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Cooper's Charm by Lori Foster (9)


“Should we check on Sugar first?”

Cooper glanced at her, maybe gauging her mood. “Trust me, like all other females, she adored him at first sight. She immediately rolled over so he could rub her belly.”

Phoenix felt her face go warm. “All females, huh?”

Without taking his eyes from the road, he reached over and clasped her knee. “Present company excluded—I hope.”

It seemed wicked to enjoy his small show of jealousy, but enjoy it she did. “Daron is handsome, funny, and yes, sexy.” But he’s not you. “He’s also a giant flirt, so I’m not sure any woman should take him too seriously.”

“That’s another reason he willingly agreed to dog-sit. He said cute puppies are like chick magnets.”

She laughed. “Like he needs any help with that.”

As he pulled up to his house, he said softly, “Phoenix?”

“Hmm?” She looked down at the park, now cast in the glow of the lowering sun. The reflection off the lake seemed to glimmer everywhere, on each RV, the maintenance building, the creek.

He turned off his truck and shifted to face her. “You’re not nervous, are you?”

Nervous, anxious, impatient...all of those. “No,” she lied.

She could tell he didn’t believe her, but he got out and circled the hood of the truck. She already had her door open and stepped out as he reached her.

A child shouted happily from the lake, drawing their attention.

Cooper started them toward the house. “I still need to get you into a bikini.”

“Don’t hold your breath.” He’d made several comments about her physical appeal, and while she liked her body just fine—extra pounds and all—she couldn’t help but worry that he might be disappointed. Not worried enough that she wanted to have sex in the dark or under the covers. No, she wanted them both naked with enough light for her to study him all over.

She shivered.

Unlocking the kitchen door, which he almost always used rather than his front door, he asked, “Why not a bikini?”

They stepped into the interior, and Phoenix said, “It’s just not me.” She set her purse on the counter, then laced her fingers together to keep from reaching for him. “Besides, I don’t swim very often, so my ancient one-piece will have to do—”

In a single move, Cooper turned her and pinned her to the door, his mouth coming down on hers, ending her explanations. With one hand beside her head, he braced himself. With the other he cupped her face, gently holding her captive as he took the kiss from soft and exploring to hot and hungry.

She needed no more prompting than that, spreading her fingers over his shoulders, down his solid chest, his waist, to the hem of his shirt—and then inside.

God, his skin was hot, and she pushed the shirt up as she explored. She loved the soft hair in the center of his chest, how his small nipples tightened as she touched them.

He groaned into her mouth, then lifted his head, his breath coming fast. “Here.” He reached back and stripped the shirt away.

Phoenix made her own small sound of pleasure. “You are a feast for the eyes, Cooper.” Watching the progress of her hands now, she stroked him, lightly grazing her nails over him, squeezing muscles and tracing firm contours and dips.

She looked up into his eyes, heavy-lidded now, dark, and whispered, “Take off your pants, too.”

Briefly, he closed his eyes. “Not a problem, but let’s go to the bedroom. If anyone knocks on the door...”

“I don’t want to share you,” she agreed—then her gaze automatically went to his wife’s photo on the desk.

Either Cooper didn’t notice or he didn’t care. He already had her hand, tugging her out of the kitchen and down the hall. They passed the now familiar laundry room and a bathroom, went through his living room—which she saw for the first time—and then past a guest bedroom that he’d set up as a workout room, filling it with weights, bars and other equipment—all of it neatly organized.

He moved so quickly, Phoenix was nearly running to keep up, but that suited her fine. He drew her into a large, sparse room at the back of the house. A king-sized bed dominated the area, with dark wood nightstands flanking it, a matching dresser and armoire. Blinds covered the windows, but no curtains. The closet door stood ajar, and the door leading to the connecting bath was wide-open.

It was a masculine space, but bare in the extreme. No decorating, no woman’s touch...and no personal photos.

He removed his wife’s photo for me.

No, she would not let regret intrude. Not now. Drawing breath, she faced Cooper and said succinctly, “Pants.”

“First, this,” he murmured, and slowly—maybe to make sure she wouldn’t protest—peeled her laced tank off over her head.

She’d dressed more carefully for the date, in the nicest tank top she owned with slim-fitting Capri jeans and slightly heeled sandals. Underneath she wore a matching bra and panties in a soft shade of blue that complemented her eyes.

She quickly straightened her glasses, not wanting to miss a thing. And wow, was it worth seeing.

Cooper stood back from her, his gaze touching everywhere, lingering in places as his breathing deepened. Beneath the fly of his jeans, she saw the heavy ridge of an erection.

