes at him and he knew he was in trouble. "I'm always a good girl."

"We'll see about that now, won't we?"

The End