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Crave: The Nora Heat Collection by Shanora Williams (3)



Michaela King.

I didn’t like her one bit, and not because she was stunning with perfect brown hair, freshly manicured nails, and a physique every woman would kill for. No, it was because she was full of herself, smelled like too much perfume, and always disregarded me when I was around.

I also probably didn’t like her because she was what stood between Jude and me.

It was frustrating when she popped up, touching his chest or arm, hugging him, telling him how much she’d missed him.

Michaela sat down in the chair on the opposite side of his desk, flicking her brown hair over her shoulder. I could hear her obnoxious voice from where I sat. I mostly watched Jude, and how he bobbed his head, focusing more on his salad than the conversation shared with her.

Michaela’s phone rang, interrupting her pointless chat about a boutique she went to at Laguna Beach, and as she dug through her purse for her phone, Jude’s eyes slid over to mine. Those icy blue irises turned a shade darker, his tongue skimming over his bottom lip.

I looked away before I could get sucked in.

He was with Michaela. His family didn’t know about us, and with the way he explained his and Michaela’s situation, I knew it needed to stay that way.

His family didn’t know about the many women he boned, most of them commoners like me, not filthy rich women who came from rich bloodlines. I bet if they’d known, they would have flipped a wig.

I’d met his parents once, during the Christmas gala in Seattle last year. Jude was their precious baby boy—the baby of the family and their only son. He deserved the very best and nothing less. He invited me to attend last year and I couldn’t pass it up. He’d booked a flight for me and everything.

Crap, speaking of, it was that time again. It was December 10th. The gala was on the 20th and deep down I hoped he would invite me again.

Back before our arrangement started, we had an electric connection—one that could be felt as soon as we stepped foot into the same room. He’d held off for a while, to my surprise, but he had no problem flirting with me. I’d even caught him staring at my boobs and ass on more than one occasion.

If he weren’t so damn hot, and I wasn’t so attracted to him, I would have considered him a pervert back then.

Michaela stood from her chair after her call and Jude dragged his eyes back over to her. “I have to meet with Megan. We’re doing a little more Christmas shopping for the family,” I heard her say. “Plus, I need a dress to wear to the gala. I’m assuming I’ll be your date?” She smiled at him.

Jude kept a straight face. “I always attend the gala’s single,” he said, and I saw the smile slip right off her face. I smashed my lips together, fighting a laugh. He stood as she stepped away. “I’ll see you there, I’m sure.”

She was upset, her eyebrows strewn together, her grip tight around her cellphone. “If you bring another woman and flaunt her in my face, Jude, I swear I will never speak to you again,” she whisper-hissed. Her head jerked sideways, her face turning in my direction, but I dropped my head, pretending to focus on the paper on my desk instead. “I know you’re fucking someone else,” she said in a lower town. “I’m not an idiot.”

“Even if that were true, it isn’t like I’m not allowed to. We aren’t in a relationship, Michaela. My parents arranged this…whatever the hell this is. We have our lunch dates and dinner dates with my parents, but I only do it to please them. Don’t take this for more than what it is.”

She scowled. “Oh, don’t even try it, Jude. You know that without marrying me, your business will tank. Your family wants good graces with my dad to keep your family business afloat and they aren’t going to let you ruin that for them. You always do what they say, so whatever. Keep up the charade,” she whisper-hissed. “You and I both know that when the time comes, you’ll be standing there waiting for me at the altar.”

My chest felt tighter when I heard her last sentence. I couldn’t help the frown that creased my forehead. They were getting married? God, no. When?

I didn’t look up as I heard Michaela’s heels click-clack on the marble floor. The elevator dinged when the doors drew open and she stepped into it. When I heard the doors close, I let out a big breath.

I looked up at Jude, but he was already watching me.

His eyes immediately dropped, sliding down to the floor.

He walked around his desk to get to the door, and when he shut it, I was sure a splinter had pricked my heart.