His shoulders flexed, as if he held himself back. “Damn, you’re gorgeous.”

Phoenix felt silly and happy...and insanely turned on.

While he stared at her, she brought her hands to the snap on her low-riding jeans. She let her fingers play, taking her time, aware of his expectation, until finally she popped the snap free.

He tipped his head back a little. “Go on.”

Oh, she loved how husky his voice had gone.

Still teasing, she eased down the zipper and stepped out of her sandals. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband.

Cooper watched her with eyes barely open, his mouth firmed, his big hands curled into loose fists.

Knowing what it would do to her boobs, she leaned forward and pushed down the jeans, struggling a little to get the tight material off her ankles. She felt awkward—until she straightened again.

Cooper had a hand on his fly, fingers splayed so that his palm fit firm and flat against his cock beneath the denim.

Her heart started punching and she said, “Let me.”

She strolled to him, brushing his hand aside, opening his jeans, being careful as she drew the zipper down over him. He wore dark gray boxers, the material soft beneath her fingers as she traced his length.

Knees locked, chest working, he stood there and let her explore—but not for long. Suddenly, he toed off his shoes, shoved down his jeans, taking his boxers and socks away at the same time. He kicked the clothes to the side and reached for her, scooping a hand into her bra to cup her breast.

“You’re more than a handful.”

“Yes.” She wrapped her fingers around him. “So are you.”

His mouth landed on hers again, open, hot, his tongue searching as he cuddled her breast. Her glasses went askew and she didn’t care. She pulled them off, holding them in one hand.

He kept kissing her even as he opened the front clasp on her bra, as he took her arms from him so it would fall to the floor.

Both of his large, hot hands slid into the back of her panties, palming her cheeks, lifting her to her tiptoes until her panties fell to the floor, too.

With an arm around her back, the other beneath her bottom, he easily lifted her onto the bed, coming down beside her—still kissing her.

Her lips felt swollen and sensitive and she loved it. She loved the smell of his body, the taste of his mouth, the strength and gentleness in his hands.

“Let me look at you,” he whispered against her mouth. “Don’t move.”

Since she wanted to look at him too, that worked for her. She slid her glasses back into place.

Braced on a forearm, he loomed over her. “Do you want to put them on the nightstand?”

“No.” She shook her head, staring up at him. “I want to see you clearly.”

His smile looked wickedly sexy. “I can work around them, then.” He kissed her again, this time tenderly, careful not to disrupt the frames. Next his mouth brushed her jaw, her throat, her collarbone...

Knowing he was on a specific path, her breathing labored and when he reached her breast, she held her breath.

His tongue licked gently over her nipple and she couldn’t suppress a groan. Then he latched on to her, sucking her in, drawing on her while his other hand moved down her belly, over to her hipbones and thighs.

He drew her legs apart.

When he raised his head, she was almost panting. “Cooper.”

“Shh.” He looked down her body, his nostrils flaring again, dark color slashing his cheekbones. “You’re fucking perfect.”

With him, she felt perfect.

He looked at all of her, his hand following his gaze, raising her temperature, especially when he cupped a hand over her sex. “You’re hot.” His fingers probed, his body still positioned over her, watching. “And wet.”

“Cooper...” She reached for him.

“No. Don’t move or you might lose those glasses.”

“I’ll take them off,” she offered after all.

But he grinned. “No, I like them on you.” With his fingers still between her legs, he bent and licked her nipple. “This body.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “This face.” He nuzzled her hair. “You’re all soft curves and sexy sweetness—and then the glasses.” One finger pressed deep into her.

Contracting around him, she breathed, “You’re teasing me.”

He growled near her ear, “I want to tease you until you come.”

It wouldn’t take much, he had her strung so tightly.

He started kissing her again, the sensitive line of her neck, the rim of her ear, while his hand worked between her legs, opening her, spreading her slick excitement. He pressed two thick fingers inside her, then raised his thumb to her clitoris and she arched in acute pleasure.

“Mmm,” he whispered around her nipple, biting carefully, tugging, then sucking again.

Phoenix sank her fingers into his hair, holding him close. She closed her thighs around his hand, ensuring he couldn’t leave her. Against her will, her hips rolled with his fingers. Heat expanded, and she felt those first twinges of a climax, climbing higher and higher, getting sharper—

On a gasp, her body bowed, trembling, soft moans crawling from her throat, her teeth clenched, her head back. The orgasm ebbed and flowed, built and receded, until finally, boneless, she sank into the bedding.

Her heart continued to race and she breathed heavily, her body weighted with a buzzing lethargy.

Cooper, she thought. That happened with Cooper and she couldn’t help but smile.

She realized she still clutched his hair when he carefully untangled her fingers and pressed her hands at either side of her head.

“You with me, Phoenix?”

“Mmm, yes.” The second she got her eyes open, he pressed his mouth softly to hers. His hand rested on her belly, and she suddenly realized that her legs were sprawled.

“No,” he whispered, his fingertips drifting over her inner thigh, making her go quiet again. “I’ll let you catch your breath, but I prefer for you to stay just as you are.”

An emotion swelled in her chest, fulfilling her heart, making her smile big and her eyes glisten. “I don’t want to catch my breath. I just want you.”

He left his scrutiny of her body to stare into her eyes. “You’re sure?”

“Very, very sure.” To prove it, she levered up while pushing him flat to his back. “Condom?”

He gave her a long look, then nodded at the nightstand.

She snatched up the small packet, flapped it twice then held it in her teeth while she crawled over his thighs. God love the man, he did it for her.

“When you lean over me like that,” he rasped, “your tits look incredible.”

Ripping open the condom, Phoenix grinned. “Like this?” One hand flat on his shoulder, she arched her back.

“Yeah.” He reached for her, but she leaned away.

“Now, Cooper. It’s my turn.” She’d never been overly timid with sex, but feeling this free, feeling this sexy, was new and she wanted to take advantage of it. “If you start touching me again, I’ll melt and we won’t get anywhere.”

Those amber eyes stared at her. “All right.”

The way she sat low on his thighs, her legs tucked under her, kept her exposed and she knew he looked at her there. Pleasurable little sparks continued, keeping her ready for more.

She liked the way his chest hair swirled around his small brown nipples, how it trailed down his body, leading to the goods.

And how good it was.

Scooting farther back, she dropped the open condom packet on his stomach and took his erection in both hands. A man couldn’t be any harder, she thought, stroking up the length, squeezing, stroking down again.

Beneath her bottom, his legs stiffened more.

She played with him, breathing harder as he pulsed in her hands. A drop of fluid appeared at the tip and she used her thumb to spread it around.

Cooper’s hands fisted in the sheets and he murmured, “Jesus.”

She would have liked to kiss him, to taste him, take him into her mouth—but he looked as if he’d reached the end of his rope and she badly wanted him inside her.

“Let me get this on you.” She withdrew the condom, then tortured him further with the precise way she rolled it down his cock. “Now we can—”

He flipped her to her back and kneed her legs apart.

“Wait!” Her glasses definitely had to come off. She folded the arms and handed them to him. “Nightstand, please.”

She felt him move, the bed dipped, then he settled over her. “If I’m this close,” he asked, his breath on her lips, “can you see me?”

“Yes.” She wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him there.

“Perfect.” Reaching between their bodies, he positioned himself, then nudged in—little by little.

Until her heels dug into his ass, urging him on.

Until her arms tightened around his neck, demanding.

His mouth took hers and he thrust in hard and deep. They both groaned, bodies already straining together, in sync.

The slick friction seemed to spark every nerve ending in her body. His belly rubbed against hers, his chest against her nipples.

He wedged a forearm under her, lifting her so he could go deeper, adjusting her so that every stroke glided over her clitoris. He thrust hard and fast, making the headboard bang against the wall.

She felt the heat pouring off him, felt the coiling tension in his shoulders and back and in her own body...


Pressed firm inside her, his big body shuddered as he put his face in her neck and let go.

A few minutes later, as her breathing began to calm, Phoenix eased her hold. Odd that she’d clutched him so tightly, almost desperately, but he didn’t seem to mind. Gradually, her legs loosened and slipped to the sides of him. He rested over her, and she relished his weight, kissing his damp shoulder, breathing in his scent.

“Am I crushing you?” he muttered, his tone drowsy as he started to rise.

She managed a hug. “Don’t you dare move.”

“Another minute then.” He licked her neck. “Any longer than that and we’re taking chances.”

True, the condom would stay in place for only so long now that he wasn’t erect. It was daring of her, pushy even, but she asked, “Can you get rid of it and then come back to me?”

He pressed up to his elbows, his now-relaxed face very close as he ran his fingers through her tumbled hair, smoothing it back. “If you’d like that.”

She’d more than like it—and that made it risky. Even knowing it wasn’t wise to need him, she still wasn’t ready to let him go. Not yet. “Please.”

His lips moved over hers in a heart-melting kiss. “Be right back.”

* * *

In the small connected bathroom, Coop stretched. He felt good—relaxed, spent, but also, on some primal level, triumphant.

Phoenix hadn’t feared him, hadn’t shied away from him being over her. With what she’d gone through, he’d had a very real concern that bad memories would hamper her pleasure.

Not so.

She’d demanded, taken, enjoyed. And she gave.

Phoenix was...more than he’d expected. Free, sensual.


And confident.

That had been the biggest turn-on. She was a woman who knew what she wanted and didn’t hesitate to go after it.

Hearing her quiet voice order him to remove his pants... He’d hold that as a favorite fantasy for a good long while.

It occurred to him that, after years of being dead inside, existing in a robotic void, he was now stunningly, alarmingly alive. Being with Phoenix had sharpened his senses, awakening them to every small nuance of her touch, her scent, her taste, and the soft, husky sounds she made in her pleasure.

Phoenix’s reactions had drawn out his own.

He’d started by wanting to help her, and instead, she’d helped him without even knowing it. She’d brought him back from the dead. Truthfully, he enjoyed living again.

He’d have to take it slow. Just because he loved feeling again, didn’t mean she was ready to do the same. Each person had to take his or her own path. For Phoenix, that path was first to independence. She wanted freedom from her fears, autonomy over her life. It was important to her, and that made it important to him.

Knowing she waited for him—another circumstance he liked—he removed the condom, and then dampened a washcloth for her. He was wondering where the night would go, how long she’d stay, when he heard a phone ringing. It wasn’t his ringtone, so that meant it was Phoenix’s.

When he stepped into the bedroom, he saw that she was still utterly limp.

And gorgeous.

“That’s your phone,” he said, watching as she got one eye open. “I’ll get it for you, okay?”

She stuck out an arm, palm up, and wiggled her fingers.

He’d planned to wash her himself, but gave up the idea with the imperious way she requested the cloth.

As he handed it to her, she said a prim, “Thank you,” then closed her eyes again when the ringing stopped. “That was probably Ridley on the phone. Usually, she just texts me, but I wouldn’t have heard it, so—”

“I’ll get it.”

She opened her eyes again. “I’m sorry for the interruption.”

Standing beside the bed, looking down at her body, he said, “It’s fine.”

“If you’re going into the kitchen like that, maybe you should pull on your shorts?”

The way she stared at his dick, he’d be hard again in no time. He headed for the door. “Stay put.”

“Oh, believe me,” she murmured, “I’m not budging.”

A glance back showed her gaze now on his ass. Coop laughed as he went down the hall.

He found her purse on the counter in the quiet kitchen. The sun now sat on the horizon, sending brilliant color to waver over the lake. One night, he’d sit outside with Phoenix and they could watch the sunset together.

But not tonight. He had other plans in mind.

When he reentered the bedroom, she was sitting up against the headboard, glasses in place, the washcloth gone, and the sheet to her waist. Damn, that was fast.

She took the purse, dug out her phone and settled back again to flip through the screen. “Yup, Ridley texted three times.”

Coop got into bed beside her, but didn’t bother with false modesty. “Anything wrong?”

As she read, her brows pulled down, then shot up. “Oh, my God.”

She sounded more incredulous than alarmed, but still it worried him. “What?”

“Ridley bought an RV.”

Not at all what he’d expected. “An RV?”

She was already hitting numbers for her sister, so Coop bided his time.

Suddenly, she said into the phone, “What do you mean you bought an RV?”

With no other noise in the room, Coop heard Ridley say, “I can’t very well seduce Baxter in your loft, Phoenix. So I bought my own place.”

Somehow, despite Baxter’s aloof behavior at dinner the night before, Coop didn’t think any seduction was necessary.

Phoenix sputtered. “But you already have your own place.”

“It’s not here, though...and Baxter is.”

Phoenix cast an uneasy glance at Coop.

He winked.

“Ridley,” she said, her voice low, “do you want him that much?”

“I want him to want me, sure. It’s all part of my evil plan.”

“I’m not sure—”

Ridley interrupted with, “Shouldn’t you be gettin’ it on with Big Sexy?”

Phoenix’s brows came down again. “You called me!”

“In case you don’t stay over with the hunk, doing the nasty all night long. I didn’t want you to worry about me if you found out I wasn’t there.”

“But...where are you?”

As if speaking to a dunce, Ridley repeated, “I bought an RV.”

“And you have it already? Where is it?”

“Here in the park, by the creek. It’s used, but you’d never know it. Daron was helping the owners sell it, so once he knew I was looking... It’s perfect for me.”

Coop whistled low. “I know which one she means, and it’s top-of-the-line.”

Eyes widening, Phoenix looked at him, then back at the phone. “You bought that one?”

“Coop is there with you? Nice. Please tell me you’re both in bed naked.”

Because she’d hit the nail on the head, hot color rushed into Phoenix’s face. Coop just laughed.

“Ooh,” Ridley said. “You are. Excellent.” Then to Cooper, she said loudly, “Please forgive my sister’s faux pas in lingering on the phone. She hasn’t ridden that particular bike in a while.”

Phoenix said, “Good night, Ridley,” with firm insistence.

“Come by my new place tomorrow!” Ridley made kissing noises and then the call disconnected.

Dazed, Phoenix leaned over the side of the bed to drop the phone back into her purse.

“So.” Coop casually stripped the sheet down to her knees. As he feathered his fingertips over the lush curve of her breast, he said, “Your sister really is loaded?”

It took her a second to reply, then she only nodded. “Remember, she told you she was.”

“Yes, but I didn’t know that meant she could afford the extravagance of buying an RV just to be near Baxter.”

Phoenix swallowed heavily, her eyes starting to close. “Somehow he hurt her. I don’t think he meant to, but since the divorce, she’s sensitive.”

He replaced his fingers with his mouth. Her skin was satiny smooth and fragrant, and he already wanted her again. “I’m sure Baxter will enjoy her efforts to make him miserable.”

She laced her fingers into his hair. “I just hope she doesn’t make herself miserable in the bargain.”

Drawing her nipple into his mouth for a leisurely suckle, he ended the conversation. Phoenix was quick to respond, which made it more difficult for him to pace things slowly, but he managed to keep control of them both. Kissing his way down her body, he enjoyed her sensitive nipples, her softly rounded belly, the curve of her hip and the supple strength in her thigh.

Needing to taste every inch of her, he lifted her left leg over his shoulder.

She tensed all over, but not in a bad way. He heard her whisper, “Oh, my God.”

Glasses askew, head back, bottom lip caught in her teeth, she waited.

Coop nuzzled against her, growling at the incredible scent of her musk, feeling her wetness against his fingers—and then his tongue. He licked carefully at her lips, nibbled delicately, then opened his mouth around her.

“Cooper.” Her fingers clenched painfully in his hair.

He urged her other leg up and over his shoulder, then lifted her hips in his hands. “I could eat you all day, Phoenix.” He blew softly against her, opened her farther with his thumbs, and licked into her.

Legs going taut, she pulled him closer.

“You like that?”

A small whimper was her only reply. Nice. Everything about Phoenix turned him on, but this, seeing her lost to lust, scorched him.

He trailed his tongue up and over her swollen clit, again and again until her hips followed the movement and her body strained for release. She was so wet that he slid two fingers easily into her, pressing them deep.

“Cooper,” she breathed.

“Tell me what you want.” Knowing she was ready, he continued his rhythm, pushing her closer and closer.

“I want...”

He waited.

“Suck on me.”

The ragged request damn near made him come. He pressed his erection against the mattress and did as she asked, drawing on her the same way he had her nipples.

She gave a low groan, her heels digging into his shoulders, then she lifted high on a cry, her body shuddering, her breaths gasping. He wrung every small moan from her that he could before hastily sitting up to roll on another condom.

“This is going to be fast and hard,” he warned, again lifting her ankles over his shoulders.

She swallowed, nodded, but her eyes stayed closed. They hadn’t removed her glasses but she’d pushed them to the top of her head. Her cheeks were damp, flushed a dark her nipples. Her lips were soft and swollen.

He covered her breasts with his hands, catching those stiffened nipples between his fingers for a subtle pinch.

That got her eyes open.

He stared down at her face, watching her as he entered her with one hard thrust.

She clenched tight around him, squeezing his cock in silky wetness.

The position had her thighs pressed high and wide, leaving her totally open to him. He asked, “Okay?”

The slightest of smiles reassured him, but she also purred, “Very.”

“Good. Then hold on tight.” Coop adjusted slightly, withdrew, then thrust in hard again.

Phoenix lifted her arms above her head, wrapping her hands around the rails of the headboard.

So fucking hot.

It was deep this way—and she seemed to love it.

Spurred on by the small sounds she made, the way she matched his thrusts, he pounded into her.

Her skin grew dewy. Her inky dark hair tangled around her face.

Too soon. Far too soon. Much as he wanted to make it last, he knew he couldn’t wait. “Phoenix.” He latched on to one nipple, sucking strongly, using his teeth to tug—and she climaxed.

He gathered her close, his face beside hers, and let himself go.

He was glad his wife had never been in this house, never been in this bed—because now, whenever he was in it, he’d think of Phoenix.